Chapter 3 A top-level view of computer function and interconnection

  1. von Neumann architecture:
    • Data and instructions are stored in a single read-write memory
    • The contents of this memory are addressable by location, without regard to the type of data contained there
    • Execution occurs in a sequential fashion(unless explicitly modified) from one instruction to the next
  2. Computer main components
    • CPU
    • I/O
    • Main memory
    • System bus
  1. Computer function
    • Basic function performed by a computer is execution of a program
    • The CPU time of processing an instruction is called instrucion cycle.
    • Instruction processing consists of two steps: The processor reads(fetches) instrctions from the memory one at a time and executes each instrction.
      • instruction cycle = fetch cycle & execute cycle
  2. Instruction fetch and execute
    1. The processot fetches an instruction from memory
    2. Unless told otherwise, the processor always increments the PC after each instruction fetch.
      • Length of PC should be calculated, however, it, in fact, equals to the length of AC/IR
    3. The fetched instruction is loaded into a register in the processor known as the instruction register(IR)
    4. The processor interprets the instruction and performs the required action:
      • Data transfer between CPU and main memory
      • Data transfer between CPU and I/O module
      • Some arithmetic or logical operation on data
      • Control
      • Combination of above
  1. Flow of an Instruction
    • Instruction address calculation
    • Instruction fetch
    • Instruction operation decoding
    • operand address calculation
    • Operand fetch
    • Data operation
    • Operand storage
  1. Interrupts: a mechanism allowing other module to break CPU executing sequence
    • To improve processing efficiency
    • To allow CPU to process urgent events
    • If interrupt is pending, the processor does the following:
      • Suspend execution of the current program being executed andsave its context
      • Save current context of PC and other data
      • Set the PC to starting address of an interrupt handler routine
    • An interrupt cycle is added to instruction cycle
      • After an instruction cycle,processor checks for interrupt, Indicated by an interrupt signal
      • If no interrupt, fetch next instruction
      • If interrupt :
        • Suspend execution of current program
        • Save context
        • Set PC to start address of interrupt handler routine
        • Process interrupt
        • Restore context and continue interrupted program
  1. Multiple interrupts: an interrupt handler is interrupted
    1. Disable interrupts
      • Easy, FIFO
    2. Define priorities
      • More common
  1. I/O function
    1. An I/O module can exchange data directly with the processor
    2. In some cases, it is desirable to allow I/O exchanges to occur directly with memory---DMA
  2. Interconnection structure
    • The collection of paths connecting the various modules is called the interconnection structure
  3. Bus interconnection
    1. A bus is a communication pathway connecting two or more devices(shared transmission medium)
    2. Bus type
      1. System bus: A bus that connects major computer components is called a system bus
      2. Peripheral bus
      3. Internal bus
    3. Data bus: for moving data between system modules
      • The width of the data bus is a key factor in determining overall system performance
      • Machine word-length: The most binary bits which machine can process in the integer operation
      • Data bus width = Machine word-length = Register length
    4. Address bus: designate the source or destination of the data on the data bus
      • The width of the address bus determines the maximum possible memory capacity of the system
    5. Control line: to control the access to and the use of the data and address line
      • Memory read/write signal
      • I/O read/write
      • Transfer ACK
      • Bus Request
      • Bus grant
      • Interrupt request & ACK
      • Clock signals
      • Reset
  4. Multiple-bus hierarchies
    1. If great number of devices are connected to the bus, performance will suffer
      1. greater bus length → greater propagation delay
      2. Bottleneck
  1. Elements of bus design
    • Bus types
      1. Dedicated
        • Advantage: high throughput
        • Disadvantage: scale and cost increases
      2. Multiplexed
        • Advantage: fewer lines → saves space and cost
        • Disadvantage: more complex control, potential reduction in performance
    • Method of bus arbitration: more than one module may need control of the bus
      • Centralized: a single hardware device, referred to as a bus controller or arbiter, is responsible for allocating time on the bus. The decive may be a separate module or part of the processor
        • Daisy chain polling
          • Advantage: scalable
          • Disadvantage: sensitive to circult failure
        • Counter polling
          • Advantage: flexible priority, insensitive to circuit failure
          • Disadvantage: complex control
        • Separate request
          • Advantage: rapid response, flexible priority
          • Disadvantage: too many lines, complex comtrol
      • Distributed: there is no central controller. Each module contains access control logic and the modules act together to share the bus
    • Timing: the way in which events are coordination on bus
      • Synchronous: the occurrence of events is determined by clock signals
        • Advantage: simple, easy to implement
        • Disadvantage: inflexible, velocity based on the slowest module(bottleneck)
      • Asynchronous: the occurrence of one event on a bus follows and depends on the occurrence of a previous event
        • Advantage: request-responce, allowing fast and slow devices
        • Disadvantage: complex control
        • Types of asynchronous communication
      • Half-synchronous
        • Clock is needed
        • Wait line is needed
        • Allowing various speed modules to communicate harmoniously
        • Used for connecting low speed and larger speed difference devices
      • Separate
        • Basic idea is:
          • Separate bus cycle into two sub-cycles
          • In the first sub-cycle, master puts command, address and other information into the bus, then abandons the bus
          • In the second sub-cycle, slave begins to prepare data (select, decode, load), then applies the bus and sends the data
        • Advantage: avoiding bus idle waiting
        • Used for large computer
    • Bus width ≠ Bus bandwidth
      • The width of data bus has an impact on system performance
      • The width of address bus has an impact on system capacity
    • Data transfer type




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