GC - 图形上下文
当X服务器为我们创建了各种各样的对象的时候 - 例如窗口,绘图区和光标 - 相应的函数就会返回一个句柄。这是一个存在在X服务器空间中的对象的一个标识-而不是在我们的应用程序的空间里。在后面我们就可以使用Xlib的函数通过句柄来操纵这些对象。X服务器维护了一个实际对象到句柄的映射表。Xlib提供了各种类型来定义这些对象。虽然这些类型实际上只是简单的整数,但我们应该继续使用这些类型的名字 - 理由是为了可移植。
cc prog.c -o prog -lX11
cc prog.c -o prog -L/usr/X11/lib -lX11
cc prog.c -o prog -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11
在SunOs 4 系统上,X的库被放到了 /usr/openwin/lib
cc prog.c -o prog -L/usr/openwin/lib -lX11
#include <X11/Xlib.h> /* defines common Xlib functions and structs. */
/* this variable will contain the pointer to the Display structure */
/* returned when opening a connection. */
Display* display;
/* open the connection to the display "simey:0". */
display = XOpenDisplay("simey:0");
if (display == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Cannot connect to X server %s/n", "simey:0");
exit (-1);
/* this variable will be used to store the "default" screen of the */
/* X server. usually an X server has only one screen, so we're only */
/* interested in that screen. */
int screen_num;
/* these variables will store the size of the screen, in pixels. */
int screen_width;
int screen_height;
/* this variable will be used to store the ID of the root window of our */
/* screen. Each screen always has a root window that covers the whole */
/* screen, and always exists. */
Window root_window;
/* these variables will be used to store the IDs of the black and white */
/* colors of the given screen. More on this will be explained later. */
unsigned long white_pixel;
unsigned long black_pixel;
/* check the number of the default screen for our X server. */
screen_num = DefaultScreen(display);
/* find the width of the default screen of our X server, in pixels. */
screen_width = DisplayWidth(display, screen_num);
/* find the height of the default screen of our X server, in pixels. */
screen_height = DisplayHeight(display, screen_num);
/* find the ID of the root window of the screen. */
root_window = RootWindow(display, screen_num);
/* find the value of a white pixel on this screen. */
white_pixel = WhitePixel(display, screen_num);
/* find the value of a black pixel on this screen. */
black_pixel = BlackPixel(display, screen_num);
创建一个基本的窗口 - 我们的"Hello world"程序
Display* display
Window parent
int x
int y
unsigned int width
unsigned int height
unsigned int border_width
unsigned long border
unsigned long background
/* this variable will store the ID of the newly created window. */
Window win;
/* these variables will store the window's width and height. */
int win_width;
int win_height;
/* these variables will store the window's location. */
int win_x;
int win_y;
/* calculate the window's width and height. */
win_width = DisplayWidth(display, screen_num) / 3;
win_height = DisplayHeight(display, screen_num) / 3;
/* position of the window is top-left corner - 0,0. */
win_x = win_y = 0;
/* create the window, as specified earlier. */
win = XCreateSimpleWindow(display,
RootWindow(display, screen_num),
win_x, win_y,
win_width, win_height,
win_border_width, BlackPixel(display, screen_num),
WhitePixel(display, screen_num));
如果想察看目前为止我们所举的例子的代码,请参看源程序simple-window.c。你将会发现两个新的函数 -
XFlush() 和XSync()。函数XFlush()刷新所有处于等待状态的请求到X服务器 - 非常像函数fflush()刷新所有的内容到标准输出。XSync()也刷新所有处于等待状态的请求,接着等待X服务器处理完所有的请求再继续。在一个一般的程序里这不是必须的(据此你可以发现我们什么时候只是写一个一般的程序),但我们现在把它们提出来,尝试在有或没有这些函数的情况下程序不同的行为。
在窗口里绘图可以使用各种绘图函数 - 画点,线,圈,矩形,等等。为了能在一个窗口里绘图,我们首先需要定义各种参数 - 如线的宽度,使用什么颜色,等等。这都需要使用一个图形上下文(GC)。
如我们已经提到的,一个图形上下文定义一些参数来使用绘图函数。因此,为了绘制不同的风格,我们可以在一个窗口里使用多个图形上下文。使用函数 XCreateGC()可以申请到一个新的图形上下文,如以下例(在这段代码里,我们假设"display"指向一个显示结构,"win"是当前创建的一个窗口的ID):
/* this variable will contain the handle to the returned graphics context. */
GC gc;
/* these variables are used to specify various attributes for the GC. */
/* initial values for the GC. */
XGCValues values = CapButt | JoinBevel;
/* which values in 'values' to check when creating the GC. */
unsigned long valuemask = GCCapStyle | GCJoinStyle;
/* create a new graphical context. */
gc = XCreateGC(display, win, valuemask, &values);
if (gc < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "XCreateGC: /n");
1 当绘制一个多重部分的线时,线在连接时使用"Bevelian"风格
2 一条线的终端被画直而不是圆形
/* change the foreground color of this GC to white. */
XSetForeground(display, gc, WhitePixel(display, screen_num));
/* change the background color of this GC to black. */
XSetBackground(display, gc, BlackPixel(display, screen_num));
/* change the fill style of this GC to 'solid'. */
XSetFillStyle(display, gc, FillSolid);
/* change the line drawing attributes of this GC to the given values. */
/* the parameters are: Display structure, GC, line width (in pixels), */
/* line drawing style, cap (line's end) drawing style, and lines */
/* join style. */
XSetLineAttributes(display, gc, 2, LineSolid, CapRound, JoinRound);
绘图的基本元素 - 点,线,矩形,圆...
/* draw a pixel at position '5,60' (line 5, column 60) of the given window. */
XDrawPoint(display, win, gc, 5, 5);
/* draw a line between point '20,20' and point '40,100' of the window. */
XDrawLine(display, win, gc, 20, 20, 40, 100);
/* draw an arc whose center is at position 'x,y', its width (if it was a */
/* full ellipse) is 'w', and height is 'h'. Start the arc at angle 'angle1' */
/* (angle 0 is the hour '3' on a clock, and positive numbers go */
/* counter-clockwise. the angles are in units of 1/64 of a degree (so 360*64 */
/* is 360 degrees). */
int x = 30, y = 40;
int h = 15, w = 45;
int angle1 = 0, angle2 = 2.109;
XDrawArc(display, win, gc, x-(w/2), y-(h/2), w, h, angle1, angle2);
/* now use the XDrawArc() function to draw a circle whose diameter */
/* is 15 pixels, and whose center is at location '50,100'. */
XDrawArc(display, win, gc, 50-(15/2), 100-(15/2), 15, 15, 0, 360*64);
/* the XDrawLines() function draws a set of consecutive lines, whose */
/* edges are given in an array of XPoint structures. */
/* The following block will draw a triangle. We use a block here, since */
/* the C language allows defining new variables only in the beginning of */
/* a block. */
/* this array contains the pixels to be used as the line's end-points. */
XPoint points[] = {
{0, 0},
{15, 15},
{0, 15},
{0, 0}
/* and this is the number of pixels in the array. The number of drawn */
/* lines will be 'npoints - 1'. */
int npoints = sizeof(points)/sizeof(XPoint);
/* draw a small triangle at the top-left corner of the window. */
/* the triangle is made of a set of consecutive lines, whose */
/* end-point pixels are specified in the 'points' array. */
XDrawLines(display, win, gc, points, npoints, CoordModeOrigin);
/* draw a rectangle whose top-left corner is at '120,150', its width is */
/* 50 pixels, and height is 60 pixels. */
XDrawRectangle(display, win, gc, 120, 150, 50, 60);
/* draw a filled rectangle of the same size as above, to the left of the */
/* previous rectangle. note that this rectangle is one pixel smaller than */
/* the previous line, since 'XFillRectangle()' assumes it is filling up */
/* an already drawn rectangle. This may be used to draw a rectangle using */
/* one color, and later to fill it using another color. */
XFillRectangle(display, win, gc, 60, 150, 50, 60);
如果你觉得已经抓住使用这些函数的要点,那我们后面的说明就会变得简单。我们将提到其它一些使用相同方法的函数。例如,XFillArc()使用与 XDrawArc()相同的参数,但它只画一个圆的内部(相似的,XFillRectangle()只画一个矩形区的内部)。另外还有一个函数 XFillPolygon()负责填充一个多边形的内部区域。它使用的参数差不多与XDrawLines()相同。但是要注意,如果提供在矩阵里的最后一个参数所代表的点与第一个点不在同一个位置上,函数XFillPolygon()会添加一条虚拟的线来连接那两个点。这两个函数的另外一个不同是,XFillPolygon()使用一个附加的参数,形状,这个参数可以帮助X服务器来优化它的绘图工作。你可以在手册里找到详细的内容。以上的函数还存在它们的复数绘制版本,命名为XFillArcs()和XFillRectangles()。