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原创 POJ 1090 Chain

ChainTime Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 10000KTotal Submissions: 3350 Accepted: 1104DescriptionByteland had not always been a democratic country. There were also bl

2015-12-29 11:29:30 368

原创 POJ 3659 Cell Phone Network

Cell Phone NetworkTime Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 65536KTotal Submissions: 6102 Accepted: 2193DescriptionFarmer John has decided to give each of his cows a cell

2015-12-29 11:24:28 345

原创 SCU 1679 Gangsters

N gangsters are going to a restaurant. The i-th gangster comes at the time Ti and has the prosperity Pi. The door of the restaurant has K+1 states of openness expressed by the integers in the range [0

2015-12-29 11:19:58 371

原创 UVA 10004 Bicoloring

题目链接二分图染色,边搜索边染0 1色就行#include#include#include#includeusing namespace std;int n,m;const int maxn=210;int map[maxn][maxn],vis[maxn];bool col[maxn];int dfs(int x){ for(int i=0;i<n;i++)

2015-12-29 11:12:55 245

原创 UVA 10056 What is the Probability ?

题目描述简单的推一下就行了#include#include#include#includeusing namespace std;int n,an;double p;double ans,a1;int main(){ int t; scanf("%d",&t); while(t--) { scanf("%d%lf%d",&n

2015-12-29 11:09:04 315

原创 HDU 5446 Unknown Treasure

排列组合求模。lucas+crt 直接贴模板。比赛时候直接WA,结果是LL*LL会爆,手写一个就行。#include#include#include#include#include#include#includetypedef long long LL;using namespace std;LL p;LL A[12],M[12];LL mod_mul(LL a,LL b

2015-09-13 16:59:10 506

原创 POJ 2186 Popular Cows

Popular CowsPOJ - 2186时限: 2000MS 内存: 65536KB 64位IO格式: %I64d & %I64u提交 状态已开启划词翻译问题描述Every cow's dream is to become the most popular cow in the herd. In

2015-08-18 20:16:02 280

原创 HDU5001 Walk

E - Walk时限:15000MS     内存:65536KB     64位IO格式:%I64d & %I64u提交 状态 练习 HDU 5001问题描述I used to think I could be anything, but now I know that I couldn't do anything. So I started travel

2015-08-18 15:29:40 392

原创 HDU4283 You Are the One 动态规划

题目描述:The TV shows such as You Are the One has been very popular. In order to meet the need of boys who are still single, TJUT hold the show itself. The show is hold in the Small hall, so it attrac

2015-07-26 10:26:19 319

原创 HDU4282 A very hard mathematic problem 快速幂

问题描述:Haoren is very good at solving mathematic problems. Today he is working a problem like this:   Find three positive integers X, Y and Z (X 1) that holds    X^Z + Y^Z + XYZ = K   where

2015-07-25 23:36:16 423

原创 HDU4745 Two Rabbits 动态规划

问题描述:Long long ago, there lived two rabbits Tom and Jerry in the forest. On a sunny afternoon, they planned to play a game with some stones. There were n stones on the ground and they were arrange

2015-07-25 22:50:39 362

原创 HDU4740 The Donkey of Gui Zhou 暴力模拟

问题描述:The donkey lived happily until it saw a tiger far away. The donkey had never seen a tiger ,and the tiger had never seen a donkey. Both of them were frightened and wanted to escape fro

2015-07-25 21:00:16 343

原创 HDU 4738 Caocao's Bridges(tarjan算法)

问题描述:Caocao was defeated by Zhuge Liang and Zhou Yu in the battle of Chibi. But he wouldn't give up. Caocao's army still was not good at water battles, so he came up with another idea. He built ma

2015-07-25 20:45:06 273

原创 UVA 12904 Load Balancing (暴力)

题目描述The infamous University of Kala Jadu (UKJ) have been operating underground for the last fourteencenturies training very select few students the dangerous art of black magic. However, with the re

2015-07-25 20:22:30 638

原创 uva 12898 And Or

题目:  Given A and B, 1 ≤ A ≤ B ≤ 1018, find the result of A|(A + 1)|(A + 2)| . . . |B and A&(A + 1)&(A +2)& . . . &B.| operator represents bitwise OR (inclusive)& operator represents bitwise ANDInp

2015-07-25 18:24:19 500

原创 UVA 12897 Decoding Baby Boos

Osantu has been tagged as the best Bangladeshi contestant of present time by many and now he ismostly busy with the sweetest problem of his life — a baby boy. But Osantu often struggles to decodethe s

2015-07-25 17:51:27 1062

原创 FZU2141 Sub-Bipartite Graph 贪心

问题描述Given a simple undirected graph G with n vertices and m edges, your task is to select a sub-bipartite graph of G with at least m/2 edges.In the mathematical field of graph theory, a bipart

2015-07-25 17:06:27 443

原创 Forever 0.5 FZU 1240

Problem DescriptionGiven an integer N, your task is to judge whether there exist N points in the plane such that satisfy the following conditions:1. The distance between any two points is no greater t

2015-07-25 16:55:55 396

原创 素数环问题(HDUOJ 1016)

acm 素数环 DFS

2014-12-25 23:41:03 678



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