16.08.23-multilayer networks

An Introduction to Multilayer Networks



Multilayer networks is a general framework to represent the different nations of networks (e.g., monoplex networks, multiplex networks, interdependent networks, networks of networks).


A multilayer network is defined as a quadruple:


V is set of nodes

VMV×L1××Ld is the set of the node-layer combinations. The set of layers in which a node vV is present.

EMVM×VM is the edge set containing the set of pairs of possible combinations of nodes and elementary layers.

L={La}da=1 is the set of elementary layers defined by d aspects such that there is one elementary layer set La for each aspect a . If d=0, the multilayer network M reduces to a monoplex (single-layer) network. If d=1, then M reduces to a multiplex (single-aspect-multi-layer) network.

A node-layer tuple (or simply node-layer) indicates a node u that exists on a layer α :



  • Undirected multilayer network
  • No self-edges by requiring:
  • A weighted multilayer network M can be defined by assigning weights for the edges in the underlying graph GM=(VM,EM) (i.e. by mapping each edge of a network to a real number using a function w:EMR )

Distinguish edges:
- Intra-layer edges


- Inter-layer edges

- Coupling edges
two nodes represent the same entity in different layers:

Multilayer Networks

A. Node-colored Networks
B. Edge-colored Multigraphs
C. Temporal Networks
D. k -partite Graphs

Diagnostics for multilayer networks

A. Node degree and neighborhood
Network aggregation
A monoplex network can be constructed by aggregating data from the different layers of a multiplex network and then apply the classic definition of node degree to the resulting monoplex network. That is, the node degree is the number of edges of any type that are incident to a node. However, network aggregation leads to a loss of information and should be avoided if possible.
Therefore it is better to use definitions that maintain the distinction of the layers:
Node Degree
a system composed of N nodes and M unweighted layers, for each layer α there is an adjacency matrix A[α]={α[α]ij},α=1,...,M

The degree of node i on layer α is then:


Consequently, the degree of node i in a multiplex network is the vector:


the neighborhood of a node u is the set of nodes that can be reached by following any incident edge if u is the focal node.

B. Walks, Paths, and Distances
a walk on multilayer networks:
First, if changing layer is considered a step. That is, if there is a cost to change layer.
Second, if there is a difference in taking intra-layer steps in different layers.
Labeled Walks or Compound Relations
Pareto Efficient Path and Pareto Distance

C. Clustering, coefficients, transitivity, and triangles

D. Centrality Measures
Page Rank
Eigenvector Centrality
Katz Centrality

E. Inter-layer Diagnostic
Global Overlap
Global Inter-Clustering Coefficient (ICC)
Degree of Multiplexity
Multiplexity Degree

Dynamics of multilayer networks

mathematical tools: generating functions, spectral theory, tensor algebra
A. Connected Components and Percolation
B. Percolation Cascades

1) start removing a fraction p of the nodes uniformly at random
2) divide the remaining nodes into disjoint sets accordingly to the connected component in the first layer
3) update the intra-layer network of the second layer by removing intra-layer edges between nodes that are adjacent to nodes of the first layer which are in a different component
4) updates the intra-layer network of the first layer with the same process used for the second layer
5) repeat 1–4

This process divides the two networks into progressively smaller components until reaching a stationary state in which the nodes in connected components in each of the layers depend only on nodes that are in the same component in the other layer. If one is only interested in a giant component, then we can use a
similar process:
1) remove nodes from the first layer if they are not in that layer’s intra-layer GCC.
2) update the second layer by removing all of the nodes from the second layer that were dependent on the nodes that have been removed from the first layer
3) repeat 1 and 2, but for the second layer
4) repeat 1–3

C. Spreading Models and Diffusion

Empirical multilayer networks

A. Case Study I: Air Transportation Netowork (ATN)
layer: airline company
B. Case Study II: Analysis of Phone Users Sociality
voice call layer
SMS layer


Spreading processes in Multilayer Networks



real spreading phenomena are seldom constrained into a single network (called monoplex network). This is evident in online information propagation, where the process of switching network while sharing information on social media has become a basic functionality explicitly provided by many platforms. Another example is represented by the spreading of epidemics propagated by human beings traveling via multiple transport networks (airplanes, trains, etc.).

Three main dimensions for analyzing spreading processes in multilayer networks:
1. how to model the spreading processes
2. what results we can obtain using these models
3. how these results can be exploited in real applications.


  • A monoplex network is a (usually directed) graph.
  • A multilayer network is a data structure made of multiple layers, where each layer is a monoplex network.
  • A multilayer network where all layers contain exactly the same set of nodes is called multiplex network (partially interconnected multiplex networks);
  • each node of a multilayer network belong to exactly one layer, called interconnected (or interdependent) network, in interconnected networks self-interactions across different layers are therefore not possible. Interconnected networks can be viewed as “interconnected communities within a single, larger network”. Examples: power and communication infrastructures.

Modeling spreading processes in multilayer networks

REview and classification of existing spreading models

Epidemic-like models

Goldenberg et al. [85] proposed a discrete-time version of the SIR model called Independent Cascade Model (ICM), where time proceeds in discrete time steps.

In a monoplex network, the probability of transferring an (information) item from one node to another (i.e., transmissibility) is computed as T=1eλ in the continuous case, where λ is the effective infection rate. λ=βτ where β is the infection rate and τ represents the time for which a node remains infected.

A recent contribution in the context of multiplex networks [87] proposed a generalized epidemic mean-field (GEMF) model capable of Modeling epidemic-like spreading processes with more complex states in multiplex network layers (compared to two or three states in the SIS and SIR models).

Decision-based models

also called threshold models

Existing decision-based studies follow two different approaches [44]: (i) informational and (ii) direct-benefit effects.

Informational effects
decision is based on the indirect information about the decisions of others. Granovetter presented the first decision-based model, called Linear Threshold Model (LTM)
In LTM, each node chooses a threshold value TLTM[0,1] and adopts a new behavior if and only if at least a fraction TLTM of its neighbors has already adopted the new behavior.

Direct-benefit effects
game-theoretic modeling is at the center of this type of decision-based models.

Theoretical approaches for analyzing spreading models in multilayer networks

Generating function
Markov-chain approximation (MMA)

(i) Discrete-time version [103], and (ii) Continuous-time version

Mean-field theory
Game Theory

Spreading dynamics on multilayer networks

Interconnected networks

Interaction strength between layers

Second-nearest neighbors

Inter-layer pattern
Muitidimensional epidemic threshold

Multiplex networks

Intra-layer structure
Layer similarity
Partially interconnected multiplex networks
Layer-switching cost
spreading velocity
Interacting spreading processes
Diffusion of innovations
Resource constraints


forward prediction
backward prediction

Influence maximization

Immunization strategies

Epidemic routhing in delay-tolerant networking (DTN)

Malware propagation in the internet

Conclusion and open problems

Empirical study of information diffusion
no works based on real datasets on information diffusion in multilayer networks

graph tomography
Metrics and measurements
New models for spreading processes in multilayer networks
Data visualization
Time-varying networks
Evolution of underlying network structure and spreading process
Outbreak detection

Interconnected multilayer networks are complex systems that consist of multiple layers of interconnected networks. These networks can represent various social, technological, and biological systems, and their analysis is essential for understanding the dynamics of these systems. Ranking the nodes in interconnected multilayer networks can reveal the most important nodes, which play a crucial role in the functioning of the system. The ranking of nodes in interconnected multilayer networks is a challenging problem because the nodes' importance in one layer may not necessarily correspond to their importance in another layer. Therefore, a comprehensive ranking method should consider the nodes' importance across all layers of the network. Recent research has proposed several ranking methods for interconnected multilayer networks. One of the most promising approaches is the multilayer PageRank algorithm, which extends the classic PageRank algorithm to multilayer networks. This algorithm considers the importance of nodes in all layers of the network and assigns a score to each node based on its influence on the entire system. The ranking of nodes in interconnected multilayer networks has various applications, such as identifying critical nodes in transportation networks, predicting the spread of diseases in social networks, and detecting influential users in online social networks. Furthermore, the ranking of nodes can reveal versatile nodes that play a crucial role in multiple layers of the network, indicating their importance in maintaining the system's functionality. In conclusion, ranking nodes in interconnected multilayer networks is a crucial task that can reveal the most important and versatile nodes in the system. This information can be used to optimize the network's performance, identify critical nodes, and predict the system's behavior under different conditions.




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