ION基本概念介绍和原理分析 dump

转自 :

ION 驱动文件路径: drivers/staging/android/ion/



每个ion_buffer与一个struct file关联,其handle纳入进程file desc空间而不是/dev/ion设备内单独的handle空间,方便之处如下:



使用struct file可以重用已有struct file_operations进行mmap;

在binder driver中以BINDER_TYPE_FD类型为不同进程传递提供支撑,并借助fget/fput从struct file级别进行kref控制;

当不需要在用户态访问时,是不需要与struct file关联的,内核结构ion_handle/ion_buffer唯一的表征了该buffer,所以与struct file关联的工作是在ioctl(ion, ION_IOC_SHARE/ION_ION_MAP, &share)中完成并输出的,用于后续的mmap调用;或者该进程不需要mmap而是仅仅向别的进程binder transfer,这就实现了用户态进行buffer流转控制,而内核态完成buffer数据流转。        



 ION是Google的下一代内存管理器,用来支持不同的内存分配机制,如CARVOUT(PMEM),物理连续内存(kmalloc), 虚拟地址连续但物理不连续内存(vmalloc), IOMMU等。


说到client, 顺便看下ION相关比较重要的几个概念。

 Heap: 用来表示内存分配的相关信息,包括id, type, name等。用struct ion_heap表示。

Client: Ion的使用者,用户空间和内核控件要使用ION的buffer,必须先创建一个client,一个client可以有多个buffer,用struct ion_buffer表示。

Handle: 将buffer该抽象出来,可以认为ION用handle来管理buffer,一般用户直接拿到的是handle,而不是buffer。 用struct ion_handle表示。


由于ION可以使用多种memory分配机制,例如物理连续和不连续的,所以ION使用enum ion_heap_type表示。

不同的type使用对应的分配memory函数。不同type的heap需要不同的method去分配,不过都是用struct ion_heap_ops来表示的。

  1.  * @ION_HEAP_TYPE_SYSTEM:    memory allocated via vmalloc 
  2.  * @ION_HEAP_TYPE_SYSTEM_CONTIG: memory allocated via kmalloc 
  3.  * @ION_HEAP_TYPE_CARVEOUT:  memory allocated from a prereserved 
  4.  *               carveout heap, allocations are physically 
  5.  *               contiguous 
  6.  * @ION_HEAP_TYPE_IOMMU: IOMMU memory 
  7.  * @ION_HEAP_TYPE_CP:    memory allocated from a prereserved 
  8.  *              carveout heap, allocations are physically 
  9.  *              contiguous. Used for content protection. 
  10.  * @ION_HEAP_TYPE_DMA:          memory allocated via DMA API



Heap ID:


Heap id用enumion_heap_ids表示。

  1.     ION_CAMERA_HEAP_ID = 20, /* 8660 only */  
  2.     ION_SF_HEAP_ID = 24,  
  3.     ION_IOMMU_HEAP_ID = 25,  


ION Handle:

当Ion client分配buffer时,相应的一个唯一的handle也会被指定,当然client可以多次申请ion buffer。申请好buffer之后,返回的是一个ion handle, 不过要知道Ion buffer才和实际的内存相关,包括size, address等信息。Struct ion_handle和struct ion_buffer如下:

  1.  * ion_handle - a client local reference to a buffer 
  2.  * @ref:        reference count 
  3.  * @client:     back pointer to the client the buffer resides in 
  4.  * @buffer:     pointer to the buffer     ---- 实际的内存相关



ION Client:




<span style="color:#009900;">struct ion_client *ion_client_create(struct ion_device *dev,
				     unsigned int heap_mask,
				     const char *name)</span>

heap_mask: 可以分配的heap type,如carveout,system heap, iommu等。



struct ion_handle *ion_alloc(struct ion_client *client, size_t len,
			     size_t align, unsigned int flags)

flags: 分配的heap id.


void *ion_map_kernel(struct ion_client *client, struct ion_handle *handle,
   unsigned long flags)


         不过和内核空间创建client的一点区别是,用户空间不能选择heap type(使用预订的heap id隐含heap type),但是内核空间却可以。


<span style="color:#009900;">ion_fd = open("/dev/ion", O_ RDONLY | O_SYNC); 
ioctl(ion_fd, <span style="color:#ff0000;">ION_IOC_ALLOC</span>, alloc); </span>

alloc为struct ion_allocation_data,len是申请buffer的长度,flags是heap id。


<span style="color:#009900;">/**
 * struct ion_allocation_data - metadata passed from userspace for allocations
 * @len:	size of the allocation
 * @align:	required alignment of the allocation
 * @flags:	flags passed to heap
 * @handle:	pointer that will be populated with a cookie to use to refer
 *		to this allocation
 * Provided by userspace as an argument to the ioctl
struct ion_allocation_data {
	size_t len;
	size_t align;
	unsigned int flags;
	struct ion_handle *handle;


分配好了buffer之后,如果用户空间想使用buffer,先需要mmap. ION是通过先调用IOCTL中的ION_IOC_SHARE / ION_IOC_MAP来得到可以mmap的fd,然后再执行mmap得到bufferaddress.

然后,你也可以将此fd传给另一个进程,如通过binder传递。在另一个进程中通过 ION_IOC_IMPORT  这个IOCTL来得到这块共享buffer了。

看看高通 camera  HAL 实现的一个例子:

QCameraMemory::allocaOneBuffer(&memInfo , heap_id --> ION_HEAP (ION_CAMERA_HEAP_ID or ION_IOMMU_HEAP_ID) , size) ->一个buffer 一个buffer地分配

int main_ion_fd = open("dev/ion", R_RDONLY);  通过打开 ION 来创建 client

ioctl(main_ion_fd, ION_IOC_ALLOC,&alloc);  分配内存 , alloc 是 ion_allocation_data 类型,包含分配的 len align, m_bCached 信息

ioctl(main_ion_fd, ION_IOC_SHARE, &ion_info_fd);  得到ion_info_fd ,将 ion_info_fd.fd 保存到 memInfo.fd 中 

void * vaddr = mmap(NULL, mMemInfo[i].size,PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,MAP_SHARED,mMemInfo[i].fd,0);    执行 mmap 得到buffer的地址

mPtr[i] = vaddr; 将地址保存到每个stream (preview shapshot video metadata 等) 的私有成员中


在daemon 进程中通过下面操作得到这块buffer:

QCamera2HWI: [KPI Perf] static int qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::start_preview(camera_device*): E PROFILE_START_PREVIEW  -- 准备预览

QCamera2HWI: preparePreview: E mCameraId=0

HAL call mm_camera_add_channel()  then mm_camera.c will call mm_channel_init()

QCamera2HWI: int32_t qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::addZSLChannel(): add ZSL channel -- 添加通道

mm-camera-intf: mm_camera_add_channel:810]  ch_idx = 0

mm-camera-intf: mm_channel_init : Launch data poll thread in channel open   --- 添加数据 poll 线程,在打开设备的时候已经添加 poll 事件线程

mm-camera-intf: mm_camera_poll_thread_launch: poll_type = 1, read fd = 59, write fd = 60 timeout = -1

HAL add streamToChannel  call allocateStreamInfoBuf(streamType)  申请内存保存buffer 信息

QCameraHWI_Mem: int qcamera::QCameraMemory::alloc(int, int, int): use reserved mm heap memory mBufferCount = 0  count = 1 new_bufCnt = 1 heap_id= 33554432 size = 912  --- 申请内存

QCameraHWI_Mem: Ion dev open success: main_ion_fd = 61 mbVdisOCRMode = 0

HAL call pChannel-> addStream()

mm-camera-intf: mm_camera_intf_add_stream : E handle = 1536 ch_id = 1792  --- 添加 stream 到通道

mm-camera-intf: mm_channel_add_stream : stream handle = 2048

QCameraStream: virtual int32_t qcamera::QCameraStream::init(qcamera::QCameraHeapMemory*, uint8_t, qcamera::stream_cb_routine, void*, bool) map_stream_buf INFO

HAL call  map buf  info: (只是映射刚刚申请到的buffer info,这里还没有申请buffer给数据)

mm_camera_intf_map_stream_buf :E camera_handle = 1536, ch_id = 1792, s_id = 2048, buf_idx = 0, plane_idx = -1

mm-camera-intf: mm_camera_map_stream_buf:1471 fd=62, size = 4096 buf_type = 3 buf_idx= 0stream_id=2048ch_id=1792 plane_idx = -1

mm-camera-intf: mm_stream_map_buf: MAP BUF  buf_type = 3  fd = 62 stream_idx = 1 size = 4096 frame_idx = 0

mm_camera_socket_sendmsg:fd = 49 sendfd = 62  cmsg data=62 --- 通过socket 传送 fd = 49 到daemon

mm-camera: main: DS event call fd[0] = 30 ret = 1  -- server.c

mm-camera: server_process_hal_ds_packet:320,fd = 30  map buf_type =3 msg_fd = 42 stream_id = 1 size = 4096 frame_idx = 0 --- 读到的 fd = 42, 但是是没有关系的

mm-camera: mct_pipeline_map_buf , calling mct_stream mmap_buf  msg->buf_type= 3  ---snapshot

mm-camera: mct_stream_map_buf: Mapping stream_info with mmap  msg->fd = 42  msg->size = 4096

mm-camera: mct_pipeline_map_buf: OFFLINE_INPUT_BUF STREAM_INFO STREAM_BUF  ,fd=42 size=4096 CHECK_INDEX = 0 msg->stream= 1 stream_id=1 frame_id = 0

mm-camera: main: PIPE event call fd[0] = 28 ret = 1  ---- MCT 操作结束

mm-camera: server_process_mct_msg:381, MCT_PROCESS_RET_SERVER_MSG  mct_ret.u.serv_msg_ret.msg.msg_type = 0

mm-camera: main: return true,proc_ret.ret_to_hal.ret return type 1  ---- mmap 结束

mm-camera-intf: mm_camera_poll_fn: mm_camera_evt_notify i = 1  ---- 注册的poll 事件立即响应到

mm-camera-intf: mm_camera_event_notify:176] CAM_EVENT_TYPE_MAP_UNMAP_DONE

mm-camera-intf: mm_camera_util_sendmsg send success and sent size = 32 send_fd = 62 buf_size = 32 line = 1657

mm-camera-intf: mm_camera_intf_map_stream_buf :X rc = 0

HAL call config:

mm-camera-intf: mm_camera_intf_config_stream :mm_camera_intf_config_streamstream_id = 2048

mm-camera-intf: mm_channel_config_stream : E stream ID = 2048 -------设置回调及FMT

mm-camera-intf: mm_stream_fsm_acquired: E, my_handle = 0x800, fd = 63, state = 2 evt = 2

mm-camera-intf: mm_stream_config: E, my_handle = 0x800, fd = 63, state = 2

mm-camera-intf: mm_stream_set_fmt

mm-camera-intf: mm_stream_get_v4l2_fmt: fmt=78, val =0

以上是在 preparedPreview 中初始化一个channel ,并添加3个stream到channel 之后

QCamera2HWI: preparePreview: X mCameraId=0 ---------- QcameraStateMachine 调用

QCamera2HWI: startPreview: E mCameraId=0  ------------  QCameraStateMachine 调用

QCamera2HWI: startChannel: m_channels[ch_type], ch_type=0  --------启动channel,会涉及到 buffer 的申请

QCameraChannel: virtual int32_t qcamera::QCameraChannel::start(): E

mm-camera-intf: mm_camera_intf_get_bundle_info :E ch_id = 1792

QCameraChannel: QCameraChannel::start(): bundleInfo.num_of_streams=2   ---- metadata 不在bundle 里面,捆绑的只有preview 和 snapshot

QCameraChannel: virtual int32_t qcamera::QCameraChannel::start(): stream type =1 i = 0 stream_ids[i] = 2

mm-camera-intf: mm_camera_intf_set_stream_parms :E camera_handle = 1536,ch_id = 1792,s_id = 2305

QCameraChannel: virtual int32_t qcamera::QCameraChannel::start(): stream type =3 i = 1 stream_ids[i] = 3

mm-camera-intf: mm_camera_intf_set_stream_parms :E camera_handle = 1536,ch_id = 1792,s_id = 2562


mm-camera-intf: mm_camera_intf_set_stream_parms :E camera_handle = 1536,ch_id = 1792,s_id = 2305

mm-camera-sensor: sensor_util_bundle_list_print_traverse_func:504 bundle:num_streams=2

mm-camera-sensor: sensor_util_bundle_list_print_traverse_func:508 bundle:steram[0]=2

mm-camera-sensor: sensor_util_bundle_list_print_traverse_func:508 bundle:steram[1]=3


mm-camera-sensor: sensor_util_stream_list_print_traverse_func:486 stream:bundle_id=1792

mm-camera-sensor: sensor_util_stream_list_print_traverse_func:487 stream:identity=0x20002

mm-camera-sensor: sensor_util_stream_list_print_traverse_func:488 stream:dim=1280x720    ----preview

mm-camera-sensor: sensor_util_stream_list_print_traverse_func:489 ---------------------------------------------------------------

mm-camera-sensor: sensor_util_stream_list_print_traverse_func:486 stream:bundle_id=1792

mm-camera-sensor: sensor_util_stream_list_print_traverse_func:487 stream:identity=0x20003

mm-camera-sensor: sensor_util_stream_list_print_traverse_func:488 stream:dim=3264x1836  ---- snapshot


mm-camera: isp_util_set_bundle: stream_id = 2, stream_idx = 0, hal_bundling_mask= 0x1 --- 1 表示数据类型 review

mm-camera: isp_util_set_bundle: stream_id = 3, stream_idx = 1, hal_bundling_mask= 0x3 ---- 3 表示数据类型 snapshot


QCameraChannel(  244): virtual int32_t qcamera::QCameraChannel::start(): E
W/QCameraChannel(  244): QCameraChannel::start(): bundleInfo.num_of_streams=2
E/QCameraChannel(  244): virtual int32_t qcamera::QCameraChannel::start(): stream type =1 i = 0 stream_ids[i] = 2
E/QCameraChannel(  244): virtual int32_t qcamera::QCameraChannel::start(): stream setParameter for set bundle success
E/QCameraChannel(  244): virtual int32_t qcamera::QCameraChannel::start(): stream type =3 i = 1 stream_ids[i] = 3
E/QCameraChannel(  244): virtual int32_t qcamera::QCameraChannel::start(): stream setParameter for set bundle success

上面主要是对捆绑在一起的 2个Stream 设置参数


QCameraChannel::start() 中调用 mSteams[i] -> start();  不只是捆绑的stream,所有stream都调用,这里有3个(medadata  preview  snapshot)

E/QCameraChannel(  244): virtual int32_t qcamera::QCameraChannel::start(): stream[0]
E/QCameraChannel(  244): virtual int32_t qcamera::QCameraChannel::start(): stream[1]
E/QCameraChannel(  244): virtual int32_t qcamera::QCameraChannel::start(): stream[2]
E/QCameraChannel(  244): virtual int32_t qcamera::QCameraChannel::start(): X


主要是为了创建下面的线程:  mProcTh.launch(dataProcRoutine, this); 三个stream (medadata  preview  snapshot) 都有一个自己的线程

QCameraStream: static void* qcamera::QCameraStream::dataProcRoutine(void*): E

QCameraStream: static void* qcamera::QCameraStream::dataProcRoutine(void*): E

QCameraStream: static void* qcamera::QCameraStream::dataProcRoutine(void*): E


然后调用m_camOps -> start_channel() , 先启动2个线程

mm-camera-intf: mm_camera_start_channel:1043] ch_id = 1792

mm-camera-intf: mm_channel_start:num_streams_to_start = 3

mm-camera-intf: mm_camera_cmd_thread_launch:532  -------mm_camera_cmd_thread_launch(mm_channel_dispatch_super_buf)

--------------主要用于调用 mm_channel_init() 时设置的 my_obj->bundle.super_buf_notify_cb = channel_cb  对应 QC2HWICB 中的 zsl_channel_cb() 回调函数

mm-camera-intf: mm_camera_cmd_thread_launch:532  -------mm_camera_cmd_thread_launch(mm_channel_process_stream_buf)

-------------- 主要用于 ZSL 拍照 -> mm_camera.c -> mct_pipeline.c -> module_sensor.c

然后根据 stream 的数量 (共3个),分别依次进行 allocate buf  分配内存,  reg buf 邀请kernel分配内存并注册到kernel, start stream 开启数据流 操作

1.  metadata ---20 buffers

1.1 allocat buf

mm-camera-intf: mm_stream_init_bufs: E, my_handle = 0x800, fd = 63, state = 3

QCameraStream: getBufs: [MEM_DBG] Enter: mDynBufAlloc: 0  numBufAlloc = 20

QCameraHWI_Mem: int qcamera::QCameraMemory::alloc(int, int, int): use reserved mm heap memory mBufferCount = 0  count = 20 new_bufCnt = 20 heap_id= 33554432 size = 286420

QCameraHWI_Mem: int qcamera::QCameraMemory::alloc(int, int, int): start use iommu sys heap memory : 0

QCameraHWI_Mem: Ion dev open success: main_ion_fd = 70 mbVdisOCRMode = 0

QCameraHWI_Mem: size before align: 286420  0x45ed4

QCameraHWI_Mem: size after align: 286720  0x46000


QCameraHWI_Mem: int qcamera::QCameraMemory::alloc(int, int, int): use reserved mm heap memory mBufferCount = 0  count = 20 new_bufCnt = 20 heap_id= 33554432 size = 286420

QCameraHWI_Mem: int qcamera::QCameraMemory::alloc(int, int, int): start use iommu sys heap memory : 19

上面共调用20次,申请20 个buffer用于 metadata 数据,申请完同一个stream 所有buffer 之后调用 map_buf 函数映射到 daemon

mm-camera-intf: mm_stream_map_buf: MAP BUF  buf_type = 2  fd = 71 stream_idx = 1 size = 286720 frame_idx = 0

mm-camera-intf: mm_camera_socket_sendmsg:fd = 49 sendfd = 71  cmsg data=71

mm-camera: server_process_hal_ds_packet:320,fd = 30  map buf_type =2 msg_fd = 45 stream_id = 1 size = 286720 frame_idx = 0

mm-camera: mct_pipeline_map_buf , calling mct_stream mmap_buf  msg->buf_type= 2

mct_stream_create_buffers: Mapping msg->fd = 45 msg->size = 286720 num plane --- 1


mm-camera-intf: mm_stream_map_buf: MAP BUF  buf_type = 2  fd = 109 stream_idx = 1 size = 286720 frame_idx = 19

mm-camera-intf: mm_camera_socket_sendmsg:fd = 49 sendfd = 109 cmsg data=109

mm-camera: main: DS event call fd[0] = 30 ret = 1

mm-camera: server_process_hal_ds_packet:320,fd = 30  map buf_type =2 msg_fd = 64 stream_id = 1 size = 286720 frame_idx = 19

mm-camera: mct_pipeline_map_buf , calling mct_stream mmap_buf  msg->buf_type= 2

mm-camera: mct_stream_create_buffers: Mapping msg->fd = 64 msg->size = 286720 num plane --- 1

mm-camera: main: PIPE event call fd[0] = 28 ret = 1--- MCT 操作完成

mm-camera: server_process_mct_msg:413,msg->session = 2 msg->stream = 1 msg->index = 19 (unsigned int)msg->buf_type = 2

mm-camera: main: return true,proc_ret.ret_to_hal.ret return type 1

mm-camera-intf: mm_camera_poll_fn: mm_camera_evt_notify i = 1

mm-camera-intf: mm_camera_event_notify:176] CAM_EVENT_TYPE_MAP_UNMAP_DONE   ---- evt poll camera.c 返回

mm-camera-intf: mm_camera_util_sendmsg send success and sent size = 32 send_fd = 109 buf_size = 32 line = 1657

1.2 reg to kernel


mm-camera-intf: mm_stream_request_buf: buf_num = 20, stream type = 7

mm-camera-intf: mm_stream_qbuf:plane 0: stream_hdl=2048,fd=71,frame idx=0,num_planes = 1, offset = 0, data_offset = 0  ----- 只有一个 plane

mm-camera-intf: mm_stream_qbuf:plane 1: stream_hdl=2048,fd=71,frame idx=0,num_planes = 1, offset = 0, data_offset = 0

mm-camera-intf: mm_stream_reg_buf: VIDIOC_QBUF rc = 0  buf_num = 20

循环调用 ioctl(VIDIOC_QBUF) 20 次


mm-camera-intf: mm_camera_cmd_thread_launch:532  ---  mm_camera_cmd_thread_launch(mm_stream_dispatch_app_data)  --- 打开一个poll data 线程

mm-camera-intf: mm_stream_streamon: E, my_handle = 0x800, fd = 63, state = 6         -->ioctl(VIDIOC_STREAMON)

mm-camera-intf: mm_camera_poll_thread_add_poll_fd: handler 2048 (0) poll_cb->type = 1 ----> mm_camera_poll_thread_add_poll_fd(mm_stream_data_notify) ->

----------- 通过这里调用 mm_stream_read_msm_frame() -> ioctl(VIDIOC_DQBUF) , mm_stream_handle_rcvd_buf() 在里面做判断,

如果 is_bunfled 为真:

则先将数据进队到 my_obj->cmd_thread.cmd_queue , 并释放 my_obj->ch_obj->cmd_thread.cmd_sem 信号到 mm_camera_thread.c -> mm_camera_channel.c

否则直接进队到 my_obj->cmd_thread.cmd_queue ,然后释放 my_obj->cmd_thread.cmd_sem信号


mm-camera-intf: mm_camera_poll_proc_pipe: read_fd = 59, read_len = 12, expect_len = 12 cmd = 0

mm-camera-intf: mm_camera_poll_sig: begin IN mutex write done, len = 12


2.preview  -- 10 buffers

2.1--allocat buffer

QCameraHWI_Mem: DBG_PATCH:void qcamera::QCameraGrallocMemory::setWindowInfo(preview_stream_ops_t*, int, int, int) mWindow=0xb88550f0

CameraHWI_Mem: virtual int qcamera::QCameraGrallocMemory::allocate(int, int): usage = 1073872896, geometry: 0xb88550f0, 1280, 720, 17

QCameraHWI_Mem: virtual int qcamera::QCameraGrallocMemory::allocate(int, int): idx = 0, fd = 132, size = 1384448, offset = 0


QCameraHWI_Mem: virtual int qcamera::QCameraGrallocMemory::allocate(int, int): idx = 9, fd = 169, size = 1384448, offset = 0

2.2 map buffer to daemon

mm-camera-intf: mm_stream_map_buf: MAP BUF  buf_type = 2  fd = 132 stream_idx = 2 size = 1384448 frame_idx = 0

mm-camera: server_process_hal_ds_packet:320,fd = 30  map buf_type =2 msg_fd = 65 stream_id = 2 size = 1384448 frame_idx = 0

mm-camera: mct_stream_create_buffers: Mapping fuhao  msg->fd = 65 msg->size = 1384448 num plane --- 2 --- plane 存储形式


mm-camera-intf: mm_stream_map_buf: MAP BUF  buf_type = 2  fd = 169 stream_idx = 2 size = 1384448 frame_idx = 9

mm-camera: server_process_hal_ds_packet:320,fd = 30  map buf_type =2 msg_fd = 75 stream_id = 2 size = 1384448 frame_idx = 9

mm-camera: mct_stream_create_buffers: Mapping fuhao  msg->fd = 75 msg->size = 1384448 num plane --- 2   ----- plane  = 2, Y 一个plane, UV 一个plane,二维

mm-camera: mct_stream_map_buf: Mapping stream_buf with mmap  msg->fd = 75 msg->size = 1384448


映射完了之后邀请kernel 申请buffer,并注册到kernel

mm-camera-intf: mm_stream_request_buf: buf_num = 10, stream type = 1

mm-camera-intf: mm_stream_qbuf:plane 0: stream_hdl=2305,fd=137,frame idx=1,num_planes = 2, offset = 0, data_offset = 0         ------ preview , snapshot 都有2个plane

mm-camera-intf: mm_stream_qbuf:plane 1: stream_hdl=2305,fd=137,frame idx=1,num_planes = 2, offset = 921600, data_offset = 0

mm-camera-intf: mm_stream_qbuf:plane 0: stream_hdl=2305,fd=141,frame idx=2,num_planes = 2, offset = 0, data_offset = 0

mm-camera-intf: mm_stream_qbuf:plane 1: stream_hdl=2305,fd=141,frame idx=2,num_planes = 2, offset = 921600, data_offset = 0

mm-camera-intf: mm_stream_qbuf:plane 0: stream_hdl=2305,fd=169,frame idx=9,num_planes = 2, offset = 0, data_offset = 0

mm-camera-intf: mm_stream_qbuf:plane 1: stream_hdl=2305,fd=169,frame idx=9,num_planes = 2, offset = 921600, data_offset = 0


mm-camera-intf: mm_camera_cmd_thread_launch:532   ----mm_stream_dispatch_app_data()   --- poll 到数据后就会调用这个函数

----mm_camera_cmd_thread_launch() -> 

cmd_thread->cb = mm_stream_dispatch_app_data, 然后在 mm_camera_cmt_thread() 中接收到cmd_thread->cmd_sem  信号之后调用 cmd_thread->cb() ,

即调到 mm_stream_dispatch_app_data()    函数中,再在这个函数中根据user_data 调用HAL实现的 每个不同stream 的回调函数


mm-camera-intf: mm_stream_streamon: E, my_handle = 0x901, fd = 66, state = 6

mm-camera-intf: mm_camera_poll_thread_add_poll_fd: handler 2305 (1) poll_cb->type = 1

mm-camera-sensor: module_sensor_module_process_event:3936 E STATEDBG MCT_EVENT_CONTROL_STREAMON

mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_handle_stream_on:505 type 1 ide 20002 w 1280 h 720 stream on 0

3. snapshot -- 3 buffers (另外 6个buffer 动态需要的时候申请)

3.1 allcate buffers

QCameraHWI_Mem: int qcamera::QCameraMemory::alloc(int, int, int): use reserved mm heap memory mBufferCount = 0  count = 3 new_bufCnt = 3 heap_id= 33554432 size = 9011200

QCameraHWI_Mem: int qcamera::QCameraMemory::alloc(int, int, int): start use iommu sys heap memory : 0

QCameraHWI_Mem: Ion dev open success: main_ion_fd = 171 mbVdisOCRMode = 0

QCameraHWI_Mem: size before align: 9011200  0x898000

QCameraHWI_Mem: size after align: 9011200  0x898000

QCameraStream: getBufs: [MEM_DBG] frame_len: 9011200, numBufAlloc: 3 ---------只分配3个buffer,剩下6个动态分配

QCameraStream: getBufs: [MEM_DBG] All mNumBufs: 9

3.2 map buf

mm-camera-intf: mm_camera_socket_sendmsg:fd = 49 sendfd = 172  cmsg data=172

mm-camera: server_process_hal_ds_packet:320,fd = 30  map buf_type =2 msg_fd = 76 stream_id = 3 size = 9011200 frame_idx = 0

mm-camera: mct_pipeline_map_buf , calling mct_stream mmap_buf  msg->buf_type= 2

mm-camera: mct_stream_create_buffers: Mapping fuhao  msg->fd = 76 msg->size = 9011200num plane --- 2

mm-camera: mct_stream_create_buffers: plane idx = 0, offset 0, stride 3264, scanline = 1840

mm-camera: mct_stream_create_buffers: plane idx = 1, offset 0, stride 3264, scanline = 920

mm-camera-intf: mm_stream_map_buf: MAP BUF  buf_type = 2  fd = 174 stream_idx = 3 size = 9011200 frame_idx = 1

mm-camera: server_process_mct_msg:413,msg->session = 2 msg->stream = 3 msg->index = 1 (unsigned int)msg->buf_type = 2

mm-camera-intf: mm_stream_map_buf: MAP BUF  buf_type = 2  fd = 176 stream_idx = 3 size = 9011200 frame_idx = 2

mm-camera: main: return true,proc_ret.ret_to_hal.ret return type 1

mm-camera-intf: mm_camera_poll_fn: mm_camera_evt_notify i = 1

mm-camera-intf: mm_camera_event_notify:176] CAM_EVENT_TYPE_MAP_UNMAP_DONE ------- daemon mmap 完成,向HAL层返回相应消息

mm-camera-intf: mm_camera_util_sendmsg send success and sent size = 32 send_fd = 176 buf_size = 32 line = 1657

3.3 REG buffer to kernel

mm-camera-intf: mm_stream_request_buf: buf_num = 9, stream type = 3

mm-camera-intf: mm_stream_qbuf:plane 0: stream_hdl=2562,fd=172,frame idx=0,num_planes = 2, offset = 0, data_offset = 0

mm-camera-intf: mm_stream_qbuf:plane 1: stream_hdl=2562,fd=172,frame idx=0,num_planes = 2, offset = 6005760, data_offset = 0

mm-camera-intf: mm_stream_qbuf: qbuf idx:0, rc:0


mm-camera-intf: mm_stream_qbuf:plane 0: stream_hdl=2562,fd=176,frame idx=2,num_planes = 2, offset = 0, data_offset = 0

mm-camera-intf: mm_stream_qbuf:plane 1: stream_hdl=2562,fd=176,frame idx=2,num_planes = 2, offset = 6005760, data_offset = 0

mm-camera-intf: mm_stream_qbuf: qbuf idx:2, rc:0

mm-camera-intf: mm_stream_reg_buf: VIDIOC_QBUF rc = 0  buf_num = 9

只注册 3个buffer到kernel ,下面运行一个线程

mm-camera-intf: mm_camera_cmd_thread_launch:532    --- mm_stream_dispatch_app_data()   ---- mm_camera_thread.c poll 返回数据后都会调用这个函数

mm-camera-intf: mm_stream_streamon: E, my_handle = 0xa02, fd = 69, state = 6


mm_camera_poll_thread_add_poll_fd  只有3个地方,一个是mm_camera_thread.c 实现,一个在 mm_camera.c 做evt poll,一个在 mm_camera_stream.c 做data poll

--- 调用 mm_camera_poll_thread_add_poll_fd(&my_obj->ch_obj->poll_thread[0],mm_stream_data_notify, ) ---------  用于poll 每个stream 的data

---mm_camera_evt_sub() -> mm_camera_poll_thread_add_poll_fd(my_obj->evt_poll_thread, mm_camera_event_notify)    ----------- 用于 poll evt  ,主要是daemon返回的


mm-camera-intf: mm_camera_poll_thread_add_poll_fd: fuhao handler 2562 (2) poll_cb->type = 1


mm-camera: isp_ch_util_dump_channel_planes: sess_id = 2, channel_id = 2, width = 1280, height = 720, fmt = 2, num_planes = 2

mm-camera: isp_ch_util_dump_channel_planes: sess_id = 2, channel_id = 2, idx = 0,stride = 1280, scanline = 720, len = 921600, offset = 0

mm-camera: isp_ch_util_dump_channel_planes: sess_id = 2, channel_id = 2, idx = 1,stride = 1280, scanline = 360, len = 460800, offset = 0

mm-camera: isp_ch_util_convert_crop_to_stream: identy = 0x20003, first_pix = NaNirst_line - -3408, width = 1224, height = 688x = 816, y = 459, crop_x = -1333745164, crop_y = -1231138568

mm-camera: isp_ch_util_convert_crop_to_stream: identy = 0x20003, first_pix = NaNirst_line - -3408, width = 1224, height = 688x = 816, y = 459, crop_x = 1, crop_y = -1231119716

对应 preview log:

mm-camera-intf: mm_camera_poll_fn: mm_stream_data_notify i = 2  -------- 每一个 stream都设置的一个回调函数,处理 poll返回 data的情况

mm-camera-intf: mm_stream_data_notify: E, my_handle = 0x401, fd = 65, state = 6  ---- 调用 mm_stream_read_msm_frame & mm_stream_handle_rcvd_buf

mm-camera-intf: mm_stream_read_msm_frame: E, my_handle = 0x401, fd = 65, state = 6  ----获取 frame

mm-camera-intf: mm_stream_read_msm_frame: VIDIOC_DQBUF buf_index 4, frame_idx 74,stream type 1, time stamp 64 236973000 vb.lengh = 2  ----- 1表示preview

mm-camera-intf: mm_stream_read_msm_frame :X rc = 0

mm-camera-intf: mm_stream_handle_rcvd_buf: E, my_handle = 0x401, fd = 65, state = 6  ----- 释放my_obj->ch_obj->cmd_thread.cmd.sem 信号

mm-camera-intf: mm_channel_process_stream_buf:206] type 0  ---- 通过mm_camera_cmd_thread_lauch()创建的线程,也是channel 等待  cmd_sem 信号

mm-camera-intf: mm_channel_superbuf_comp_and_enqueue: E   -----super buf E

mm-camera-intf: mm_channel_handle_metadata: Stream Object for stream_id = 1025

mm-camera-intf: mm_channel_superbuf_comp_and_enqueue: X  --- super buf X

mm-camera-intf: mm_channel_superbuf_bufdone_overflow: before match_cnt=3, water_mark=2

mm-camera-intf: mm_stream_fsm_fn: E, my_handle = 0x300, fd = 62, state = 6 evt = 9

mm-camera-intf: mm_stream_fsm_active: E, my_handle = 0x300, fd = 62, state = 6 evt = 9

mm-camera-intf: mm_stream_buf_done: E, my_handle = 0x300, fd = 62, state = 6 frame_idx=72

mm-camera-intf: <DEBUG> : Buf done for buffer:7 stream type=7

mm-camera-intf: mm_stream_qbuf: E, my_handle = 0x300, fd = 62, state = 6

mm-camera-intf: mm_stream_qbuf:plane 0: stream_hdl=768,fd=84,frame idx=7,num_planes = 1, offset = 0, data_offset = 0

mm-camera-intf: mm_stream_qbuf:plane 1: stream_hdl=768,fd=84,frame idx=7,num_planes = 1, offset = 0, data_offset = 0

mm-camera-intf: mm_stream_qbuf: qbuf idx:7, rc:0

mm-camera-intf: mm_stream_fsm_active :X rc = 0

mm-camera-intf: mm_stream_fsm_fn : X rc =0

mm-camera-intf: mm_stream_fsm_fn: E, my_handle = 0x401, fd = 65, state = 6 evt = 9

mm-camera-intf: mm_stream_fsm_active: E, my_handle = 0x401, fd = 65, state = 6 evt = 9

mm-camera-intf: mm_stream_buf_done: E, my_handle = 0x401, fd = 65, state = 6 frame_idx=72

mm-camera-intf: <DEBUG> : Still ref count pending count :1

mm-camera-intf: <DEBUG> : for buffer:0xb8854c1c:9 stream type=1

mm-camera-intf: mm_stream_fsm_active :X rc = 0

mm-camera-intf: mm_stream_fsm_fn : X rc =0

mm-camera-intf: mm_stream_fsm_fn: E, my_handle = 0x502, fd = 68, state = 6 evt = 9

mm-camera-intf: mm_stream_fsm_active: E, my_handle = 0x502, fd = 68, state = 6 evt = 9

mm-camera-intf: mm_stream_buf_done: E, my_handle = 0x502, fd = 68, state = 6 frame_idx=72

mm-camera-intf: <DEBUG> : Buf done for buffer:5 stream type=3

mm-camera-intf: mm_stream_qbuf: E, my_handle = 0x502, fd = 68, state = 6

mm-camera-intf: mm_stream_qbuf:plane 0: stream_hdl=1282,fd=184,frame idx=5,num_planes = 2, offset = 0, data_offset = 0

D al_algo0: [awb_al_process_rear] bv:lock:led_est_state:aec_settled:use_led_estimation:0.340306,0,0,0,0

mm-camera-intf: mm_stream_qbuf:plane 1: stream_hdl=1282,fd=184,frame idx=5,num_planes = 2, offset = 6005760, data_offset = 0

mm-camera-intf: mm_stream_qbuf: qbuf idx:5, rc:0

mm-camera-intf: mm_stream_fsm_active :X rc = 0

mm-camera-intf: mm_stream_fsm_fn : X rc =0

mm-camera-intf: mm_channel_superbuf_bufdone_overflow: after match_cnt=2, water_mark=2

mm-camera-intf: mm_channel_process_stream_buf: Super Buffer received, pending_cnt=0

mm-camera-intf: mm_stream_dispatch_app_data: E, my_handle = 0x401, fd = 65, state = 6   ---- mm_camera_stream.c,也是在在mm_stream_handle_rcvd_buf中调用

mm-camera-intf: mm_stream_dispatch_app_data: i = 0  cmd_type (0) for dataCB  ------- >  回调到 HAL层

QCameraStream: static void qcamera::QCameraStream::dataNotifyCB(mm_camera_super_buf_t*, void*):

QCameraStream: virtual int32_t qcamera::QCameraStream::processDataNotify(mm_camera_super_buf_t*):----- HAL 回调都是用这个注册,根据不同 stream 对象调用

mm-camera-intf: mm_stream_buf_done: E, my_handle = 0x401, fd = 65, state = 6 frame_idx=74

mm-camera-intf: <DEBUG> : Still ref count pending count :2

mm-camera-intf: <DEBUG> : for buffer:0xb8854c1c:4 stream type=1

QCameraStream: static void* qcamera::QCameraStream::dataProcRoutine(void*): Do next job

QCamera2HWI: [KPI Perf] static void qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::preview_stream_cb_routine(mm_camera_super_buf_t*, qcamera::QCameraStream*, void*) : E BEGIN

 --------------------------------------------------------         以上是 Preview 的回调流程,下面重现整理一下回调函数的注册和调用   ------------------------------------------------------

 mm_camera_cmd_thread_launch (mm_camera_cmd_thread_t *, mm_camera_cmd_cb_t , void* user_data) -- 参数包含线程,回调函数,用户所有者

      一共有四个地方调用  ->  通过 pthread_create 创建  mm_camera_cmd_thread() 线程:

 1.mm_camera_channel --2次调用 都是在 channel start 的时候调用:

    1.1launch cb thread for dispatching super buf through cb -> ( my_obj->cb_thread() ,mm_channel_dispatch_super_buf() ,(void*) my_obj ----mm_channel_t )
    1.2launch cmd thread for super buf dataCB ->   ->  my_obj->cmd_thread  (mm_channel_t),mm_channel_process_stream_buf() ,(void*) my_obj ----mm_channel_t )

第二个回调函数是在mm_stream_handle_rcvd_buf 中通过释放 (my_obj->ch_obj->cmd_thread.cmd_sem)来唤醒,并把相关frame 保存到队列  super buffer

第一个回调函数是在mm_channel_process_stream_buf() 中调用

mm-camera-intf: mm_channel_process_stream_buf: Super Buffer received, pending_cnt=0

mm-camera-intf: mm_camera_cmd_thread:node->cmd_type = 3 call cb  ---------- 命令是 MM_CAMERA_CMD_TYPE_REQ_DATA_CB

mm-camera-intf: mm_channel_process_stream_buf:206] type 3

mm-camera-intf: mm_channel_process_stream_buf:216] pending cnt 1   ------- 大于0,可以调用 mm_channel_dispatch_super_buf() 

mm-camera-intf:  mm_channel_process_stream_buf: takePicture called to mm-camera-interface

mm-camera-intf: mm_channel_superbuf_bufdone_overflow: before match_cnt=2, water_mark=2

mm-camera-intf: mm_channel_superbuf_bufdone_overflow: after match_cnt=2, water_mark=2

mm-camera-intf: mm_channel_process_stream_buf: Super Buffer received, pending_cnt=1

mm-camera-intf: mm_channel_process_stream_buf: Super Buffer received, Call client callback, pending_cnt=1

mm-camera-intf:  mm_channel_process_stream_buf:314] received all frames requested, send takepicturedone

mm-camera-intf: mm_channel_process_stream_buf: Send superbuf to HAL, pending_cnt=0 frame_idx=265 ------ 发送 ch_obj->cb_thread.cmd_sem 信号

mm-camera-intf: mm_camera_cmd_thread:node->cmd_type = 4 call cb

mm-camera-intf: mm_channel_dispatch_super_buf:169] type 4       --------- 收到信号,处理回调 在拍照情况会调用,录像、预览及录像时拍照都不会调用

QCamera2HWI: [KPI Perf] zsl_channel_cb: E  ---------- mm_channel_dispatch_super_buf()  会调用 super_buf_notify_cb,该指针是在mm_channel_init 的时候初始化

                                                                                                 初始化的值就是 HAL层实现的 回调函数zsl_channel_cb  ,这里没有经过stream 通用的回调函数,直接调用

QCamera2HWI: [KPI Perf] static void qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::zsl_channel_cb(mm_camera_super_buf_t*, void*): superbuf frame_idx 265  recvd_frame->num_bufs = 3 

QCamera2HWI: zsl_channel_cb:109] ###[LED_FLASH_DBG] (buf idx, frame idx, type) (2 265 7) (7 265 1) (0 265 3) 

QCamera2HWI: zsl_channel_cb : start post process~

QCamera2HWI: bool qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::needReprocess(): need do reprocess for ZSL WNR or min PP reprocess       ----------发送到 CPP

QCameraPostProc: processData: need reprocess

QCamera2HWI: [KPI Perf] zsl_channel_cb : X

QCameraPostProc: dataProcessRoutine: Do next job, active is 1


2.mm_camera_stream.c -- 1 次调用 ,mm_stream_fsm_reg ()  {MM_STREAM_EVT_START} 时候注册回调函数,注册完后调用mm_stream_streamon() 打开数据流 

   2.1 mm_camera_cmd_thread_luanch(&my_obj->cmd_thread,mm_stream_dispatch_app_data,(void*) my_obj --- mm_stream_t  ) ;

   2.2 mm_stream_streamon 函数 通过mm_camera_poll_thrad_add_pol_fd(my_obj->ch_obj->poll_thread[0] , , ,mm_stream_data_notify , (void*)my_obj) 添加监听

每一个数据流有一个监听,他们存在于不同的线程中,当 mm_camera_poll_fn (mm_camera_thrad.c) 查询到data 消息后调用 mm_stream_data_notify() ->

mm_stream_read_msm_frame() 读取帧数据 ,  mm_stream_handle_rcvd_buf() 处理帧数据,这个函数会释放2个信号my_obj->ch_obj->cmd_thread.cmd_sem

my_obj->cmd_thread.cmd_sem 分别唤醒  mm_channel_process_stream_buf  和   mm_stream_dispatch_app_data (因为在QCamera2HWI 中只注册preview 和

metadata 数据类型的处理 , snapshot 是在 pChannel->init() 的时候就调用,因此这里不处理 snaphot 的回调,其另行处理,可以查看上面 )

 3. mm_camera.c -1次调用在mm_camera_open 的时候创建,并添加事件的轮询

Launch evt thread in Cam Open------>mm_camera_cmd_thread_launch(my_obj->evt_thread,mm_camera_dispatch_app_event,(void*) my_obj) -- 创建事件回调分发线程

Launch evt poll thread in cam open ---> mm_camera_poll_thread_launch(my_obj->evt_poll_thread, M_CAMERA_POLL_TYPE_EVT)  -------- 创建事件轮询线程

mm_camera_evt_sub(my_onj ,true) -- > ioctl(VIDIOC_UNSUBSCRIBE_EVENT ) 注册监听到kernel , mm_camera_poll_thread_add_poll_fd(mm_camera_event_notify)

添加轮询返回事件的处理,这个函数会获取kernel事件,然后调用分发的回调函数,再调用到HAL的事件回调处理函数,主要处理 daemon 返回的事件。



int ionfd = open("/dev/ion", O_RDONLY | O_DSYNC);
alloc_data.len = 0x1000;
alloc_data.align = 0x1000;
alloc_data.flags = ION_HEAP(ION_CP_MM_HEAP_ID); 
rc = ioctl(ionfd,ION_IOC_ALLOC, &alloc_data);
fd_data.handle = alloc_data.handle; 
rc = ioctl(ionfd,ION_IOC_SHARE,&fd_data); 
shared_fd = fd_data.fd;

fd_data.fd = shared_fd;
rc = ioctl(ionfd,ION_IOC_IMPORT,&fd_data);








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领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


