















Life, it seems, will fade away

          drifting further every day

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原创 JOJ-2165-Hilbert Curve

The pictures above are Hilbert curve.You can see a Hilbert curve with a certain recursion depth n is composed of four different Hilbert curves with a certain recursion depth n-1 and three segments.

2004-12-27 21:38:00 960

原创 JOJ-1018-Anagrams by Stack

How can anagrams result from sequences of stack operations? There are two sequences of stack operators which can convert TROT to TORT: [i i i i o o o oi o i i o o i o]where i stands for Push

2004-12-27 21:30:00 927

原创 JOJ-2033-Towers of Hanoi

Tomorrow is Kates birthday,  Kate is a lovely girl aged 20. This Contest  is held for her birthday and I want everyone will be happy today. My name is sea .Im not so good at English and Programming.

2004-12-27 21:21:00 903

原创 acm.jlu.edu.cn-1068-Cipher

Bob and Alice started to use a brand-new encoding scheme. Surprisingly it is not a Public Key Cryptosystem, but their encoding and decoding is based on secret keys. They chose the secret key at their

2004-12-06 12:34:00 1078

原创 acm.jlu.edu.cn-1099-Simple Computers

You are to write an interpreter for a simple computer. This computer uses a processor with a small number of machine instructions. Furthermore, it is equipped with 32 byte of memory, one 8-bit accumul

2004-12-01 12:44:00 1303

原创 acm.jlu.edu.cn-1552-Identifying Legal Pascal Real Constants

Pascal requires that real constants have either a decimal point, or an exponent(starting with the letter e or E, and officially called a scale factor), or both, in addition to the usual collection of

2004-12-01 12:37:00 1181

原创 acm.jlu.edu.cn-1317-Tree Recovery

Little Valentine liked playing with binary trees very much. Her favorite game was constructing randomly looking binary trees with capital letters in the nodes. This is an example of one of her creat

2004-12-01 11:57:00 1033

原创 acm.jlu.edu.cn-2005-The Dir Command

The Dir CommandWe all know the dos command "dir" . It can list the files in the computer . When we use the file name with "?" , "*" as the parameter , it can list the files you need .   Input Specific

2004-12-01 11:48:00 901

原创 acm.jlu.edu.cn-1071-Maya Calendar

Maya CalendarDuring his last sabbatical, professor M. A. Ya made a surprising discovery about the old Maya calendar. From an old knotted message, professor discovered that the Maya civilization used a

2004-12-01 11:04:00 1041

原创 acm.jlu.edu.cn-2098-All in All

All in All You have devised a new encryption technique which encodes a message by inserting between itscharacters randomly generated strings in a clever way. Because of pending patent issues we willno

2004-12-01 10:10:00 1291

原创 acm.jlu.edu.cn-1097-System Overload

System OverloadRecently you must have experienced that when too many people use the BBS simultaneously, the net becomes very, very slow.To put an end to this problem, the Sysop has developed a conti

2004-12-01 09:55:00 1174



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