
Defining Composable Parts and Contracts


Composable Parts 可组合的部件

A Composable Part is a composable unit within MEF. Composable Parts export services that other Composable Parts need, and import services from other Composable Parts. In the MEF programming model, Composable Parts are attributed with the   System.ComponentModel.Composition.Import  and [System.ComponentModel.Composition.Export]  attribute in order to declare their exports and imports. A Composable Part should contain at least one export. Composable Parts are either added to the container explicity or created through the use of catalogs. The default catalogs that MEF ship with identify Composable Parts through the presence of an export attribute.
可组合部件是MEF内部的可组合单元。可组合部件导出其他可组合部件需要的服务,并且也可以导入其他可组合部件。在MEF的编程模型中,可组合部件使用 System.ComponentModel.Composition.ImportSystem.ComponentModel.Composition.Export特性来声明它们的导出和导入。可组合部件应该至少包含一个导出。可组合部件既可以显示地添加到容器,也可以使用目录来创建。MEF中附带的默认目录通过export特性的存在来标识可组合部件。


Contracts 契约

Composable Parts do not directly depend on one another, instead they depend on a contract, which is a string identifier. Every export has a contract, and every import declares the contract it needs. The container uses the contract information to match up imports to exports. If no contract is specified, MEF will implicitly use the fully qualified name of the type as the contract. If a type is passed, it will also use the fully qualified name.  

Note: By default a type should be passed for a contract, and not a string. Although contracts can be an arbitrary string this can lead to ambiguity. For example "Sender" might overlap with another implementation of "Sender" in a different library. For this reason if you do need to specify a string constract, it is recommend that contract names should be qualified with a namespace that includes the Company Name for example "Contoso.Exports.Sender".

In the code snippet below, all export contracts are equivalent.

namespace MEFSample 
  public class Exporter {...}

  public class Exporter1 {...}

  public class Exporter2 {...}
Namespace MEFSample
    Public Class Exporter
    End Class
    Public Class Exporter1
    End Class
    Public Class Exporter2
    End Class
End Namespace

 Interface / Abstract contracts 接口/抽象类契约

A common pattern is for a Composable Part to export an interface or an abstract type contract rather than a concrete type. This allows the importer to be completely decoupled from the specific implementation of the export it is importing resulting in a separation of concerns. For example below you can see there are two sender implementations that both export   IMessageSender. The   Notifier  class imports a collection of IMessageSender  which it invokes in its   Send()  method. New message senders can now easily be added to the system.
通常模式下,可组合部件导出接口或者抽象类型的契约,而不是具体类型。这允许导入者脱离具体的导出,从而使关注点分离。例如下面你可以看见有2个sender实现都导出了IMessageSender契约。Notifier类导入一个 IMessageSender集合并且调用每个导入的Send方法。现在新的信息Sender类可以很容易被添加到这个系统。

  public class EmailSender : IMessageSender {

  public class TCPSender : IMessageSender {

  public class Notifier {
    public IEnumerable<IMessageSender> Senders {get; set;}
    public void Notify(string message) {
      foreach(IMessageSender sender in Senders) 

Public Class EmailSender
    Implements IMessageSender
End Class

Public Class TCPSender
    Implements IMessageSender
End Class

Public Class Notifier
    Public Property Senders() As IEnumerable(Of IMessageSender) 
    Public Sub Notify(ByVal message As String) 
        For Each sender As IMessageSender In Senders
        Next sender
    End Sub
End Class

Contract Assemblies

A common pattern when building extensible applications with MEF is to deploy a contract assembly. A contract assembly is simply an assembly which contains contract types that extenders can use for extending your app. Commonly these will be interfaces, but they may be abstract classes. Additonally contract assemblies will likely contain metadata view interfaces that importers will use, as well as any custom MEF export attributes.
Note: You must specify the specific interface type (IMessageSender) being exported otherwise the type (EmailSender) itself will be exported.

Last edited Aug 10, 2010 at 1:09 AM by haveriss, version 34





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