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原创 比较java.io.Externalizable和java.io.Serializable

比较java.io.Externalizable和java.io.Serializable即使你没有用过对象序列化(serialization),你可能也知道它。但你是否知道 Java 还支持另外一种形式的对象持久化,外部化(externalization)?下面是序列化和外部化在代码级的关联方式:public interface Serializable {} public interfac

2009-02-23 13:47:00 469

原创 OO

 架构模式 GRASP OO 5 priciple: How to design interface:  学习道法自然和head first.

2009-02-23 00:00:00 387

原创 Python

      安装了Python,wxPython,BOA.然后弄了个小的空的程序运行了下.现在看看Python到底是什么,以及Python的用处在哪里.一.什么是Python    首先,Python是一种解释型语言.(相对的就是编译型语言).它是面向对象的.我认为这两点应该算是他的主要特征.另外,它是一种比较"高层次"的语言,有许多特性.例如:动态数据类型,动态绑定(dynamic da

2009-02-22 21:12:00 528

原创 Swing and swt

SWT, Swing or AWT: Which is right for you?AWT: heightweight, not portable, thread safe(slow), less componentSwing:portable, poweful graphic apiSWT:  not portable, not come with java, its nati

2009-02-22 20:08:00 602

原创 Swing(1) - architecture

A Swing Architecture Overview http://java.sun.com/products/jfc/tsc/articles/architecture/#delegate  code sample to change jtextpane color, font:   // set on the text area.        Mutable

2009-02-22 17:31:00 465

原创 Java Performance (1) - distributed computing

 (1) Reduce the number of message transfered CacheBatch updateCompress (2) Execute Asynchronously (3) optimization database communication

2009-02-21 23:40:00 403

原创 Hibernate 学习笔记

  why should we use spring with hibernate (1) thread safe(2) tranaction management(3) exception handling  objects lifecycle: transient -->persistent--> detached

2009-02-19 23:39:00 392

原创 Hibernate和iBatis比较


2009-02-19 23:34:00 529

原创 Hiberate -- cascade


2009-02-19 23:14:00 594 1

原创 osgi

网侠大会上所做的OSGi简介的PPT http://gocom.primeton.com/showblogarticle.php?cat_id=33417&articleId=5962&blogId=15944&PHPSESSID=ca384d785605ee43c49f381de7acaa46

2009-02-19 09:42:00 476

转载 OSGI and J2EE

Module OSGi中具体实现Module的单位是bundle,一个bundle就是一个jar文件,其中包含所需的类文件和资源文件,同时必须包含一个描述文件;每个bundle都可以被独立打包、部署。看到这里,你是否会觉得跟J2EE中的WAR定义很类似? 单从形式上来看,它们的确非常相似,而且它们的区别主要在于: 1)J2EE的WAR文件的粒度很大,是以应用为单位的;而OSGi bundle的粒度

2009-02-19 00:05:00 2096

原创 OSGI-link

 Understanding how Eclipse plug-ins work with OSGihttp://www.ibm.com/developerworks/opensource/library/os-ecl-osgi/  blog: 星辰的专栏 http://blog.csdn.net/guyong1018/category/314084.aspx

2009-02-19 00:02:00 514

转载 OSGI学习笔记收藏

http://blog.csdn.net/guyong1018/archive/2007/06/12/1649156.aspx 最近由于需要,接触了一点OSGI,由于我也是刚入门,所以写点心得和大家分享:名词:bundle-和普通的jar文件没有什么区别,只是多了一个MANIFEST.MF原数据文件来描述bundle的一些信       息、依赖、行为等。OSGI核心Core Fr

2009-02-19 00:01:00 454

转载 Tiger Concurrent Practice --日志分析并行分解设计与实现收藏

 http://blog.csdn.net/lcj8/archive/2009/02/14/3890187.aspx         在完成ASF集成REST以后,接到的任务就是要完成一个日志分析应用。需求没有很明确,只是要有这么一个东西能够满足分析收集后的日志,将分析后的原始数据入库,作为后期分析和统计使用。       在动手做之前,我还是给这个应用作了最基本的需求定义:灵活配

2009-02-17 23:55:00 743

转载 Java 线程的一点心得

http://galaxystar.javaeye.com/blog/1689541, 为什么wait与notify之前必须要加synchronized?答案其实很简单,也是为了防止等待-通知机制出现race condition为什么会出现race condition ?答:对象在被wait之前已经被另一线程notify , 之后的wait 会永久停止,并导致deadlock(死锁)理想情况:

2009-02-17 23:46:00 739

原创 Performance tuning link

java performance tuning http://www.javaperformancetuning.com/tips/j2ee_rmi.shtml

2009-02-17 16:31:00 410

原创 performance tuning


2009-02-17 16:29:00 440

原创 Externalizable

 Only the identity of the class of an Externalizable instance is written in the serialization stream and it is the responsibility of the class to save and restore the contents of its instances. The wr

2009-02-17 16:23:00 401

原创 java concurrent

   What we could do using the java concurrent thread:(1)    using lock to void deadlock private final Lock lock = new ReentrantLock();   public boolean impendingBow(Friend bower) {  

2009-02-17 16:16:00 469

原创 inmutable objects

 A Strategy for Defining Immutable ObjectsThe following rules define a simple strategy for creating immutable objects. Not all classes documented as "immutable" follow these rules. This does not n

2009-02-17 15:45:00 454

原创 Java Thread

 http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/essential/concurrency/starvelive.htmlReentrant SynchronizationRecall that a thread cannot acquire a lock owned by another thread. But a thread can acquire

2009-02-17 15:28:00 692

原创 workflow

 J2EE工作流管理系统jBPM详解http://java.chinaitlab.com/core/768857.html shark工作流源代码学习http://www.oaunion.com/?viewnews-1135.html blog: D:/Project/SUI FC/Dixon/workflow/工作流/工作流/基于FSM的OSWorkflow

2009-02-17 14:13:00 419

转载 自动化测试体系整体解决方案探讨

 自动化测试体系整体解决方案探讨 化测试已经越来越深入人心,其重要性也是不言而喻的。性能测试中大规模并发的要求,压力测试中的大规模压力的模拟,回归测试中的大规模测试用例的反复执行都要求实现一个高可用、高可扩展性的自动化测试框架体系。因此,如何在一个开放的框架下,构建一个完整的自动化测试体系是我们需要研究的方向。一个完整的自动化测试框架体系包含以下几个部分:1、自动化测试框架;2、测试脚本以

2009-02-17 13:47:00 593

原创 Hibernate resource

 blog:  http://rmn190.javaeye.com/category/29209

2009-02-17 11:16:00 485

原创 XMl - xerces code sample

 Introduction to XML and XML with Java http://www.totheriver.com/learn/xml/xmltutorial.html

2009-02-16 22:26:00 371


3 levels: (1) level 2: View module and Event module (Xerces ony support mutation events), Styles module for accessing CSS stylesheets, Traversal and Range module and Html module (2) level

2009-02-16 22:21:00 383

原创 java concurrnet

 The Concurrency Utilities includes:Task Scheduling Framework - The Executor framework is a framework for standardizing invocation, scheduling, execution, and control of asynchronous tasks accor

2009-02-16 13:43:00 613

原创 design patterns:

 (1) Creation: Abstract factory; factory method; Singleton; Builder;Prototype;(2) StructureAdapter;Bridge;Proxy;Composite;Decrator;Facade(3) behavioursChain of responsibility; command;Obse

2009-02-16 12:11:00 332

原创 Java exception handling

Best Practices for Exception Handlinghttp://www.onjava.com/pub/a/onjava/2003/11/19/exceptions.html?page=1 Exceptional Java - Exception design relativityhttp://littletutorials.com/2008/05/23/ex

2009-02-16 11:59:00 517

原创 Design own connection pool

design factors:(1) multi thread(2) multi database(3) transaction managment(4) connection release(5) configuration  current open souce project: Proxool;DBCP: has class digram and

2009-02-12 23:37:00 414

原创 UML 2 Class Diagram Guidelines

 1.        General GuidelinesBecause class diagrams are used for a variety of purposes ?from understanding requirements to describing your detailed design ?you will need to apply a different style

2009-02-12 15:24:00 731

原创 java code example site

 (1) Java Programming example: http://www.idevelopment.info/data/Programming/java/PROGRAMMING_Java_Programming.shtml (2) Rose India http://www.roseindia.net/java/

2009-02-12 14:07:00 480

原创 An Introduction to the Java Logging API (part)


2009-02-12 14:04:00 440

转载 Swing's Event Dispatch Thread (EDT)

 Swings Event Dispatch Thread (EDT) Accessing GUI components in the EDTThe cardinal rule of Swing threading states that all access to all Swing components should be done in the event dispat

2009-02-11 11:57:00 1340 1

原创 Java event capture and playback

利用Java事件处理机制实现录制、回放功能http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/java/j-java-test/ (1) Put event in system event queue: import java.awt.EventQueue; import java.awt.*; import java.util.*; public cla

2009-02-11 11:38:00 983 1

原创 Struts, hibernate and spring interview questions

 Hibernate工作原理及为什么要用?原理:1.读取并解析配置文件2.读取并解析映射信息,创建SessionFactory3.打开Sesssion4.创建事务Transation5.持久化操作6.提交事务7.关闭Session8.关闭SesstionFactory为什么要用:1. 对JDBC访问数据库的代码做了封装,大大简化了数据访问层繁琐的重复性代码。2. Hibernate是一个基于J

2009-02-11 09:37:00 600

原创 Web service for attachement

 public class StubClient {public static void main(String[] args) throws ServiceException,RemoteException, MalformedURIException, MalformedURLException {ImageServiceSOAPStub service = (ImageServiceSOAP

2009-02-10 23:42:00 400

原创 New in Axis2

 Speed - Axis2 uses its own object model and StAX (Streaming API for XML) parsing to achieve significantly greater speed than earlier versions of Apache Axis. Low memory foot print- Axis2 was de

2009-02-10 23:37:00 350

原创 Web service term

  •         SOAP messages as Java objects–        SAAJ ( SOAP with Attachments API for Java)•         Programming Model–        JAX-RPC ( JSR101), JSR109, EJB2.1•         Accessing WSDL de

2009-02-10 23:35:00 550

原创 Which style of WSDL should I use?

 http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/webservices/library/ws-whichwsdl/#listing1  Before I go any further, let me clear up some confusion that many of us have stumbled over. The terminology here is

2009-02-10 23:16:00 573

经典C++ 数据结构资料(英文)




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