nested function in python

What benefit or implications could we get with Python code like this:

class some_class(parent_class):
    def doOp(self, x, y):
        def add(x, y):
            return x + y
        return add(x, y)

I found this in an open-source project, doing something useful inside the nested function, but doing absolutely nothing outside it except calling it. (The actual code can be found here.) Why might someone code it like this? Is there some benefit or side effect for writing the code inside the nested function rather than in the outer, normal function?

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Is this the actual code you found, or just a simplified example you constructed? –  MAK  Oct 19 '09 at 17:43
It's a simplified example. The actual code can be found here:… –  Hosam Aly  Oct 20 '09 at 8:03
Your link (which points to HEAD) is now not accurate. Try:… –  Craig McQueen  Dec 3 '09 at 1:21
You're right Craig. Thank you. –  Hosam Aly  Dec 7 '09 at 11:32

6 Answers

up vote 64 down vote accepted

Normally you do it to make closures:

def make_adder(x):
    def add(y):
        return x + y
    return add

plus5 = make_adder(5)
print(plus5(12))  # prints 17

Inner functions can access variables from the enclosing scope (in this case, the local variable x). If you're not accessing any variables from the enclosing scope, they're really just ordinary functions with a different scope.

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For that I'd prefer partials: plus5 = functools.partial(operator.add, 5). Decorators would be a better example for closures. –  Jochen Ritzel  Oct 19 '09 at 18:09
Thanks, but as you can see in the snippet I posted, that's not the case here: the nested function is simply being called in the outer function. –  Hosam Aly  Oct 20 '09 at 8:05

Aside from function generators, where internal function creation is almost the definition of a function generator, the reason I create nested functions is to improve readability. If I have a tiny function that will only be invoked by the outer function, then I inline the definition so you don't have to skip around to determine what that function is doing. I can always move the inner method outside of the encapsulating method if I find a need to reuse the function at a later date.

Toy example:

import sys

def Foo():
    def e(s):
        sys.stderr.write('ERROR: ')
    e('I regret to inform you')
    e('that a shameful thing has happened.')
    e('Thus, I must issue this desultory message')
    e('across numerous lines.')
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I agree with this completely. –  Tommy  Apr 21 '14 at 19:44

One potential benefit of using inner methods is that it allows you to use outer method local variables without passing them as arguments.

def helper(feature, resultBuffer):

def save(item, resultBuffer):

  helper(item.description, resultBuffer)
  helper(item.size, resultBuffer)
  helper(item.type, resultBuffer)

can be written as follows, which arguably reads better

def save(item, resultBuffer):

  def helper(feature):

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I can't image any good reason for code like that.

Maybe there was a reason for the inner function in older revisions, like other Ops. 

For example, this makes slightly more sense:

class some_class(parent_class):
    def doOp(self, op, x, y):
        def add(x, y):
            return x + y
        def sub(x,y):
            return x - y
        return locals()[op](x,y)

some_class().doOp('add', 1,2)

but then the inner function should be ("private") class methods instead:

class some_class(object):
    def _add(self, x, y):
        return x + y
    def doOp(self, x, y):
        return self._add(x,y)
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Yeah, maybe doOp took a string to specify which operator to use on the arguments... –  Skilldrick  Oct 19 '09 at 15:03
you shouldn't use classes in python simply for organizing functions... –  aehlke  Feb 22 '10 at 22:45
@aehlke - why not? –  ArtOfWarfare  Oct 9 '13 at 15:27
@ArtOfWarfare it's preferred to simply use modules. Classes are for state. –  aehlke  Oct 9 '13 at 15:59

The idea behind local methods is similar to local variables: don't pollute the larger name space. Obviously the benefits are limited since most languages don't also provide such functionality directly.

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Are you sure the code was exactly like this? The normal reason for doing something like this is for creating a partial - a function with baked-in parameters. Calling the outer function returns a callable that needs no parameters, and so therefore can be stored and used somewhere it is impossible to pass parameters. However, the code you've posted won't do that - it calls the function immediately and returns the result, rather than the callable. It might be useful to post the actual code you saw.

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I've added a link to the original code in a comment on my question. As you can see, mine is a simplified example, but it's still almost the same. –  Hosam Aly  Oct 20 '09 at 8:06

I am writing a program that creates backup of directories.

Which of the following approach is better for code organization?

Create separate class for Backup and Zip logic -

class BackupUtil:
    def backup(self):

class ZipUtil:
    def archive_dir(self):

Or use function nesting like this -

class BackupUtil:
    def backup(self):
        def archive_dir():
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3 Answers

In general, when the inner function is small and you want to make it clear that it's only useful to the enclosing function. Alternatively, when you need to return a function. The latter scenario is trivial since generally the inner function relies on variables in the enclosing functions's scope, so declaring it anywhere else isn't an option. You might be able to use a lambda in that case, but anything longer than one expression would need a full function declaration.

Without the implementations it's hard to say which one you should choose in this case. I would hasten to add that you don't have to put everything in a class either.

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Keeping the two separate would be useful for quite a few reasons:

1) You will have more flexibility working with either class (especially Class inheritance)

2) You can transform the two classes into modules that you can use in your other codes independently from each other

3) You will avoid unnecessarily creating a larger class when you maybe only need to use one of the two features

4) Keeping the functions separate also increases code readability when you later call these functions

Hope that helps clarify somethings.

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TL;DR: Use function nesting when you need the characteristics of function nesting

Function Nesting Use Cases (mostly functional idioms, almost certainly incomplete since it's off the top of my head):

  • closures
  • function factory (programmatic function creation based on parameters)
  • creating functions by calling functool.partial
  • creating functions by using lambda
  • any other reasons you need to create functions during call time


  • functions are strongly coupled
  • the code is always called (unless it's in an if block)
  • additional code complexity
  • additional runtime cost (potentially, because the inner function get's re-defined with every call to the outer function)
  • much harder to extend
  • much harder to introspect on the inner function defintion





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