

Adrian Colyer
AspectJ leader,AJDJ leader,IBM 
Alan Brown
Exploring Model-Driven Development
Alan is a Distinguished Engineer at IBM Rational software responsible for future product strategy of IBM Rational's Design and Construction products. He defines technical strategy and evangelizes product direction with customers looking to improve software development efficiency through visual modeling, generating code from abstract models, and systematic reuse. Here, Alan will look at how enterprise solutions are created and evolved, with an eye toward software process improvement, model-driven architecture (MDA), software design and development, and component-based solutions.
Ben Galbraith
Benjamin Renaud
Bill Burke
JBoss 架构师,EJB 3.0专家组里的Jboss代表
Bob McWhirter
Groovy,Drools founder
Bobby Woolf
Bobby Woolf is a member of IBM Software Services for WebSphere, consultants who help customers achieve success with WebSphere products. He is a co-author of Enterprise Integration Patterns and The Design Patterns Smalltalk Companion. This blog discusses how to use J2EE and related technologies to develop business applications, including how to make best use of IBM products WebSphere Application Server and WebSphere Studio Application Developer. While it occasionally delves into tangential topics and future trends, the primary focus is on how to make use of the products and technologies that we have today.
Calvin Austin
Calvin is the Specification Lead for the Java 2 Standard Edition 1.5 release at Sun Microsystems, and also the J2SE on Linux Lead Engineer.
Cedric Beust
 JCache Lead,Tangosol公司CEO
Chet Haase
Chet is an engineer on the Java2D team at Sun Microsystems, and spends most of his time working on hardware acceleration issues.
Cliff Schmidt 
BEA's Open source strategist and Apache Beehive leader
Craig McClanahan
Struts founder, JSF 1.0 spec lead, Java Studio Creator leader,《Struts in action作者》, SUN
David Nuescheler
JSR 170, Content Repository for Java spec lead
Dion Almaer  
TSS主编, JDO专家组成员
Doug Cutting
Lucene founder
Ed Roman
TSS CEO, MiddleWare CEO,《Mastering EJB》作者
Erich Gamma
设计模式开创者,Eclipse 的总设计师, Junit founder,IBM
Edward Burns
JSF 1.2 spec leader
Floyd Marinescu
TSS General Manager,《EJB Design Patterns》作者
Hibernate founder,《Hibernate in Action》作者,Jboss
Gregor Hohpe 
《Enterprise Integration Patterns》作者,ThoughtWorks
Gregor Kiczales
AOP之父,AspectJ founder
Grady Booch’s
Software architecture, software engineering, and Renaissance Jazz
Grady is an IBM Fellow who has served as architect and architectural mentor for numerous complex software-intensive systems around the world in just about every domain imaginable. Grady is the author of six best-selling books and has published several hundred articles on software engineering, including papers published in the early '80s that originated the term and practice of object-oriented design. At random times, the laws of physics do not apply to him. He is not dead yet.
Graham Hamilton
Sun副总裁,J2SE1.3,1.4,5.0 leader
Howard Lewis Ship
Tapestry和Hivemind founder,《Tapestry in Action 》作者
James Duncan Davidson
Ant and Tomcat founder
James Gosling's
James Gosling is CTO of Sun's Developer Products group and is known as "the java guy".
James Strachan
Geronimo的发起者之一, Jakarta项目管理委员会成员,N多JSR expert group的成员
Jason Careria  
Webwork2,Xwork core developer  
Jason Hunter
Apache基金会管理员,《Java Servlet Programming》作者,Xquery,Jdom等的开发者
John Crupi
目前专著于SOA, Sun
Jonathan Bruce 
JDBC spec leader,Sun
Jonathan Schwartz
Jonathan Schwartz is Sun's President and Chief Operating Officer.
Joshua Bloch
《Effective Java》作者,前java平台核心开发者,目前在google。
Jon Tirsen
Nanning lead developer, PicoContainer和NanoContainer活跃开 者,ThoughtWorks 
Juergen Hoeler
SpringFramework core developer,Co-Author Of《J2EE Development without EJB》
Kent Beck
设计模式的开创者之一。XP 和 TDD 的创始人,xUnit 的开发者。
Linda DeMichiel 
EJB 3.0 spec lead,Sun
Marc Fleury
JBoss Group CEO
Mark Hapner 
J2EE1.4 lead. Sun Chief WebService Strategist and  JMS spec lead
Martin Fowler
软件工程和建模领域的大师,Thoughtworks CEO
Mary Smaragdis
Mary Quite Contrary Explicitly and without apology a marketing vehicle, but it is fun.
Matt Raible
《Spring live》作者
OpenSymphony founder,Atlassian founder(JIRA的公司),<Java Open Source programing>作者,javablogs founder
Pat Lightbody 
Webwork founder
Patrick Linskey
Rick Ross
Javalobby founder
Rickard Oberg
Xdoclet,Webwork founder, jboss的前架构师,目前主要研究AOP
Robin Roos
JDO2.0活跃人士,《Java Data Object》作者
Scott Ambler
Senior Consultant,很多书的作者
Sergey Dmitriev
Jetbrains CEO,Intelij IDEA founder
《Effective Enterprise Java》作者
Tom Ball
Tom Ball is a senior staff engineer at Sun Microsystems, working on Java language tools. He has been working with Java for ten years now with the JDK, AWT, Swing, Jackpot, and NetBeans teams. Tom considers programming a craft, and is always looking for new tools and techniques to improve it.
Vincent Massol
Jakarta Cactus founder,Maven开发组成员, 《Junit in action》作者





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