


package  com.jiangning.mr.wordcount;

import  org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import  org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import  org.apache.hadoop.io.LongWritable;
import  org.apache.hadoop.io.Text;
import  org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Job;
import  org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input.FileInputFormat;
import  org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.output.FileOutputFormat;

public  class  WordCount {

      public  static  void  main(String[]  args )  throws  Exception {
          Configuration  conf  =  new  Configuration();
          Job  job  = Job. getInstance( conf );
            job .setJarByClass(WordCount.  class );
            //set mapper `s property
            job .setMapperClass(WCMapper.  class );
            job .setMapOutputKeyClass(Text.  class );
            job .setMapOutputValueClass(LongWritable.  class );
          FileInputFormat. setInputPaths( job ,  new  Path( args [0]));
            //set reducer`s property
            job .setReducerClass(WCReducer.  class );
            job .setOutputKeyClass(Text.  class );
            job .setOutputValueClass(LongWritable.  class );
          FileOutputFormat. setOutputPath( job ,  new  Path( args [1]));
           job.waitForCompletion( true);


   * Submit the job to the cluster and wait for it to finish.
   *  @param  verbose print the progress to the user
   *  @return  true if the job succeeded
   *  @throws  IOException thrown if the communication with the
   *          <code> JobTracker </code>  is lost
   public  boolean  waitForCompletion(  boolean  verbose
                                   )  throws  IOException, InterruptedException,
                                            ClassNotFoundException {
     if  ( state  == JobState.  DEFINE ) {
     if  ( verbose ) {
    }  else  {
       // get the completion poll interval from the client.
       int  completionPollIntervalMillis  =
        Job. getCompletionPollInterval( cluster .getConf());
       while  (!isComplete()) {
         try  {
          Thread. sleep( completionPollIntervalMillis );
        }  catch  (InterruptedException  ie  ) {
     return  isSuccessful();

   * Submit the job to the cluster and return immediately.
   *  @throws  IOException
   public  void  submit()
          throws  IOException, InterruptedException, ClassNotFoundException {
    ensureState(JobState.  DEFINE );
     final  JobSubmitter  submitter  =
        getJobSubmitter(  cluster .getFileSystem(),  cluster .getClient());
     status  =  ugi .doAs( new  PrivilegedExceptionAction<JobStatus>() {
       public  JobStatus run()  throws  IOException, InterruptedException,
      ClassNotFoundException {
         return submitter .submitJobInternal(Job.this, cluster);
     state  = JobState.  RUNNING ;
     LOG .info(  "The url to track the job: "  + getTrackingURL());

4.JobSubmitter.java类 submitJobInternal  方法,428行
   * Internal method for submitting jobs to the system.
   *  <p> The job submission process involves:
   *  <ol>
   *    <li>
   *   Checking the input and output specifications of the job.
   *    </li>
   *    <li>
   *   Computing the  {@link InputSplit} s for the job.
   *    </li>
   *    <li>
   *   Setup the requisite accounting information for the
   *    {@link DistributedCache}  of the job, if necessary.
   *    </li>
   *    <li>
   *   Copying the job's jar and configuration to the map - reduce system
   *   directory on the distributed file  - system.
   *    </li>
   *    <li>
   *   Submitting the job to the  <code> JobTracker </code>  and optionally
   *   monitoring it's status.
   *    </li>
   *  </ol></p>
   *  @param  job the configuration to submit
   *  @param  cluster the handle to the Cluster
   *  @throws  ClassNotFoundException
   *  @throws  InterruptedException
   *  @throws  IOException
  JobStatus submitJobInternal (Job  job  , Cluster  cluster )
   throws  ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException, IOException {

     //validate the jobs output specs
    checkSpecs( job );

    Configuration  conf  =  job .getConfiguration();
    addMRFrameworkToDistributedCache( conf );

    Path  jobStagingArea  = JobSubmissionFiles.getStagingDir( cluster ,  conf );
     //configure the command line options correctly on the submitting dfs
    InetAddress  ip  = InetAddress.getLocalHost();
     if  ( ip  !=  null ) {
       submitHostAddress  =  ip .getHostAddress();
       submitHostName  =  ip .getHostName();
       conf .set(MRJobConfig. JOB_SUBMITHOST , submitHostName );
       conf .set(MRJobConfig. JOB_SUBMITHOSTADDR , submitHostAddress );
    JobID  jobId  =  submitClient .getNewJobID();
     job .setJobID(  jobId );
    Path  submitJobDir  =  new  Path( jobStagingArea  ,  jobId .toString());
    JobStatus  status  =  null ;
     try  {
       conf .set(MRJobConfig.  USER_NAME ,
       conf .set( "hadoop.http.filter.initializers" ,
           "org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.webproxy.amfilter.AmFilterInitializer"  );
       conf .set(MRJobConfig.  MAPREDUCE_JOB_DIR ,  submitJobDir .toString());
       LOG .debug(  "Configuring job "  +  jobId  +  " with "  +  submitJobDir
          +  " as the submit dir" );
       // get delegation token for the dir
      TokenCache.obtainTokensForNamenodes(  job .getCredentials(),
           new  Path[] {  submitJobDir  },  conf  );
      populateTokenCache(  conf ,  job .getCredentials());

       // generate a secret to authenticate shuffle transfers
       if  (TokenCache.getShuffleSecretKey( job .getCredentials()) ==  null ) {
        KeyGenerator  keyGen ;
         try  {
           int  keyLen  = CryptoUtils.isShuffleEncrypted( conf )
              ?  conf .getInt(MRJobConfig. MR_ENCRYPTED_INTERMEDIATE_DATA_KEY_SIZE_BITS ,
              :  SHUFFLE_KEY_LENGTH ;
           keyGen  = KeyGenerator.getInstance( SHUFFLE_KEYGEN_ALGORITHM );
           keyGen .init(  keyLen );
        }  catch  (NoSuchAlgorithmException  e  ) {
           throw  new  IOException( "Error generating shuffle secret key" ,  e );
        SecretKey  shuffleKey  =  keyGen  .generateKey();
        TokenCache.setShuffleSecretKey( shuffleKey .getEncoded(),
             job .getCredentials());

      copyAndConfigureFiles(  job ,  submitJobDir );

      Path  submitJobFile  = JobSubmissionFiles.getJobConfPath( submitJobDir );
       // Create the splits for the job
       LOG .debug(  "Creating splits at "  +  jtFs .makeQualified( submitJobDir  ));
       int maps = writeSplits( job, submitJobDir);
       conf .setInt(MRJobConfig.  NUM_MAPS ,  maps  );
       LOG .info(  "number of splits:"  +  maps  );

       // write "queue admins of the queue to which job is being submitted"
       // to job file.
      String  queue  =  conf .get(MRJobConfig.  QUEUE_NAME ,
          JobConf.  DEFAULT_QUEUE_NAME );
      AccessControlList  acl  =  submitClient .getQueueAdmins( queue  );
       conf .set(toFullPropertyName( queue  ,
          QueueACL.  ADMINISTER_JOBS .getAclName()),  acl .getAclString());

       // removing jobtoken referrals before copying the jobconf to HDFS
       // as the tasks don't need this setting, actually they may break
       // because of it if present as the referral will point to a
       // different job.
      TokenCache.cleanUpTokenReferral( conf  );

       if  ( conf .getBoolean(
         // Add HDFS tracking ids
        ArrayList<String>  trackingIds  =  new  ArrayList<String>();
         for  (Token<?  extends  TokenIdentifier>  t  :
             job .getCredentials().getAllTokens()) {
           trackingIds .add( t  .decodeIdentifier().getTrackingId());
         conf .setStrings(MRJobConfig. JOB_TOKEN_TRACKING_IDS ,
             trackingIds .toArray( new  String[ trackingIds .size()]));

       // Set reservation info if it exists
      ReservationId  reservationId  =  job .getReservationId();
       if  ( reservationId  !=  null ) {
         conf .set(MRJobConfig.  RESERVATION_ID ,  reservationId .toString());

       // Write job file to submit dir
      writeConf(  conf ,  submitJobFile );
       // Now, actually submit the job (using the submit name)
      printTokens(  jobId ,  job .getCredentials());
       status  =  submitClient .submitJob(
           jobId ,  submitJobDir .toString(),  job .getCredentials());
       if  ( status  !=  null ) {
         return  status  ;
      }  else  {
         throw  new  IOException( "Could not launch job" );
    }  finally  {
       if  ( status  ==  null ) {
         LOG .info( "Cleaning up the staging area "  +  submitJobDir );
         if  ( jtFs  !=  null  &&  submitJobDir  !=  null )
           jtFs .delete(  submitJobDir ,  true  );


5.JobSubmitter.java类的 writeSplits方法,608行
   private  int  writeSplits(org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.JobContext  job  ,
      Path  jobSubmitDir )  throws  IOException,
      InterruptedException, ClassNotFoundException {
    JobConf  jConf  = (JobConf)  job .getConfiguration();
     int  maps ;
     if  ( jConf .getUseNewMapper()) {
       maps = writeNewSplits( job, jobSubmitDir);
    }  else  {
       maps  = writeOldSplits(  jConf ,  jobSubmitDir );
     return  maps ;

6.JobSubmitter.java类的 writeNewSplits 方法,590行
   private  <T  extends  InputSplit>
   int  writeNewSplits(JobContext  job , Path  jobSubmitDir )  throws  IOException,
      InterruptedException, ClassNotFoundException {
    Configuration  conf  =  job .getConfiguration();
    InputFormat<?, ?>  input  =
      ReflectionUtils.newInstance( job .getInputFormatClass(),  conf );

    List<InputSplit>  splits = input.getSplits( job);
    T[]  array  = (T[])  splits .toArray(  new  InputSplit[ splits .size()]);

     // sort the splits into order based on size, so that the biggest
     // go first
    Arrays.sort( array  ,  new  SplitComparator());
    JobSplitWriter.createSplitFiles( jobSubmitDir  ,  conf  ,
         jobSubmitDir .getFileSystem( conf  ),  array  );
     return  array .  length ;

   * Generate the list of files and make them into FileSplits.
   *  @param  job the job context
   *  @throws  IOException
   public  List<InputSplit> getSplits(JobContext  job )  throws  IOException {
    Stopwatch  sw  =  new  Stopwatch().start();
     long minSize = Math. max(getFormatMinSplitSize(), getMinSplitSize(job));
    long maxSize = getMaxSplitSize(job);

     // generate splits
    List<InputSplit>  splits  =  new  ArrayList<InputSplit>();
    List<FileStatus>  files  = listStatus(  job );
     for  (FileStatus  file :  files ) {
      Path  path  =  file .getPath();
       long  length  =  file .getLen();
       if  ( length  != 0) {
        BlockLocation[]  blkLocations ;
         if  ( file  instanceof  LocatedFileStatus) {
           blkLocations  = ((LocatedFileStatus)  file ).getBlockLocations();
        }  else  {
          FileSystem  fs  =  path .getFileSystem( job  .getConfiguration());
           blkLocations  =  fs  .getFileBlockLocations( file , 0,  length );
         if  (isSplitable( job  ,  path  )) {
           long  blockSize  =  file  .getBlockSize();
           long splitSize = computeSplitSize(blockSize, minSize, maxSize );

           long  bytesRemaining  =  length  ;
           while  ((( double  )  bytesRemaining  )/ splitSize  >  SPLIT_SLOP ) {
             int  blkIndex  = getBlockIndex( blkLocations ,  length - bytesRemaining  );
             splits .add(makeSplit(  path ,  length - bytesRemaining  ,  splitSize  ,
                         blkLocations [ blkIndex  ].getHosts(),
                         blkLocations [ blkIndex  ].getCachedHosts()));
             bytesRemaining  -=  splitSize  ;

           if  ( bytesRemaining  != 0) {
             int  blkIndex  = getBlockIndex( blkLocations ,  length - bytesRemaining  );
             splits .add(makeSplit(  path ,  length - bytesRemaining  ,  bytesRemaining  ,
                        blkLocations [ blkIndex  ].getHosts(),
                        blkLocations [ blkIndex  ].getCachedHosts()));
        }  else  {  // not splitable
           splits .add(makeSplit(  path , 0,  length ,  blkLocations [0].getHosts(),
                       blkLocations [0].getCachedHosts()));
      }  else  {
         //Create empty hosts array for zero length files
         splits .add(makeSplit(  path , 0,  length ,  new  String[0]));
     // Save the number of input files for metrics/loadgen
     job .getConfiguration().setLong(  NUM_INPUT_FILES ,  files .size());
     sw .stop();
     if  ( LOG .isDebugEnabled()) {
       LOG .debug(  "Total # of splits generated by getSplits: "  +  splits .size()
          +  ", TimeTaken: "  +  sw  .elapsedMillis());
     return  splits ;

(1) getFormatMinSplitSize()方法返回的值为1,
(2) getMinSplitSize(  job )
   * Get the minimum split size
   *  @param  job the job
   *  @return  the minimum number of bytes that can be in a split
   public  static  long  getMinSplitSize(JobContext  job ) {
     return  job .getConfiguration().getLong(  SPLIT_MINSIZE , 1L);
SPLIT_MINSIZE  看配置 mapreduce.input.fileinputformat.split.minsize的值,默认在hadoop-mapreduce-client-core-2.6.0.jar配置文件mapred-default.xml中

  <description>The minimum size chunk that map input should be split
  into.  Note that some file formats may have minimum split sizes that
  take priority over this setting.</description>

(3) getMaxSplitSize( job )方法
SPLIT_MAXSIZE 看配置mapreduce.input.fileinputformat.split.maxsize 的值,默认在hadoop-mapreduce-client-core-2.6.0.jar配置文件mapred-default.xml中没有进行配置,
Long. MAX_VALUE= 2的63次方减1
   * Get the maximum split size.
   *  @param  context the job to look at.
   *  @return  the maximum number of bytes a split can include
   public  static  long  getMaxSplitSize(JobContext  context ) {
     return  context .getConfiguration().getLong( SPLIT_MAXSIZE ,
                                              Long. MAX_VALUE  );
(4) long   minSize   = Math. max(getFormatMinSplitSize(), getMinSplitSize( job ));

8. FileInputFormat.java类的 computeSplitSize 方法,435行
   protected  long  computeSplitSize(  long  blockSize  ,  long  minSize ,
                                   long  maxSize  ) {
     return  Math. max( minSize , Math.min( maxSize  ,  blockSize ));

minSize = 1
maxSize =  2的63次方减1
Math.min( maxSize  blockSize  )=128*1024
Math.max(  1 , 128*1024)= 128*1024




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