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转载 磁单极子的实验观察

http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v505/n7485/fig_tab/nature12954_F4.htmlFigure 1: Schematic representations of the monopole creation process and experimental apparatus.FromObservation o

2014-01-31 18:43:41 1417

转载 一种Intel Outside的壁挂式desktop电脑DIY

发信人: ERCP (小心驶得万年船), 信区: CompMarket标  题: 我把电脑挂墙上了发信站: 水木社区 (Wed Jan 29 00:17:47 2014), 站内我弄得,起码省地方,散热非常的好,风扇速度都调到最低。本来觉得可能会积灰尘,结果发现一点也不容易积灰尘,而且清洁很容易。那个板是亚克力板,用电钻很好打孔的。--※ 来源:·水木社区 http

2014-01-29 08:33:36 1106

原创 CERN(欧洲核子研究组织,法文缩写)的文件分享网站

找一些特殊的文件,但是发现不太容易找到. 比如MINPACK的手册,即使在作者主页http://www.mcs.anl.gov/~more/ 看到的版本也老旧不堪,看起来不舒服.偶然碰到CERN的文档库,可以在线检索,居然有这个:http://cds.cern.ch/record/126569/files/?ln=zh_CN发现里面有用的文件很多

2014-01-27 09:04:49 1076

转载 用C++的静态和动态cast 替代C语言风格的老式的强制类型转换

http://studiofreya.com/c/cpp-casts/C++ castsCasting is simply converting one type of data into an other type of data.The old type C-style cast is allowed in C++, but I would highly

2014-01-27 08:56:09 9715

转载 国内多少所高校开始博士生采用申请招生的方法了?

http://www.gsao.fudan.edu.cn/s/3/t/10/e1/0e/info57614.htm复旦大学部分院系2014年博士研究生招生选拔办法发布时间:2013-09-12     阅读次数: 为进一步深化博士研究生招生改革,积极探索和构建符合博士研究生培养规律的体制与机制;以提

2014-01-26 19:43:49 18624

转载 Ceres solver中几种常用算法介绍

http://homes.cs.washington.edu/~sagarwal/ceres-solver/stable/solving.htmlSolvingIntroductionEffective use of Ceres requires some familiarity with the basic components of a nonlinear leas

2014-01-26 12:48:55 11385

转载 LaTeX中算法环境设置

http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/82888/algorithmic-arbitrary-names-for-algorithmsalgorithmic, arbitrary names for algorithmsup vote7down votefavorite1

2014-01-26 12:44:34 11342

转载 Ceres solver tutorial


2014-01-26 12:42:46 3044

转载 优化软件推荐

http://www.mat.univie.ac.at/~neum/glopt/software_l.htmlLocal Optimization SoftwareGlobal Search, As Timely As Ever``Consider everything. Keep the good. Avoid evil whenever you notice i

2014-01-21 15:41:41 4629 2

转载 How to check for NAN / INF / IND in C++

How to check for NAN / INF / IND in C++Recently we had occasional, but serious problems with some software we’re making. The problems were with invalid floating point numbers.Once inva

2014-01-19 19:54:55 2161

转载 C++中的Not a number数据#INF, #NAN, #IND,

http://blogs.msdn.com/b/oldnewthing/archive/2013/02/21/10395734.aspxWhat does -1.#IND mean?: A survey of how the Visual C runtime library prints special floating point valuesRATE THIS

2014-01-19 16:08:17 2117

转载 如果学习粒子群算法的话,这个基于Matlab的免费开源工具箱绝对是一流的

Another Particle Swarm Toolboxby Sam 01 Dec 2009 (Updated 20 Dec 2013)Implementation of a PSO algorithm with the same syntax as the Genetic Algorithm Toolbox.下载的link:http://www

2014-01-17 14:28:01 6956

转载 Visual studio 2010 CTP并行编程: 分形绘图例子

http://www.codeguru.com/cpp/misc/misc/threadsprocesses/article.php/c15649/Parallel-Programming-in-Visual-C-2010-CTP.htmThe CTP build of Visual C++ 2010 includes a new library to help y

2014-01-16 22:16:28 2246

转载 值得一看的英国曼彻斯特大学某技术博客

http://www.walkingrandomly.comAbout The AuthorUpdate: September 25th, 2013In this blog I write about things that I personally find either interesting or useful and occasional

2014-01-14 21:40:05 931

转载 PAMView: Providence Aerial MultiView Dataset

航拍数据下载http://www.lems.brown.edu/~mir/helicopter_providence/sites.htmlPAMView: Providence Aerial MultiView DatasetThe PAMView dataset was collected from a helicopter flying over the c

2014-01-14 21:37:49 1781 3

转载 一天建好罗马城项目介绍 Bundle Adjustment in the Large

http://grail.cs.washington.edu/projects/bal/index.htmlBundle Adjustment in the LargeRecent work in Structure from Motion has demonstrated the possibility of reconstructing geometry from

2014-01-14 21:36:15 1884

转载 一天建好罗马城: 计算机视觉三维重建项目数据集锦

http://grail.cs.washington.edu/projects/bal/final.htmlFinal Dataset# Images# Points# ObservationsData file9361203287451problem-93-61203-pre.txt.bz2394100368

2014-01-14 21:34:41 3894

转载 Octave for windows with Visual Studio

http://wiki.octave.org/Octave_for_Microsoft_WindowsOctave with Visual StudioOctave binaries compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio are available for download from Octave-Forge site. These

2014-01-13 22:07:38 4176

原创 Octave对Windows操作系统的支持从3.6.1版本开始就已经全面升级了

http://sourceforge.net/projects/octave/files/Octave%20Windows%20binaries/Sourceforge二进制Octave下载一改之前必须安装MinGW之类的做法,现在提供Visual Studio版本;Octave对Matlab的功能的模仿深入骨髓;连mex文件的支持都已经非常相似.这对于习惯matlab语法

2014-01-13 20:36:49 4220

转载 通过简单编译,编译成C,以及编译成C而且并行化的方式对某些Mathematica的函数进行提速

http://www.walkingrandomly.com/?cat=52Making Mathematica faster with CompileJune 18th, 2011Over at Sol Lederman’s fantastic new blog, Playing with Mathematica, he shared

2014-01-13 14:58:06 2166

转载 matlab的并行化Parallel MATLAB with openmp mex files

http://www.walkingrandomly.com/?p=1795Parallel MATLAB with openmp mex filesOctober 21st, 2009 | Categories: Making Mathematica Faster, matlab, programming | Tags:Slowly b

2014-01-13 14:18:46 3970

转载 一些开源的软件和相关论文

Machine Learning Open Source SoftwareTo support the open source software movement, JMLR MLOSS publishes contributions related to implementations of non-trivial machine learning algorithms, toolboxes

2014-01-11 19:36:08 2723

转载 一些刊物的影响因子

http://liris.cnrs.fr/christian.wolf/journalif.htmlMain Research Teaching CV Publications Presentations Demos Software PrivateList of some journal impact factorsImag

2014-01-11 19:32:02 1137

转载 日本作者Kardi Teknomo的网络教程

http://people.revoledu.com/kardi/tutorial/index.html就是作者太小气了. 连复制他的名字都得从查看网页源代码里面找.作者应该是研究地理信息系统相关方向的; 教程(tutorials)涉及如下方面:data mining tutorial, Fun with Math and Statistics, Difference

2014-01-10 16:02:36 1633

转载 Interview: Eigen Matrix Library

http://www.macresearch.org/interview-eigen-matrix-libraryInterview: Eigen Matrix LibraryBy ghutchis at Tue, Jan 27 2009 1:52pm |InterviewsWhat follows is an interview wit

2014-01-06 13:24:46 4726

转载 CMake

http://www.cmake.org/cmake/resources/software.htmlGet the SoftwareYou can either download binaries or source code archives for the latest stable or previous release or access t

2014-01-04 09:39:06 2606

转载 Trilinos Configure, Build, Test, and Install Quick Reference Guide

http://trilinos.sandia.gov/TrilinosBuildQuickRef.htmlTrilinos Configure, Build, Test, and Install Quick Reference GuideAuthor:Roscoe A. BartlettContact:bartlett.roscoe@gmai

2014-01-04 09:33:44 2649

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http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/25986-constrained-particle-swarm-optimization Description Previously titled "Another Particle Swarm Toolbox" Introduction Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is a derivative-free global optimum solver. It is inspired by the surprisingly organized behaviour of large groups of simple animals, such as flocks of birds, schools of fish, or swarms of locusts. The individual creatures, or "particles", in this algorithm are primitive, knowing only four simple things: 1 & 2) their own current location in the search space and fitness value, 3) their previous personal best location, and 4) the overall best location found by all the particles in the "swarm". There are no gradients or Hessians to calculate. Each particle continually adjusts its speed and trajectory in the search space based on this information, moving closer towards the global optimum with each iteration. As seen in nature, this computational swarm displays a remarkable level of coherence and coordination despite the simplicity of its individual particles. Ease of Use If you are already using the Genetic Algorithm (GA) included with MATLAB's Global Optimization Toolbox, then this PSO toolbox will save you a great deal of time. It can be called from the MATLAB command line using the same syntax as the GA, with some additional options specific to PSO. This will allow a high degree of code re-usability between the PSO toolbox and the GA toolbox. Certain GA-specific parameters such as cross-over and mutation functions will obviously not be applicable to the PSO algorithm. However, many of the commonly used options for the Genetic Algorithm Toolbox may be used interchangeably with PSO since they are both iterative population-based solvers. See >> help pso (from the ./psopt directory) for more details. Features * NEW: support for distributed computing using MATLAB's parallel computing toolbox. * Full support for bounded, linear, and nonlinear constraints. *


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MaTeX 1.1.0

MaTeX是在Mathematica中包括图片和Notebook中,把LaTeX格式的公式转化为图片的极其好用的package文件。附件是m后缀package的源代码和说明。Mathematica自己对显示和插入LaTeX格式数学公式和符合的支持很一般,有了这个工具就很方便。需要的GhostScript 9.15+版本,在CSDN上可以找到;以及pdflatex,在LaTeX任何一个最新的免费套装中也是标准配置。


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用于Visual studio 高精度计算库项目文件; 包括了gmp, mpir, mpfr, gmp, 等,可以直接在visual studio中编译成为静态或动态链接库,用于作超高精度数值计算时调用; 跟Eigen C++ tempalte library库和Pavel写的mpfr C++ wrapper结合用时更佳.


解决ArcGIS 10.2.2不能正常运行BUG的DLL文件

从网络上看到的出错大致有,ArcGIS 9.3安装过程中出错: arcgis visual Fortran runtime error forrtl: severe (38): error during write, unit 0, file CONOUT$ ArcGIS 10.2.2运行中出错; forrtl severe (38) error during write 都涉及到这样一个共同与下面DLL文件有关的arcgis visual Fortran runtime error,该DLL文件是: DFORRT.dll 问题在于不正确的 DFORRT.dll版本,居然一直出现在ArcGIS从9.3到10.2.2不同版本中;所以,我就尝试找一个正确的DLL文件,终于找到了; 亲测对windows 7+ArcGIS 10.2.2中出现的这种问题可以解决BUG. 用这个DLL文件替代ArcGIS安装目录中的同名文件即可(为安全起见,最好原始DLL留备份,改名)



小小的python代码,转成exe文件之后膨胀厉害: 演示http://blog.csdn.net/stereohomology/article/details/19919009



在windows上直接用Visual C++编译GMP库是很折腾的. 替代方案是用mpir, 通常自带VC++可以编译的project文件(可以到mpir首页下载);而mpfr通常源文件里面没有VC++项目文件.这里是一位英国老程序员编译好的库文件. 具体的使用跟网上mpir的编译之后的操作方法类似:参考http://www.exploringbinary.com/how-to-install-and-run-gmp-on-windows-using-mpir/ (How to Install and Run GMP on Windows Using MPIR; By Rick Regan (Published March 1st, 2010))



机械工业出版社,原版影印图书,应用数值方法随书光盘 2004年; 很早买了这本书,一天要找一个代码光盘却找不到了,搜也搜不到;后来找到盘了,觉得还是分享出来这样方便所有人。


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用Safengine Licensor 1.8.4加壳的程序的例子

这个其实是陈朝营博士的旋风三代的中国象棋引擎软件. 刚刚在北京理工大学的2010年人工智能竞赛中以不败战绩获得中国象棋类软件的冠军. 新旋风三代是中国象棋软件类的一流引擎这个是无疑的. 类似的应该还有佳佳象棋和象棋名手. 影响棋力大小的因素还有很多: 1.硬件配置; 2.开局库的设计; 3.引擎和硬件及开局库的匹配性; 4. 棋手的正确操作和应变; 5. 检验引擎之间的实力,比赛的局势也应该成百上千局, 局数太少则容易有人为的偶然性; 2010的冠军表明新旋风三代整体实力是一流的; 但并不是排除了其它一切可变因素的. 因此断定新旋风三代明显比其它棋软优秀是值得商榷的. 此处放这个作者公开


Ollydbg 1.1.0 终结版, 具有很强的反反调试能力

通常的OD调试某些具有反调试能力的加壳的程序的时候,OD容易被发现,导致一打开就会退出/自动关闭.只能望程序兴叹. 类似的加壳类型, safengine licensor, themida winlicense 2.x等都是这样. 现在这个OD经过了一些修改和加强, 可以避免在调试开始阶段就被黑掉. 其中的脚本之类的插件还不是最新版的, 可以自己到网上下载最新的.dll文件, 替换掉就可以. 还有选项和外观里面的路径可能需要根据自己放文件夹的实际路径,重新设置一下. == 特别说明: 这个是调试软件, 不是脱壳机.



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MaTeX v1.6.3

v1.6.3 @szhorvat szhorvat released this 25 days ago · 8 commits to master since this release More robust error checking and reporting Documentation improvements Downloads 1.02 MB MaTeX-1.6.3.paclet Source code (zip) Source code (tar.gz) v1.6.2 1ff11e8 v1.6.2 @szhorvat szhorvat released this on 20 Nov · 22 commits to master since this release The documentation is now integrated into the Documentation Center. Bug fix: full compatibility with Mathematica 10.0 restored. (Note: Re-released on 2016-11-20 with documentation fixes but no modifications to the package.) Downloads 504 KB MaTeX-1.6.2.paclet Source code (zip) Source code (tar.gz) v1.6.1 30633ef v1.6.1 @szhorvat szhorvat released this on 30 Aug · 29 commits to master since this release Bug fix: better error checking for the CacheSize option. Downloads 10.5 KB MaTeX-1.6.1.zip Source code (zip) Source code (tar.gz) v1.6.0 f2852e2 v1.6.0 @szhorvat szhorvat released this on 20 Aug · 32 commits to master since this release MaTeX now threads over lists. A list is batch-processed using a single run of LaTeX, which is much faster than element-wise processing. Implemented by Andreas Ahlrichs. Note that this changes behaviour slightly. Previous versions of MaTeX compiled MaTeX[{1, x^2, x/2}] as a single expression. Now each element of the list is converted to a separate result. To restore the old behaviour, apply TeXForm explicitly: MaTeX[TeXForm[{1, x^2, x/2}]. Expressions with head TeXForm are now automatically handled. Bug fixes: Better handling of CR/LF line endings and character encodings. Downloads 10.5 KB MaTeX-1.6.0.zip Source code (zip) Source code (tar.gz) v1.5.0 a2b4aad v1.5.0 @szhorvat szhorvat released this on 19 Jun · 49 commits to master since this release Much improved LaTeX error reporting. Please report any problems you notice with the new err


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