依然是follow source code (Xen-3.4.2)
概念:Credit, Weight, Cap
Credit: 这是针对Scheduler而言的,而不是针对Domain.
csched_priv.credit = CSCHED_CREDITS_PER_ACCT * #_of_PCPU. (for example: 300 * 4 = 1200)
Weight: 这个是针对Domain而言的,Scheduler根据各个domain的Weight,来分配credit。是一个“相对”的概念
* A domain's fair share is computed using its weight in competition
* with that of all other active domains.
* At most, a domain can use credits to run all its active VCPUs
* for one full accounting period. We allow a domain to earn more
* only when the system-wide credit balance is negative.
Cap: 这个也是针对Domain而言的,是一个“绝对”的概念。100代表一整颗PCPU的Cycles。50代表,最多可以运行半个PCPU的Cycles.
(1) 根据各个domain的weight情况,把total_credit分配到各个domain中
credit_fair = ( ( credit_total * sdom->weight) + (weight_total - 1)
) / weight_total;
(2) 再把domain的Credit平均分配到domain的各个VCPU中
credit_fair = ( credit_fair + ( sdom->active_vcpu_count - 1 )
) / sdom->active_vcpu_count;
补充:在Xen-4.1.0中,weight已经成了Per-VCPU的概念,而不是Per-Domain。也就是说,当一个2-VCPU的VM和1-VCPU的VM拥有相同的Weight时,2-VCPU VM会获得2倍于1-VCPU VM的运行时间