
The original purpose of opening the blog is record my research life and  practice my writing, as it's significant to be have myself understood in writing papers. During typing the first sentence, I've looked into digital dictionary for several times. It really doesn't seem to be a easy work, but I will persist. Hardly have I encountered things I regard to be hard, doing research is one for present,now, writing blog in English takes up another one. I believe challenging myself will make me better. Indeed, I feel express myself in English is not easy at all, no matter speaking or writing. Although I deem myself to be pretty good in my illusion, I have to confess that I'm from good enough. 
So much about trifles, let's turn to the business. About 9 o'clock, I came to lab 441.I thought I was the first one, regardless of the fact that it could not be called early for most people.Because In common days, seniors wouldn't come before 9:00. Personally, I cannot believe graduates being so "lazy". To my surprise, Yuqin had been in front of her computer. I didn't flung myself into documents once touched my chair. Instead, I push away my laptop, and deliberate on my problem. I try to apply an evolution model to study the dissemination time of a file on a wireless social network(WSN).The initial work is presented in a paper, published in ISIT, which investigates the time in a stationary network(we mark it A ). The evolution model is proposed by another paper,called *affiliation network*, which is initially designed for the evolution of affiliation network(we mark it B). The input of A is a power law social graph,with each node has a corresponding position in geography. The main idea of A is eager searching  for nodes that hold the file in certain hops in social graph, choosing randomly one node within a geographic limitation and requesting for file. 
During about one hour's silence, I recalled what I've read, and came up with some problems about intrinsic reason why the mechanism can deliver file to eager nodes. But then, I thought I had done pretty work and unlocked my phone to read jokes and hot topics. Nevertheless, it even not worthy of a word! I was distracted form thinking along and previous state was gone after that, I could no longer catch up with what I had thought. Moreover, as I spent about half an hour on phone, when I set about papers, before I came into state, it's time for lunch!
I slept for half an hour on my desk, while I wasn't asleep, it's not comfortable. Liu xiaoyang came back from Shenzhen today, and came to lab in the afternoon. He was very nice and gave me lots of advice on doing research. He asked me to prepare for a while and then discuss with him in the cafe. I mainly prepared the essence and principle uncovered by papers. I demonstrated on the board. From what I need in my work, what's the intuitive understanding of papers, avoid giving specific notation or amount unless needed, what's the results, that's all you want to put into your own paper? he asked many WHY,why this equation has two case? what it is that produces this phenomenon/result.He usually set aside details and maths and cares about logic from  surface phenomenon/result to intrinsic reason. In short, From surface to intrinsic.After I finished, I was surprised at what I've wrote, it's like a research in my eyes,I never present so many things without script. But, in fact, there is still a lot distance from a good work. As commented, I was still not so familiar with papers, I don't have my own opinion, I don't know what to do next/more. I wasn't careful enough to take all possible situations/cases into considerations,I didn't think deep enough, left uncertainty in my mechanism.
At night, my state was not good. My eyes are tired, I didn't want to read and think. All the consequence is owing to irregular life and improper relaxing way and too many times distracted by phone.
Expecting a new good day!
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