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转载 Unity3D Built-in Shader详解一

Unity3D Built-in Shader详解一Unity3D的Shader Unity里面的Shaders是使用一种叫ShaderLab的语言编写的,它同微软的.FX文件或者NVIDIA的CgFX有些类似。传统意义上的vertex shader和pixel shader 还是使用标准的Cg/HLSL 编程语言编写的。(因此Unity文档里面的Shader,都是指用

2013-02-20 09:56:29 1573

转载 转载自风宇冲Unity3D教程学院 ----shader分类

原创文章如需转载请注明:转载自风宇冲Unity3D教程学院  引言,在Unity3d里,所有的图形绘制都必须通过Shader,即着色器。一般的使用过程中,我们用到的都是unity自带的Shader,即build-in shader。学习Shader后,自己写的Shader能做出很多你想要的特殊效果,增强游戏的画面表现。例如水的倒影。 LOGO的光影闪过等等效果等等。

2013-02-19 13:49:19 1245

转载 Unity3D Shader官方教程翻译(十九)----Shader语法,编写表面着色器

Writing Surface ShadersWriting shaders that interact with lighting is complex. There are different light types, different shadow options, different rendering paths (forward and deferred rendering)

2013-02-19 10:54:22 1319

转载 Unity3D Shader官方教程翻译(十八)----Shader语法 另外一些命令(分类)

ShaderLab syntax: other commandsCategory 分类Category is a logical grouping of any commands below it. This is mostly used to "inherit" rendering state. For example, your shader might have multip

2013-02-19 10:53:54 632

转载 Unity3D Shader官方教程翻译(十七)----Shader语法 FallBack

ShaderLab syntax: FallbackAfter all Subshaders a Fallback can be defined. It basically says "if none of subshaders can run on this hardware, try using the ones from another shader".在所有Subs

2013-02-19 10:53:28 967 1

转载 Unity3D Shader官方教程翻译(十六)----Shader语法 GrabPass

ShaderLab syntax: GrabPassGrabPass is a special passtype - it grabs the contents of the screen where the object is about to be drawn into a texture. This texture can be used in subsequent pass

2013-02-19 10:53:01 706

转载 Unity3D Shader官方教程翻译(十五)----Shader语法 UsePass

ShaderLab syntax: UsePassThe UsePass command uses named passes from another shader.UsePass命令可以调用在另外1个Shader中已经被命名的passes 。Syntax 语法UsePass "Shader/Name"Inserts all passes

2013-02-19 10:52:34 1307

转载 Unity3D Shader官方教程翻译(十四)----Shader语法:Pass的BindChannels 绑定通道

ShaderLab syntax: BindChannels 绑定通道。BindChannels command allows you to specify how vertex data maps to the graphics hardware.BindChannels 命令 允许你指定顶点数据如何映射到显卡中。BindChannels has no effec

2013-02-19 10:52:05 865

转载 Unity3D Shader官方教程翻译(十三)----Shader语法:Pass的Name

ShaderLab syntax: NameSyntax 语法Name "PassName"Gives the PassName name to the current pass.将当前Pass命名为 PassNameDetails 详情A pass can be given a name so that a UsePass comm

2013-02-19 10:50:43 561

转载 Unity3D Shader官方教程翻译(十二)----Shader语法:Pass的标记

ShaderLab syntax: Pass TagsPasses use tags to tell how and when they expect to be rendered to the rendering engine.pass使用标记来告诉渲染引擎在什么时候该如何渲染他们所期望的效果。SyntaxTags { "TagName1" = "

2013-02-19 10:49:57 750

转载 Unity3D Shader官方教程翻译(十一)----Shader语法:Pass的Blending(混合)

ShaderLab syntax: Blending 混合Blending is used to make transparent objects.混合是用来制作透明物体的。When graphics are rendered, after all shaders have executed and all textures have been ap

2013-02-19 10:49:28 799

转载 Unity3D Shader官方教程翻译(十)----Shader语法:Pass的Alpha测试

ShaderLab syntax: Alpha testingThe alpha test is a last chance to reject a pixel from being written to the screen.alpha测试是最后一个机会,拒绝将一个像素写到屏幕上。(可以理解为在将画面显示到屏幕上的最后1次修改,这次修改只能让该像素显示或不显示)

2013-02-19 10:49:05 690

转载 Unity3D Shader官方教程翻译(九)----Shader语法:Pass的雾化处理

ShaderLab syntax: FogFog parameters are controlled with Fog command.Fog 命令控制雾化参数Fogging blends the color of the generated pixels down towards a constant color based on distance fro

2013-02-19 10:48:27 763

转载 Unity3D Shader官方教程翻译(八)----Shader语法:Pass的纹理处理 .

ShaderLab syntax: TexturingAfter the basic vertex lighting has been calculated, textures are applied. In ShaderLab this is done usingSetTexture command.在基本的顶点照明计算完成以后,纹理将被设置。在ShaderLab中用Se

2013-02-19 10:48:03 1185

转载 Unity3D Shader官方教程翻译(七)----Shader语法:Pass的Culling & Depth Testing

ShaderLab syntax: Culling & Depth Testing 语法:面剔除及深度测试  Culling is an optimization that does not render polygons facing away from the viewer. All polygons have a front and a back si

2013-02-19 10:47:35 792

转载 Unity3D Shader官方教程翻译(六)----Shader语法:Pass的Color, Material, Lighting

ShaderLab syntax: Color, Material, LightingShaderLab 语法:颜色,材质,光照The material and lighting parameters are used to control the built-in vertex lighting. Vertex lighting is the standard Direct3D/

2013-02-19 10:47:05 1234

转载 Unity3D Shader官方教程翻译(五)----Shader语法:Pass

ShaderLab syntax: PassShaderLab 语法:Pass(通道编程)The Pass block causes the geometry of an object to be rendered once.1个Pass块可以使一个几何物体被一次渲染。Syntax语法 Pass { [Name and Tag

2013-02-19 10:46:40 809

转载 Unity3D Shader官方教程翻译(四)----Shader语法:SubShader

ShaderLab syntax: SubShaderShaderLab语法:SubShader Each shader in Unity consists of a list of subshaders. When Unity has to display a mesh, it will find the shader to use, and pick the f

2013-02-19 10:46:05 638

转载 Unity3D Shader官方教程翻译(三)----Shader语法:属性

ShaderLab syntax: PropertiesShaderLab语法:属性 Shaders can define a list of parameters to be set by artists in Unity's material inspector. The Properties block in the shader file defines t

2013-02-19 10:45:32 720

转载 Unity3D Shader官方教程翻译(二)

ShaderLab syntax: ShaderShaderLab语法:Shader Shader is the root command of a shader file. Each file must define one (and only one) Shader. It specifies how any objects whose material u

2013-02-19 10:44:54 891

转载 Unity3D Shader官方教程翻译(一)

Unity3D Shader官方教程翻译Shader Reference着色参考Shaders in Unity can be written in one of three different ways:Unity3D着色器,可以写在三种不同的方式之一:assurface shaders,asvertex and fragm

2013-02-19 10:43:20 812


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