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原创 伸展树uva11996

不知道哪错了,一直超时。。。#include#include#include#include#include#include#include#include#include#include#include#define Key_value ch[ch[root][1]][0]using namespace std;typedef unsigned LL;const

2015-01-30 11:05:44 608

原创 高斯消元upc

Problem F: Plotting PolynomialsTime Limit: 1 Sec  Memory Limit: 128 MBSubmit: 2  Solved: 1[Submit][Status][Web Board]DescriptionGraphical calculators have become popular among high schoo

2015-01-30 10:21:45 583

原创 Splay+BZOJ1058

1058: [ZJOI2007]报表统计Time Limit: 15 Sec  Memory Limit: 162 MBSubmit: 2005  Solved: 705[Submit][Status]Description小Q的妈妈是一个出纳,经常需要做一些统计报表的工作。今天是妈妈的生日,小Q希望可以帮妈妈分担一些工作,作为她的生日礼物之一。经过仔细观察,小Q发现统

2015-01-28 10:37:18 504

原创 Splay+BZOJ1503

调了好久,发现两个问题:首先插入的时候忘记把p赋给fa的孩子,还有就是pushup的时候加上一个判断#include#include#include#include#include#include#include#include#include#include#include#define Key_value ch[ch[root][1]][0]using name

2015-01-26 21:32:10 477

原创 多边形相交poj3082

Language:Default'Roid RageTime Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 65536KTotal Submissions: 922 Accepted: 284DescriptionWhen writing game programs, it is often us

2015-01-26 17:37:56 470

原创 Splay+BZOJ1861

简单的Splay操作,只要加一个书的编号跟在树中的位置映射就可以了1. Top S——表示把编号为S的书房在最上面。 2. Bottom S——表示把编号为S的书房在最下面。 3. Insert S T——T∈{-1,0,1},若编号为S的书上面有X本书,则这条命令表示把这本书放回去后它的上面有X+T本书;4. Ask S——询问编号为S的书的上面目前有多少本书。5.

2015-01-26 10:58:45 446

原创 Codeforces Mr. Kitayuta's Technology


2015-01-24 22:14:41 605

原创 最短路Codeforces E. Breaking Good

E. Breaking GoodBreaking Good is a new video game which a lot of gamers want to have. There is a certain level in the game that is really difficult even for experienced gamers.Walter William

2015-01-24 18:58:51 591

原创 树链剖分总结


2015-01-18 14:40:48 554

原创 树链剖分+点权+hdu3966

Online JudgeOnline ExerciseOnline TeachingOnline ContestsExercise AuthorF.A.QHand In HandOnline AcmersForum | DiscussStatistical ChartsProblem ArchiveRealtime Judge Statu

2015-01-18 14:20:12 598

原创 树链剖分(基于边权,点更新,区间更新)poj3237Tree

TreeTime Limit: 5000MS Memory Limit: 131072KTotal Submissions: 4849 Accepted: 1327DescriptionYou are given a tree with N nodes. The tree’s nodes are numbered 1

2015-01-17 14:39:07 682

原创 树链剖分(基于边权)poj2763

Housewife WindTime Limit: 4000MS Memory Limit: 65536KTotal Submissions: 6462 Accepted: 1652DescriptionAfter their royal wedding, Jiajia and Wind hid away in XX Vi

2015-01-15 12:04:46 581

原创 树链剖分(bzoj2243)

2243: [SDOI2011]染色Time Limit: 20 Sec  Memory Limit: 512 MBSubmit: 2492  Solved: 960[Submit][Status]Description给定一棵有n个节点的无根树和m个操作,操作有2类:1、将节点a到节点b路径上所有点都染成颜色c;2、询问节点a到节点b路径上的颜色段数量(连续相同颜

2015-01-14 23:16:31 354

原创 树链剖分(基于点权)bzoj1036

1036: [ZJOI2008]树的统计CountTime Limit: 10 Sec  Memory Limit: 162 MBSubmit: 6204  Solved: 2569[Submit][Status]Description一棵树上有n个节点,编号分别为1到n,每个节点都有一个权值w。我们将以下面的形式来要求你对这棵树完成一些操作: I. CHANGE u

2015-01-11 21:47:57 507

原创 树链剖分(spoj375)基于边权

原来以为树链剖分是很高端的数据结构,学习之后才知道,树链剖分思想也不是很难,首先把树分成好多条链,然后结合线段树或者伸展树SPOJ Problem Set (classical)375. Query on a treeProblem code: QTREEYou are given a tree (an acyclic undirected connected graph)

2015-01-10 18:09:15 630

转载 树链剖分学习

开始学习树链剖分了“在一棵树上进行路径的修改、求极值、求和”乍一看只要线段树就能轻松解决,实际上,仅凭线段树是不能搞定它的。我们需要用到一种貌似高级的复杂算法——树链剖分。   树链,就是树上的路径。剖分,就是把路径分类为重链和轻链。   记siz[v]表示以v为根的子树的节点数,dep[v]表示v的深度(根深度为1),top[v]表示v所在的链的顶端节点,fa[v]表示v

2015-01-10 16:11:49 516 1

原创 线段树(500E New Year Domino)

E. New Year DominoCelebrating the new year, many people post videos of falling dominoes; Here's a list of them:https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=New+Years+DominosUser ainta, w

2015-01-10 16:01:30 859

原创 AC自动机(hdu4057)

Online JudgeOnline ExerciseOnline TeachingOnline ContestsExercise AuthorF.A.QHand In HandOnline AcmersForum | DiscussStatistical ChartsProblem ArchiveRealtime Judge Statu

2015-01-09 21:28:43 444

原创 后缀数组(poj3729)

Language:DefaultFacer’s stringTime Limit: 3000MS Memory Limit: 65536KTotal Submissions: 1766 Accepted: 529DescriptionMinifacer was very happy these days

2015-01-06 18:49:26 445

原创 AC自动机(出现的模式串有多少)hdu3695

Online JudgeOnline ExerciseOnline TeachingOnline ContestsExercise AuthorF.A.QHand In HandOnline AcmersForum | DiscussStatistical ChartsProblem ArchiveRealtime Judge Statu

2015-01-05 22:39:30 433

原创 后缀自动机(不同子串的个数)hdu4416

Online JudgeOnline ExerciseOnline TeachingOnline ContestsExercise AuthorF.A.QHand In HandOnline AcmersForum | DiscussStatistical ChartsProblem ArchiveRealtime Judge Statu

2015-01-04 21:38:54 933

原创 后缀自动机(输出字典序为K的子串)spoj7258

SPOJ Problem Set (classical)7258. Lexicographical Substring SearchProblem code: SUBLEXLittle Daniel loves to play with strings! He always finds different ways to have fun with strings!

2015-01-04 11:40:53 685

原创 后缀自动机(多个穿的最长公共子串)spoj1812

SPOJ Problem Set (classical)1812. Longest Common Substring IIProblem code: LCS2A string is finite sequence of characters over a non-empty finite set Σ.In this problem, Σ is the set o

2015-01-03 23:15:15 1058

原创 多串后缀自动机(hdu4436)

Online JudgeOnline ExerciseOnline TeachingOnline ContestsExercise AuthorF.A.QHand In HandOnline AcmersForum | DiscussStatistical ChartsProblem ArchiveRealtime Judge Statu

2015-01-03 11:40:40 709

原创 后缀自动机hdu4622

Online JudgeOnline ExerciseOnline TeachingOnline ContestsExercise AuthorF.A.QHand In HandOnline AcmersForum | DiscussStatistical ChartsProblem ArchiveRealtime Judge Statu

2015-01-02 20:21:55 557

原创 后缀自动机(hdu4641多校联合)

Online JudgeOnline ExerciseOnline TeachingOnline ContestsExercise AuthorF.A.QHand In HandOnline AcmersForum | DiscussStatistical ChartsProblem ArchiveRealtime Judge Statu

2015-01-02 11:19:47 812

原创 后缀自动机(子串个数)spoj8222

SPOJ Problem Set (classical)8222. SubstringsProblem code: NSUBSTRYou are given a string S which consists of 250000 lowercase latin letters at most. We define F(x) as the maximal number of time

2015-01-01 20:27:58 1427

原创 后缀自动机(最长公共子串、模板)spoj1811


2015-01-01 10:45:06 1518


Kubernetes in Action teaches you to use Kubernetes to deploy container-based distributed applications. You'll start with an overview of Docker and Kubernetes before building your first Kubernetes cluster. You'll gradually expand your initial application, adding features and deepening your knowledge of Kubernetes architecture and operation. As you navigate this comprehensive guide, you'll explore high-value topics like monitoring, tuning, and scaling.



awk是一个强大的文本分析工具,相对于grep的查找,sed的编辑,awk在其对数据分析并生成报告时,显得尤为强大。简单来说awk就是把文件逐行的读入,以空格为默认分隔符将每行切片,切开的部分再进行各种分析处理。 awk有3个不同版本: awk、nawk和gawk,未作特别说明,一般指gawk,gawk 是 AWK 的 GNU 版本。 awk其名称得自于它的创始人 Alfred Aho 、Peter Weinberger 和 Brian Kernighan 姓氏的首个字母。实际上 AWK 的确拥有自己的语言: AWK 程序设计语言 , 三位创建者已将它正式定义为“样式扫描和处理语言”。它允许您创建简短的程序,这些程序读取输入文件、为数据排序、处理数据、对输入执行计算以及生成报表,还有无数其他的功能。





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