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原创 c++_primer_exercise_1444

Look inside the code, maybe vs2010 not support function pointer as callable object completely./*********************************************************** * IDE: VS2010 * FILE: exercise_1444.

2015-01-29 16:59:05 382

原创 c++_primer_exercise_1442

/******************************************************************* * IDE: VS2010 * FILE: exercise_1442.cpp *******************************************************************/#include usi

2015-01-29 14:04:20 420

原创 c++_primer_exercise_1438_1439

/********************************************** * IDE: VS2013 * FILE: exercise_1438.cpp **********************************************/#include using std::string;#include using std::map

2015-01-27 22:26:49 389

原创 c++_primer_exercise_1435_1436

/*********************************************** * IDE: VS2010 * FILE: exercise_1435_1436.cpp ***********************************************/#include using std::string;#include using s

2015-01-27 18:07:23 400

原创 c++_primer_exercise_1406_1409_1410

/***************************************************** * IDE: VS2010 * FILE: Sales_data.h *****************************************************/#ifndef SALES_DATA_H#define SALES_DATA_H#

2015-01-26 18:42:50 436

原创 c++_primer_exercise_1402

/***************************************************** * IDE: VS2010 * FILE: Sales_data.h *****************************************************/#ifndef SALES_DATA_H#define SALES_DATA_H#

2015-01-26 15:49:59 453

原创 c++_primer_exercise_1345

Exercise 13.45:Functions that return lvalue references, along with the assignment, subscript, deference, and prefix increment/decrement operators, are all examples of expressions that return lvalue.

2015-01-24 11:58:43 513

原创 c++_primer_exercise_1339

/*********************************************** * IDE: VS2010 * FILE: Str_vec.h ***********************************************/#ifndef STR_VEC_H#define STR_VEC_H#include #include /

2015-01-23 16:07:23 513

原创 c++_primer_exercise_13333435363738

/********************************************** * IDE: VS2010 * FILE: Folder.h *********************************************/#ifndef FOLDER_H_#define FOLDER_H_#include #include //

2015-01-22 11:05:37 690

原创 c++_primer_exercise_1331

Give your class a #include using std::string;#include #include using std::vector;#include using std::sort;class Has_ptr{ friend void swap(Has_ptr &, Has_ptr &);public: // c

2015-01-21 10:18:35 492

原创 default constructor, copy constructor, copy assignment operator, destructor

constructor:a special member function used to initialize objects. Each constructor should give each data member a well defined initial value.synthesized default constructor:the default constru

2015-01-20 10:13:40 549

原创 c++_primer_exercise_130608

Exercise 13.6:Overload operators are functions that have the name operator followed by the symbol for the operator being defined. Hence,the assignment operator is a function named operator=. Jus

2015-01-19 14:35:34 437

原创 c++_primer_exercise_13010205

Exercise 13.1:copy constructor: Constructor that initializes a new object as a copy of another object of the same type. The copy constructor is applied implicitly to pass object to or from a funct

2015-01-19 13:37:20 463

原创 C++PrimerThinking

1.The fact that the copy constructor is used to initialize nonreference parameters of class type explains why the copy constructor’s own parameter must be a reference. If that parameter were not a ref

2015-01-19 10:07:11 349

原创 c++_primer_exercise_1227...

A simple text-query program. Our program will let a user search a given file for words that might occur in it. The result of a query will be the number of times the word occurs and a list of lines on

2015-01-18 19:34:56 470

原创 c++_primer_exercise_1226

Using an allocator:/********************************************************* * IDE: VS2013 *********************************************************/#include using std::allocator;#inc

2015-01-17 12:24:46 419

原创 c++_primer_exercise_121920

Str_blob && Str_blob_ptr/**************************************** * IDE: VS2010 ****************************************/#include using std::shared_ptr; using std::make_shared; using std::

2015-01-16 14:33:59 332

原创 pick up

1. When we use a smart pointer, the smart pointer class ensures that memory is freed when it is no longer needed even if the block is exited prematurely due to an exception. In contrast, memory that w

2015-01-16 00:23:08 387

原创 c++_primer_exercise_1210

Answer to Exercise 12.10:In this call, we passed a temporary shared_ptr to process. That temporary is destroyed when the expression in which the call appears finishes. Destroying the temporary decre

2015-01-15 23:36:51 389

原创 Managing Dynamic Memory Is Error-prone

There are three common programs with using and delete to manage dynamic

2015-01-15 16:20:42 513

原创 Conventions

There are a number of generally accepted conventions for naming variables. Following these conventions can improve the readability of a program.An identifier should give some indication of its m

2015-01-15 16:05:04 453

原创 c++_primer_exercise_11333435

Write a program that, given one string, transforms it into another. The input to our program is two files. The first file contains rules that we will use to transform the text in the second file. Each

2015-01-13 19:23:03 323

原创 c++_primer_exercise_113132

write a program that defines a multimap of authors and their works. Use find to find an element in the multimap and erase that element. Be sure your program works correctly if the element you look for

2015-01-13 15:14:01 388

原创 c++_primer_exercise_1124

What does the following program do?map m;m[0] = 1;answer:m is searched for the element whose key is 0. The element is not found.A new key-value pair is inserted into m. The key is a const

2015-01-13 09:40:53 464

原创 c++_primer_exercise_1123

Rewrite the map that stored vectors of children's names with a key that is the family last name to use a multimap./*********************************************** IDE: vs2013******************

2015-01-12 23:06:20 510

原创 c++_primer_exercise_1120

For the containers that have unique keys, the versions of insert and emplace that add a single element return a pair that lets us know whether the insertion happed. The first member of the pair is an

2015-01-12 22:36:29 456

原创 c++_primer_exercise_1118

A small word_counting program using map iterator./********************************************** * IDE: vs2013 **********************************************/#include #include #include

2015-01-12 21:19:03 441

原创 c++_primer_exercise_1114

Extend the map of children to their family name that you wrote for the exercise 11.07 by having the vector store a pair that holds a child's name and birthday./************************************

2015-01-12 16:23:55 454

原创 c++_primer_exercise_1112

Write a program to read a sequence of strings and ints, storing each into a pair. Store the pairs in a vector.#include // for pair#include #include #include using namespace std;int

2015-01-12 15:58:34 454

原创 c++_primer_exercise_1107

Define a map for which the key is the family's last name and the value is a vector of the children's names. Write code to add new families and to add new children to an existing family.co

2015-01-12 13:02:33 425

原创 c++_primer_exercise_1103

a word-counting program:

2015-01-12 10:52:48 431

原创 c++_primer_exercise_1037

8Given a vector that has ten elements, copy the elements from position 3 through 7 in reverse order to a list.

2015-01-10 23:43:56 455

原创 c++_primer_exercise_1033

#include // for ifstream && ofstream#include // for stream iteratorusing namespace std;int main(void){ fstream in_file("integers", ofstream::out); ofstream odd_out_file("odd_output

2015-01-10 17:37:32 339



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