linus早期在新闻组上的Posts(03) 发贴答复关于gcc 1.40 for Minix-386的问题

gcc 1.40 for Minix-386

1.  Kai-Uwe Rommel       Aug 20 1991, 1:10 pm 

Newsgroups: comp.os.minix
From: rom...@Informatik.TU-Muenchen.DE (Kai-Uwe Rommel)
Date: 19 Aug 91 22:00:59 GMT
Local: Tues, Aug 20 1991 6:00 am
Subject: gcc 1.40 for Minix-386

Someone reported a while ago that compiling gcc 1.40 for Minix-386 would
be straightforward with the running gcc 1.37. I have tried this.
Compiling gcc was not that difficult. But I have a problem now.
cc1 cores on signal 6 when
a) a file with floating point is compiled
b) -O is used.

Does anyone have an idea why? cc1 was compiled with the 1.37 compiler
and gnulib so it should be able to handle floating point.

Well, I could stay with 1.37, but I want to compile g++ and compiling
gcc should be a first step for this.

Kai Uwe Rommel

/* Kai Uwe Rommel, Munich ----- */

DOS ... is still a real mode only non-reentrant interrupt
handler, and always will be.                -Russell Williams

2.  Kai-Uwe Rommel      Hide options Aug 20 1991, 1:10 pm 

Newsgroups: comp.os.minix
From: rom...@Informatik.TU-Muenchen.DE (Kai-Uwe Rommel)
Date: 19 Aug 91 22:03:03 GMT
Local: Tues, Aug 20 1991 6:03 am
Subject: Re: gcc 1.40 for Minix-386

In article <1991Aug19.220059.27...@Informatik.TU-Muenchen.DE> rom...@Informatik.TU-Muenchen.DE (Kai-Uwe Rommel) writes:

>cc1 cores on signal 6 when
>a) a file with floating point is compiled
>b) -O is used.

If I was unclear: It cores with either a) or b), not only with both combined.

Kai Uwe Rommel

/* Kai Uwe Rommel, Munich ----- */

DOS ... is still a real mode only non-reentrant interrupt
handler, and always will be.                -Russell Williams

3.  Linus Benedict Torvalds      Hide options Aug 20 1991, 11:52 pm 

Newsgroups: comp.os.minix
From: torva...@klaava.Helsinki.FI (Linus Benedict Torvalds)
Date: 20 Aug 91 12:17:35 GMT
Local: Tues, Aug 20 1991 8:17 pm
Subject: Re: gcc 1.40 for Minix-386

In article <1991Aug19.220059.27...@Informatik.TU-Muenchen.DE> rom...@Informatik.TU-Muenchen.DE (Kai-Uwe Rommel) writes:

>Someone reported a while ago that compiling gcc 1.40 for Minix-386 would
>be straightforward with the running gcc 1.37. I have tried this.
>Compiling gcc was not that difficult. But I have a problem now.
>cc1 cores on signal 6 when
>a) a file with floating point is compiled
>b) -O is used.

>Kai Uwe Rommel

Ok. I'm the one that reported porting was easy. Seems I didn't explain
enough :-).

This is what happens when you either have compiled cc1 without using
-msoft-float (the gcc from plains uses soft-float by default, but if you
compile cc1-1.40 with itself you must put a -msoft-float in the
makefile).  The other possibility is that you aren't using the crt0.o
that was shipped with the original gcc-1.37.1 by black&tobin (?). It is
needed to get the signal handler started.

The thing to do is recompile cc1 from scratch while using -msoft-float,
or changing DEFAULT_TARGET to 0 in tm.h (and then recompiling cc1).
This should fix the problem.

                Linus (





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