EIA232 Standard(RSR232)

Written by Christopher E. Strangio
Copyright © 1993-2004 by CAMI Research Inc., Lexington, Massachusetts
(RSR232 renamed the "EIA232 Standard" in the early 1990's)

What is EIA232?

In the early 1960s, a standards committee, today known as the Electronic Indus
tries Association, developed a common interface standard for data communicatio
ns equipment. At that time, data communications was thought to mean digital da
ta exchange between a centrally located mainframe computer and a remote comput
er terminal, or possibly between two terminals without a computer involved. Th
ese devices were linked by telephone voice lines, and consequently required a
modem at each end for signal translation. While simple in concept, the many op
portunities for data error that occur when transmitting data through an analog
 channel require a relatively complex design. It was thought that a standard w
as needed first to ensure reliable communication, and second to enable the int
erconnection of equipment produced by different manufacturers, thereby fosteri
ng the benefits of mass production and competition. From these ideas, the RS23
2 standard was born. It specified signal voltages, signal timing, signal function

Over the 40+ years since this standard was developed, the Electronic Industrie
s Association published three modifications, the most recent being the EIA232E
 standard introduced in 1991. Besides changing the name from RS232 to EIA232,
some signal lines were renamed and various new ones were defined, including a
shield conductor.

Likely Problems when Using an EIA232 Interface

During this 40-year-long, rapidly evolving period in electronics, manufacturer
s adopted simplified versions of this interface for applications that were imp
ossible to envision in the 1960s. Today, virtually all contemporary serial int
erfaces are EIA232-like in their signal voltages, protocols, and connectors, w
hether or not a modem is involved. Because no single "simplified" standard was
 agreed upon, however, many slightly different protocols and cables were creat
ed that obligingly mate with any EIA232 connector, but are incompatible with e
ach other. Most of the difficulties you will encounter in EIA232 interfacing i
nclude at least one of the following:

1 - The absence or misconnection of flow control (handshaking) signals, result
ing in buffer overflow or communications lock-up.

2 - Incorrect communications function (DTE versus DCE) for the cable in use, r
esulting in the reversal of the Transmit and Receive data lines as well as one
 or more handshaking lines.

3 - Incorrect connector gender or pin configuration, preventing cable connecto
rs from mating properly.

Fortunately, EIA232 driver circuitry is highly tolerant of misconnections, and
 will usually survive a drive signal being connected to ground, or two drive s
ignals connected to each other. In any case, if the serial interface between t
wo devices is not operating correctly, disconnect the cable joining this equip
ment until the problem is isolated.

Pin Assignments

Go to DTE Pinout (looking into the computer's serial connector)
Go to DCE Pinout (looking into the modem's serial connector)

If the full EIA232 standard is implemented as defined, the equipment at the fa
r end of the connection is named the DTE device (Data Terminal Equipment, usua
lly a computer or terminal), has a male DB25 connector, and utilizes 22 of the
 25 available pins for signals or ground. Equipment at the near end of the con
nection (the telephone line interface) is named the DCE device (Data Circuit-t
erminating Equipment, usually a modem), has a female DB25 connector, and utili
zes the same 22 available pins for signals and ground. The cable linking DTE a
nd DCE devices is a parallel straight-through cable with no cross-overs or sel
f-connects in the connector hoods. If all devices exactly followed this standa
rd, all cables would be identical, and there would be no chance that an incorr
ectly wired cable could be used. This drawing shows the orientation and connec
tor types for DTE and DCE devices:

EIA232 communication function and connector types for a personal computer and
modem. DCE devices are sometimes called "Data Communications Equipment" instea
d of Data Circuit-terminating Equipment.

Here is the full EIA232 signal definition for the DTE device (usually the PC).
 The most commonly used signals are shown in bold.

This shows the full EIA232 signal definition for the DCE device (usually the m
odem). The most commonly used signals are shown in bold.

[back to Pin Assignments description]

Copyright © 1993-2003 CAMI Research Inc.

Many of the 22 signal lines in the EIA232 standard pertain to connections wher
e the DCE device is a modem, and then are used only when the software protocol
 employs them. For any DCE device that is not a modem, or when two DTE devices
 are directly linked, far fewer signal lines are necessary.

You may have noticed in the pinout drawings that there is a secondary channel
which includes a duplicate set of flow-control signals. This secondary channel
 provides for management of the remote modem, enabling baud rates to be change
d on the fly, retransmission to be requested if a parity error is detected, an
d other control functions. This secondary channel, when used, is typically set
 to operate at a very low baud rate in comparison with the primary channel to
ensure reliability in the control path. In addition, it may operate as either
a simplex, half-duplex, or full-duplex channel, depending on the capabilities
of the modem.

Transmitter and receiver timing signals (pins 15, 17, and 24) are used only fo
r a synchronous transmission protocol. For the standard asynchronous 8-bit pro
tocol, external timing signals are unnecessary.

IMPORTANT: Signal names that imply a direction, such as Transmit Data and Rece
ive Data, are named from the point of view of the DTE device. If the EIA232 st
andard were strictly followed, these signals would have the same name for the
same pin number on the DCE side as well. Unfortunately, this is not done in pr
actice by most engineers, probably because no one can keep straight which side
 is DTE and which is DCE. As a result, direction-sensitive signal names are ch
anged at the DCE side to reflect their drive direction at DCE. The following l
ist gives the conventional usage of signal names:

Cable Wiring Examples
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The following wiring diagrams come from actual cables scanned by the CableEye&
reg; PC-Based Cable Test System. CableEye's software automatically draws schem
atics whenever it tests a cable. Click here to learn more about CableEye.

1 - DB9 All-Line Direct Extension
Next Cable | (no previous cable) || Next Topic

This shows a 9-pin DTE-to-DCE serial cable that would result if the EIA232 sta
ndard were strictly followed. All 9 pins plus shield are directly extended fro
m DB9 Female to DB9 Male. There are no crossovers or self-connects present. Us
e this cable to connect modems, printers, or any device that uses a DB9 connec
tor to a PC's serial port.

This cable may also serve as an extension cable to increase the distance betwe
en a computer and serial device. Caution: do not exceed 25 feet separation bet
ween devices without a signal booster!


Left Side: Connect to DTE (computer)   Right Side: Connect to DCE (modem or ot
her serial device)

Cable image created by CableEye®


2 - DB9 Loopback Connector
Next Cable | Previous Cable || Next Topic

A loopback connector usually consists of a connector without a cable and inclu
des internal wiring to reroute signals back to the sender. This DB9 female con
nector would attach to a DTE device such as a personal computer. When the comp
uter receives data, it will not know whether the signals it receives come from
 a remote DCE device set to echo characters, or from a loopback connector. Use
 loopback connectors to confirm proper operation of the computer's serial port
. Once confirmed, insert the serial cable you plan to use and attach the loopb
ack to the end of the serial cable to verify the cable.

In this case, Transmit Data joins to Received Data, Request-to-Send joins to C
lear-to-Send, and DTE-Ready joins to DCE-Ready and Received Line Signal Detect


Left Side: Connect to DTE (computer)  Right Side: (none)

Cable image created by CableEye®


3 - DB9 Null Modem Cable
Next Cable | Previous Cable || Next Topic

Use this female-to-female cable in any application where you wish to connect t
wo DTE devices (for example, two computers). A male-to-male equivalent of this
 cable would be used to connect two DCE devices.

The cable shown below is intended for RS232 asynchronous communications (most
PC-based systems). If you are using synchronous communications, the null modem
 will have additional connections for timing signals, and a DB25 connector wou
ld be necessary.

NOTE: Not all null modem cables connect handshaking lines the same way. In thi
s cable, Request-to-Send (RTS, pin 7) asserts the Carrier Detect (pin 1) on th
e same side and the Clear-to-Send (CTS, pin 8) on the other side of the cable.

This device may also be available in the form of an adapter.


Left Side: Connect to 9-pin DTE (computer)  Right Side: Connect to 9-pin DTE (

Cable image created by CableEye®


4 - DB25 to DB9 Adapter
Next Cable | Previous Cable || Next Topic

Signals on the DB25 DTE side are directly mapped to the DB9 assignments for a
DTE device. Use this to adapt a 25-pin COM connector on the back of a computer
 to mate with a 9-pin serial DCE device, such as a 9-pin serial mouse or modem
. This adapter may also be in the form of a cable.


Left Side: Connect to 25-pin DTE (computer)  Right Side: Connect to 9-pin DCE

Cable image created by CableEye®


5 - DB25 to DB9 Adapter (pin 1 connected to shield)
Next Cable | Previous Cable || Next Topic

This adapter has the same wiring as the previous cable (#4) except that pin 1
is wired to the connector shell (shield). Note that the cable's shield is usua
lly a foil blanket surrounding all conductors running the length of the cable
and joining the connector shells. Pin 1 of the EIA232 specification, called ou
t as "shield", may be separate from the earth ground usually associated with t
he connector shells.


Left Side: Connect to 25-pin DTE (computer)  Right Side: Connect to 9-pin DCE

Cable image created by CableEye®


6 - DB9 to DB25 Adapter
Next Cable | Previous Cable || Next Topic

Signals on the DB9 DTE side are directly mapped to the DB25 assignments for a
DTE device. Use this to adapt a 9-pin COM connector on the back of a computer
to mate with a 25-pin serial DCE devices, such as a modem. This adapter may al
so be in the form of a cable.


Left Side: Connect to 9-pin DTE (computer)  Right Side: Connect to 25-pin DCE

Cable image created by CableEye®


7 - DB25 All-Line Direct Extension
Next Cable | Previous Cable || Next Topic

This shows a 25-pin DTE-to-DCE serial cable that would result if the EIA232 st
andard were strictly followed. All 25 pins plus shield are directly extended f
rom DB25 Female to DB25 Male. There are no crossovers or self-connects present
. Use this cable to connect modems, printers, or any serial device that uses a
 DB25 connector to a PC's serial port.

This cable may also serve as an extension cable to increase the distance betwe
en computer and serial device. Caution: do not exceed 25 feet separation betwe
en devices without a signal booster!

Caution: the male end of this cable (right) also fits a PC's parallel printer
port. You may use this cable to extend the length of a printer cable, but DO N
OT attach a serial device to the computer's parallel port. Doing so may cause
damage to both devices.


Left Side: Connect to 25-pin DTE (computer)  Right Side: Connect to 25-pin DCE

Cable image created by CableEye®


8 - DB25 Loopback Connector
Next Cable | Previous Cable || Next Topic

A loopback connector usually consists of a connector without a cable and inclu
des internal wiring to reroute signals back to the sender. This DB25 female co
nnector would attach to a DTE device such as a personal computer. When the com
puter receives data, it will not know whether the signals it receives come fro
m a remote DCE device set to echo characters, or from a loopback connector. Us
e loopback connectors to confirm proper operation of the computer's serial por
t. Once confirmed, insert the serial cable you plan to use and attach the loop
back to the end of the serial cable the verify the cable.

In this case, Transmit Data joins to Received Data, Request-to-Send joins to C
lear-to-Send, and DTE-Ready joins to DCE-Ready and Received Line Signal Detect


Left Side: Connect to 25-pin DTE (computer)  Right Side: (none)

Cable image created by CableEye®


9 - DB25 Null Modem (no handshaking)
Next Cable | Previous Cable || Next Topic

Use this female-to-female cable in any application where you wish to connect t
wo DTE devices (for example, two computers). A male-to-male equivalent of this
 cable would be used to connect two DCE devices.

Note that Pins 11 and 12 are not necessary for this null modem cable to work.
As is often the case, the manufacturer of equipment that uses this cable had a
 proprietary application in mind. We show it here to emphasize that custom ser
ial cables may include connections for which no purpose is clear.

IMPORTANT: This cable employs NO handshaking lines between devices. The handsh
ake signals on each side are artificially made to appear asserted by the use o
f self-connects on each side of the cable (for example, between pins 4 and 5).
 Without hardware handshaking, you risk buffer overflow at one or both ends of
 the transmission unless STX and ETX commands are inserted in the dataflow by


Left Side: Connect to 25-pin DTE (computer)  Right Side: Connect to 25-pin DTE

Cable image created by CableEye®


10 - DB25 Null Modem (standard handshaking)
Next Cable | Previous Cable || Next Topic

Use this female-to-female cable in any application where you wish to connect t
wo DTE devices (for example, two computers). A male-to-male equivalent of this
 cable would be used to connect two DCE devices.

The cable shown below is intended for EIA232 asynchronous communications (most
 PC-based systems). If you are using synchronous communications, the null mode
m will have additional connections for timing signals not shown here.

NOTE: Not all null modem cables connect handshaking lines the same way. Refer
to the manual for your equipment if you experience problems. In this cable, th
e DTE Ready (pin 20) on one side asserts the DCE Ready (pin 6) and the Request
 to Send (pin 5) on the other side.


Left Side: Connect to 25-pin DTE (computer)  Right Side: Connect to 25-pin DTE

Cable image created by CableEye®


11 - DB25 Null Modem (unusual handshaking)
Next Cable | Previous Cable || Next Topic

Use this female-to-female cable in any application where you wish to connect t
wo DTE devices (for example, two computers). A male-to-male equivalent of this
 cable would be used to connect two DCE devices.

NOTE: Not all null modem cables connect handshaking lines the same way. Refer
to the manual for your equipment if you experience problems. In this cable, th
e DTE Ready (pin 20) on one side asserts the Clear to Send (pin 5), DCE Ready
(pin 6), and Carrier Detect (pin 8) on the other side.


Left Side: Connect to 25-pin DTE (computer)  Right Side: Connect to 25-pin DTE

Cable image created by CableEye®


12 - DB25 Null Modem (unusual handshaking)
Next Cable | Previous Cable || Next Topic

Use this female-to-female cable in any application where you wish to connect t
wo DTE devices (for example, two computers). A male-to-male equivalent of this
 cable would be used to connect two DCE devices.

NOTE: Not all null modem cables connect handshaking lines the same way. Refer
to the manual for your equipment if you experience problems. In this cable, th
e Request-to-Send (pin 4) on one side asserts the Clear-to-Send (pin 5) on the
 SAME side (self-connect) and the Carrier Detect (pin 8) on the other side. Th
e other handshaking signals are employed in a conventional manner.


Left Side: Connect to 25-pin DTE (computer)  Right Side: Connect to 25-pin DTE

Cable image created by CableEye®


13 - DB25 Null Modem (unusual handshaking)
Next Cable | Previous Cable || Next Topic

Use this female-to-female cable in any application where you wish to connect t
wo DTE devices (for example, two computers). A male-to-male equivalent of this
 cable would be used to connect two DCE devices.

NOTE: Not all null modem cables connect handshaking lines the same way. Refer
to the manual for your equipment if you experience problems. In this cable, th
e DTE Ready (pin 20) on one side asserts the Clear-to-Send (pin 5) and the DCE
 Ready (pin 6) on the other side. Request-to-Send (pin 4) on one side asserts
Received Line Signal Detect (pin 8) on the other side.


Left Side: Connect to 25-pin DTE (computer)  Right Side: Connect to 25-pin DTE

Cable image created by CableEye®


14 - DB25 Null Modem (unusual handshaking)
Next Cable | Previous Cable || Next Topic

Use this female-to-female cable in any application where you wish to connect t
wo DTE devices (for example, two computers). A male-to-male equivalent of this
 cable would be used to connect two DCE devices.

NOTE: Not all null modem cables connect handshaking lines the same way. Refer
to the manual for your equipment if you experience problems. In this cable, th
e DTE Ready (pin 20) on one side asserts the DCE Ready (pin 6), and Carrier De
tect (pin 8) on the other side. Request to Send (pin 4) is unused, and Clear-t
o-Send (pin 5) is driven by a proprietary signal (pin 11) determined by the de
signer of this cable.


Left Side: Connect to 25-pin DTE (computer)  Right Side: Connect to 25-pin DTE

Cable image created by CableEye®


15 - DB25 Null Modem Cable (synchronous communications)
Next Cable | Previous Cable || Next Topic

This female-to-female cable is intended for synchronous EIA232 connections, an
d is designed to connect two DTE devices. It contains the standard connections
 of an asynchronous null modem cable, plus additional connections on pins 15,
17, and 24 for synchronous timing signals. To connect two DCE devices, use a m
ale-to-male equivalent of this cable.

For synchronous communications, the null modem cable includes an additional co
nductor for timing signals, and joins pins 15, 17, and 24 on one side to pins
15 and 17 on the other. Pin 24 on the right side should connect to the timing
signal source.


Left Side: Connect to 25-pin DTE (computer)  Right Side: Connect to 25-pin DTE

Cable image created by CableEye®


16 - DB25 Null Modem Cable (unconventional, may pose risk)
(no more) | Previous Cable || Next Topic

This simplified null modem cable uses only Request-to-Send (pin 4) and Clear-t
o-Send (pin 5) as handshaking lines; DTE Ready, DCE Ready, and Carrier Detect
are not employed, so this cable should not be used with modems.

CAUTION! Normally, null modem cables have the same gender on each connector (e
ither both male for two DTE devices, or both female for two DCE devices). This
 cable would be used when the gender on one of the devices does not conform to
 the standard. However, the opposite genders imply usage as a straight through
 cable, and if used in that manner will not function. Further, if used as a st
andard null-modem between two computers, the opposite gender allows you to con
nect one end to the parallel port, an impermissible situation that may cause h
ardware damage.


Left Side: Connect to 25-pin DTE (computer) with Gender Changer  Right Side: C
onnect to 25-pin DTE (computer)

Cable image created by CableEye®

Signal Definitions
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Signal functions in the EIA232 standard can be subdivided into six categories.
 These categories are summarized below, after which each signal described.

1 - Signal ground and shield.

2 - Primary communications channel. This is used for data interchange, and inc
ludes flow control signals.

3 - Secondary communications channel. When implemented, this is used for contr
ol of the remote modem, requests for retransmission when errors occur, and gov
ernance over the setup of the primary channel.

4 - Modem status and control signals. These signals indicate modem status and
provide intermediate checkpoints as the telephone voice channel is established

5 - Transmitter and receiver timing signals. If a synchronous protocol is used
, these signals provide timing information for the transmitter and receiver, w
hich may operate at different baud rates.

6 - Channel test signals. Before data is exchanged, the channel may be tested
for its integrity, and the baud rate automatically adjusted to the maximum rat
e that the channel can support.

Signal Ground and Shield
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Pin 7, Pin 1, and the shell are included in this category. Cables provide sepa
rate paths for each, but internal wiring often connects pin 1 and the cable sh
ell/shield to signal ground on pin 7.

Pin 7 - Ground All signals are referenced to a common ground, as defined by th
e voltage on pin 7. This conductor may or may not be connected to protective g
round inside the DCE device. The existence of a defined ground potential withi
n the cable makes the EIA232 standard different from a balanced differential v
oltage standard, such as EIA530, which provides far greater noise immunity.

Primary Communications Channel
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Pin 2 - Transmitted Data (TxD) This signal is active when data is transmitted
from the DTE device to the DCE device. When no data is transmitted, the signal
 is held in the mark condition (logic '1', negative voltage).

NOTE: Pin 2 on the DCE device is commonly labeled "Received Data", although by
 the EIA232 standard it should still be called Transmitted Data because the da
ta is thought to be destined for a remote DTE device.

Pin 3 - Received Data (RxD) This signal is active when the DTE device receives
 data from the DCE device. When no data is transmitted, the signal is held in
the mark condition (logic '1', negative voltage).

NOTE: Pin 3 on the DCE device is commonly labeled "Transmitted Data", although
 by the EIA232 standard it should still be called Received Data because the da
ta is thought to arrive from a remote DTE device.

Pin 4 - Request to Send (RTS) This signal is asserted (logic '0', positive vol
tage) to prepare the DCE device for accepting transmitted data from the DTE de
vice. Such preparation might include enabling the receive circuits, or setting
 up the channel direction in half-duplex applications. When the DCE is ready,
it acknowledges by asserting Clear to Send.

NOTE: Pin 4 on the DCE device is commonly labeled "Clear to Send", although by
 the EIA232 standard it should still be called Request to Send because the req
uest is thought to be destined for a remote DTE device.

Pin 5 - Clear to Send (CTS) This signal is asserted (logic '0', positive volta
ge) by the DCE device to inform the DTE device that transmission may begin. RT
S and CTS are commonly used as handshaking signals to moderate the flow of dat
a into the DCE device.

NOTE: Pin 5 on the DCE device is commonly labeled "Request to Send", although
by the EIA232 standard it should still be called Clear to Send because the sig
nal is thought to originate from a remote DTE device.

Secondary Communications Channel
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Pin 14 - Secondary Transmitted Data (STxD)

Pin 16 - Secondary Received Data (SRxD)

Pin 19 - Secondary Request to Send (SRTS)

Pin 13 - Secondary Clear to Send (SCTS)

These signals are equivalent to the corresponding signals in the primary commu
nications channel. The baud rate, however, is typically much slower in the sec
ondary channel for increased reliability.

Modem Status and Control Signals
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Pin 6 - DCE Ready (DSR) When originating from a modem, this signal is asserted
 (logic '0', positive voltage) when the following three conditions are all sat

1 - The modem is connected to an active telephone line that is "off-hook";

2 - The modem is in data mode, not voice or dialing mode; and

3 - The modem has completed dialing or call setup functions and is generating
an answer tone.

If the line goes "off-hook", a fault condition is detected, or a voice connect
ion is established, the DCE Ready signal is deasserted (logic '1', negative vo

IMPORTANT: If DCE Ready originates from a device other than a modem, it may be
 asserted to indicate that the device is turned on and ready to function, or i
t may not be used at all. If unused, DCE Ready should be permanently asserted
(logic '0', positive voltage) within the DCE device or by use of a self-connec
t jumper in the cable. Alternatively, the DTE device may be programmed to igno
re this signal.

Pin 20 - DTE Ready (DTR) This signal is asserted (logic '0', positive voltage)
 by the DTE device when it wishes to open a communications channel. If the DCE
 device is a modem, the assertion of DTE Ready prepares the modem to be connec
ted to the telephone circuit, and, once connected, maintains the connection. W
hen DTE Ready is deasserted (logic '1', negative voltage), the modem is switch
ed to "on-hook" to terminate the connection.

IMPORTANT: If the DCE device is not a modem, it may require DTE Ready to be as
serted before the device can be used, or it may ignore DTE Ready altogether. I
f the DCE device (for example, a printer) is not responding, confirm that DTE
Ready is asserted before you search for other explanations.

Pin 8 - Received Line Signal Detector (CD) (also called carrier detect) This s
ignal is relevant when the DCE device is a modem. It is asserted (logic '0', p
ositive voltage) by the modem when the telephone line is "off-hook", a connect
ion has been established, and an answer tone is being received from the remote
 modem. The signal is deasserted when no answer tone is being received, or whe
n the answer tone is of inadequate quality to meet the local modem's requireme
nts (perhaps due to a noisy channel).

Pin 12 - Secondary Received Line Signal Detector (SCD) This signal is equivale
nt to the Received Line Signal Detector (pin 8), but refers to the secondary c

Pin 22 - Ring Indicator (RI) This signal is relevant when the DCE device is a
modem, and is asserted (logic '0', positive voltage) when a ringing signal is
being received from the telephone line. The assertion time of this signal will
 approximately equal the duration of the ring signal, and it will be deasserte
d between rings or when no ringing is present.

Pin 23 - Data Signal Rate Selector This signal may originate either in the DTE
 or DCE devices (but not both), and is used to select one of two prearranged b
aud rates. The asserted condition (logic '0', positive voltage) selects the hi
gher baud rate.

Transmitter and Receiver Timing Signals
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Pin 15 - Transmitter Signal Element Timing (TC) (also called Transmitter Clock
) This signal is relevant only when the DCE device is a modem and is operating
 with a synchronous protocol. The modem generates this clock signal to control
 exactly the rate at which data is sent on Transmitted Data (pin 2) from the D
TE device to the DCE device. The logic '1' to logic '0' (negative voltage to p
ositive voltage) transition on this line causes a corresponding transition to
the next data element on the Transmitted Data line. The modem generates this s
ignal continuously, except when it is performing internal diagnostic functions

Pin 17 - Receiver Signal Element Timing (RC) (also called Receiver Clock) This
 signal is similar to TC described above, except that it provides timing infor
mation for the DTE receiver.

Pin 24 - Transmitter Signal Element Timing (ETC) (also called External Transmi
tter Clock) Timing signals are provided by the DTE device for use by a modem.
This signal is used only when TC and RC (pins 15 and 17) are not in use. The l
ogic '1' to logic '0' transition (negative voltage to positive voltage) indica
tes the time-center of the data element. Timing signals will be provided whene
ver the DTE is turned on, regardless of other signal conditions.

Channel Test Signals
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Pin 18 - Local Loopback (LL) This signal is generated by the DTE device and is
 used to place the modem into a test state. When Local Loopback is asserted (l
ogic '0', positive voltage), the modem redirects its modulated output signal,
which is normally fed into the telephone line, back into its receive circuitry
. This enables data generated by the DTE to be echoed back through the local m
odem to check the condition of the modem circuitry. The modem asserts its Test
 Mode signal on Pin 25 to acknowledge that it has been placed in local loopbac
k condition.

Pin 21 - Remote Loopback (RL) This signal is generated by the DTE device and i
s used to place the remote modem into a test state. When Remote Loopback is as
serted (logic '0', positive voltage), the remote modem redirects its received
data back to its transmitted data input, thereby remodulating the received dat
a and returning it to its source. When the DTE initiates such a test, transmit
ted data is passed through the local modem, the telephone line, the remote mod
em, and back, to exercise the channel and confirm its integrity. The remote mo
dem signals the local modem to assert Test Mode on pin 25 when the remote loop
back test is underway.

Pin 25 - Test Mode (TM) This signal is relevant only when the DCE device is a
modem. When asserted (logic '0', positive voltage), it indicates that the mode
m is in a Local Loopback or Remote Loopback condition. Other internal self-tes
t conditions may also cause Test Mode to be asserted, and depend on the modem
and the network to which it is attached.

Electrical Standards
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The EIA232 standard uses negative, bipolar logic in which a negative voltage s
ignal represents logic '1', and positive voltage represents logic '0'. This pr
obably originated with the pre-RS232 current loop standard used in 1950s-vinta
ge teletype machines in which a flowing current (and hence a low voltage) repr
esents logic '1'. Be aware that the negative logic assignment of EIA232 is the
 reverse of that found in most modern digital circuit designs. See the inside
rear cover of the CableEye manual for a comparison.

Common Signal Ground
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The EIA232 standard includes a common ground reference on Pin 7, and is freque
ntly joined to Pin 1 and a circular shield that surrounds all 25 cable conduct
ors. Data, timing, and control signal voltages are measured with respect to th
is common ground. EIA232 cannot be used in applications where the equipment on
 opposite ends of the connection must be electrically isolated.

NOTE: optical isolators may be used to achieve ground isolation, however, this
 option is not mentioned or included in the EIA232 specification.

Signal Characteristics
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Equivalent Circuit - All signal lines, regardless of whether they provide data
, timing, or control information, may be represented by the electrical equival
ent circuit shown here:

This is the equivalent circuit for an EIA232 signal line and applies to signal
s originating at either the DTE or DCE side of the connection. "Co" is not spe
cified in the standard, but is assumed to be small and to consist of parasitic
 elements only. "Ro" and "Vo" are chosen so that the short-circuit current doe
s not exceed 500ma. The cable length is not specified in the standard; accepta
ble operation is experienced with cables that are less than 25 feet in length.

Signal State Voltage Assignments - Voltages of -3v to -25v with respect to sig
nal ground (pin 7) are considered logic '1' (the marking condition), whereas v
oltages of +3v to +25v are considered logic '0' (the spacing condition). The r
ange of voltages between -3v and +3v is considered a transition region for whi
ch a signal state is not assigned.

Logic states are assigned to the voltage ranges shown here. Note that this is
a "negative logic" convention, which is the reverse of that used in most moder
n digital designs.

Most contemporary applications will show an open-circuit signal voltage of -8
to -14 volts for logic '1' (mark), and +8 to +14 volts for logic '0' (space).
Voltage magnitudes will be slightly less when the generator and receiver are c
onnected (when the DTE and DCE devices are connected with a cable).

IMPORTANT: If you insert an LED signal tester in an EIA232 circuit to view sig
nal states, the signal voltage may drop in magnitude to very near the minimum
values of -3v for logic '1', and +3v for logic '0'. Also note that some inexpe
nsive EIA232 peripherals are powered directly from the signal lines to avoid u
sing a power supply of their own. Although this usually works without problems
, keep the cable short, and be aware that noise immunity will be reduced.

Short-Circuit Tolerance - The generator is designed to withstand an open-circu
it (unconnected) condition, or short-circuit condition between its signal cond
uctor and any other signal conductor, including ground, without sustaining dam
age to itself or causing damage to any associated circuitry. The receiver is a
lso designed to accept any signal voltage within the range of ±25 volts witho
ut sustaining damage.

CAUTION: Inductive loads or magnetically induced voltages resulting from long
cables may cause the received voltage to exceed the ±25-volt range momentaril
y during turn-on transients or other abnormal conditions, possibly causing dam
age to the generator, receiver, or both. Keep the cable length as short as pos
sible, and avoid running the cable near high-current switching loads like elec
tric motors or relays.

Fail-Safe Signals - Four signals are intended to be fail-safe in that during p
ower-off or cable-disconnected conditions, they default to logic '1' (negative
 voltage). They are:

Request to Send - Default condition is deasserted.

Sec. Request to Send - Default condition is deasserted.

DTE Ready - Default condition is DTE not ready.

DCE Ready - Default condition is DCE not ready.
Note specifically that if the cable is connected but the power is off in the g
enerator side, or if the cable is disconnected, there should be adequate bias
voltage in the receiver to keep the signal above +3v (logic '0') to ensure tha
t the fail-safe requirement is met.

Schmitt triggers or other hysteresis devices may be used to enhance noise immu
nity in some designs, but should never be adjusted to compromise the fail-safe

Signal Timing
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The EIA232 standard is applicable to data rates of up to 20,000 bits per secon
d (the usual upper limit is 19,200 baud). Fixed baud rates are not set by the
EIA232 standard. However, the commonly used values are 300, 1200, 2400, 9600,
and 19,200 baud. Other accepted values that are not often used are 110 (mechan
ical teletype machines), 600, and 4800 baud.

Changes in signal state from logic '1' to logic '0' or vice versa must abide b
y several requirements, as follows:

1 - Signals that enter the transition region during a change of state must mov
e through the transition region to the opposite signal state without reversing
 direction or reentering.

2 - For control signals, the transit time through the transition region should
 be less than 1ms.

3 - For Data and Timing signals, the transit time through the transition regio
n should be

a - less than 1ms for bit periods greater than 25ms,

b - 4% of the bit period for bit periods between 25ms and 125µs,

c - less than 5µs for bit periods less than 125µs.
The rise and fall times of data and timing signals ideally should be equal, bu
t in any case vary by no more than a factor of three.

An acceptable pulse (top) moves through the transition region quickly and with
out hesitation or reversal. Defective pulses (bottom) could cause data errors.


4 - The slope of the rising and falling edges of a transition should not excee
d 30v/µS. Rates higher than this may induce crosstalk in adjacent conduc
tors of a cable.

Note that neither the ASCII alphabet nor the asynchronous serial protocol that
 defines the start bit, number of data bits, parity bit, and stop bit, is part
 of the EIA232 specification. For your reference, it is discussed in the Data
Communications Basics section of this web site.

Accepted Simplifications of the Standard
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The EIA232 document published by the Electronic Industries Association describ
es 14 permissible configurations of the original 22-signal standard. Each conf
iguration uses a subset of the 22 defined signals, and serves a more limited c
ommunications requirement than that suggested by using all the available 22-si
gnals. Applications for transmit-only, receive-only, half-duplex operation, an
d similar variations, are described. Unfortunately, connection to DCE devices
other than modems is not considered. Because many current serial interface app
lications involve direct device-to-device connections, manufacturers do not ha
ve a standard reference when producing printers, plotters, print spoolers, or
other common peripherals. Consequently, you must acquire the service manual fo
r each peripheral device purchased to determine exactly which signals are util
ized in its serial interface.





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