Oracle Process Architecture - Oracle 进程结构篇5

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1. Slave Processes 从属进程


Slave processes are background processes that perform work on behalf of other processes. This section describes some slave processes used by Oracle Database.

1.1 I/O Slave Processes I/O从属进程

<<---- I/O从属进程为不支持异步I/O的系统和设备模拟异步I/O。异步I/O没有传输时间的要求,它可以让其他进程在传输完成之前开始。---->>

I/O slave processes (Innn) simulate asynchronous I/O for systems and devices that do not support it. In asynchronous I/O, there is no timing requirement for transmission, enabling other processes to start before the transmission has finished.

<<---- 比如,一个应用程序在一个不支持异步I/O的操作系统上写1000个块到磁盘,每次写都是顺序发生,并且等待一个写入成功的确认。在异步磁盘上,一个应用程序可以大容量的写人到数据库,并且在等待操作系统对所有的块被写入做出响应的同时,执行其他的工作---->>

For example, assume that an application writes 1000 blocks to a disk on an operating system that does not support asynchronous I/O. Each write occurs sequentially and waits for a confirmation that the write was successful. With asynchronous disk, the application can write the blocks in bulk and perform other work while waiting for a response from the operating system that all blocks were written.

<<----为了模拟异步I/O,由一个进程监督几个从属进程。调用者进程将工作分配给每一个从属进程,从属进程会等待每一个写操作的完成,并且完成后报告调用者。在真正的异步I/O中,操作系统会等待I/O完成,并在完成时报告主进程,而在模拟异步I/O中,从属进程会等待,并在完成时报告调用者。 ---->>

To simulate asynchronous I/O, one process oversees several slave processes. The invoker process assigns work to each of the slave processes, who wait for each write to complete and report back to the invoker when done. In true asynchronous I/O the operating system waits for the I/O to complete and reports back to the process, while in simulated asynchronous I/O the slaves wait and report back to the invoker.


The database supports different types of I/O slaves, including the following:

>>I/O slaves for Recovery Manager (RMAN)

When using RMAN to back up or restore data, you can make use of I/O slaves for both disk and tape devices.

>>Database writer slaves

If it is not practical to use multiple database writer processes, such as when the computer has one CPU, then the database can distribute I/O over multiple slave processes. DBWR is the only process that scans the buffer cache LRU list for blocks to be written to disk. However, I/O slaves perform the I/O for these blocks.

1.2 Parallel Query Slaves 并行查询从属进程


In parallel execution or parallel processing, multiple processes work together simultaneously to run a single SQL statement. By dividing the work among multiple processes, Oracle Database can run the statement more quickly. For example, four processes handle four different quarters in a year instead of one process handling all four quarters by itself.

<<----并行执行减少了在大数据库(如数据仓库)上密集型操作响应的时间。对称多处理(SMP)和集群系统在并行执行获得了最大的性能优势,因为语句处理可以在多个CPU之间划分。并行执行也能使某些类型的OLTP和混合系统受益。 ---->>

Parallel execution reduces response time for data-intensive operations on large databases such as data warehouses. Symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) and clustered system gain the largest performance benefits from parallel execution because statement processing can be split up among multiple CPUs. Parallel execution can also benefit certain types of OLTP and hybrid systems.

<<----RAC系统里,特定服务的服务配置控制并行执行。具体而言,并行进程运行在那些配置服务的节点上。默认情况下,oracle 数据库只在提供数据库连接服务的实例上运行并行进程。这并不影响其他并行操作,如并行恢复或对视图GV$的查询的处理。---->>

In Oracle RAC systems, the service placement of a particular service controls parallel execution. Specifically, parallel processes run on the nodes on which you have configured the service. By default, Oracle Database runs the parallel process only on the instance that offers the service used to connect to the database. This does not affect other parallel operations such as parallel recovery or the processing of GV$ queries.

1.2.1 Serial Execution 串行执行

<<----在串行执行里,一个单个服务器进程,执行顺序执行的某个sql语句所有必需的处理。比如,执行一个全表扫描(Select * from employees,由一个服务器进程执行所有的工作。如下图:>>

In serial execution, a single server process performs all necessary processing for the sequential execution of a SQL statement. For example, to perform a full table scan such as SELECT * from employees, one server process performs all of the work, as shown in Figure 1.2.1


                         Figure 1.2.1 Serial Full Table Scan

1.2.2 Parallel Execution 并行执行


In parallel execution, the server process acts as the parallel execution coordinator responsible for parsing the query,allocating and controlling the slave processes, and sending output to the user. Given a query plan for a SQL query, the coordinator breaks down each operator in a SQL query into parallel pieces, runs them in the order specified in the query, and integrates the partial results produced by the slave processes executing the operators.

<<---- 下图显示了表employees的并行扫描。表被动态划分(动态分区)为多个加载单元,这些加载单元被称为颗粒。每一个颗粒是一个由单个从属进程读取的表的数据块范围,这些从属进程叫做并行执行服务。名称格式为Pnnn---->>

Figure 1.2.2 shows a parallel scan of the employees table. The table is divided dynamically (dynamic partitioning) into load units called granules. Each granule is a range of data blocks of the table read by a single slave process, called a parallel execution server, which uses Pnnn as a name format.

                             Figure 1.2.2 Parallel Full Table Scan


The database maps granules to execution servers at execution time. When an execution server finishes reading the rows corresponding to a granule, and when granules remain, it obtains another granule from the coordinator. This operation continues until the table has been read. The execution servers send results back to the coordinator, which assembles the pieces into the desired full table scan.

<<---- 分配给单个操作的并行服务器的数量是操作的并行度。同一SQL语句中的多个操作具有相同的并行度。---->>

The number of parallel execution servers assigned to a single operation is the degree of parallelism for an operation. Multiple operations within the same SQL statement all have the same degree of parallelism.



At this point,  the oracle process architecture is end.









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