sublime text 2.0.2 破解(64 bit)

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----- BEGIN LICENSE ----- 
Andrew Weber 
Single User License 
813A03DD 5E4AD9E6 6C0EEB94 BC99798F 
942194A6 02396E98 E62C9979 4BB979FE 
91424C9D A45400BF F6747D88 2FB88078 
90F5CC94 1CDC92DC 8457107A F151657B 
1D22E383 A997F016 42397640 33F41CFC 
E1D0AE85 A0BBD039 0E9C8D55 E1B89D5D 
5CDB7036 E56DE1C0 EFCC0840 650CD3A6 
B98FC99C 8FAC73EE D2B95564 DF450523 

------ END LICENSE ------

//点击about Sublime Text 2 查看.显示 Registered to Andrew Weber 就 破解 OK 了.

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因为网络原因下载极慢。windows64版本在此分享~ 今天发布的3124, Release Date: 22 September 2016 See also the Blog Post Settings now open in a new window, with the default and user settings side-by-side Hovering over a symbol will show a popup indicating where it's defined. This is controlled with the show_definitions setting. Build errors are now shown inline at the location where they occurred. This is controlled with the show_errors_inline setting. Added a menu item and command palette entry to install Package Control Various syntax highlighting improvements Significant improvements to the Scala syntax definition, with thanks to djspiewak and gwenzek Significant improvements to the LaTeX syntax definition, with thanks to randy3k Improved Goto Definition performance when a large number of files are open Minor improvements to file load times Linux and OSX: Improved memory usage Fixed Replace not working as expected in conjunction with regex look behinds Fixed build systems being unable to use "file_patterns" with the exec command Corrected tab overlap on HiDPI Windows and Linux configurations OSX: Fixed a graphical glitch when switching tabs OSX: Fixed crash when entering a surrogate pair via hex input Linux: Improved rendering performance for some systems File encoding of open files is now stored in the session Build Systems may define a cancel command using the "cancel" key Syntax: Added clear_scopes directive, to give more control over the generated scopes Color Schemes: Added popupCss key, for defining default popup style sheets Color Schemes: Added phantomCss key, for defining default phantom style sheets minihtml: HiDPI support was added for Windows and Linux minihtml: Windows style line endings and single quoted attributes are now supported minihtml: Child selectors may now be used in style sheets minihtml: The inherit CSS value has been implemented minihtml: font-family stacks may now be used minihtml: Support for the line-height CSS property was added minihtml: Elements may now be relatively positioned minihtml: Inline elements support padding and background-color set minihtml: CSS variables and the var() function are now supported minihtml: Added the CSS color functions color() (partial), rgb(), rgba(), hsl() and hsla() minihtml: Fixed a stack overflow on Windows with too many unclosed tags API: Added Phantom and PhantomSet API: Added ViewEventListener API: Added View.is_primary() API: Added EventListener.on_hover(view, point, hover_zone) API: Added functions to get and set visibility of the minimap, status bar, tabs and menu API: Modifications to a selection are now constrained to the valid range API: Updated Python 3.3 to commit 8e3b9bf917a7, and SQLite to 3.14.1 Packages: Loading packages will no longer abort if a .sublime-package is corrupt Packages: Fixed an edge case when loading third party packages from unicode paths on Windows
Sublime Text 2 build 2221 Sublime Text 是一个代码编辑器,也是HTML和散文先进的文本编辑器。Sublime Text 具有漂亮的用户界面和强大的功能,例如代码缩略图,Python的插件,代码段等。还可自定义键绑定,菜单和工具栏。Sublime Text 的主要功能包括:拼写检查,书签,完整的 Python API , Goto 功能,即时项目切换,多选择,多窗口等等。Sublime Text 是一个跨平台的编辑器,同时支持Windows、Linux、Mac OS X等操作系统。 优化说明: 1、基于 Sublime Text 2 官方版进行修改汉化 2、字体大小设为11,Ctrl+鼠标中键滚动调节 3、修正了Html自动补全时多一个"<"的Bug 4、增加了配色非常舒服的 Theme-Nil 主题 5、在用户设置中加入了自动换行设置选项 6、修改菜单选项和配置文件使其更人性化 7、已经默认集成各种常用插件:(详细如下) (1).Alignment:代码对齐插件,快捷键:Ctrl+Alt+A (2).ConvertToUTF8:支持GBK查看与编辑插件 (3).Emmet:HTML/CSS代码快速编写插件 (4).JsFormat:JS格式化插件,快捷键:Ctrl+Alt+F (5).KeymapManager:快捷键管理插件,快捷键:Ctrl+Alt+K (6).Package Control:插件安装 (7).SideBarEnhancements:侧边栏插件 (8).Theme - Nil:SideBarEnhancements皮肤 许可如下 ---- BEGIN LICENSE ----- Andrew Weber Single User License EA7E-855605 813A03DD 5E4AD9E6 6C0EEB94 BC99798F 942194A6 02396E98 E62C9979 4BB979FE 91424C9D A45400BF F6747D88 2FB88078 90F5CC94 1CDC92DC 8457107A F151657B 1D22E383 A997F016 42397640 33F41CFC E1D0AE85 A0BBD039 0E9C8D55 E1B89D5D 5CDB7036 E56DE1C0 EFCC0840 650CD3A6 B98FC99C 8FAC73EE D2B95564 DF450523 ------ END LICENSE ------


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