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转载 使用Python爬虫+SMTP打造‘自动告白邮件脚本'

有一天在逛知乎可以用 Python 编程语言做哪些神奇好玩的事情?发现一条有趣的评论,说是通过python实现每日向女票(当然你也可以发给你的基友)发送一封爱意满满的邮件,当时觉得挺有趣的,于是就照模照样的也用python实现一次。整个代码的思路也很简单。爬取数据、云储存获取数据——整理排版——邮件发送。先放张效果图:本次实例用到的框架有:leancloud、requests、lx...

2018-02-18 19:17:56 1627

转载 Python爬虫入门——爬取贴吧图片

最近忽然想听一首老歌,“I believe” 于是到网上去搜,把几乎所有的版本的MV都看了一遍(也是够无聊的),最喜欢的还是最初版的《我的野蛮女友》电影主题曲的哪个版本,想起女神全智贤,心血来潮,于是就想到了来一波全MM的美照,哪里有皂片呢?自然是百度贴吧了。放上链接-————[plain] view plain copy pri...

2018-02-18 19:16:33 2508 2

转载 The Spelling Corrector by python

在学习卷积神经网络的时候,遇到这个问题:from theano.tensor.signal.pool import downsampleImportError: cannot import name downsample解决方案来自大牛的回复 [http://blog.csdn...

2018-02-08 16:52:36 196

原创 The Spelling Corrector by python

Learned by How to Write a Spelling Corrector.You can get the detailed course in this article.The related Dic is the big.txtThe code is so fantastic~:import refrom collections import Counterde...

2018-02-08 15:19:50 366

原创 Face detection demo code by python

A demo code about the face detection:# import library - MUST use cv2 if using opencv_traincascadeimport cv2# rectangle color and strokecolor = (0, 0, 255) # reverse of RGB (B,G,R) - weirdstr...

2018-02-08 10:35:45 533

原创 Craw the picture of the specific handle

Here is the demo code to Craw the picture of the specific handle in windows:import timeimport win32gui, win32ui, win32con, win32apidef window_capture(filename,hwnd): # 根据窗口句柄获取窗口的设备上下文DC(Div

2018-02-07 15:28:03 218

原创 Craw the words in the picture and search them

Here is the demo code to craw the words in the picture and then search the words in the browser:from PIL import Imageimport pytesseractimport timefrom selenium import webdriverbegin = time.time(

2018-02-07 15:26:30 184

原创 Mouse and keyboard operation in windows using python

using the api of win32. The demo code of operating mouse:import win32api,win32con#鼠标定位到(500,500)win32api.SetCursorPos([500,500])#执行左单键击,若需要双击则延时几毫秒再点击一次即可win32api.mouse_event(win32con.MOUSEE

2018-02-07 15:24:14 239

原创 How to get the handle in windows using python

Using the API of win32,the classname can be got through the tool named spy++,titlename is the name of the window.Here is the demo:import win32guiimport win32apiclassname = "ApplicationFrameWind

2018-02-07 15:22:12 240

原创 How to install opencv in python

For windows,goto:https://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#opencv to download the .whl file you want,and then setup it:pip3 install xxx.whlFor Linux:pip3 install opencv-python

2018-02-07 15:17:08 245

原创 Painting with Tensorflow

It is an open source library by tensorflow. Here is the article: https://link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//arxiv.org/abs/1508.06576I am learning from it right now.Here is the demo code:from __futu

2018-02-07 11:02:05 255

原创 How to fix the problem 'Your CPU supports instructions that this TensorFlow binary was not compiled'

When doing the compile of tensorflow,it happens a problem Your CPU supports instructions that this TensorFlow binary was not compiled to use: AVX AVX2.So how to fix it? Well,just add the code below:

2018-02-07 10:57:24 396

原创 Operation about Excel with Python

One of my friends want to analyze the data of a excel file.As before I will use VB to do it ,now I want to try it with python,so I search the related APIs about the Excel file. The purpose is to get

2018-02-06 12:09:46 184



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