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原创 HBase的这些配置参数你都懂了吗?

<br />测试时发现理解这些参数都代表什么意义非常的重要,而且通过参数调优可以提高性能,希望仔细阅读一下每个属性代表的意义!<br /> <br /><?xml version="1.0"?> <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="configuration.xsl"?> <!-- /** * Copyright 2009 The Apache Software Foundation * * Licensed to the Apache Softw

2011-02-27 13:14:00 23235 1

原创 Visualizing HBase Flushes And Compactions

<br />看到这么好的东西实在不敢独享,作者Bruno Dumon 写的非常好!<br /> <br />文章来源:http://outerthought.org/blog/465-ot.html<br /> <br />I was looking into more detail at how HBase compactions work, and given my experience collecting metrics for Lily , and also inspired by th

2011-02-22 22:05:00 1311

原创 HBase解惑

<br />最近经常对自己提一些问题,然后自己通过google、读代码、测试寻求答案来解决疑惑,可能这些问题也能给其他人带来一些帮助。<br /> <br />quora是个不错的问答型网站,兴趣去看一下自己感兴趣的话题吧~<br /> 1)HBase中的TTL参数什么意思?<br />TTL == "Time To Live".  You can specify how long a cell lives in hbase. <br />Onces its "TTL" has expired, its r

2011-02-22 19:57:00 5821

原创 Hbase not support MemStore to BlockCache

<br />原文地址: http://web.archiveorange.com/archive/v/kaweJLpl8BCoXAfi3S8p<br /> <br />提问题的这个哥们还是蛮有想法的,今天还想HBase的写操作会不会经过LruBlockCache,看完代码以后,答案是否定地~we are trying to read efficiently a hot column family (in_memory=true,<br /> blockcaching=true) that get writ

2011-02-21 21:40:00 904

原创 HBase read tuning tip

<br />Joel ask the following question:<br /> =================<br /> <br />Hi All,<br /><br /> I have an application with two HBase tables.<br /><br /> One table is written to frequently, by a crawler writing web pages.<br /><br /> Another table is wri

2011-02-21 13:22:00 756

原创 HBase 101: Row key design for paging (LIMIT, OFFSET) queries

Paging is a very common use-case for web sites and many other applications.  In relational databases, this is easily implemented with LIMIT and OFFSET, or by selecting the row number in the query and adding conditionals based on it’s value.  HBase 0.

2011-02-17 19:24:00 4331

原创 Why HBase disable a large table taking very long time

Jean-Daniel Cryans 在apache mail list: http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.java.hadoop.hbase.user/15699 上给了一个答复,另外HBase貌似在考虑使用async的方式,也就是说用户发出了disable以后马上返回,但是用户可以调用一个阻塞的命令来查看disable是否完成,有兴趣的读者可以关

2011-02-17 19:18:00 976

原创 Finding the most accessed Table/Region on an HBase Region Server

<br />来源: http://whynosql.com/finding-the-most-accessed-tableregion-on-an-hbase-region-server/<br /> <br />要翻墙!<br /> <br />Each HBase region server hosts many regions – possibly hundreds or even thousands. How do you find out which one of them is a hots

2011-02-17 12:46:00 826

原创 BigTable Model with Cassandra and HBase

<br />这篇文章来自:http://aio4s.com/blog/2010/11/08/technology/bigtable-model-cassandra-hbase.html <br /> <br />里面有一些内容讲的有些问题(比如region的路由过程),需要读者自己分辨里面的对与错,但是整个文章写的还是非常不错的。<br /> <br />当然还是推荐认真仔细多阅读几遍google bigtable paper,每次的收获肯定不同:<br /> <br />http://labs.googl

2011-02-16 14:35:00 1043

原创 HFile: A Block-Indexed File Format to Store Sorted Key-Value Pairs

Schubert Zhang也是HBase代码提交者,他在这篇文章除了介绍HFile以外,更重要的他给出了一个关于Hbase 2.0的性能测试报告并对测试结果进行了简单的分析:正文文章来源:http://cloudepr.blogspot.com/2009/09/hfile-block-indexed-file-format-to.html性能测试报告: http://www.slideshare.net/schubertzhang/hbase-0200-performance-evaluation1. I

2011-02-16 11:11:00 1691

原创 NoSQL数据库笔谈v0.2

<br />颜开总结一套比较完整的NoSQL数据库资料:<br /> <br />下面的链接是其博客原文链接,但是现在访问其中的link总是需要输入username/password<br /><br /><br />http://www.yankay.com/nosql%E6%95%B0%E6%8D%AE%E5%BA%93%E7%AC%94%E8%B0%88v0-2/<br /> <br /> <br />所以还是直接看其在google doc上的pdf吧!<br /> <br />https://doc

2011-02-16 09:23:00 1215

原创 Concurrent LRU Block Cache in HBase

Jonathan Gray 用HBASE-1460来说明自己是如何实现LRU Block Cache的: The LRU-based block cache that will be committed in HBASE-1192 is thread-safe but contains a big lock on the hash map. Under high load, the bl

2011-02-15 22:47:00 2025

原创 Allow regions of specific table to be load-balanced

Description:From our experience, cluster can be well balanced and yet, one table's regions may be badly concentrated on few region servers. For example, one table has 839 regions (380 regions at time of table creation) out of which 202 are on one server.I

2011-02-15 18:18:00 1390

原创 Notes on MongoDB

<br />作者写这篇文章的时候mongodb的版本是1.3,问题阐述的很清楚,可以认真阅读一下。<br /> <br />文章来源:http://www.paperplanes.de/2010/2/25/notes_on_mongodb.html<br /> <br />For an article in a German magazine I've been researching MongoDB over the last week or so. While I didn't need a lot

2011-02-15 14:12:00 1038

原创 What are the problems that a NoSQL database tries to solve?

<br />Edmond Lau在quora上给的comment,总结的很好,更多的comments点击链接查看。<br /> <br />文章来源:http://www.quora.com/What-are-the-problems-that-a-NoSQL-database-tries-to-solve?redirected_qid=194774<br /><br /> <br />The main problems that a NoSQL aims to solve typically revolv

2011-02-14 20:42:00 772

原创 Automating partitioning, sharding and failover with MongoDB

<br />文章来源:http://blog.boxedice.com/2010/08/03/automating-partitioning-sharding-and-failover-with-mongodb/<br /> <br />Two of the most eagerly anticipated features for MongoDB , the database backend we use for our server monitoring service, Server Density

2011-02-14 17:33:00 1127

原创 How are bloom filters used in HBase?

HBase的两位主要代码提交者Lars George和Nicolas Spiegelberg针对issue: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HBASE-1200 在quora上给出的关于bloom filter是如何在HBase中使用的。文章来源:http://www.quora.com/How-are-bloom-filters-used-in-HBaseLars George, HBase CommitterThe bloom filters in HBa

2011-02-13 18:29:00 3288

原创 HBase I/O: HFile

<br />翻墙所得,转帖过来暂存!<br /> <br />文章来源:http://th30z.blogspot.com/2011/02/hbase-io-hfile.html<br /> In the beginning HBase uses MapFile class to store data persistently to disk, and then (from version 0.20) a new file format is introduced. HFile is a spe

2011-02-13 15:33:00 1003

原创 Matching Impedance: When to use HBase

<br />(For the duration of this discussion, I’m going to assume you have at least heard of HBase . If not, go check it out first or you might be a little confused.)<br />Ever since I read the original Bigtable paper , I knew that its design was somethi

2011-02-11 13:24:00 843



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