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原创 leetcode oj java Battleships in a Board

一、问题描述:Given an 2D board, count how many different battleships are in it. The battleships are represented with 'X's, empty slots are represented with '.'s. You may assume the following rules:

2016-11-22 21:03:13 610

原创 leetcode oj java Burst Balloons

一、问题描述:Given n balloons, indexed from 0 to n-1. Each balloon is painted with a number on it represented by array nums. You are asked to burst all the balloons. If the you burst balloon i you

2016-11-22 17:10:29 258

原创 算法学习之- 动态规划

自己对动态规划一直都是盲点,在这个北风呼啸的日子里打算精心学习一下动态规划:同样的在CSDN上看到一篇特别好的文章,顺着文章就写下来mark了。链接如下: http://blog.csdn.net/woshioosm/article/details/7438834动态规划的一个例子:01背包问题有一个包和n个物品,包的容量是m, 每个物品有自己的体积和价值,问当从这n个物品中选

2016-11-22 16:11:13 392

原创 Leetcode oj java Path Sum III

一、问题描述:You are given a binary tree in which each node contains an integer value.Find the number of paths that sum to a given value.The path does not need to start or end at the root or a

2016-11-21 10:32:00 329

原创 leetcode oj java Shuffle an Array

一、问题描述:Shuffle a set of numbers without duplicates.Example:// Init an array with set 1, 2, and 3.int[] nums = {1,2,3};Solution solution = new Solution(nums);// Shuffle the array [1,2,3

2016-11-20 23:22:11 431

原创 leetcode oj Arithmetic Slices

一、问题描述:A sequence of number is called arithmetic if it consists of at least three elements and if the difference between any two consecutive elements is the same.For example, these are arith

2016-11-20 23:18:29 269

原创 leetcode oj java Repeated Substring Pattern

一、问题描述:Given a non-empty string check if it can be constructed by taking a substring of it and appending multiple copies of the substring together. You may assume the given string consists of lo

2016-11-20 23:07:37 540

原创 leetcode oj java Assign Cookies

一、问题描述:Assume you are an awesome parent and want to give your children some cookies. But, you should give each child at most one cookie. Each child i has a greed factor gi, which i

2016-11-20 23:04:06 431

原创 leetcode oj java Island Perimeter

一、问题描述:You are given a map in form of a two-dimensional integer grid where 1 represents land and 0 represents water. Grid cells are connected horizontally/vertically (not diagonally). The grid i

2016-11-20 23:02:13 497

原创 leetcode oj java Number of Boomerangs

一、问题描述: Given n points in the plane that are all pairwise distinct, a "boomerang" is a tuple of points (i, j, k) such that the distance between iand j equals the distance between i and k (th

2016-11-20 15:27:57 736

原创 数据挖掘算法之 kNN

一、什么是kNNkNN 从训练集中找出k个最接近测试对象的训练对象,再从这k个训练对象中找出居于主导的类别,将其赋给测试对象。二、kNN算法思想给定一个训练集D和一个测试对象z, 算法会计算z和每个训练对象之间的距离(相似度),以此来确定最近邻的列表。然后将最近邻中实例数量占优的类别赋值给z. 算法的空间复杂度和时间复杂度都是n. 算法的流程如下:       在计算距离的

2016-11-19 18:25:47 645

原创 leetcode oj java First Bad Version

一、问题描述:         You are a product manager and currently leading a team to develop a new product. Unfortunately, the latest version of your product fails the quality check. Since each version is

2016-11-18 12:03:13 244

原创 leetcode oj java Third Maximum Number

一、问题描述:Given a non-empty array of integers, return the third maximum number in this array. If it does not exist, return the maximum number. The time complexity must be in O(n).Example 1:

2016-11-17 23:39:56 377

原创 leetcode oj java Rotate Function

一、问题描述:Given an array of integers A and let n to be its length.Assume Bk to be an array obtained by rotating the array A k positions clock-wise, we define a "rotation function" F on A as

2016-11-17 16:40:28 238

原创 数据挖掘算法之 K-means

一、什么是K-means k-means 是一种被广泛使用的直接聚类算法,给定一个对象的集合,把这些对象划分为多个组,使得组内之间比较相似而不同的组之间差异较大。二、K-Means 算法思想K-Means 算法的输入对象是d维向量空间中的一些点,算法将集合D分为k个聚簇,集合D中的每个点属于且仅属于k个聚簇中的一个。K-Means算法默认的紧密度度量标准是欧几里得距离,算法的实质是最小

2016-11-16 22:21:11 534

原创 数据挖掘算法之 PageRank

一、 什么是PageRankPageRank 是Sergy Brin 和 Larry page 在1998年4月上第一次提出的,PageRank 利用网页之间的链接形成一个强有力的排名算法。PageRank 算法生成的web网页排序是静态的,这是指每个网页的排序值是通过离线计算得到的,并且该值和查询无关(基于web上的现有的链接而不考虑用户的查询)二、PageRank 算法思想把Web

2016-11-15 23:13:50 984

原创 leetcode oj java Find All Anagrams in a String

一、问题描述:Given a string s and a non-empty string p, find all the start indices of p's anagrams in s.Strings consists of lowercase English letters only and the length of both strings s and p wi

2016-11-15 20:33:11 617

原创 leetcode oj java Bulls and Cows

一、问题描述:You are playing the following Bulls and Cows game with your friend: You write down a number and ask your friend to guess what the number is. Each time your friend makes a guess, you pro

2016-11-14 23:33:10 338

原创 leetcode oj java arrangecoins

一、问题描述    You have a total of n coins that you want to form in a staircase shape, where every k-th row must have exactly k coins.Given n, find the total number of full staircase rows that ca

2016-11-07 23:42:57 371

原创 leetcode oj java Minimum Moves to Equal Array Elements

一、问题描述:Given a non-empty integer array of size n, find the minimum number of moves required to make all array elements equal, where a move is incrementing n - 1 elements by 1.Example:I

2016-11-07 23:06:58 553

原创 leetcode oj java Add Strings

一、问题描述:Given two non-negative numbers num1 and num2 represented as string, return the sum of num1 and num2.Note:The length of both num1 and num2 is Both num1 and num2 contains only d

2016-11-06 23:57:07 296

原创 leetcode oj java Binary Watch

一、问题描述:A binary watch has 4 LEDs on the top which represent the hours (0-11), and the 6 LEDs on the bottom represent the minutes (0-59).Each LED represents a zero or one, with the least sign

2016-11-06 10:32:57 262

神经网络LSTM 时间预测

详细的LSTM代码, 附带数据。 RNN全称循环神经网络(Recurrent Neural Networks),是用来处理序列数据的。在传统的神经网络模型中,从输入层到隐含层再到输出层,层与层之间是全连接的,每层之间的节点是无连接的。但是这种普通的神经网络对于很多关于时间序列的问题却无能无力。


Eclipse 格式化模板




Linux原理应用 课程的PPT,包括线程以及VI的操作,有具体例子,便于更好的理解linux系统


stp 的迭代过程以及原理

介绍了step 的迭代过程 思路以及用流程图解释其过程



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