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原创 EvosWebMailTemplate For Domino v11..22 2005.12-23发布

对上个版本进行很大扩展增加了一些功能;: 新特点;:   1 分类视图自动分组合并 2 视图得总和总计功能下载连接地址;:www.evostech.com

2005-12-26 11:27:00 1331

原创 Evos lotusScript Lib V0.1 2005-12-23发布

Evos lotusScript Lib欢迎您使用Evos lotusScript Lib Evos lotusScript Lib V0.1 2005-12-23lotusClass包含:1 EvosMD5库 包含类*EvosMD5 ClassMD5加密的lotusscript实现,样例代码:Dim md As EvosMD5Set md =New EvosMD5()Print md.md5("

2005-12-26 11:25:00 2008 1

原创 What's my mail file size?

We all know, users could care less (most of them, unless youve hounded them enough) or wouldnt even know how to check their mail file size, right? Well, if you have a homepage on your Notes client i

2005-12-25 14:02:00 1419

原创 Modify Your Server SMTP Greeting

By default, your Domino server will disclose its host name, and Domino version upon an SMTP connection. You can customize the service greeting so that host name or version number are suppressed. Just

2005-12-25 14:01:00 1472

原创 ECL - The Complete Guide

What is the Execution Control List?? What is "Trust signer,"– and why do you always just press that button, "Trust signer"? Why do you get this message again and again? Do you care about your security

2005-12-25 13:55:00 1441

原创 Fighting Spam In Lotus Domino

For many e-mail administrators these days, the number one complaint from the users and managers is unsolicited emails flooding the system, commonly called SPAM. SPAM can cause many issues for admins,

2005-12-25 13:54:00 2938

原创 DZ's guide to Domino 6 Policies

PrefaceI remember back in both R3, R4 and R5, the life of a non-policy Domino-environment. Setting up, configuring, administering and maintaining clients were, even if we didnt admit it, a living nig

2005-12-25 13:51:00 1104

原创 $KeepPrivate field

Due to changes, the external tip database is now "out of order" and all tips will be part of this database. This week we look more into the hidden $KeepPrivate field.$KeepPrivate is a hidden and prett

2005-12-25 13:51:00 1232

原创 Using DHTML in Views

This article is the outset of a simple assignment which was given to me. The requirement was to hide the last 5 documents in a view (do not ask me where and why it is used). This led me to think on ho

2005-12-25 13:50:00 938

原创 EvosWebMailTemplate For Domino v0.1 2005.12-2 0.22发布

EvosWebMailTemplate For Domino v0.1 2005.12-2 0.22 是邮件模板,是对domino邮箱的重新规划设计其中采用了ajax技术提取一些邮件信息,v0.1版本功能还不完整在以后的版本中逐步增加新的功能 如:1 搜索功能,包括邮件内容 附件内容, 2 个人文件库功能3 外部pop邮件收取功能等该模板仅支持R6以上版本,开发与测

2005-12-03 22:16:00 1288

原创 Ecora.Enterprise.Auditor.for.Lotus.Domino.v3.6.5185

Ecora.Enterprise.Auditor是一种企业审计系统,帮助你控制IT架构,减少系统变化和灾难恢复带来的时间和代价。它是一种强大的、跨平台的配置管理软件。它自动进行关键BOSS,应用,数据库和网络设备等的配置的详细报告。我们的解决方案可快速安装和部署,易于使用。内置报告模板,帮助你达到工业级别标准。这个适用于lotus domino,包括:证书,簇,数据库,许可,组,Notes域,No

2005-12-02 21:23:00 948

原创 lotus邮件检索得解决方案

lotus自带检索优缺点:优点: 1 自定义检索界面      2 可定义得搜索条件缺点:1 不能对附件内容索引  等该方案应用最新得java技术,对lotus邮件进行全新得索引处理,对邮件内容 附件内容等索引并在加亮显示,目前正在开发中

2005-12-01 09:28:00 1317

spring + hibernate + struts 开发案例

spring + hibernate + struts 开发案例



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