HOW TO:建立键盘鼠标钩子




Imports  System.Runtime.InteropServices
Imports  System.Text

Namespace  uWindows
Friend   Class  SafeNativeMethods
Sub   New ()
End Sub

' -------------------------------------------
         ' 鼠标和键盘钩子

Public   Delegate   Function  HookProc( ByVal  nCode  As   Integer ByVal  wParam  As   Integer ByVal  lParam  As  IntPtr)  As   Integer

' //封送结构
         < StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential) >  _
Public   Class  POINT
Public  x  As   Integer
Public  y  As   Integer
End Class

< StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential) >  _
Public   Class  MouseHookStruct
Public  pt  As  POINT
Public  hWnd  As   Integer
Public  wHitTestCode  As   Integer
Public  dwExtraInfo  As   Integer
End Class

< StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential) >  _
Public   Class  KeyboardHookStruct
Public  vkCode  As   Integer   ' 1到254间的虚似键盘码
             Public  scanCode  As   Integer   ' 扫描码
             Public  flags  As   Integer
Public  time  As   Integer
Public  dwExtraInfo  As   Integer
End Class

< DllImport( " user32.dll " , CallingConvention: = CallingConvention.StdCall, CharSet: = CharSet.Auto) >  _
Public   Shared   Function  SetWindowsHookEx( ByVal  idHook  As   Integer ByVal  lpfn  As  HookProc,  ByVal  hInstance  As  IntPtr,  ByVal  threadId  As   Integer As   Integer
End Function
< DllImport( " user32.dll " , CallingConvention: = CallingConvention.StdCall, CharSet: = CharSet.Auto) >  _
Public   Shared   Function  UnhookWindowsHookEx( ByVal  idHook  As   Integer As   Boolean
End Function
< DllImport( " user32.dll " , CallingConvention: = CallingConvention.StdCall, CharSet: = CharSet.Auto) >  _
Public   Shared   Function  CallNextHookEx( ByVal  idHook  As   Integer ByVal  nCode  As   Integer ByVal  wParam  As   Integer ByVal  lParam  As  IntPtr)  As   Integer
End Function

< DllImport( " user32 " ) >  _
Public   Shared   Function  ToAscii( ByVal  uVirtKey  As   Integer ByVal  uScanCode  As   Integer ByVal  lpbKeyState  As   Byte (),  ByVal  lpwTransKey  As   Byte (),  ByVal  fuState  As   Integer As   Integer
End Function

< DllImport( " user32 " ) >  _
Public   Shared   Function  GetKeyboardState( ByVal  pbKeyState  As   Byte ())  As   Integer
End Function

Public   Declare   Function  GetKeyState  Lib   " user32 "   Alias   " GetKeyState "  ( ByVal  nVirtKey  As   Integer As   Integer
End Class
End Namespace

ConstDefine.vb 系统常量

Namespace  uWindows
Friend   Class  ConstDefine
Public   Const  WM_MOUSEMOVE  As   Integer   =   & H200
Public   Const  WM_LBUTTONDOWN  As   Integer   =   & H201
Public   Const  WM_LBUTTONUP  As   Integer   =   & H202
Public   Const  WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK  As   Integer   =   & H203

Public   Const  WM_RBUTTONDOWN  As   Integer   =   & H204
Public   Const  WM_RBUTTONUP  As   Integer   =   & H205
Public   Const  WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK  As   Integer   =   & H206

Public   Const  WM_MBUTTONDOWN  As   Integer   =   & H207
Public   Const  WM_MBUTTONUP  As   Integer   =   & H208
Public   Const  WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK  As   Integer   =   & H209

Public   Const  WH_MOUSE_LL  As   Integer   =   14
Public   Const  WH_KEYBOARD_LL  As   Integer   =   13

Public   Const  WM_KEYDOWN  As   Integer   =   & H100
Public   Const  WM_KEYUP  As   Integer   =   & H101
Public   Const  WM_SYSKEYDOWN  As   Integer   =   & H104
Public   Const  WM_SYSKEYUP  As   Integer   =   & H105

End Class
End Namespace

MouseKeyboardHook.vb 鼠标键盘钩子类

Imports  System.Reflection
Imports  System.Runtime.InteropServices
Imports  LzmTW.uWindows.ConstDefine
Imports  LzmTW.uWindows.SafeNativeMethods
Imports  System.Windows.Forms

Namespace  uWindows

< ComVisibleAttribute( False ), Security.SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurityAttribute() >  _
Public   Class  MouseKeyboardHook
Public   Event  OnMouseActivity  As  MouseEventHandler
Public   Event  KeyDown  As  KeyEventHandler
Public   Event  KeyPress  As  KeyPressEventHandler
Public   Event  KeyUp  As  KeyEventHandler

' //钩子句柄
         Private   Shared  hMouseHook  As   Integer   =   0
Private   Shared  hKeyboardHook  As   Integer   =   0

Private  MouseHookProcedure  As  HookProc
Private  KeyboardHookProcedure  As  HookProc
< Flags() >  _
Enum  HookWay
=   1   ' 仅取鼠标消息
            Keyboard  =   2   ' 仅取键盘消息
            All  =   3   ' 两者皆取
         End Enum

Protected   Overrides   Sub  Finalize()
Stop ]()
MyBase .Finalize()
End   Try
End Sub

Public   Sub  Start( ByVal  ChooseWay  As  HookWay)
If  ((hMouseHook  =   0 And  (ChooseWay  And  HookWay.Mouse)  =  HookWay.Mouse)  Then
' //生成一个HookProc的实例
                 ' //封送结构和Marshal.PtrToStructure、Marshal.GetHINSTANCE是最值得留意的
                MouseHookProcedure  =   New  HookProc( AddressOf   Me .MouseHookProc)
=  SetWindowsHookEx( _
                        WH_MOUSE_LL, _
                        MouseHookProcedure, _
Assembly ].GetExecutingAssembly.GetModules()( 0 )), _
0 )
' //如果安装失败
                 If  (hMouseHook  =   0 Then
Stop ]()
Throw   New  Exception( " SetWindowsHookEx failed. " )
End   If
End   If
If  (hKeyboardHook  =   0 Then
Me .KeyboardHookProcedure  =   New  HookProc( AddressOf  KeyboardHookProc)
=  SetWindowsHookEx( _
                        WH_KEYBOARD_LL, _
                        KeyboardHookProcedure, _
Assembly ].GetExecutingAssembly.GetModules()( 0 )), _
0 )
If  (hKeyboardHook  =   0 Then
Stop ]()
Throw   New  Exception( " SetWindowsHookEx ist failed. " )
End   If
End   If
End Sub
Public   Sub  [ Stop ]()
Dim  retMouse  As   Boolean   =   True
Dim  retKeyboard  As   Boolean   =   True
If  hMouseHook  <>   0   Then
=  UnhookWindowsHookEx(hMouseHook)
=   0
End   If
If  hKeyboardHook  <>   0   Then
=  UnhookWindowsHookEx(hKeyboardHook)
=   0
End   If

' //如果卸下失败
             If   Not  (retMouse  And  retKeyboard)  Then
Throw   New  Exception( " UnhookWindowsHookEx failed. " )
End   If
End Sub

Private   Function  MouseHookProc( ByVal  nCode  As   Integer ByVal  wParam  As   Integer ByVal  lParam  As  IntPtr)  As   Integer
' //如果正常运行并且用户要监听鼠标的消息
             If  nCode  >=   0   Then
Dim  button  As  MouseButtons  =  MouseButtons.None
Select   Case  wParam
                         ' //WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK
                        button  =  MouseButtons.Left
                         ' //WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK
                        button  =  MouseButtons.Right
End   Select
Dim  clickCount  As   Integer   =   0
If   Not  button  =  MouseButtons.None  Then
If  wParam  =  WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK  OrElse  wParam  =  WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK  Then
=   2
=   1
End   If
End   If
' //从回调函数中得到鼠标的消息
                 Dim  MyMouseHookStruct  As  MouseHookStruct
=   CType (Marshal.PtrToStructure(lParam,  GetType (MouseHookStruct)), MouseHookStruct)
Dim  e  As  MouseEventArgs  =   New  MouseEventArgs( _
                                                            button, _
                                                            clickCount, _
                                                  , _
                                                  , _
0 )
RaiseEvent  OnMouseActivity( Me , e)
End   If
Return  CallNextHookEx(hMouseHook, nCode, wParam, lParam)
End Function

Private   Function  KeyboardHookProc( ByVal  nCode  As   Integer ByVal  wParam  As   Integer ByVal  lParam  As  IntPtr)  As   Integer
If  nCode  >=   0   Then
Dim  MyKeyboardHookStruct  As  KeyboardHookStruct
=   CType (Marshal.PtrToStructure(lParam,  GetType (KeyboardHookStruct)), KeyboardHookStruct)

' //引发KeyDownEvent
                 If  wParam  =  WM_KEYDOWN  OrElse  wParam  =  WM_SYSKEYDOWN  Then
Dim  keyData  As  Keys  =   CType (MyKeyboardHookStruct.vkCode, Keys)
Dim  e  As   New  KeyEventArgs(keyData)
RaiseEvent  KeyDown( Me , e)
End   If

' //引发OnKeyPressEvent
                 If  wParam  =  WM_KEYDOWN  Then
Dim  keyState  As   Byte ()  =   New   Byte ( 256   -   1 ) {}
Dim  inBuffer  As   Byte ()  =   New   Byte ( 2   -   1 ) {}
If  ToAscii( _
                                MyKeyboardHookStruct.vkCode, _
                                MyKeyboardHookStruct.scanCode, _
                                keyState, _
                                inBuffer, _
                                MyKeyboardHookStruct.flags) _
=   1   Then
Dim  e  As  KeyPressEventArgs  =   New  KeyPressEventArgs(System.Convert.ToChar(inBuffer( 0 )))
RaiseEvent  KeyPress( Me , e)
End   If
End   If

' //引发OnKeyUpEvent
                 If  wParam  =  WM_KEYUP  OrElse  wParam  =  WM_SYSKEYUP  Then
Dim  keyData  As  Keys  =   CType (MyKeyboardHookStruct.vkCode, Keys)
Dim  e  As  KeyEventArgs  =   New  KeyEventArgs(keyData)
RaiseEvent  KeyUp( Me , e)
End   If
End   If
Return  CallNextHookEx(hKeyboardHook, nCode, wParam, lParam)
End Function
End Class
End Namespace
评论 4




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