check box 多样式复选框


A customizable checkbox for iOS that mimics the checkbox found on OS X, and Safari.


  • Simple to setup, just initialize with the desired parameters, and add to your subview.
  • Many customizable settings to make it easy to seamlessly integrate with your app.
  • All appearance settings follow the UIAppearance protocol.
  • Can be a standalone checkbox, or add a title.
  • Easy setup for any string. Just initialize with a string, and M13Checkbox will figure out the width for you.
  • The height can be changed. *You can add your own shape if desired! *No images! Everything is drawn with code!



  • - (id)init:Creates a checkbox with the default height, and no text.
  • - (id)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame: Creates a checkbox with the specified frame, and no text. The box will just fill the height of the frame.
  • - (id)initWithTitle:(NSString *)title: Creates a checkbox with the default height, and the specified text. The width of the frame will be changed to make the text fit.
  • - (id)initWithTitle:(NSString *)title andHeight:(CGFloat)height: Creates a checkbox with the height specified, and the given text. The width of the frame will be changed to make the text fit.


  • M13CheckboxState checkState: There are three checkbox states available:
    • M13CheckboxStateUnchecked (default)
    • M13CheckboxStateChecked
    • M13CheckboxStateMixed
  • (UILabel *)titleLabel: The title label will appear if one sets a string for it to display. The label will fill the control's frame minus the frame of the checkbox itself.
  • M13CheckboxAlignment checkAlignment: Determines if the checkbox is to the left or right of the text. Follows the UIAppearance protocol. The possible values are:
    • M13CheckboxAlignmentLeft - Checkbox is to the left of the text.
    • M13CheckboxAlignmentRight - Checkbox is to the right of the text. (default)
  • CGRect boxFrame: Frame of the checkbox itself in the control's frame, just in case one would need to separate the frames of the titleLabel, and the checkbox. (READ ONLY).
  • - (id)value: Returns a custom value that is associated with a specific M13CheckboxState. The values returned come from these properties:
    • id checkedValue
    • id uncheckedValue
    • id mixedValue

Appearance Properties:

All Properties follow the UIAppearance protocol.

  • BOOL flat: If YES, the checkbox draws with solid color instead of gradients. (default is NO.)
  • CGFloat strokeWidth: The width of the stroke around the box. (default is 5% of the height of the control's frame.)
  • UIColor *strokeColor: The color of the stroke around the box. (default is[UIColor colorWithRed: 0.167 green: 0.198 blue: 0.429 alpha: 1])
  • UIColor *checkColor: The color of the checkmark. (default is[UIColor colorWithRed:0.0 green:0.129 blue:0.252 alpha:1.0])
  • UIColor *tintColor: The color of the checkbox when checked or mixed. (default is[UIColor colorWithRed: 0.616 green: 0.82 blue: 0.982 alpha: 1])
  • UIColor *uncheckedColor: The color of the checkbox when unchecked. (default is[UIColor colorWithRed:0.925 green:0.925 blue:0.925 alpha:1.0])
  • CGFloat radius: The radius of the corners of the box. (default is 18.75% of the boxes height.)

Extra Methods:

  • - (void)setTitle:(NSString *)title: Sets the title of the titleLabel, and resizes the width of the contra's frame to fit that text.
  • - (void)setState:(M13CheckboxState)state: Sets the state of the checkbox to the state given.
  • - (void)toggleState: Toggles the state between M13CheckboxStateUnchecked, and M13CheckboxStateChecked
  • - (void)autoFitFontToHeight: Changes the font size, so it fills the height of the frame.
  • - (void)autoFitWidthToText: Changes the width of the frame to fit the titleLabel's text.
  • - (UIBezierPath *)getDefaultShape: Override this method to specify your own shape to draw instead of the checkmark. All distances should be specified as percentages of the height of the frame.





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