WebLogic 10gr3 appAdapter for SAP R/3

      Oracle 在WebLogic 10g的release 3中提供了对SAP R/3支持的适配器,众所周知,XI一直是SAP官方推荐的Exchange Server,但随着SAP在各个企业的深化应用,XI无法满足集成需求的扩大,越来越力不从心,这也就增生出像Adapter这样的产品。


       Oracle WebLogic Server connects to a SAP R/3 system through Oracle Application Adapter for SAP R/3 (WebLogic Server 10gr3) (Oracle Application Adapter for SAP R/3). Oracle Application Adapter for SAP R/3 provides connectivity and carries out interactions on a SAP R/3 system. This chapter discusses the following topics:

■ Adapter Features
■ Classical SAP Technologies for ABAP
■ Integration with SAP R/3
■ Adapter Architecture
■ BSE Versus Oracle Adapter J2CA Deployment


Adapter Features 


       Oracle Application Adapter for SAP R/3 is a remote function call adapter that provides a means to exchange real-time business data between SAP Enterprise Central Component (ECC) 5.0/6.0 systems and other application, database, or external business partner systems. The adapter enables external applications for inbound and outbound processing with SAP R/3. Oracle Application Adapter for SAP R/3 can be deployed as a J2EE Connector Architecture (J2CA) version 1.0 resource adapter. This deployment is referred to as Oracle Adapter J2CA. It can also be deployed as a Web services servlet and is referred to as Oracle Adapter Business Services Engine (BSE). Oracle Application Adapter for SAP R/3 uses XML messages to enable non-SAP R/3 applications to communicate and exchange transactions with SAP R/3 using services and events.The role of services and events is outlined. Services and events are described as follows:

■ Services (also known as outbound processing): Enable applications to call an SAP R/3 business object or business operation.
■ Events (also known as inbound processing): Enable applications to access SAP R/3 data only when an event occurs.


       To support event functionality, channels are supported. A channel represents configured connections to particular instances of back-end or other types of systems. The channel is the adapter component that receives events in real time from the EIS application. The channel component can be a File reader, an HTTP listener, a TCP/IP listener, or an FTP listener. A channel is always EIS specific. The adapter supports multiple channels for a particular EIS, which enables the user to choose the optimal channel component based on deployment requirements. In the case of this adapter, the channel is an RFC server.

Oracle Application Adapter for SAP R/3 provides:

■ Support for bidirectional message interactions.
■ Oracle Adapter Application Explorer (Application Explorer), a GUI tool which uses SAP R/3 object repository metadata to build XML schemas and Web services to handle adapter requests or event data.
■ Support for Remote Function Calls (RFC), Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPI), and Intermediate Documents (IDoc) interfaces to SAP R/3.
■ XML schemas and WSDL files for the J2CA 1.0 and J2CA 1.5 resource adapter.
■ Web services for BSE.

Data Type Limitation: Data types h and g are not supported. Type h represents a deep structure. Type g represents a variable length string. RFCTYPE_XSTRING and RFCTYPE_XMLDATA, as defined in SAPRFC.H, are not supported due to a limitation in the RFC Protocol.


Classical SAP Technologies for ABAP 


Oracle Application Adapter for SAP R/3 is designed to provide standard access to SAP R/3 interfaces such as Remote Function Call (RFC) modules, BAPIs (Business Application Programming Interfaces), and IDocs (Intermediate Documents), that are used to support existing business processes. The adapter only supports Enterprise Central Components (ECC) that are accessed by classical SAP technologies. If you require support for additional SAP functionality and components, please contact your iWay Software Sales Representative. These business components and methods are available to the adapter as requests of SAP R/3 and to the event adapter when SAP invokes its remote requests and work in the following ways:


Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs) are interfaces within the business framework that are used to link SAP components to one another or to third-party components. BAPIs are called synchronously and return information.
Remote Function Call (RFC) Modules are SAP application interfaces that enable clients to invoke SAP technologies and receive responses.

Intermediate Documents (IDocs) are the “logical messages” that correspond to different business processes. They enable different application systems to be linked by a message-based interface. The IDoc type indicates the SAP format to use to transfer the data for a business transaction. An IDoc is a real business process in the form of an IDoc type that can transfer several message types. An IDoc type is described by the following components:

■ Control records. A control record contains data that identifies the sender, the receiver, and the IDoc structure. An IDoc contains one control record.
■ Data records. A data record consists of a fixed administration part and a data part (segment). The number and format of the segments can be different for each IDoc type.
■ Status records. A status record describes the processing stages through which an IDoc passes. The following scenario is an example of IDoc functionality and its components: Purchase order number 4711 was sent to a vendor as IDoc number 0815. IDoc number 0815 is formatted in IDoc type ORDERS01 and has the status records
“created” and “sent.” The purchase order corresponds to the “logical” message ORDERS.


Adapter Architecture


Oracle Application Adapter for SAP R/3 uses Application Explorer with one of thefollowing components:

■ Oracle Adapter Business Services Engine (BSE)
■ Enterprise Connector for J2EE Connector Architecture (J2CA)

Application Explorer (used to configure SAP connections and create Web services andevents) can be configured to work in a Web services environment with BSE. Whenworking in a J2CA environment, the connector uses the Common Client Interface (CCI) to provide integration services using adapters instead of Web services.


Oracle Adapter Business Services Engine (BSE) Architecture




Oracle Adapter J2CA Architecture





节选自:Oracle®Application Adapter for SAP R/3 User's Guide WebLogic Server 10g Release 3 ( E15304-01





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