CalTech machine learning, video 15 note(Kernel Method)

18:56 2014-10-09
start CalTech machine learning, video 15

Kernel Method

18:56 2014-10-09
if you think of linear model as economy car,

you can think SVM as luxury car

18:56 2014-10-09
maximizing the margin

18:58 2014-10-09
Review of Lecture 14

* The margin

* quadratic programming

* support vectors

* nonlinear transform

19:01 2014-10-09
support vectors are the ones that achieve the margin,

they're used to define the plane

19:02 2014-10-09
in-sample check out-of-sample error

19:03 2014-10-09
we went to a fairly high-dimensional space

19:04 2014-10-09

* The kernel trick

* Soft-margin SVM

19:06 2014-10-09
you're going to a high-dimensional space without

paying the price for it

19:07 2014-10-09
you count the number of "support vectors"

19:09 2014-10-09
I'm the guadian of the z space, you come to me

with requests, 

19:17 2014-10-09
inner product after a transformation

8:58 2014-10-10 Friday
start CalTech machine learning, video 14

Kernel Methods

8:58 2014-10-10

* The kernel trick

* Soft-margin SVM

9:08 2014-10-10
extend SVM from the linear separable case to 

the nonlinear separable case allowing yourself

to make errors

9:09 2014-10-10
shift from hard-margin to soft-margin to allow

some errors

9:10 2014-10-10
in a practical problem, you're going to use both,

you're going to a high dimensional space, probably 

an infinite dimensional space without paying the price

for it

9:11 2014-10-10
the idea of the kernel is that: I want to go to the 

z space without paying the price for it.

9:12 2014-10-10
you count the #support vectors, the dimensionality 

of the z space doesn't appear

9:13 2014-10-10
we still need to take the innner product in the z space

9:13 2014-10-10
what do I need from the z space in order to be carrying 

out the machinery that I have seen so far?

9:14 2014-10-10
in order to be able to carry out the Langrange, I need to get the 

inner product in the z space

9:16 2014-10-10
but getting the inner product in the z space is less demand

than getting actual vector in the z space.

9:16 2014-10-10
I'm the guardian of the z space, I 'm closing the door, nobody 

has acess to the z space, you come to me with requests, if you

give me a x, and ask me what is the transformation, it's a big 

demand, I have to handle a big z.

9:19 2014-10-10
but all I'm willing to give you is "inner product"

9:20 2014-10-10
you give me x & x', I close the door,do my thing, and come

back with a number, which is the inner product with z & z',

without actually telling where z & z' 

9:21 2014-10-10
that will be a simple operation,

9:21 2014-10-10
it's a good thing, because we can compeletely focusing on 

innner product in the z space, and see if that can lead us

to simplification.

9:22 2014-10-10
so this is the 1st constraints, I don't see any z

9:23 2014-10-10
I don't know what w is, w lives in the z space

9:23 2014-10-10
can I get a way with just inner product to solve this?

9:24 2014-10-10
w is not mysterious to us, we already solve it

9:24 2014-10-10
but particular to the support vectors with nonzero αs

9:25 2014-10-10
I solve for be by taking any support vector

9:26 2014-10-10
we only deal with z, as far as inner product is concerned

9:27 2014-10-10
if I'm able to compute the inner product in the z space

without visiting the z space, I still can carry this machinery

9:28 2014-10-10
all we have to do is some thing:

I give you x & x', 2 points in the x space, 

you do your thing, come back with a number, 

promise that this is the inner product in the z space.

the mysterious z space.

9:30 2014-10-10
you do something, you know the existence is sufficient

9:31 2014-10-10
let's look at the idea as a generalizd inner product

9:31 2014-10-10
we view it as a generalized inner product in the x space

9:32 2014-10-10
K(x, x') // the kernel

the kernel will correspond to some z space

9:33 2014-10-10
K(x, x') // generalized inner product between x & x'

9:33 2014-10-10
not an ordinary inner product, but an inner product

after a transformation

9:34 2014-10-10
z = Φ(x) // transformation

K(x, x') = ztz' // inner product

9:36 2014-10-10
now we come to the trick:

Can we compute this kernel, K(x, x') without transforming

x & x'?

9:37 2014-10-10
it doesn't tranform thing into the z space & take the inner product,

it just tell you what the kernel is, and then I'm going to 

convince you that this kernel actually correspond to a transformation

to some z space, and taking the inner product there.

9:39 2014-10-10
the main thing you can observe is that, this is not

a inner product 

9:40 2014-10-10
the polynomial kernel

9:42 2014-10-10
the equivalent kernel

9:45 2014-10-10
a valid kernel is the inner product in some space

9:46 2014-10-10
how much computations does it take you to do this?

9:46 2014-10-10
multiply them ,and raise the the power Q

9:47 2014-10-10
d: dimensionality of the x space

9:48 2014-10-10
you can see that I expand this conceptually not


9:48 2014-10-10
this will be an ugly beast to deal with

9:50 2014-10-10
but the bottom line is a kernel of this form does

correspond to an inner product in a higher space.

9:51 2014-10-10
by compute it in the x space just using this formula,

9:52 2014-10-10
with this in mind, we need only z to be exist,

let's get carried away, and try to just get a kernel,

and map us to z without even imaging what a is.

9:54 2014-10-10
we take this K(x, x') to be an inner product in "some" space z

9:55 2014-10-10
We need only Z to exist!

9:55 2014-10-10
I have no diea what it is, I can compute it.

9:56 2014-10-10
the interesting thing is that that space is infinite dimesional

9:56 2014-10-10
you have get the benefit of a horrific nonlinear transformation

9:57 2014-10-10
here we don't care, we carry the machinery, then we

count the #support vectors, 

10:00 2014-10-10
my purpose is to convince you that there is a z space,

and this is an inner product

10:02 2014-10-10
this is a very interesting kernel, called the

RBF(Radial Basis Function) kernel

10:04 2014-10-10
let's look at the kernel in action, it's a very

sophisticated kernel, it corresponds to an infinite

dimensional space,

10:06 2014-10-10
so this is the data set I'm working with

10:07 2014-10-10
now I'm going to transform x into an infinite dimensional space

10:08 2014-10-10
you get the kernel, you pass it onto the quadratic proramming,

the QP give you the "support vectors"

10:09 2014-10-10
I darken the dot that end up being support vectors

10:11 2014-10-10
I have 9 SVs altogether, hundred points, can you tell me

what is the Eout(out-of-sample error)?

can you bounded above?

10:12 2014-10-10
the z space is a mysterious guy

10:13 2014-10-10
but you can see why support vectors are called support vectors

10:14 2014-10-10
if you don't get linear separability in the z space, 

you're really in trouble

10:15 2014-10-10
the other thing is that when you think of the notion

of a distance, when I get the linear separability there(the z space),

I get a margin, I try to maximize the margin, that is 

already maximized by the machinery.

10:17 2014-10-10
I do get the small number of support vectors

10:17 2014-10-10
but again, this is not the margin, these

guys are pre-image of support vectors, the distance 

solve for happens in the z space, 

10:19 2014-10-10
you may get support vectors which are far away,

it happens in the space you don't understand,

10:19 2014-10-10
so we get the solution, it's a pretty nice tool to have

10:20 2014-10-10
check the number of SVs, it will tell you the generalization property

10:21 2014-10-10
if I give you kernel, it's a valid kernel, how

do you formalate the problem in the z space?

10:21 2014-10-10
Kernel formulation of SVM

10:22 2014-10-10
QP == Quadratic Programming

10:22 2014-10-10
quadratic coefficient

10:22 2014-10-10
how do I construct the hypothese in terms of the kernel?

10:24 2014-10-10
SVM is not a specific model, you choose a kernel,

it will give you a different model

10:26 2014-10-10
this is for any support vector which is defined by

αm > 0

10:28 2014-10-10
I just avoided the label by using the kernel,

I got the solution made me completely forgot 

that I did nonliear transformation to the z space

10:30 2014-10-10
the only thing to remember is that this transformation

depends on you data set.

10:31 2014-10-10
so the whole idea of the kernel is that you don't

visit the z space, if you find this is a valid kernel

namely some inner product in a space without visiting 

that space.

10:34 2014-10-10
by the way, in support vector machines, you will

come up with your own kernels

10:34 2014-10-10
in order to be a valid kernel, there are 3 approaches:

* By construction // conceptually construction?

* Math property   // use the math properties of the kernel(Mercer's condition)

* who cares?

10:36 2014-10-10
Design your own kernel

K(x, x') is a valid kernel iff

1. it is symmetric 

2. the matrix is positive semi-definite

// the matrix should be greater or equal to zero!

// Mercer's condition

10:39 2014-10-10
but that indeed is the condition, and if you manage to 

establish the condition for any kernel, then you establish

the z space exists, even if you don't know what the z space


10:43 2014-10-10
now we're going to the case where the data is not 

linear separable, and we still insist on separating them

with making some errors  

=> soft-margin SVM

10:45 2014-10-10
2 types of non-separable

* slightly  // soft-margin SVMs deal with this

* serious  // kernels deal with this

10:46 2014-10-10
you will be combining the kernel with the soft-margin SVM

in almost all the probolems you encounter

10:47 2014-10-10
Error measure:

* Margin violation


10:52 2014-10-10
error measure based on violating the margin

10:53 2014-10-10
when this fails, the margin violated

10:54 2014-10-10
I'm going to introduce a slack for every point

10:55 2014-10-10
now I'm going to penalize you for the total violation

you made, I'm just going to add up these violations

10:56 2014-10-10
so this is the quantity that I provide to you,

capture the violation of the margin.

10:58 2014-10-10
this is no different from our notion of argmented error

10:59 2014-10-10
* margin support vectors

* non-margin support vectors

11:13 2014-10-10
the KKT condition is necessary

11:18 2014-10-10
the major success of SVM is in classification





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