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原创 SAP--我的blog连接整理

我的blog的文章越来越多,CSDN又没有提供很好的分类管理的方法,我自己想将相关文章进行分类连接整理,希望大家多提建议。 SAP SDNumDescription  0SD--Enterprise Structure Configuration0.1 SD--SD业务的简图1sd--关于定价技

2008-12-19 12:19:00 13965 13

原创 如何在Power BI中实现主页显示一个月,Tools显示前N个月的数据?


2022-03-11 08:30:37 3981 2

原创 如何在POWER BI中翻转90度显示标题?

如何在POWER BI中翻转90度显示标题?

2022-03-10 21:38:43 1953

原创 如何用RVisualization 输出X轴,y轴的双轴百分比堆积条形图

用户需求:在最近的POWER BI项目,用户的需求如下:实现在x轴按渠道的占比显示宽度,在y轴按品牌的在各个渠道的占比显示高度。Power BI有个控件可以实现改需求,但是这是一个付费控件。我们最终使用R Script Visual实现需求。实现效果:带代码摘抄:# The following code to create a dataframe and remove duplicated rows is always executed and acts as a preamb.

2021-07-28 08:33:09 639



2021-03-13 11:35:53 3634

原创 ABAP-如何发送EXCEL附件


2021-03-12 13:27:45 1894

原创 ABAP-如何发用邮件附件的方式发送订单打印的PDF

在工作中,我们常常会遇到以邮件附件的方式发送SAP的订单,出库单或者发票等信息给客户。我这里将实现摘抄下来,供大家参考:1、设计订单打印smarfform(这就不累述了)2、设计订单打印程序:几个关键代码照抄如下:2.1 调用打印程序生成PDF*---------------------------------------------------------------------**FORMPROCESSING...

2021-03-12 13:12:25 2030

原创 ABAP如何发送带EXCEL附件的邮件代码摘抄


2021-02-20 14:10:05 1112

原创 如何将打印报表作为PDF附件发送的代码样例


2021-02-20 14:08:53 478

原创 通过ABAP程序批量修改合作伙伴

REPORT Y0000SD_KNVP_UPDATE.TYPE-POOLS: slis.TYPES: ty_tab TYPE line OCCURS 10.TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_kunnr, kunnr TYPE kunnr, END OF ty_kunnr.DATA: gv_file TYPE string.DATA: gt_tab TYPE ty_tab, gs_line TYPE line, gs_knvp TY...

2021-01-22 13:53:57 1080

转载 如何设计报表读取价格条件数据?

ummaryThis post narrates the use of Runtime Type services to generate Dynamic ALV Grid Report for Pricing Condition Master Records.Author(s): Vinod Kumar T Company: NIIT Technologies LimitedCreated on: 29.10.2010Author(s) BioVinod Kumar is...

2020-10-16 11:39:04 867

转载 FAQ in Billing Cancellation

You'll be able to easily find out the answer/solution by yourself for the most frequently asked questions in SDBilling Cancellation area on this page.For an easier search, you can use Ctrl + F to f...

2020-04-09 13:52:52 864

转载 FAQ in Accounting document creation from SD (SD-FI Interface)

You'll be able to easily find out the answer/solution by yourself for the most frequently asked questions in SD-FI interface on this page.For an easier search, you can use Ctrl + F to find a specifi...

2020-04-09 13:50:44 3957

转载 FAQ in SD-BIL-IV - Processing of billing documents

You'll be able to easily find out the answer/solution by yourself for the most frequently asked questions in SDBilling documentsarea on this page.For an easier search, you can use Ctrl + F to find...

2020-04-09 13:48:22 1751

转载 930870 - Determination, valuation, and quantity adjustment of conditions

SymptomThis note explains the meaning of the terms"(Re)determination" "(Re)valuation"and"Quantity adjustment"of conditions in R/3 pricing:1. (Re)determination of conditions:In connectio...

2019-09-30 14:28:00 820

转载 900089 - Pricing: FORM XKOMV_BEWERTEN processing steps

SymptomThis SAP Note describes the following: a) The sequence in which the most important processing steps are performed during the valuation of the pricing result (FORM XKOMV_BEWERTEN, include L...

2019-09-30 14:03:20 1997

原创 SD-如何利用BTE在VKxx显示特殊文本

在SAP的价格维护中,我们经常会自定义一些字段,有时这些字段非系统标准字段,无法显示文本,但需要在维护时显示文本或者显示特殊文本。本文就给出用户输入条形码,显示对应物料名称的样例。在系统中我们会找到四个BTE和定价维护相关:00503303 Maintain conditions: Transfers 00503305 Maintain conditions: Field check ...

2019-04-01 10:24:17 795 1

转载 Note 886532 - Pricing: Displaying and rounding numbers

SymptomThis consulting note describesa) why certain data fields are displayed differently on screen than they are in the databaseandb) which effects the use of fixed point arithmetic has on ...

2019-03-12 11:46:19 519 1

原创 为什么output type condition记录已经维护,但输出不能自动创建IDOC

 今天碰到一个问题,在创建销售订单是,Output type condition记录已经维护,但输出不能自动创建Message?查看了Output type condition记录已经读取,但在NAST表中却无记录。后来查看代码,发现系统在生成NAST记录时,会做一些数据检查。如果检查发现错误,则不生成消息记录。本次问题是因为Partner Profiles的主数据没有维护,系统根据通...

2019-01-29 16:14:13 1524 1

转载 如何实现PO的输出向客户发送邮件的增强

Enhance Email – NACE – PurchasingEmailing outputs to partners is a standard out-of-the-box feature in SAP Output Control. This blog explains enhancement options available in case you want to control...

2019-01-15 09:22:42 2631

转载 如何选择正确的读取SD的数据表,提高程序性能

SD Table Access – SAP Note 185530Read SAP Note 185530 before developing new SD report or if your SD report is running slow.1. Accesses to sales orders (tables VBAK, VBAP)Search orders for custom...

2019-01-15 09:12:16 558

转载 使用函数RP_CALC_DATE_IN_INTERVAL进行日期的年月日的加减

data LV_DATE type DATS.** Add/Substract years to datecall function 'RP_CALC_DATE_IN_INTERVAL' exporting  DATE = SY-DATUM  DAYS = 0  MONTHS = 0  SIGNUM = '-' " to calculate previous date  YEARS...

2018-11-06 09:23:40 5006

转载 Retroactive Billing – VFRB Modification to add credit/debit line

Retro billing process is used to create price differences documents (credit / debit memo) after price changes in SAP.For further : https://blogs.sap.com/2013/05/07/retro-billing-sd-vfrb/OEM suppli...

2018-10-26 17:46:17 1122

转载 Realizing procurement EDI processes with ANSI ASC X12, EDIFACT, and IDocs

IntroductionMost of today’s procurement processes heavily depend on the use of electronic data interchange (EDI). Depending on the industry, different procurement concepts are applied. In the automo...

2018-10-26 17:42:36 716

原创 如何控制一些项目在ORDRSP中不输出

有些需求会要求有些项目在ORDRSP中不输出,经过查看函数IDOC_OUTPUT_ORDRSP,大家就会发现很多的CUSTOMER-FUNCTION。下面举个就以无确数量的行项目不输出为例,采用增强EXIT_SAPLVEDC_003(ZXVEDU15)代码,代码如下:  if vbak-vtweg = '11'.   Data w_BMENG like vbep-BMENG.   CLEA...

2018-09-28 14:50:08 614

原创 关于VBxxDATA单元内表记录的变化

下表简单记录了VBxxDATA的内表的变化和简单描述,供大家在做SD订单增强时使用:Table Name Description Create Change(Add,Delete,Modify) VBAK   X   *VBAK       YVBAK Old table status when changing i...

2018-09-04 13:03:54 727

原创 VBAP和VBEP的几个数量字段的说明

VBAP-KWMENG(Order Quantity)Cumulative Order Quantity in Sales UnitsThe total (rounded) order quantity for this item.UseIf there is more than one schedule line for the item, the total order qua...

2018-08-16 14:56:31 2445

原创 SD-如何读取文本订单的抬头文本

在最近一次修改订单跟踪表,用户提出需要读取抬头文本。由于用户输入文本时存在多种语言,如果根据用户的语言或者在条件界面设置语言条件来提取文本,发现都会漏取文本。后来经过思索,用先从STXH表中获取抬头文本的语言,再使用该语言传入read_text函数读取文本,这样就确保文本读取,不会出现遗漏。代码摘抄如下:  CLEAR lV_text.  select single TDSPRAS into...

2018-07-16 17:01:28 3624

转载 SD- sap 的修改日志

One of the best weapons in a support consultant’s arsenal is the ability to review document changes.  Sometimes, being able to build a precise timeline around occurrences of an issue can be crucial ...

2018-07-13 13:55:48 4029

转载 SAP SD Reference Guide: SAP Notes

The SAP Support Portal — a.k.a. Service Marketplace, a.k.a. Launchpad — contains a plethora of articles about various SAP errors, issues, and functions.  While a comprehensive catalog of such issues...

2018-07-13 13:49:12 906

转载 ABAP-BITMAP的命令参数的使用说明

Documentation on the SAPscript graphic administration is available in the system.There are two ways of accessing it:1. Create a graphic directly on the form painter page, for example, using the cont...

2018-06-28 10:24:12 791

原创 SAP定价的合计字段的代码照抄

合计字段默认累计,只有当条件类型为价格类型时,字段会重置。请大家参考LV61AA55* fill subtotal work fields      CASE xkomv-kzwiw.        WHEN ' '.        WHEN 'A'.          IF komp-mgame NE 0.            komp-cmpre = xkomv-kwert * 10 /...

2018-04-30 15:43:47 1475

转载 24832 - Pricing rules/TVCPF (定价计算的Pricing type)

SymptomDepending on the situation, the system shouldredetermine conditions ornot. For this, a differentiated control is required, for example:1. When you create orders or billing documents, the cond...

2018-04-27 15:28:18 1974

转载 SD 一些常用的参数(Parameter)

ParameterDescriptionUsageAATOrder typeSD Order Type. Populated on transactions like Create Sales Order (VA01) could be Production order also.AGTQuotation type (RV)SD Quotation Type. Populated on trans...

2018-04-17 10:35:58 1532

原创 如何动态地调用没有引用的其他程序的内存变量数据的样例?

本文ATP的增强(EXIT_SAPLATPC_002)会在订单,出库单的程序中被调用,我们可能希望读取这些程序的变量的数据,我们就可以通过FIELD-SYMBOLS来完成,具体参见下面的代码样例:TABLES: y0000ca_userexit. "allready declaredDATA: c_programm     LIKE y0000ca_userexit-yprogramm.DATA:...

2018-02-24 17:36:36 1189

原创 如何使用SE16N进行数据批量修改和输入?


2018-01-26 16:55:21 3254

原创 SD-如何增强VF04显示交货单相关的发票金额

我们可以使用ZXV6PU08sap给我们留好了增强的出口:EXIT_SAPLV60P_008,我们可以修改 ZXV6PU08,来显示出库相关的Billing的金额。方法如下:1、在VKDFIF中添加字段YYNETWR,用于显示价格2、修改 ZXV6PU08,填写YYNETWR字段代码照抄如下:PERFORM y0000sd_0000_fill_vkdfif

2017-11-24 10:52:28 3235

原创 SD-关于单据流的创建日期的一个错误的认识


2017-10-31 14:41:23 958 1

转载 条件技术中需求公式的 kobed和kobev的不同之处

SD price

2017-09-13 17:31:07 1914

转载 SAP ABAP Programming Tutorials - Free Training Course

ABAP Fundamentals1 - Introduction to ABAP: Datatypes, Operators & Editor - Tutorial 2 - ABAP Data Dictionary Tutorial - Table, Lock Object, View & Structure 3 - Modularization in ABAP:

2017-05-17 10:03:13 1481


Power_BI_Modeling_and_DAX PDF Book





Implementing SAP ERP Sales & Distribution_2008

Implementing SAP ERP Sales & Distribution_2008


Using IDOC Method in LSMW

Using IDOC Method in LSMW 但愿对大家有用!


ABAP Program Tips v3.

ABAP Program Tips v3. 适合abap初级选手学习


Using Infoset Query, SAP Query and Quick Viewer

Using Infoset Query, SAP Query and Quick Viewer



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