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原创 14.10 Logical operators

The &, ^, and | operators are called the logical operators.and-expression:equality-expressionand-expression & equality-expressionexclusive-or-expression:and-expressionexclusive-or-expression ^ and-exp

2006-04-11 03:34:00 944

原创 14.11 Conditional logical operators

The && and || operators are called the conditional logical operators. They are also called the "shortcircuiting" logical operators.conditional-and-expression:inclusive-or-expressionconditional-and-exp

2006-04-11 03:34:00 876

原创 14.9.7 String equality operators

The predefined string equality operators are:bool operator ==(string x, string y);bool operator !=(string x, string y);Two string values are considered equal when one of the following is true:?Both va

2006-04-11 03:33:00 961

原创 14.9.8 Delegate equality operators

Every delegate type implicitly provides the following predefined comparison operators: :bool operator ==(System.Delegate x, System.Delegate y);bool operator !=(System.Delegate x, System.Delegate y);Tw

2006-04-11 03:33:00 912

原创 14.9.9 The is operator

The is operator is used to dynamically check if the run-time type of an object is compatible with a giventype. The result of the operation e is T, where e is an expression and T is a type, is a boolea

2006-04-11 03:33:00 881

原创 14.9.10 The as operator

The as operator is used to explicitly convert a value to a given reference type using a reference conversionor a boxing conversion. Unlike a cast expression (?4.6.6), the as operator never throws an e

2006-04-11 03:33:00 851

原创 14.9.4 Boolean equality operators

The predefined boolean equality operators are:bool operator ==(bool x, bool y);bool operator !=(bool x, bool y);The result of == is true if both x and y are true or if both x and y are false. Otherwis

2006-04-11 03:32:00 873

原创 14.9.5 Enumeration comparison operators

Every enumeration type implicitly provides the following predefined comparison operators:bool operator ==(E x, E y);bool operator !=(E x, E y);bool operator bool operator >(E x, E y);bool operator boo

2006-04-11 03:32:00 824

原创 14.9.6 Reference type equality operators

The predefined reference type equality operators are:bool operator ==(object x, object y);bool operator !=(object x, object y);The operators return the result of comparing the two references for equal

2006-04-11 03:32:00 941

原创 14.9.2 Floating-point comparison operators

The predefined floating-point comparison operators are:bool operator ==(float x, float y);bool operator ==(double x, double y);bool operator !=(float x, float y);bool operator !=(double x, double y);b

2006-04-11 03:31:00 894

原创 14.9.3 Decimal comparison operators

The predefined decimal comparison operators are:bool operator ==(decimal x, decimal y);bool operator !=(decimal x, decimal y);bool operator bool operator >(decimal x, decimal y);bool operator bool ope

2006-04-11 03:31:00 894

原创 14.9 Relational & type-testing operators

The ==, !=, , =, is and as operators are called the relational and type-testing operators.relational-expression:shift-expressionrelational-expression relational-expression > shift-expressionrelational

2006-04-11 03:30:00 966

原创 14.9.1 Integer comparison operators

The predefined integer comparison operators are:bool operator ==(int x, int y);bool operator ==(uint x, uint y);bool operator ==(long x, long y);bool operator ==(ulong x, ulong y);bool operator !=(int

2006-04-11 03:30:00 1014

原创 此篇写给城里普通收入的年轻人zz

  总则:    1、不要再相信任何政府给你描绘的美好前景了。经历了房改、医改、教改以后,如果你还没醒过来,还以为以后的生活能越“改”越好,那是太天真啦。  2、中国会饿死、病死、穷死人,但绝不能饿死、病死、穷死大部分人。不少官商要赚钱,所以政府会踩着这条底线走;这条底线,是估算政府以后改革方案的最好方法。        关于工作:    工作是生活收入之源,所以为了以后更好的活下去,哪里工作收入

2006-04-06 14:57:00 1059



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