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转载 how to find list of possible words from letter matrix

How to find list of possible words from a letter matrix [Boggle Solver]up vote338down votefavorite274Lately I have been playing a game on my iPhone called Scram

2016-06-12 07:03:35 2737

转载 linux file search

[转]Linux文件搜索简述Linux文件搜索1 、关于搜索;在Linux文件系统中,搜索概念有两种,一种是搜索文件名,另一种是在一个文件中搜索指定的内容;这两种搜索,我们都简要的介绍一下,但不一定极为专业。想到哪写到哪;2、通过搜索文件名来查找文件;有的弟兄经常会说文件都放在哪里了,我怎么查找文件?其实这里说的意思就是通过文件名来查找文件所处的位置

2016-06-12 06:59:47 1013

转载 电梯调度算法 summary

[转] 电梯调度算法总结1.传统电梯调度算法1.1先来先服务算法(FCFS)先来先服务(FCFS-First Come First Serve)算法,是一种随即服务算法,它不仅仅没有对寻找楼层进行优化,也没有实时性的特征,它是一种最简单的电梯调度算法。它根据乘客请求乘坐电梯的先后次序进行调度。此算法的优点是公平、简单,且每个乘客的请求都能依次地得到处理,不会出现

2016-06-11 23:32:42 913

转载 群控电梯调度算法

[转]群控电梯调度算法一)、弄清群控电梯调度算法的评价指标   由于乘客心理等待时间的长短、电梯响应呼梯的快慢、召唤厅站客流量的大小、轿厢内乘客人数的多少等均是一些模糊的概念,很难用确切的数量关系定义,也难以用普通的逻辑规则综合描述。   近年来,人们借助于模糊数学中的隶属函数来表述,将复杂的模糊问题转化为简单清晰的形式进行求解和控制.模糊控制通过模糊逻辑进行推理,

2016-06-11 23:31:27 17137

转载 word ladder2

Word Ladder II描述Given two words (start and end), and a dictionary, find all shortest transformation sequence(s) from startto end, such that:• Only one letter can be changed at a time

2016-06-11 23:28:34 538

转载 word ladder

链接:http://leetcode.com/onlinejudge#question_126原题:Given two words (start and end), and a dictionary, find all shortest transformation sequence(s) from start to end, such that:Only on

2016-06-11 23:27:26 425

转载 word ladder

leetcode之word ladder 标签: leetcode2013-10-20 19:30 10736人阅读 评论(5) 收藏 举报本文章已收录于:  算法与数据结构知识库 分类: leetcode(5) 版权声明:本文为博主原创文章,未经博主允许不得转载。对于之前没有接触过该类型题目的人来说,此题无疑

2016-06-11 23:25:23 358

转载 word ladder

单词变换距离 Word Ladder (图的最短路径) 2014-02-28 20:15 830人阅读 评论(0) 收藏 举报 分类: 算法基础(19)  图解法问题(13)  字符串问题(44)  LeetCode(150) 版权声明: GNU General Public License. http://lucky

2016-06-11 23:24:24 359

转载 word ladder

[leetcode]Word Ladder II @ Python[leetcode]Word Ladder II @ Python原题地址:http://oj.leetcode.com/problems/word-ladder-ii/参考文献:http://blog.csdn.net/doc_sgl/article/details/13341405      

2016-06-11 23:23:36 332

转载 Python iterator, generator

python,iterator,generatorhttp://wiki.python.org/moin/Generators Generators functions allow you to declare a function that behaves like an iterator, i.e. it can be used in a for l

2016-06-11 23:21:40 414

转载 Python Set operation

PythonBuilt-inDictionaryListSetTuple2DArrayBytesClassConsoleConvertDatetimeDelDuplicatesErrorFileFindIfLambdaLenLowerMapMathNamedtupleOrdRandomReSliceSortSplitStringStripSubSubstringTypeWhileSet. A

2016-06-11 23:20:17 466

转载 difference between dictionary and hash table

What is the true difference between a dictionary and a hash table?up vote21down votefavorite5I've always used dictionaries. I write in Python.python data-

2016-06-11 23:19:09 479

转载 python map

Python的map、filter、reduce函数  2010-10-31 12:20:36|  分类: python|举报|字号 订阅      下载LOFTER我的照片书  |map函数func作用于给定序列的每个元素,并用一个列表来提供返回值。

2016-06-11 19:43:11 302

转载 python Queue error

python 中,队列是线程间最常用的交换数据的形式。Queue模块是提供队列操作的模块,虽然简单易用,但是不小心的话,还是会出现一些意外。 1. 阻塞模式导致数据污染import Queue       q = Queue.Queue(10)       for i in range(10):               myData = 'A'         

2016-06-11 18:32:55 1691

转载 word chains ruby

Word Chains (#44)Our own Dave Thomas has also posted some Ruby code challenges on his blog in the past. There are several interesting problems there:CodeKataThis week's Ruby Quiz is one of my fa

2016-06-11 14:53:02 437

转载 what do cookies do

What do Cookies Do?A cookie is the term given to describe a type of message that is given to a Web browser by a Web server.  The main purpose of a cookie is to identify users and possibly prep

2016-06-11 14:29:27 403

转载 browser user agent

What’s a Browser User Agent?Your browser sends its user agent to every website you connect to. We’ve written about changing your browser’s user agent before – but what exactly is a user

2016-06-11 14:04:01 3907

转载 how websites tracking u

HTG Explains: Learn How Websites Are Tracking You OnlineSome forms of tracking are obvious – for example, websites know who you are if you’re logged in. But how do tracking networks build

2016-06-11 14:00:03 449

转载 Read Large Files in Python

Read Large Files in PythonI have a large file ( ~4G) to process in Python. I wonder whether it is OK to "read" such a large file. So I tried in the following several ways:The original large

2016-06-11 00:04:31 683

转载 Tire

字典树基础讲解 标签: acm算法数据结构c语言2014-10-23 10:36 315人阅读 评论(0) 收藏 举报本文章已收录于:  算法与数据结构知识库 分类: 算法(2)  字符串  数/*再次声明本文为转载原作者地址http://blog.csdn.net/u013548531/artic

2016-06-11 00:02:22 323

转载 无权最短路径

无权最短路径-广度优先搜索2013年09月01日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 3757字 ⁄ 字号 小 中 大 ⁄ 评论关闭图的搜索技术是图算法领域的核心。许多图算法的开始,都是通过搜索输入的图来获取图结构信息,另外还有些图的算法实际上是通过图搜索算法经过简单扩展而成的。广度优先搜索的执行方法:从任意点s出发,先遍历与s相邻的点,然后再遍历于相邻的点相

2016-06-10 21:29:08 315

转载 python regex

Python Regular ExpressionsRegular expressions are a powerful language for matching text patterns. This page gives a basic introduction to regular expressions themselves sufficient for our Python

2016-06-10 00:45:03 798

转载 regex pattern in python for parsing html

regex pattern in python for parsing HTML title tagsup vote6down votefavoriteI am learning to use both the re module and the urllib module in python and atte

2016-06-09 23:49:52 475

转载 python with open

You don't really have to close it - Python will do it automatically either during garbage collection or at program exit. But as @delnan noted, it's better practice to explicitly close it for various r

2016-06-09 22:49:47 889

转载 zip tar

Linux下的压缩解压缩命令详解发布时间:2009-12-13 16:05:33   来源:PHP100中文网   评论:0 点击: 次 【字号:大 中 小】QQ空间新浪微博腾讯微博人人网豆瓣网百度空间百度搜藏开心网复制更多171linux zip命令 zip -r myfile.zip ./* 将当前目录下的所有文件和文件夹全部压缩成myfile.zip文件,-r表示

2016-06-09 20:51:07 252

转载 Using Python to create UNIX command line tools

Using Python to create UNIX command line toolsA Python command line interface manifestoIf you work in IT, as a UNIX® Sysadmin, a software developer, or even a manager, there a few skil

2016-06-09 00:04:33 1382

转载 python bash style

Python for Bash scripters: A well-kept secret2013年10月07日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 11500字 ⁄ 字号 小 中 大 ⁄ 评论关闭by Noah GiftHey you, ya you! Do you write Bash scripts?Come here, I have a secret to

2016-06-08 22:31:51 460

转载 A/B testing

A/B测试:实现方法 oldj | 用户研究 | 九月 27th, 2010  | 评论(68)上文介绍了 A/B 测试的基本概念,接下来我们继续探讨如何实现 A/B 测试。我们先来看一个图:(注:感谢Algo提供本图。)上图展示了 A/B 测试的实现原理。从左到右,四条较粗的竖线代表了 A/B 测试中的四个关键角色:客户

2016-06-08 15:11:57 646

转载 apache ab pressure test

apache ab test使用1、先查看一下版本信息 ab -V(注意是大写的V) 2、我们也可以使用小写的v查看下ab命令的一些属性 ab -v3、现在我们就对51CTO的网站进行一次压力测试吧,使用命令ab -n1000 -c10 http://www.51cto.com/index.php,其中 -n1000 表示总请求数 -c10表示并

2016-06-08 15:09:14 544

转载 Optimizely - A/B Testing brief intro

A/B TestingWHAT IS A/B TESTING?A/B testing (also known as split testing or bucket testing) is a method of comparing two versions of a webpage or app against each other to determine which one

2016-06-08 14:40:20 443

转载 twitter A/B testing brief intro

Twitter A/B测试技术概览作者 金灵杰 发布于 2015年11月18日 | 讨论分享到:微博微信FacebookTwitter有道云笔记邮件分享稍后阅读我的阅读清单A/B测试在Twitter的整个产品流程中是着非常核心的一个环节,Twitter通过它来验证新功能是否有效。前段时间,Twitter发布了博客介绍了他们是如何实施A/B

2016-06-08 14:27:11 349

转载 become a data scientist

Learning Path for Developers & IT Professionals to become a Data ScientistBUSINESS ANALYTICSSHARE     KUNAL JAIN , MAY 26, 2016 / 34 IntroductionThis guide to meant to he

2016-06-08 09:57:01 578

转载 Interview Questions and Ans

电话面试透析外企面试:如何应对电话面试(上)  外企招募员工时可能会为了减少招聘成本、提高招聘效率而采用更为快捷的电话面试。多数情况下,用人单位将电话面试视为筛选应聘者的第一道门槛。他们一般会安排人力资源部的专员通过电话对应聘者进行简单的英语面试,以此确认应聘者简历中的基本信息,并对简历中不清楚或不明确的地方进行查实,以便决定是否安排应聘者进入下一轮面试。有时,用人单位也会在第一轮面试

2016-06-07 23:40:18 2065

转载 Avoid on a Thank-You Email

7 Goofs to Avoid on a Thank-You EmailDon't botch your job chances with one of these blunders.By Ritika TrikhaMarch 13, 2012, at 9:20 a.m. + MoreRitika TrikhaW

2016-06-07 23:34:08 815

转载 Thank you letter

Photo Credit: Copyright Alison DoyleThe following is an example of a thank you letter email message to send after a phone interview. In addition to relaying your appreciation for the interview

2016-06-07 23:33:15 775

转载 interview-prepare

面试两道技术题,第一题是给两个数组,找最小的共同元素,HashSet+List搞定,然后问了hash function的问题。第二题是经典的六维空间问题,给你社交网络中的两个人,判断两人之间的距离是否小于6。LZ当初看LiveRamp面经的时候看到过这题,应该用bi-directional BFS做,但是面试的时候一紧张没想起来,于是先写了普通的BFS,然后面试官问如果有的人朋

2016-06-07 22:38:03 725

转载 Kaggle quick start


2016-06-07 11:19:46 447

转载 about Kaggle

数据挖掘比赛----Kaggle实战       数据挖掘--非常火爆的一个话题,跟大数据结合的模式也是赚足了噱头,工业界各土豪公司也是砸下重金网罗各种数据挖掘/机器学习人才。如今掌握一门挖掘技巧的实用性跟急迫性。在学习的过程中,除了相关理论的学习之外,最重要的就是如何把理论用于实践,当然做项目是最直接有效的实践方式,除此之外,参加一些数据挖掘比赛也是非常不错的经历,比赛过

2016-06-07 11:18:09 690

转载 Trie

TrieWhat is a trie:You've probably already seen kinds of trees that store things more efficiently, such as a binary search tree. Here, we will examine another variant of a tree, called a tri

2016-06-04 23:11:35 565

转载 nested function in python

Nested Function in Pythonup vote42down votefavorite11What benefit or implications could we get with Python code like this:class some_class(parent_class):

2016-06-04 20:59:25 770



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