
for over a century,I have lived in secret.

I predict this year is going to be kick ass.我预言今年将会是很了不起的一年

I will start fresh.

She took my breath away.

She's a dead ringer for katherine.她和凯瑟琳一模一样。

E:Sorry,I'm Elena.

        S:I'm Stefan.

E:I konw,we have history together.

He walks on a moral plane way out of our eye line.



damon—free weekend

I mean it.

i don't mind being the bad guy. 

i will make all the life and death decisions while you're busy worrying about cllateral damage. i'll even let her hate me for it. but at the end of the day, i will be the one to keep her alive. 


I am not gonna hold anything back.我不会再隐藏什么事情了。

He's the golden boy.他是个优秀的男孩。

You just need to sleep it off,ok?你只需要睡一觉,忘掉它。

stay dry.别淋着雨。

don't you move.不要动。

sleep tight.


I wasn't myself yesterday.


——ok,it's fine.

S:I would be honored to accompany you.能陪你去是我的荣幸。

E:The pleasure is all mine.感到荣幸的是我才对。

We were at the very first one.我们曾独领风骚

Hello Brother,Dear diary

Turst is earned.

It's ok,take your time.

always and forever

If you wanna kill some time.

good for you.

I fancy you! — Klaus

Just my mind play tricks on me.我思维混乱了。

why the about—face?你怎么变卦了?

spit it outI'm all ears.

I met a girl.we talked,and it was epic.But then the sun camp up and reality set in.Well,this is reality.Right here.

I am fine,we are both fine.That's what matters.

I am fine,we are both fine.That's what matters.

Anyone's gonna kill you,it's gonna be me.

I don't deserve you.but my brother does

I can't lose the way I feel about you.

“You done?”你闹完了?

All I need in the world is my brother.

I will always choose you.

I love you,

and it's bacause I love you that I can't be selfish with you,

why you don't konw this,

I don't deserve you…but my brother does.

God,I wish you didn't have to forget this.But you do.

I can't be freaked out by cars for the rest of my life.

I am cool with it.

Why didn't he go for me?

years and years.

——Are you sure?

——I'm positive.

She wasn't just any girl.

I was only a piece of ass to him.

Headed your way.

I am sick of watching you play Vickie.

I am sick of the tough love speech.我不想再苦口婆心的说教了。

I'll keep an eye out for her.

How good are you at getting this little nose where it doesn't belong?你有多擅长把闲话放到它不该去的地方呢?

Why he wants to go to high school is beyond me.他为什么要去高中还是让我很困惑。

It's just something that's been passed down in generations.

I am so over you now.我现在厌倦你了。

He has some serious apologize to do.

Doesn't ring a bell.想不起来了。

She's big on trust.


soul searching 深刻的自我反省。

If you are willing ,I will always love you.Would you like,I will never miss.

And anybody capable of love is capable of being saved.任何一个能爱的人都可以得到拯救。

He's your first love,I intend to be your last.However long it takes.

Life is too cruel.If we cease to believe in love,why would we want to live?

That is in the end we are left infinitely and utterly alone.  —Klaus

You can't just sit here and wait for life to come to you.You have to go get it.

The only way to find another is to let go and move on.

Memories are too important.

All good things must come to an end.美好的事物总是稍纵即逝。

The truth is,I've tried to stopping thinking about you.And I can’t.

True love is not real unless it's returned.真爱是需要回应的。

——Why don't you let people see the good in you?为什么不让别人看到你善良的一面?

——Because when people see good,they expect good.

And I don't want to have to live up to anyone's expectations.


I used to think the worst feeling in the world was losing someone you love,but I was wrong.

The worst feeling is the moment that you realize you've lost yourself.


——I don't want to be alone anymore.我再也不想孤单一人了。

——I'm not going to let you be alone.我不会再让你孤单。

Anyone who leaves you behind is a fool.

Trust is the key to any relationship.

I will start fresh,be someone new.

Everything I've kept buried inside came rushing to the surface.


All you can do is be ready for the good.So when it comes,you invite it in,because you need it,I need it.

I fancy you.You are beautiful.You are strong.You are full of light.I enjoy you.

Always have a back-up.

It's the only way I'll make it through.

I lost control today.

I'll help you,whatever it takes.

I want you to konw,that I will always be here for you,you can come to me about anything.

You are such a jerk.

——Why are you here now?你来这里做什么?

——I could ask you the same question.我可以问你同样的问题。

You better hope she's not a fan of Bambi.

It's a cheat.It's like giving a kid a calculator before he knows math.

I say rip off the proverbial hand—aid and let it bleed.我建议扯掉创可贴正视伤口。

Vampires eat people! It's part of the natural food pyramid.

Don't look at me.I always take credit for killing people.

Pick your meal.You've got Asian fusion…Mexican…what about some good old American comfort food?

Caroline:“This is wrong.A bunch of people died and we're having sex.”这样不好,那么多人去世了,我们却在做爱。

Tyler:“Grief sex.It's healthy!”悲伤性爱,很健康的。

If we stopped having sex every time somebody died in this town,we've explode.

If he shows his face,I'm gonna kick his ass.

Damon:“What the hell was that for?”这又是为什么?Stefan:“You know what.”你懂得。

They're floating lanterns in the sky,can you believe that? 

Japanese lanterns as a symbol of letting go of the past.

Well,here's a new flash:we're not Japanese.

You know what they are?children.

Like lighting a candle's going to make everything ok, or even saying a prayer.

 Or pretending Elena's not going to end up just like the rest of us murdering vampires. 

Stupid, delusional, exasperating little children.

And I know what you're going to say:“It makes them feel better , Damon.” So what?For how long? A minute,a day? What difference does it make? Because in the end , when you lose somebody ,every candle ,every prayer is not going to make up for the fact that the only thing you have left is hole in your life where that somebody that you cared about used to be.And a rock with a birthday carved into it that I'm pretty sure is wrong.

So thanks ,friend. Thanks for leaving me here to babysit .

Because I should be long gone by now. 

I didn't get the girl ,remember ? 

I'm just stuck here fight my brother and taking care of the kids . 

You owe me big.

Elena : Because I'm not the kind of person who checks out . Look , he would never give up on me . I'm not gonna give up on him.

Elena : You're not a lost cause , Ric . You are just lost. But so is Jeremy, and so am I.

Damon : Stefan's gone. I don't mean geographically.

Matt : Not keeping up on her comings and goings anymore.

Tyler : Look, man,I never meant for me and her being friends to be a problem for you.

Damon: I promise you,I will never leave you again.

Damon: Two is company, three is party.

Damon: No matter where you go, I will be there to pull you back;Cause right now, you are all I got.

Stefan: Nothing wrong in free will. You'll know until you lose it.

Stefan: No matter what I go through to get her back,trying to fight against my blood lust and control of my life again. None of that matter if she has feelings for somebody else.

If let myself care, all I feel is pain.

No matter what I feel for you, I'll never un-feel for him.

I care about you, which is why I choose to let you go.

I don't surprise you kiss me, I surprise that you thought I will kiss you back.

I like you now, just the way you are.

I was always one step head.

The only thing stronger than your craving for blood is the love for this one girl.

What I want is to take my girl, take my hybrid, the hell out of this one pony town.

My whole life you've underestimated me, If you kill her, you lose your leverage.

Gentleman, the worst thing for Elena Gillbert is the two of you.

I fancy you. Is that so hard to believe?

Kiss me or kill me.

Better you die than I die.

Hello, John; goodbye, John.

No one's going to hurt you.

Rise and shine, sleepy head.

Everything I like about me is you.

Damon: I know you love Stefan. And it always be Stefan. But I love you. You should know that. 我知道你爱斯特凡,而且永远都会是斯特凡,但是我爱你,你应该知道。Elena: I do.我知道。

From now on, you're under my protection.

Elena: “Oh, good, you're here.”哦,天呐,你来了。

Damon: “You ask, I come. I'm easy like that.”你找我,所以我来了。

I'm mad at you because I love you.

You look stunning, if it isn't obvious.

Your father didn't love you, so you assume that no one else will either.

——I love her, Damon.我爱她,达蒙。——So do I.我也是。

Dear Elijah, let's get together plot the destruction of your brother. XO.XO.You are sweet, funny, you are honest.

Just that we hit it off, and I really like you.

I have the only thing that you never will. Her respect.

I want us to clear up the weridness.

I didn't sleep with Damon because of his sire bond. I slept with Damon because I'm in love with him.

Each one of you truly believes that you are the one can protect her.

Elijah. My favorite original , back from the dead.

I don't really care what you think about me anymore, Elena.

I don't know what I would do if you weren't here.

You think about that next time before you blindly do whatever he says.

I don't think I can stop thinking about you.

For every strenth, there would be a weakness.

What's going on?

You killed me!!

Stick together as one, always and forever.

Why everyone is willing to sacrifice their life just to save yours? So that let you become the best hostage.

She will never forgive you, and “never” is a very long time for a vampire.

No one's gonna hurt.

I got this.

Toast, I can make toast.土豆,我可以做土豆。

You are on speaker phone.

Is there coffee?有咖啡吗?

Don't start.别提。

So gram's telling me I'm psychic.

Ok, then predict something. And me.

Elena, oh my god. How are you?噢,天呐,Elena, 你怎么样?

Oh, it so good to see you.见到你真好。

Don't take more than two in a six-hour window.

Bonnie: Hold on. who's this? 等等,这是谁?

        Elena: All I see is back.我只看到了背影。

        Bonnie: It's a hot back.很帅的背影。

You won't be sad forever, Elena.

I promised you an eternity of misery, so I'm just keeping my word.

She's always the one that everyone picks, For everything. And I try so hard. And…I'm never the one.

The only way to get things back to the way they were are to do things that were.

You are my little brother. And if you want to live a normal, happy human life. Then I want that for you.

I wonder who that could be.会是谁呢。

That's what I always tell him, you have to engage. 

         You can't just sit there and wait for life to come to you. You have to go get it.

She was just very complicated. And selfish and at times not very kind. But very sexy and seductive.


i don’t have to explain myself



Never Mind, you are here

        I am here.

  you won't be sad forever

 you and me, it’s not bona to happen


she took my breath away

crave a little渴望

that’s given

I will take that as an invitation

I won't try it again

why did not he go for me? 

create a life as some one new

without pain, someone alive

bad things follow you.

you cannot escape them. 

all you can do is be ready for the good.

when it comes , all you need is invite it in .

because you need it, I need it.

I know the risk , but I have to know her

a dead ringer

I don’t regret when a day begins

the last thing I want to do is to hurt you

share the 


barging in

I am sure it will come up


great gal正点


harbinger of evil

I wasn’t myself

when you lose someone, It stays with you.

we talked, we chatted.

it is epic

then sun come up and reality set in 

I am sick of the touch love speech.

I will keep an eye out for her.

I will look out for her, and I will always look out for her.

let them strive a stake through my heart

what are you up to, demon.

kind of wigs out.太激动了。

Cocky much?太自信了?

        very much.

sorry for barging you.

 no drama, 

i am scared.

I don’t know If I can survive.

 well , it is reality. it is right here.


being around her,being 。it will make you alive

 don’t do that

spit it out

it was bad bad非常糟糕

you are a dick

that insane


do things that were.


some thinking, some soul searching

non-living living person

If you want some normal life. I hope the way


sweaty hands


leange of witch

salem witches

just come on in


you have to engage. you can get it.

beautiful , complicated, not kind

quit cheerleading


from the sandbox青梅竹马


suffer a great loss

looking forward


awful young

duly noted.

drawn to me

a messed-up kid

rah,rah,go team

deep down inside

I am tempted.

haunting me. because you loved her.

torture me , because you still do.



over the line

I am fine, you are fine,

no good, no kindness, no love, only a monster.

 playing field.

alright. I deserve that.

cover your tracks

Dick move让开。

how I stoping a monster, when I don’t becoming one/.


press pause

pull one off试穿一件

I would be pleasant to 

deep-rooted issues

you are in no position to question me.

we were the very first ones

play the card.

skew you.


cracked a funny



sneak pass me.


i am not take no for an answer

a world-class jerk.


come down to a love of woman

work it out


plant doubt


take it back.

trust is earned.

I am so over you now.


family cript


fake another lie


hooking up




dump me甩了


crippled by her loss


catch up to you

scold and judged

my mind play tricks on me.



spread out迁移






changes in the way that cannot be explained

for so many reasons

if you mean me no harm


suck dry

want you dead.

rip you apart

drink up, don't scrip. good girl

in the middle of nowhere

hold anything back


she wasn’t just any girl

keep me entertained.


he doesn’t get mad, he get even.

what damon wants, he always gets

she wasn’t ours to steal.



screwed-up one.




make the choice

freak out

go on a limb here.

cut the chase

tip for later

if anyone going to kill you , it gonna be me.

come up with a sorry

screw you

skip school

do a pinch

pray on innocent people

moral plain

can’’t deepak忍不了了。



poke fun

damon-free fun



years and years


take that risk

perky little pitch

ripping your little head off

a while

on edge狂躁

rule book,

resist certain people

resist he

this is only so much I can take 



be cooped up



live a little

uh,my bad 


stuck with matt.被缠住了

make out with me.亲热

we got into a fight

flirting with me

back off

what hell was your problem.

you need to leave.

bailed on me,屏蔽我

why is everybody has to die on me.

because who I am and what I live

I can't lose the way I feel about you


inflicting misery

I can’t do that

stay away from me.

have you met you你还不了解你自己么





witch juju

officially worried非常关注


get my mind off it

dungon boy地牢

on her own teams

don’t judge.



it’s a party party.



freaking mind疯了

keep a low profile


stop by。。come by

serious explaining to do

resemblance。 drive me in


caring, selfless

i will always be there for you.

you can always 

stay in

indian giver.


pull it from my neck

shock me


alert the media

depraved brother




be yourself

feeling epic


like you care

cut the crap



life can be a little tough

don’t leave me alone

save him

you’re right to stay away from me.

you missed

we are even 

make the first move.

be the bigger guy

rise and shine

piss off

step aside , please

I don’t  eat human blood, for a week.

mimicking me



clean slate


make it sing


insecure mass


lame girl move

as much as he deserve.

stay on point

stumble into something

i wish you no harm

creep inside you.

deal is deal





give the brother thing another chance


screw damon

ditch me



Lure me back in

conversation stopper


whoo whoo

way too much drama


downside of my food弱点

sort that out

I am outta here



creep your out惊吓

be a part of your life 

it consume me.

night brings death

how I feel and where I stand


I only have you.


hanging out

it is what it is

don’t touch me.

we need to talk



keep a low profile



not a big deal







don’t ever threaten me again.



tough guy


buckle up系上安全带


you cool with that?

foster your mind

pay back

you pissed me off

 i was buried

it doesn't make me less painful



you’re fading fast


pull over

wrecked my car

you have a good day




crush my soul

rope you in

i was dying to share

a walkway joe

I honestly don’t know

gloating inside幸灾乐祸


 be better than him

who is returned from battle


as long as we clear





peaked as friend 






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