

typedef struct
    /* CPU flags */
    // cpu 标志位
	unsigned int cpu;

    int         i_threads;  /* divide each frame into multiple slices, encode in parallel */

    /* Video Properties */
	// 帧宽
    int         i_width;

	// 帧高
    int         i_height;
	int         i_csp;  /* CSP of encoded bitstream, only i420 supported */
	// level
	int         i_level_idc; 

	// 编码帧总数
    int         i_frame_total; /* number of frames to encode if known, else 0 */

	// 这种形式不好,最好放在外面,用typedef形式
	// 当然,如果只有这个地方用到,也可以这样写
        /* they will be reduced to be 0 < x <= 65535 and prime */
        int         i_sar_height;
        int         i_sar_width;

        int         i_overscan;    /* 0=undef, 1=no overscan, 2=overscan */
        /* see h264 annex E for the values of the following */
        int         i_vidformat;
        int         b_fullrange;
        int         i_colorprim;
        int         i_transfer;
        int         i_colmatrix;
        int         i_chroma_loc;    /* both top & bottom */
    } vui;

    int         i_fps_num;
    int         i_fps_den;

    /* Bitstream parameters */
	// 编码端码流参数控制的参数,非常重要
    int         i_frame_reference;  /* Maximum number of reference frames */
    int         i_keyint_max;       /* Force an IDR keyframe at this interval */
    int         i_keyint_min;       /* Scenecuts closer together than this are coded as I, not IDR. */
    int         i_scenecut_threshold; /* how aggressively to insert extra I frames */
    int         i_bframe;   /* how many b-frame between 2 references pictures */
    int         b_bframe_adaptive;
    int         i_bframe_bias;
    int         b_bframe_pyramid;   /* Keep some B-frames as references */

    int         b_deblocking_filter;
    int         i_deblocking_filter_alphac0;    /* [-6, 6] -6 light filter, 6 strong */
    int         i_deblocking_filter_beta;       /* [-6, 6]  idem */

    int         b_cabac;
    int         i_cabac_init_idc;

    int         i_cqm_preset;
    char        *psz_cqm_file;      /* JM format */
    uint8_t     cqm_4iy[16];        /* used only if i_cqm_preset == X264_CQM_CUSTOM */
    uint8_t     cqm_4ic[16];
    uint8_t     cqm_4py[16];
    uint8_t     cqm_4pc[16];
    uint8_t     cqm_8iy[64];
    uint8_t     cqm_8py[64];

    /* Log */
    void        (*pf_log)( void *, int i_level, const char *psz, va_list );
    void        *p_log_private;
    int         i_log_level;
    int         b_visualize;

    /* Encoder analyser parameters */
        unsigned int intra;     /* intra partitions */
        unsigned int inter;     /* inter partitions */

        int          b_transform_8x8;
        int          b_weighted_bipred; /* implicit weighting for B-frames */
        int          i_direct_mv_pred; /* spatial vs temporal mv prediction */
        int          i_chroma_qp_offset;

        int          i_me_method; /* motion estimation algorithm to use (X264_ME_*) */
        int          i_me_range; /* integer pixel motion estimation search range (from predicted mv) */
        int          i_mv_range; /* maximum length of a mv (in pixels) */
        int          i_subpel_refine; /* subpixel motion estimation quality */
        int          b_bidir_me; /* jointly optimize both MVs in B-frames */
        int          b_chroma_me; /* chroma ME for subpel and mode decision in P-frames */
        int          b_bframe_rdo; /* RD based mode decision for B-frames */
        int          b_mixed_references; /* allow each mb partition in P-frames to have it's own reference number */
        int          i_trellis;  /* trellis RD quantization */
        int          b_fast_pskip; /* early SKIP detection on P-frames */
        int          b_dct_decimate; /* transform coefficient thresholding on P-frames */
        int          i_noise_reduction; /* adaptive pseudo-deadzone */

        int          b_psnr;    /* Do we compute PSNR stats (save a few % of cpu) */
    } analyse;

    /* Rate control parameters */
        int         i_rc_method;    /* X264_RC_* */

        int         i_qp_constant;  /* 0-51 */
        int         i_qp_min;       /* min allowed QP value */
        int         i_qp_max;       /* max allowed QP value */
        int         i_qp_step;      /* max QP step between frames */

        int         i_bitrate;
        int         i_rf_constant;  /* 1pass VBR, nominal QP */
        float       f_rate_tolerance;
        int         i_vbv_max_bitrate;
        int         i_vbv_buffer_size;
        float       f_vbv_buffer_init;
        float       f_ip_factor;
        float       f_pb_factor;

        /* 2pass */
        int         b_stat_write;   /* Enable stat writing in psz_stat_out */
        char        *psz_stat_out;
        int         b_stat_read;    /* Read stat from psz_stat_in and use it */
        char        *psz_stat_in;

        /* 2pass params (same as ffmpeg ones) */
        char        *psz_rc_eq;     /* 2 pass rate control equation */
        float       f_qcompress;    /* 0.0 => cbr, 1.0 => constant qp */
        float       f_qblur;        /* temporally blur quants */
        float       f_complexity_blur; /* temporally blur complexity */
        x264_zone_t *zones;         /* ratecontrol overrides */
        int         i_zones;        /* sumber of zone_t's */
        char        *psz_zones;     /* alternate method of specifying zones */
    } rc;

    /* Muxing parameters */
    int b_aud;                  /* generate access unit delimiters */
    int b_repeat_headers;       /* put SPS/PPS before each keyframe */
    int i_sps_id;               /* SPS and PPS id number */
} x264_param_t;


typedef struct {
    int b_progress;
    int i_seek;
    hnd_t hin;  // hnd_t是 void *类型的
    hnd_t hout;
    FILE *qpfile;
} cli_opt_t;






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