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原创 RHCE6 Preperation (10) - SMTP,NFS, boot parameter

1, Configure smtp service, reject the mail from remote.testinstall postfix, installed before.copy

2014-09-23 11:51:20 669

原创 RHCE6 Preperation (9) - SMTP,MTA, shell script, ftp

1, Configure SMTP mail service according to the following requiremnets:-- Your mail server should accept mail from remote hosts and localhost-- harry must be able to receive mail from remote hosts

2014-09-22 21:46:21 825

原创 RHCE6 Preperation (6) - httpd, lvm, grep, ssh, nfs

1, install the http server, make it automatically startupyum install -y http*/etc/init.d/httpdd startchkconfig httpd on2, create logical volume, name as lv0, lv0 belong to logical group vg0, P

2014-09-19 10:21:13 936

原创 RHCE6 Preperation (5) - ldap, NIS, NTP, setfacl, vsftp

1, ldap for user authentication, without autofs in the authentication configuration,

2014-09-18 20:55:03 1320

原创 RHCE6 Preperation (4) - user/group, kernel install, ip_forward, printer, crontab

1, create group, add user belong to the group, and create password,create the group 'admin'groupadd adminadd user to the group,useradd -G admin maryuseradd -G admin aliceuseradd -s /sb

2014-09-18 14:13:57 1007

原创 RHCE6 Preperation (3) - find & copy, lvm resize, swap partition create

1, find the file belong to lucy and copy to a folder,d

2014-09-17 09:54:44 968

原创 RHCE6 Preperation (2) - yum source and auto mount

1, configure the YUM source to the instructor location.

2014-09-16 20:47:04 815

原创 Ubuntu Android system setup(2)

compile the android source code one branch, android-4.4.3_r1.1

2014-09-16 11:47:53 1150

原创 RHCE6 Preperation (1) - change root password and network setup

1, change the root password,in the startup process, when in

2014-09-15 21:30:30 694

原创 Ubuntu Android system setup(1)

To record of setting up the Android system in Ubuntu,1, enable the copy in and out of XTerm

2014-09-11 18:30:06 705

原创 Solving Konqueror cannot display Chinese

Just installed the KDE on my Ubuntu, and the Internet explorer comes with the KDE is the Konqueror, however the first time I was using the Konqueror found it cannot display the Chinese properly, all becomes gubbish characters, found the solution by google

2014-09-10 10:56:58 759

原创 Ubuntu desktop installation problem and solving

Tried to install Ubuntu desktop on my Dell Inspiron 1420 but failed, finally work around it and solved the problem. All the problems encountered might be caused by my computer graphical card "NVIDIA GeForece 8400M GS", it has hardware failure before and I

2014-09-09 14:19:09 995

原创 Ubuntu 14.04.1 installed on Dell Inspiron 1420

Installed the Ubuntu 14.04.1 on the Dell Inspiron 1420, now this computer had installed three OS, Windows Vista, RHEL7, Ubuntu 14.04.1

2014-09-09 10:21:52 1307

原创 Ubuntu wireless network connection in command line

After installed the the graphical card driver in Ubuntu, the gnome desktop was not working anymore, needs to install and setup the wireless network, herewith the procedure,

2014-09-05 22:05:36 2018

原创 LVM test

I have a disk having space as 160G,  showing as:[root@localhost ~]# fdisk -lDisk /dev/sda: 160.0 GB, 160041885696 bytes, 312581808 sectorsUnits = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytesSector size

2014-09-03 14:59:03 2568

原创 add exfat support to RHEL7

Installed exfat support for RHEL7, based on the link below:

2014-09-02 18:00:06 2306

原创 partition encryption in LVM

Tested the partition encryption of LVM in RHEL61,

2014-09-01 13:29:21 682


下载MFC42D.DLL, MFCD42D.DLL, mfco42d.dll, MSVCP60D.DLL和MSVCRTD.DLL这些DLL文件,旧系统中是可以放在运行目录下的,但是Windows 10需要放在`C:\Windows\SysWOW64\`目录下。



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