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原创 Codeforces 862C. Mahmoud and Ehab and the xor

Mahmoud and Ehab are on the third stage of their adventures now. As you know, Dr. Evil likes sets. This time he won't show them any set from his large collection, but will ask them to create a new set

2017-09-20 12:56:53 380

原创 Codeforces 845 B. Maxim Buys an Apartment

B. Maxim Buys an Apartmenttime limit per test1 secondmemory limit per test512 megabytesinputstandard inputoutputstandard outputMaxim wants to buy an apartment in a new ho

2017-09-07 17:20:04 464

原创 Codeforces 835 B The number on the board

B. The number on the boardtime limit per test2 secondsmemory limit per test256 megabytesinputstandard inputoutputstandard outputSome natural number was written

2017-08-01 15:30:10 524

原创 Codeforces 835 C Star sky

C. Star skytime limit per test2 secondsmemory limit per test256 megabytesinputstandard inputoutputstandard outputThe Cartesian coordinate system is set in the s

2017-08-01 15:22:28 271

原创 Hdu 1421 搬寝室

搬寝室Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 29011    Accepted Submission(s): 9950Problem Description搬寝室是很累的,xhd深有体会.时间追述2006年

2017-07-30 13:54:00 284

原创 POJ - 1469

Consider a group of N students and P courses. Each student visits zero, one or more than one courses. Your task is to determine whether it is possible to form a committee of exactly P students that sa

2017-07-20 12:48:22 189

原创 HDU - 3790 最短路径问题

给你n个点,m条无向边,每条边都有长度d和花费p,给你起点s终点t,要求输出起点到终点的最短距离及其花费,如果最短距离有多条路线,则输出花费最少的。 Input输入n,m,点的编号是1~n,然后是m行,每行4个数 a,b,d,p,表示a和b之间有一条边,且其长度为d,花费为p。最后一行是两个数 s,t;起点s,终点。n和m为0时输入结束。(1Output输出 一行有两个数,

2017-07-19 10:42:01 227

原创 codeforces 818D Multicolored Cars

Alice and Bob got very bored during a long car trip so they decided to play a game. From the window they can see cars of different colors running past them. Cars are going one after another.The game

2017-06-30 13:52:57 595

原创 Codeforces 818A Diplomas and Certificates

There are n students who have taken part in an olympiad. Now it's time to award the students.Some of them will receive diplomas, some wiil get certificates, and others won't receive anything. Studen

2017-06-30 04:38:11 560 1

原创 CSU 1809 Parenthesis

DescriptionBobo has a balanced parenthesis sequence P=p1 p2…pn of length n and q questions.The i-th question is whether P remains balanced after pai and pbi  swapped. Note that questions are indiv

2017-06-25 14:27:31 188

原创 Codeforces 817D Imbalanced Array

You are given an array a consisting of n elements. The imbalance value of some subsegment of this array is the difference between the maximum and minimum element from this segment. Theimbalance va

2017-06-24 20:14:48 392

原创 CodeForces - 817C Really Big Numbers

Ivan likes to learn different things about numbers, but he is especially interested inreally big numbers. Ivan thinks that a positive integer numberx is really big if the difference betweenx and

2017-06-24 19:59:33 329

原创 Codeforces 817B Makes And The Product

Sengoku still remembers the mysterious "colourful meteoroids" she discovered with Lala-chan when they were little. In particular, one of the nights impressed her deeply, giving her the illusion that a

2017-06-24 19:18:14 250

原创 Codeforces 817A Treasure Hunt

Captain Bill the Hummingbird and his crew recieved an interesting challenge offer. Some stranger gave them a map, potion of teleportation and said that only this potion might help them to reach the tr

2017-06-24 17:54:29 469

原创 HDU - 4540 威威猫系列故事——打地鼠

威威猫最近不务正业,每天沉迷于游戏“打地鼠”。   每当朋友们劝他别太着迷游戏,应该好好工作的时候,他总是说,我是威威猫,猫打老鼠就是我的工作!   无话可说...      我们知道,打地鼠是一款经典小游戏,规则很简单:每隔一个时间段就会从地下冒出一只或多只地鼠,玩游戏的人要做的就是打地鼠。   假设:   1、每一个时刻我们只能打一只地鼠,并且打完以后该时刻出现的所

2017-06-24 17:04:12 331


Pigeon SSNA want to build a tower with some wood walls. Let's describe the tower they want to make:A Tower can consist of different number of level.If a tower contain L levels then 1st level must

2017-06-24 16:52:52 254

原创 Codeforces 777 A Shell Game

Bomboslav likes to look out of the window in his room and watch lads outside playing famous shell game. The game is played by two persons: operator and player. Operator takes three similar opaque shel

2017-05-06 19:38:27 318

原创 Codeforcrs 761 A Dasha and Stairs

On her way to programming school tiger Dasha faced her first test — a huge staircase!The steps were numbered from one to infinity. As we know, tigers are very fond of all striped things, it is

2017-05-06 18:18:39 266



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