Windows7的Ntdll.dll文件的Message table.

本文详细介绍了Windows7系统中Ntdll.dll文件的Message table,包括各种状态码及其含义,如STATUS_WAIT_0、STATUS_ABANDONED_WAIT_0等,这些状态码在系统运行和异常处理中起着关键作用。
0,  	"STATUS_WAIT_0"
1,  	"STATUS_WAIT_1"
2,  	"STATUS_WAIT_2"
3,  	"STATUS_WAIT_3"
63,  	"STATUS_WAIT_63"
259,  	"The operation that was requested is pending completion."
260,  	"A reparse should be performed by the Object Manager since the name of the file resulted in a symbolic link."
261,  	"Returned by enumeration APIs to indicate more information is available to successive calls."
262,  	"Indicates not all privileges or groups referenced are assigned to the caller.\nThis allows, for example, all privileges to be disabled without having to know exactly which privileges are assigned."
263,  	"Some of the information to be translated has not been translated."
264,  	"An open/create operation completed while an oplock break is underway."
265,  	"A new volume has been mounted by a file system."
266,  	"This success level status indicates that the transaction state already exists for the registry sub-tree, but that a transaction commit was previously aborted. The commit has now been completed."
267,  	"This indicates that a notify change request has been completed due to closing the handle which made the notify change request."
268,  	"This indicates that a notify change request is being completed and that the information is not being returned in the caller's buffer.\nThe caller now needs to enumerate the files to find the changes."
269,  	"{No Quotas}\nNo system quota limits are specifically set for this account."
270,  	"{Connect Failure on Primary Transport}\nAn attempt was made to connect to the remote server %hs on the primary transport, but the connection failed.\nThe computer WAS able to connect on a secondary transport."
272,  	"Page fault was a transition fault."
273,  	"Page fault was a demand zero fault."
274,  	"Page fault was a demand zero fault."
275,  	"Page fault was a demand zero fault."
276,  	"Page fault was satisfied by reading from a secondary storage device."
277,  	"Cached page was locked during operation."
278,  	"Crash dump exists in paging file."
279,  	"Specified buffer contains all zeros."
280,  	"A reparse should be performed by the Object Manager since the name of the file resulted in a symbolic link."
281,  	"The device has succeeded a query-stop and its resource requirements have changed."
288,  	"The translator has translated these resources into the global space and no further translations should be performed."
289,  	"The directory service evaluated group memberships locally, as it was unable to contact a global catalog server."
290,  	"A process being terminated has no threads to terminate."
291,  	"The specified process is not part of a job."
292,  	"The specified process is part of a job."
293,  	"{Volume Shadow Copy Service}\nThe system is now ready for hibernation."
294,  	"A file system or file system filter driver has successfully completed an FsFilter operation."
295,  	"The specified interrupt vector was already connected."
296,  	"The specified interrupt vector is still connected."
297,  	"The current process is a cloned process."
298,  	"The file was locked and all users of the file can only read."
299,  	"The file was locked and at least one user of the file can write."
514,  	"The specified ResourceManager made no changes or updates to the resource under this transaction."
528,  	"The specified ring buffer was empty before the packet was successfully inserted."
529,  	"The specified ring buffer was full before the packet was successfully removed."
530,  	"The specified ring buffer has dropped below its quota of outstanding transactions."
531,  	"The specified ring buffer has, with the removal of the current packet, now become empty."
532,  	"The specified ring buffer was either previously empty or previously full which implies that the caller should signal the opposite endpoint."
533,  	"The oplock that was associated with this handle is now associated with a different handle."
534,  	"The handle with which this oplock was associated has been closed.  The oplock is now broken."
871,  	"An operation is blocked waiting for an oplock."
65537,  	"Debugger handled exception"
65538,  	"Debugger continued"
1835009,  	"The IO was completed by a filter."
3932161,  	"An attribute was successfully built."
1073741824,  	"{Object Exists}\nAn attempt was made to create an object and the object name already existed."
1073741825,  	"{Thread Suspended}\nA thread termination occurred while the thread was suspended. The thread was resumed, and termination proceeded."
1073741826,  	"{Working Set Range Error}\nAn attempt was made to set the working set minimum or maximum to values which are outside of the allowable range."
1073741827,  	"{Image Relocated}\nAn image file could not be mapped at the address specified in the image file. Local fixups must be performed on this image."
1073741828,  	"This informational level status indicates that a specified registry sub-tree transaction state did not yet exist and had to be created."
1073741829,  	"{Segment Load}\nA virtual DOS machine (VDM) is loading, unloading, or moving an MS-DOS or Win16 program segment image.\nAn exception is raised so a debugger can load, unload or track symbols and breakpoints within these 16-bit segments."
1073741830,  	"{Local Session Key}\nA user session key was requested for a local RPC connection. The session key returned is a constant value and not unique to this connection."
1073741831,  	"{Invalid Current Directory}\nThe process cannot switch to the startup current directory %hs.\nSelect OK to set current directory to %hs, or select CANCEL to exit."
1073741832,  	"{Serial IOCTL Complete}\nA serial I/O operation was completed by another write to a serial port.\n(The IOCTL_SERIAL_XOFF_COUNTER reached zero.)"
1073741833,  	"{Registry Recovery}\nOne of the files containing the system's Registry data had to be recovered by use of a log or alternate copy. The recovery was successful."
1073741834,  	"{Redundant Read}\nTo satisfy a read request, the NT fault-tolerant file system successfully read the requested data from a redundant copy.\nThis was done because the file system encountered a failure on a member of the fault-tolerant volume, but was unable to reassign the failing area of the device."
1073741835,  	"{Redundant Write}\nTo satisfy a write request, the NT fault-tolerant file system successfully wrote a redundant copy of the information.\nThis was done because the file system encountered a failure on a member of the fault-tolerant volume, but was not able to reassign the failing area of the device."
1073741836,  	"{Serial IOCTL Timeout}\nA serial I/O operation completed because the time-out period expired. (The IOCTL_SERIAL_XOFF_COUNTER had not reached zero.)"
1073741837,  	"{Password Too Complex}\nThe Windows password is too complex to be converted to a LAN Manager password. The LAN Manager password returned is a NULL string."
1073741838,  	"{Machine Type Mismatch}\nThe image file %hs is valid, but is for a machine type other than the current machine. Select OK to continue, or CANCEL to fail the DLL load."
1073741839,  	"{Partial Data Received}\nThe network transport returned partial data to its client. The remaining data will be sent later."
1073741840,  	"{Expedited Data Received}\nThe network transport returned data to its client that was marked as expedited by the remote system."
1073741841,  	"{Partial Expedited Data Received}\nThe network transport returned partial data to its client and this data was marked as expedited by the remote system. The remaining data will be sent later."
1073741842,  	"{TDI Event Done}\nThe TDI indication has completed successfully."
1073741843,  	"{TDI Event Pending}\nThe TDI indication has entered the pending state."
1073741844,  	"Checking file system on %wZ"
1073741845,  	"{Fatal Application Exit}\n%hs"
1073741846,  	"The specified registry key is referenced by a predefined handle."
1073741847,  	"{Page Unlocked}\nThe page protection of a locked page was changed to 'No Access' and the page was unlocked from memory and from the process."
1073741848,  	"%hs"
1073741849,  	"{Page Locked}\nOne of the pages to lock was already locked."
1073741850,  	"Application popup: %1 : %2"
1073741851,  	"STATUS_ALREADY_WIN32"
1073741852,  	"Exception status code used by Win32 x86 emulation subsystem."
1073741853,  	"Exception status code used by Win32 x86 emulation subsystem."
1073741854,  	"Exception status code used by Win32 x86 emulation subsystem."
1073741855,  	"Exception status code used by Win32 x86 emulation subsystem."
1073741856,  	"Exception status code used by Win32 x86 emulation subsystem."
1073741857,  	"Exception status code used by Win32 x86 emulation subsystem."
1073741858,  	"Exception status code used by Win32 x86 emulation subsystem."
1073741859,  	"{Machine Type Mismatch}\nThe image file %hs is valid, but is for a machine type other than the current machine."
1073741860,  	"A yield execution was performed and no thread was available to run."
1073741861,  	"The resumable flag to a timer API was ignored."
1073741862,  	"The arbiter has deferred arbitration of these resources to its parent"
1073741863,  	"The device \"%hs\" has detected a CardBus card in its slot, but the firmware on this system is not configured to allow the CardBus controller to be run in CardBus mode.\nThe operating system will currently accept only 16-bit (R2) pc-cards on this controller."
1073741864,  	"Exception status code used by Win32 x86 emulation subsystem."
1073741865,  	"The CPUs in this multiprocessor system are not all the same revision level. To use all processors the operating system restricts itself to the features of the least capable processor in the system. Should problems occur with this system, contact the CPU manufacturer to see if this mix of processors is supported."
1073741866,  	"The system was put into hibernation."
1073741867,  	"The system was resumed from hibernation."
1073741868,  	"Windows has detected that the system firmware (BIOS) was updated [previous firmware date = %2, current firmware date %3]."
1073741869,  	"A device driver is leaking locked I/O pages causing system degradation. The system has automatically enabled tracking code in order to try and catch the culprit."
1073741870,  	"The ALPC message being canceled has already been retrieved from the queue on the other side."
1073741871,  	"The system power state is transitioning from %2 to %3."
1073741872,  	"The receive operation was successful. Check the ALPC completion list for the received message."
1073741873,  	"The system power state is transitioning from %2 to %3 but could enter %4."
1073741874,  	"Access to %1 is monitored by policy rule %2."
1073741875,  	"A valid hibernation file has been invalidated and should be abandoned."
1073741876,  	"Business rule scripts are disabled for the calling application."
1073742484,  	"The system has awoken"
1073742704,  	"The Directory Service is shutting down."
1073807361,  	"Debugger will reply later."
1073807362,  	"Debugger cannot provide handle."
1073807363,  	"Debugger terminated thread."
1073807364,  	"Debugger terminated process."
1073807365,  	"Debugger got control C."
1073807366,  	"Debugger printed exception on control C."
1073807367,  	"Debugger received RIP exception."
1073807368,  	"Debugger received control break."
1073807369,  	"Debugger command communication exception."
1073872982,  	"A UUID that is valid only on this computer has been allocated."
1073873071,  	"Some data remains to be sent in the request buffer."
1074397188,  	"The Client Drive Mapping Service Has Connected on Terminal Connection."
1074397189,  	"The Client Drive Mapping Service Has Disconnected on Terminal Connection."
1075118093,  	"A kernel mode component is releasing a reference on an activation context."
1075380225,  	"The attempt to commit the Transaction completed, but it is possible that some portion of the transaction tree did not commit successfully due to heuristics.  Therefore it is possible that some data modified in the transaction may not have committed, resulting in transactional inconsistency.  If possible, check the consistency of the associated data."
1075380276,  	"The transactional resource manager is already consistent. Recovery is not needed."
1075380277,  	"The transactional resource manager has already been started."
1075445772,  	"Log service encountered a log stream with no restart area."
1075511532,  	"{Display Driver Recovered From Failure}\nThe %hs display driver has detected and recovered from a failure. Some graphical operations may have failed. The next time you reboot the machine a dialog will be displayed giving you a chance to upload data about this failure to Microsoft."
1075707914,  	"Specified buffer is not big enough to contain entire requested dataset. Partial data populated upto the size of the buffer. Caller needs to provide buffer of size as specified in the partially populated buffer's content (interface specific)."
1075708679,  	"No mode is pinned on the specified VidPN source/target."
1075708702,  	"Specified mode set does not specify preference for one of its modes."
1075708747,  	"Specified data set (e.g. mode set, frequency range set, descriptor set, topology, etc.) is empty."
1075708748,  	"Specified data set (e.g. mode set, frequency range set, descriptor set, topology, etc.) does not contain any more elements."
1075708753,  	"Specified content transformation is not pinned on the specified VidPN present path."
1075708975,  	"Child device presence was not reliably detected."
1075708983,  	"Starting the leadlink adapter has been deferred temporarily."
1075708985,  	"The display adapter is being polled for children too frequently at the same polling level."
1075708986,  	"Starting the adapter has been deferred temporarily."
1076035585,  	"The request will be completed later by NDIS status indication."
-2147483647,  	"{EXCEPTION}\nGuard Page Exception\nA page of memory that marks the end of a data structure, such as a stack or an array, has been accessed."
-2147483646,  	"{EXCEPTION}\nAlignment Fault\nA datatype misalignment was detected in a load or store instruction."
-2147483645,  	"{EXCEPTION}\nBreakpoint\nA breakpoint has been reached."
-2147483644,  	"{EXCEPTION}\nSingle Step\nA single step or trace operation has just been completed."
-2147483643,  	"{Buffer Overflow}\nThe data was too large to fit into the specified buffer."
-2147483642,  	"{No More Files}\nNo more files were found which match the file specification."
-2147483641,  	"{Kernel Debugger Awakened}\nthe system debugger was awakened by an interrupt."
-2147483638,  	"{Handles Closed}\nHandles to objects have been automatically closed as a result of the requested operation."
-2147483637,  	"{Non-Inheritable ACL}\nAn access control list (ACL) contains no components that can be inherited."
-2147483636,  	"{GUID Substitution}\nDuring the translation of a global identifier (GUID) to a Windows security ID (SID), no administratively-defined GUID prefix was found. A substitute prefix was used, which will not compromise system security. However, this may provide a more restrictive access than intended."
-2147483635,  	"{Partial Copy}\nDue to protection conflicts not all the requested bytes could be copied."
-2147483634,  	"{Out of Paper}\nThe printer is out of paper."
-2147483633,  	"{Device Power Is Off}\nThe printer power has been turned off."
-2147483632,  	"{Device Offline}\nThe printer has been taken offline."
-2147483631,  	"{Device Busy}\nThe device is currently busy."
-2147483630,  	"{No More EAs}\nNo more extended attributes (EAs) were found for the file."
-2147483629,  	"{Illegal EA}\nThe specified extended attribute (EA) name contains at least one illegal character."
-2147483628,  	"{Inconsistent EA List}\nThe extended attribute (EA) list is inconsistent."
-2147483627,  	"{Invalid EA Flag}\nAn invalid extended attribute (EA) flag was set."
-2147483626,  	"{Verifying Disk}\nThe media has changed and a verify operation is in progress so no reads or writes may be performed to the device, except those used in the verify operation."
-2147483625,  	"{Too Much Information}\nThe specified access control list (ACL) contained more information than was expected."
-2147483624,  	"This warning level status indicates that the transaction state already exists for the registry sub-tree, but that a transaction commit was previously aborted.\nThe commit has NOT been completed, but has not been rolled back either (so it may still be committed if desired)."
-2147483622,  	"{No More Entries}\nNo more entries are available from an enumeration operation."
-2147483621,  	"{Filemark Found}\nA filemark was detected."
-2147483620,  	"{Media Changed}\nThe media may have changed."
-2147483619,  	"{I/O Bus Reset}\nAn I/O bus reset was detected."
-2147483618,  	"{End of Media}\nThe end of the media was encountered."
-2147483617,  	"Beginning of tape or partition has been detected."
-2147483616,  	"{Media Changed}\nThe media may have changed."
-2147483615,  	"A tape access reached a setmark."
-2147483614,  	"During a tape access, the end of the data written is reached."
-2147483613,  	"The redirector is in use and cannot be unloaded."
-2147483612,  	"The server is in use and cannot be unloaded."
-2147483611,  	"The specified connection has already been disconnected."
-2147483610,  	"A long jump has been executed."
-2147483609,  	"A cleaner cartridge is present in the tape library."
-2147483608,  	"The Plug and Play query operation was not successful."
-2147483607,  	"A frame consolidation has been executed."
-2147483606,  	"{Registry Hive Recovered}\nRegistry hive (file):\n%hs\nwas corrupted and it has been recovered. Some data might have been lost."
-2147483605,  	"The application is attempting to run executable code from the module %hs. This may be insecure. An alternative, %hs, is available. Should the application use the secure module %hs?"
-2147483604,  	"The application is loading executable code from the module %hs. This is secure, but may be incompatible with previous releases of the operating system. An alternative, %hs, is available. Should the application use the secure module %hs?"
-2147483603,  	"The create operation stopped after reaching a symbolic link."
-2147483602,  	"An oplock of the requested level cannot be granted.  An oplock of a lower level may be available."
-2147483601,  	"{No ACE Condition}\nThe specified access control entry (ACE) does not contain a condition."
-2147483000,  	"The device has indicated that cleaning is necessary."
-2147482999,  	"The device has indicated that it's door is open. Further operations require it closed and secured."
-2147481597,  	"Windows discovered a corruption in the file \"%hs\".\nThis file has now been repaired.\nPlease check if any data in the file was lost because of the corruption."
-2147418111,  	"Debugger did not handle the exception."
-2146238463,  	"The cluster node is already up."
-2146238462,  	"The cluster node is already down."
-2146238461,  	"The cluster network is already online."
-2146238460,  	"The cluster network is already offline."
-2146238459,  	"The cluster node is already a member of the cluster."
-2145845239,  	"The log could not be set to the requested size."
-2145845207,  	"There is no transaction metadata on the file."
-2145845199,  	"The file can't be recovered because there is a handle still open on it."
-2145845183,  	"Transaction metadata is already present on this file and cannot be superseded."
-2145845182,  	"A transaction scope could not be entered because the scope handler has not been initialized."
-2145713941,  	"{Display Driver Stopped Responding and recovered}\nThe %hs display driver has stopped working normally. The recovery had been performed."
-2145648639,  	"{Buffer too small}\nThe buffer is too small to contain the entry. No information has been written to the buffer."
-2145320959,  	"Volume Metadata read or write is incomplete."
-2145320958,  	"BitLocker encryption keys were ignored because the volume was in a transient state."
-2143879167,  	"A virtual machine is running with its memory allocated across multiple NUMA nodes. This does not indicate a problem unless the performance of your virtual machine is unusually slow. If you are experiencing performance problems, you may need to modify the NUMA configuration. For detailed information, see"
-2143813631,  	"The regeneration operation was not able to copy all data from the active plexes due to bad sectors."
-2143813630,  	"One or more disks were not fully migrated to the target pack. They may or may not require reimport after fixing the hardware problems."
-2143748095,  	"Some BCD entries were not imported correctly from the BCD store."
-2143748093,  	"Some BCD entries were not synchronized correctly with the firmware."
-2143682559,  	"The virtualization storage subsystem has generated an error."
-1073741823,  	"{Operation Failed}\nThe requested operation was unsuccessful."
-1073741822,  	"{Not Implemented}\nThe requested operation is not implemented."
-1073741821,  	"{Invalid Parameter}\nThe specified information class is not a valid information class for the specified object."
-1073741820,  	"The specified information record length does not match the length required for the specified information class."
-1073741819,  	"The instruction at 0x%08lx referenced memory at 0x%08lx. The memory could not be %s."
-1073741818,  	"The instruction at 0x%p referenced memory at 0x%p. The required data was not placed into memory because of an I/O error status of 0x%x."
-1073741817,  	"The pagefile quota for the process has been exhausted."
-1073741816,  	"An invalid HANDLE was specified."
-1073741815,  	"An invalid initial stack was specified in a call to NtCreateThread."
-1073741814,  	"An invalid initial start address was specified in a call to NtCreateThread."
-1073741813,  	"An invalid Client ID was specified."
-1073741812,  	"An attempt was made to cancel or set a timer that has an associated APC and the subject thread is not the thread that originally set the timer with an associated APC routine."
-1073741811,  	"An invalid parameter was passed to a service or function."
-1073741810,  	"A device which does not exist was specified."
-1073741809,  	"{File Not Found}\nThe file %hs does not exist."
-1073741808,  	"The specified request is not a valid operation for the target device."
-1073741807,  	"The end-of-file marker has been reached. There is no valid data in the file beyond this marker."
-1073741806,  	"{Wrong Volume}\nThe wrong volume is in the drive.\nPlease insert volume %hs into drive %hs."
-1073741805,  	"{No Disk}\nThere is no disk in the drive.\nPlease insert a disk into drive %hs."
-1073741804,  	"{Unknown Disk Format}\nThe disk in drive %hs is not formatted properly.\nPlease check the disk, and reformat if necessary."
-1073741803,  	"{Sector Not Found}\nThe specified sector does not exist."
-1073741802,  	"{Still Busy}\nThe specified I/O request packet (IRP) cannot be disposed of because the I/O operation is not complete."
-1073741801,  	"{Not Enough Quota}\nNot enough virtual memory or paging file quota is available to complete the specified operation."
-1073741800,  	"{Conflicting Address Range}\nThe specified address range conflicts with the address space."
-1073741799,  	"Address range to unmap is not a mapped view."
-1073741798,  	"Virtual memory cannot be freed."
-1073741797,  	"Specified section cannot be deleted."
-1073741796,  	"An invalid system service was specified in a system service call."
-1073741795,  	"{EXCEPTION}\nIllegal Instruction\nAn attempt was made to execute an illegal instruction."
-1073741794,  	"{Invalid Lock Sequence}\nAn attempt was made to execute an invalid lock sequence."
-1073741793,  	"{Invalid Mapping}\nAn attempt was made to create a view for a section which is bigger than the section."
-1073741792,  	"{Bad File}\nThe attributes of the specified mapping file for a section of memory cannot be read."
-1073741791,  	"{Already Committed}\nThe specified address range is already committed."
-1073741790,  	"{Access Denied}\nA process has requested access to an object, but has not been granted those access rights."
-1073741789,  	"{Buffer Too Small}\nThe buffer is too small to contain the entry. No information has been written to the buffer."
-1073741788,  	"{Wrong Type}\nThere is a mismatch between the type of object required by the requested operation and the type of object that is specified in the request."
-1073741787,  	"{EXCEPTION}\nCannot Continue\nWindows cannot continue from this exception."
-1073741786,  	"An invalid exception disposition was returned by an exception handler."
-1073741785,  	"Unwind exception code."
-1073741784,  	"An invalid or unaligned stack was encountered during an unwind operation."
-1073741783,  	"An invalid unwind target was encountered during an unwind operation."
-1073741782,  	"An attempt was made to unlock a page of memory which was not locked."
-1073741781,  	"Device parity error on I/O operation."
-1073741780,  	"An attempt was made to decommit uncommitted virtual memory."
-1073741779,  	"An attempt was made to change the attributes on memory that has not been committed."
-1073741778,  	"Invalid Object Attributes specified to NtCreatePort or invalid Port Attributes specified to NtConnectPort"
-1073741777,  	"Length of message passed to NtRequestPort or NtRequestWaitReplyPort was longer than the maximum message allowed by the port."
-1073741776,  	"An invalid combination of parameters was specified."
-1073741775,  	"An attempt was made to lower a quota limit below the current usage."
-1073741774,  	"{Corrupt Disk}\nThe file system structure on the disk is corrupt and unusable.\nPlease run the Chkdsk utility on the volume %hs."
-1073741773,  	"Object Name invalid."
-1073741772,  	"Object Name not found."
-1073741771,  	"Object Name already exists."
-1073741769,  	"Attempt to send a message to a disconnected communication port."
-1073741768,  	"An attempt was made to attach to a device that was already attached to another device."
-1073741767,  	"Object Path Component was not a directory object."
-1073741766,  	"{Path Not Found}\nThe path %hs does not exist."
-1073741765,  	"Object Path Component was not a directory object."
-1073741764,  	"{Data Overrun}\nA data overrun error occurred."
-1073741763,  	"{Data Late}\nA data late error occurred."
-1073741762,  	"{Data Error}\nAn error in reading or writing data occurred."
-1073741761,  	"{Bad CRC}\nA cyclic redundancy check (CRC) checksum error occurred."
-1073741760,  	"{Section Too Large}\nThe specified section is too big to map the file."
-1073741759,  	"The NtConnectPort request is refused."
-1073741758,  	"The type of port handle is invalid for the operation requested."
-1073741757,  	"A file cannot be opened because the share access flags are incompatible."
-1073741756,  	"Insufficient quota exists to complete the operation"
-1073741755,  	"The specified page protection was not valid."
-1073741754,  	"An attempt to release a mutant object was made by a thread that was not the owner of the mutant object."
-1073741753,  	"An attempt was made to release a semaphore such that its maximum count would have been exceeded."
-1073741752,  	"An attempt to set a process's DebugPort or ExceptionPort was made, but a port already exists in the process or an attempt to set a file's CompletionPort made, but a port was already set in the file or an attempt to set an ALPC port's associated completion port was made, but it is already set."
-1073741751,  	"An attempt was made to query image information on a section which does not map an image."
-1073741750,  	"An attempt was made to suspend a thread whose suspend count was at its maximum."
-1073741749,  	"An attempt was made to access a thread that has begun termination."
-1073741748,  	"An attempt was made to set the working set limit to an invalid value (minimum greater than maximum, etc)."
-1073741747,  	"A section was created to map a file which is not compatible to an already existing section which maps the same file."
-1073741746,  	"A view to a section specifies a protection which is incompatible with the initial view's protection."
-1073741745,  	"An operation involving EAs failed because the file system does not support EAs."
-1073741744,  	"An EA operation failed because EA set is too large."
-1073741743,  	"An EA operation failed because the name or EA index is invalid."
-1073741742,  	"The file for which EAs were requested has no EAs."
-1073741741,  	"The EA is corrupt and non-readable."
-1073741740,  	"A requested read/write cannot be granted due to a conflicting file lock."
-1073741739,  	"A requested file lock cannot be granted due to other existing locks."
-1073741738,  	"A non close operation has been requested of a file object with a delete pending."
-1073741737,  	"An attempt was made to set the control attribute on a file. This attribute is not supported in the target file system."
-1073741736,  	"Indicates a revision number encountered or specified is not one known by the service. It may be a more recent revision than the service is aware of."
-1073741735,  	"Indicates two revision levels are incompatible."
-1073741734,  	"Indicates a particular Security ID may not be assigned as the owner of an object."
-1073741733,  	"Indicates a particular Security ID may not be assigned as the primary group of an object."
-1073741732,  	"An attempt has been made to operate on an impersonation token by a thread that is not currently impersonating a client."
-1073741731,  	"A mandatory group may not be disabled."
-1073741730,  	"There are currently no logon servers available to service the logon request."
-1073741729,  	"A specified logon session does not exist. It may already have been terminated."
-1073741728,  	"A specified privilege does not exist."
-1073741727,  	"A required privilege is not held by the client."
-1073741726,  	"The name provided is not a properly formed account name."
-1073741725,  	"The specified account already exists."
-1073741724,  	"The specified account does not exist."
-1073741723,  	"The specified group already exists."
-1073741722,  	"The specified group does not exist."
-1073741721,  	"The specified user account is already in the specified group account. Also used to indicate a group cannot be deleted because it contains a member."
-1073741720,  	"The specified user account is not a member of the specified group account."
-1073741719,  	"Indicates the requested operation would disable or delete the last remaining administration account.\nThis is not allowed to prevent creating a situation in which the system cannot be administrated."
-1073741718,  	"When trying to update a password, this return status indicates that the value provided as the current password is not correct."
-1073741717,  	"When trying to update a password, this return status indicates that the value provided for the new password contains values that are not allowed in passwords."
-1073741716,  	"When trying to update a password, this status indicates that some password update rule has been violated. For example, the password may not meet length criteria."
-1073741715,  	"The attempted logon is invalid. This is either due to a bad username or authentication information."
-1073741714,  	"Indicates a referenced user name and authentication information are valid, but some user account restriction has prevented successful authentication (such as time-of-day restrictions)."
-1073741713,  	"The user account has time restrictions and may not be logged onto at this time."
-1073741712,  	"The user account is restricted such that it may not be used to log on from the source workstation."
-1073741711,  	"The user account's password has expired."
-1073741710,  	"The referenced account is currently disabled and may not be logged on to."
-1073741709,  	"None of the information to be translated has been translated."
-1073741708,  	"The number of LUIDs requested may not be allocated with a single allocation."
-1073741707,  	"Indicates there are no more LUIDs to allocate."
-1073741706,  	"Indicates the sub-authority value is invalid for the particular use."
-1073741705,  	"Indicates the ACL structure is not valid."
-1073741704,  	"Indicates the SID structure is not valid."
-1073741703,  	"Indicates the SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR structure is not valid."
-1073741702,  	"Indicates the specified procedure address cannot be found in the DLL."
-1073741701,  	"{Bad Image}\n%hs is either not designed to run on Windows or it contains an error. Try installing the program again using the original installation media or contact your system administrator or the software vendor for support."
-1073741700,  	"An attempt was made to reference a token that doesn't exist.\nThis is typically done by referencing the token associated with a thread when the thread is not impersonating a client."
-1073741699,  	"Indicates that an attempt to build either an inherited ACL or ACE was not successful.\nThis can be caused by a number of things. One of the more probable causes is the replacement of a CreatorId with an SID that didn't fit into the ACE or ACL."
-1073741698,  	"The range specified in NtUnlockFile was not locked."
-1073741697,  	"An operation failed because the disk was full."
-1073741696,  	"The GUID allocation server is [already] disabled at the moment."
-1073741695,  	"The GUID allocation server is [already] enabled at the moment."
-1073741694,  	"Too many GUIDs were requested from the allocation server at once."
-1073741693,  	"The GUIDs could not be allocated because the Authority Agent was exhausted."
-1073741692,  	"The value provided was an invalid value for an identifier authority."
-1073741691,  	"There are no more authority agent values available for the given identifier authority value."
-1073741690,  	"An invalid volume label has been specified."
-1073741689,  	"A mapped section could not be extended."
-1073741688,  	"Specified section to flush does not map a data file."
-1073741687,  	"Indicates the specified image file did not contain a resource section."
-1073741686,  	"Indicates the specified resource type cannot be found in the image file."
-1073741685,  	"Indicates the specified resource name cannot be found in the image file."
-1073741684,  	"{EXCEPTION}\nArray bounds exceeded."
-1073741683,  	"{EXCEPTION}\nFloating-point denormal operand."
-1073741682,  	"{EXCEPTION}\nFloating-point division by zero."
-1073741681,  	"{EXCEPTION}\nFloating-point inexact result."
-1073741680,  	"{EXCEPTION}\nFloating-point invalid operation."
-1073741679,  	"{EXCEPTION}\nFloating-point overflow."
-1073741678,  	"{EXCEPTION}\nFloating-point stack check."
-1073741677,  	"{EXCEPTION}\nFloating-point underflow."
-1073741676,  	"{EXCEPTION}\nInteger division by zero."
-1073741675,  	"{EXCEPTION}\nInteger overflow."
-1073741674,  	"{EXCEPTION}\nPrivileged instruction."
-1073741673,  	"An attempt was made to install more paging files than the system supports."
-1073741672,  	"The volume for a file has been externally altered such that the opened file is no longer valid."
-1073741671,  	"When a block of memory is allotted for future updates, such as the memory allocated to hold discretionary access control and primary group information, successive updates may exceed the amount of memory originally allotted.\nSince quota may already have been charged to several processes which have handles to the object, it is not reasonable to alter the size of the allocated memory.\nInstead, a request that requires more memory than has been allotted must fail and the STATUS_ALLOTED_SPACE_EXCEEDED error returned."
-1073741670,  	"Insufficient system resources exist to complete the API."
-1073741669,  	"An attempt has been made to open a DFS exit path control file."
-1073741665,  	"Virtual memory cannot be freed as base address is not the base of the region and a region size of zero was specified."
-1073741664,  	"An attempt was made to free virtual memory which is not allocated."
-1073741663,  	"The working set is not big enough to allow the requested pages to be locked."
-1073741662,  	"{Write Protect Error}\nThe disk cannot be written to because it is write protected. Please remove the write protection from the volume %hs in drive %hs."
-1073741661,  	"{Drive Not Ready}\nThe drive is not ready for use; its door may be open. Please check drive %hs and make sure that a disk is inserted and that the drive door is closed."
-1073741660,  	"The specified attributes are invalid, or incompatible with the attributes for the group as a whole."
-1073741659,  	"A specified impersonation level is invalid.\nAlso used to indicate a required impersonation level was not provided."
-1073741658,  	"An attempt was made to open an Anonymous level token.\nAnonymous tokens may not be opened."
-1073741657,  	"The validation information class requested was invalid."
-1073741656,  	"The type of a token object is inappropriate for its attempted use."
-1073741655,  	"The type of a token object is inappropriate for its attempted use."
-1073741654,  	"An attempt was made to execute an instruction at an unaligned address and the host system does not support unaligned instruction references."
-1073741653,  	"The maximum named pipe instance count has been reached."
-1073741652,  	"An instance of a named pipe cannot be found in the listening state."
-1073741651,  	"The named pipe is not in the connected or closing state."
-1073741650,  	"The specified pipe is set to complete operations and there are current I/O operations queued so it cannot be changed to queue operations."
-1073741649,  	"The specified handle is not open to the server end of the named pipe."
-1073741648,  	"The specified named pipe is in the disconnected state."
-1073741647,  	"The specified named pipe is in the closing state."
-1073741646,  	"The specified named pipe is in the connected state."
-1073741645,  	"The specified named pipe is in the listening state."
-1073741644,  	"The specified named pipe is not in message mode."
-1073741643,  	"{Device Timeout}\nThe specified I/O operation on %hs was not completed before the time-out period expired."
-1073741642,  	"The specified file has been closed by another process."
-1073741641,  	"Profiling not started."
-1073741640,  	"Profiling not stopped."
-1073741639,  	"The passed ACL did not contain the minimum required information."
-1073741638,  	"The file that was specified as a target is a directory and the caller specified that it could be anything but a directory."
-1073741637,  	"The request is not supported."
-1073741636,  	"This remote computer is not listening."
-1073741635,  	"A duplicate name exists on the network."
-1073741634,  	"The network path cannot be located."
-1073741633,  	"The network is busy."
-1073741632,  	"This device does not exist."
-1073741631,  	"The network BIOS command limit has been reached."
-1073741630,  	"An I/O adapter hardware error has occurred."
-1073741629,  	"The network responded incorrectly."
-1073741628,  	"An unexpected network error occurred."
-1073741627,  	"The remote adapter is not compatible."
-1073741626,  	"The printer queue is full."
-1073741625,  	"Space to store the file waiting to be printed is not available on the server."
-1073741624,  	"The requested print file has been canceled."
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