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原创 linux命令 统计一篇文章中每个字符串的个数

more servermon.log | tr ' ' '\n' | sort | uniq -c | grep -E "stopped|server|manually" cat servermon.log | tr ' ' '\n' | sort | uniq -c |

2014-08-16 23:26:15 651

转载 android工程中引入第三方JAR包后安装APK时老是提示找不到库文件 || Android如何将程序打成jar包 || 运行java.lang.noclassdeffounderror错误

使用第三方jar包除了我以下介绍的方法,别的方法我基本上都试验过,均会出现编译或运行错误。以下方法经测试编译和运行都完全没问题。步骤:方法1:Eclipse下,右键工程,Build path,java build path,选择libraries在右边的按钮中点击“Add Library”选择“User library”,点击“下一步”点击“

2014-02-19 14:27:40 571

转载 12款最佳Linux命令行终端工具

摘自http://www.aqee.net/best-terminal-alternatives-for-linux-systems/12款最佳Linux命令行终端工具Posted in软件工具 | Leave a comment如果你跟我一样,整天要花大量的时间使用Linux命令行,而且正在寻找一些可替代系统自带的老旧且乏味的终端软件,那你真是找对了文章。我这

2014-02-12 15:26:44 5246 1

转载 Eclipse JAD反编译插件安装方法

My used eclipse Edition:Android Developer ToolsBuild: v22.0.1-685705This product includes Eclipse Platform, JDT, CDT, EMF, GEF and WTP,all of which are Copyright (c) Eclipse contributors and

2014-02-10 17:12:00 621

原创 statistics script for counting the result of more csv files 2

statistics script for counting the result of more csv files (revision1)resultFile="./result.txt"filepath="./scenario_name_uniq_2.txt"`cat ./*.csv > name.txt``awk -F "-" '{print $1,$NF}'

2014-01-21 17:57:29 658

原创 statistics script for counting the result of more csv files

resultFile="./result.txt"filepath="./scenario_name_uniq_2.txt"`cat *.csv > name.txt``awk -F "-" '{print $1,$NF}' name.txt > name1.txt``awk '{print $1,$NF}' name1.txt > name2.txt``sort name

2014-01-21 14:30:36 440

转载 转载

原创作品,允许转载,转载时请务必以超链接形式标明文章 原始出处 、作者信息和本声明。否则将追究法律责任。http://blackanger.blog.51cto.com/140924/43730碰到需要调用操作系统shell命令的时候,Ruby为我们提供了六种完成任务的方法:1.Exec方法:    Kernel#exec方法通过调用指定的命令取代当前进程:  例子:   

2013-11-20 12:33:25 547

转载 Use grep to search certain content in the specified sub-directory.

Use grep to search certain content in  the specified sub-directory.reference url:From: http://www.ai7.org/wp/html/653.htmlgrep -r abcd *.pyUse above command can not get the expecte

2013-11-18 18:16:07 838

原创 we sign the 3 page from left to right with -1,0,1

there are 3 page for android app,we want to go to the any page from every pageso we sign the 3 page from left to right with -1,0,1the add result of the page to sign the current pagethe subtracti

2013-07-03 10:43:02 432

原创 testink converter tool in CSDN

testink converter tool in CSDN URL: http://download.csdn.net/detail/rachel_luo/5113801

2013-04-10 18:04:34 421

原创 Testlink update log

Hellofolks, I’ve migrated our TestLink server (16) to latest version. I will have both v1.9.5and v1.9.6 running there for a while:

2013-03-29 18:07:48 853

原创 chown -R root:www-data testlink/

1.chown -R root:www-data testlink/ 2. Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock'solve method:sudo chown mysql:mysql /var/run/mysqld

2013-03-12 00:08:01 1639

转载 calabash

http://blog.lesspainful.com/[18:33:11] fushan: 1. Installation https://github.com/calabash/calabash-androidruby: 要安装full dev 版 (我用的ruby 1.9.3p194, 在ubuntu下到SPM找) 否则 gem install calabash-android 可能

2013-02-22 18:33:58 521

转载 http://blog.lesspainful.com/

http://blog.lesspainful.com/   cucumber   calabash    ruby  SDK

2013-02-22 18:27:32 291

转载 expert's url

expert's url:http://blog.csdn.net/csh624366188/article/details/8568621?reload

2013-02-14 09:53:36 195

原创 Linux,clear the content of linux file

Beijing,Jan 15th2013,sunny,temperature:-2User can use the command: "echo > test.txt" to clear the content of the linux file,and also can use command: "echo "info" > test.txt" to write info to this f

2013-01-25 12:10:50 465

原创 Linux find command (Under Ubuntu 12.04 Precise Pangolin)

Beijing,Jan 9th 2013,sunny,temperature:-51.Search the special file in the current folder:find . -name test.file2.Fuzzy query in the current folder:find . -name "*.txt"3.Fuzzy query in the

2013-01-09 10:56:50 390

原创 Learn Ubuntu 12.04(Precise Pangolin) note on Jan.6th 2013 --- "sudo passwd root"

Beijing sunny  temperature:-2 nowThere are two users in my Ubuntu system (superyang and root),but the superyang account do not have the authority to use command "mv * *" in directory "/opt" to ren

2013-01-06 11:35:51 316

原创 on Ubuntu 12.04 to install and setup the tomcat 7

precondition:1.In Ubuntu,input the command java2.The system will suggest user to use "sudo apt-get install * "  to install the latest java version on system. steps:1.Download the latest apac

2013-01-03 15:58:02 401

原创 Ubuntu 12.04 telnet exit method

on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS system to install the memcached service,through telnet order "telnet 127.0.01 11211" to login,user must use "quit + Enter" to exit the telnet service.

2013-01-02 02:03:25 307



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