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转载 浅谈桑基图(Sankey diagram):理论、技巧与经典案例分析

原文地址:diagram):理论、技巧与经典案例分析" href="http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_4a32ee3b0102duvw.html" target="_blank">浅谈桑基图(Sankey diagram):理论、技巧与经典案例分析作者:图表汇diagram):理论、技巧与经典案例分析" alt="[转载]浅谈桑基图(Sankey diagram

2015-01-30 09:42:14 31717 2

转载 Shopping cart analysis with R(-1) – Multi-layer pie chart

In this post, we will review a very interesting type of visualization – the multi-layer pie chart – and use it for one marketing analytics task – the shopping cart analysis. We will go from the initia

2015-01-30 09:07:30 987

转载 Sequence of shopping carts analysis with R(0) – Sankey diagram

We studied how we can visualize the structure of a shopping cart in theprevious post. Although you can find a great deal of materials on how to analyze combinations of products in the shopping cart

2015-01-30 09:05:13 954

转载 Sequence of shopping carts in-depth analysis with R(3)– Sequence of events

This is the third part of the sequence of shopping carts in-depth analysis. We processed initial data in the required format, did the exploratory analysis and started the in-depth analysis inthe f

2015-01-30 09:04:04 882

转载 Sequence of shopping carts in-depth analysis with R(2) – Clustering

This is the second part of the in-depth sequence analysis. Inthe previous post, we processed data in the required format, plotted a Sankey diagram, and did some distribution, frequency, time lapse

2015-01-30 09:02:43 1037

转载 Sequence of shopping carts in-depth analysis with R(1)

Although the sankey diagram from the previous post provided us with a very descriptive tool, we can consider it a rather exploratory analisys. As I mentioned, sequence mining can give us the opportu

2015-01-30 08:48:26 789

转载 Using R — Callling C code with Rcpp

This entry is part 11 of 14 in the series Using RIn two previous posts we described how R can call C code with .C() and the more complex yet more robust option of calling C code with .Call(). 

2015-01-28 11:52:01 1013

转载 Using R — .Call(“hello”)

This entry is part 10 of 14 in the series Using RIn an introductory post on R APIs to C code, Calling C Code ‘Hello World!’, we explored the .C() function with some ‘Hello World!’ baby steps.  I

2015-01-28 11:51:20 1264

转载 Using R — Calling C Code ‘Hello World!’

This entry is part 7 of 14 in the series Using ROne of the reasons that R has so much functionality is that people have incorporated a lot of academic code written in C, C++, Fortran and Java into

2015-01-28 11:40:27 682

转载 Using R — Standalone Scripts & Error Messages

This entry is part 4 of 14 in the series Using ROpen-source R is an amazing tool for statistical analysis and data visualization. Serious R gurus have found ways to do just about anything entirely

2015-01-28 09:53:16 750

转载 Using R — Easier Error Handling with try()

This entry is part 5 of 14 in the series Using RIn a previous post we looked at error handling in R with the tryCatch() function and how this could be used to write Java style try-catch-finally

2015-01-28 09:51:46 729

转载 Using R — Basic error Handing with tryCatch()

This entry is part 4 of 14 in the series Using RThe R language definition section on Exception Handling describes a very few basics about exceptions in R but is of little use to anyone trying to

2015-01-28 09:50:44 979

转载 用RJSONIO包调用天气数据

摘要: JSON(JavaScript Object Notation)是一种轻量级的数据交换格式。易于阅读和编写,同时也易于机器解析和生成。 JSON采用完全独立于语言的文本格式,但是也使用了类似于C语言家族的习惯(包括C, C++, C#, Java, JavaSc ...JSON(JavaScript Object Notation)是一种轻量

2015-01-27 00:11:30 1774

转载 A beautiful story about NYC weather

(This article was first published on  Revolutions, and kindly contributed toR-bloggers)     Inspired by Tufte's classic visualization of New York City weather in 2013, Alex Bresler used the

2015-01-22 14:57:29 646

转载 An Introduction to Change Points (packages: ecp and BreakoutDetection)

(This article was first published on  QuantStrat TradeR » R, and kindly contributed toR-bloggers)     A forewarning, this post is me going out on a limb, to say the least. In fact, it’s a post

2015-01-22 14:49:05 1773

转载 高手读史的三个境界

http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzA5NDExMDUxNA==&mid=204425588&idx=2&sn=3fbde6aee8521fd2049371db56e0d739&scene=1&from=groupmessage&isappinstalled=0#rd 三千年读史,不外功名利禄;九万里悟道,终归诗酒田园。绝大多数人对于历史的爱好仅限于听故

2015-01-22 10:07:03 1029

转载 浅谈技术管理

http://hi.baidu.com/ncaoz/item/8a17ff633682fd09a0cf0f78针对这些年旁观和经历过的技术产品场景,做一些个人的总结和判定,尽量不涉及争议性话题,比如对一个互联网公司而言,技术重要还是产品重要之类的,这种话题一扯开,各有道理,谁也别指望说服谁。    此外,加一个前缀,主要针对非技术领导者所面临的技术管理困境,在很多从传统企业转型或个人站转型

2015-01-20 23:11:28 520

转载 沈浩老师:社交网络分析概述

社会网络分析是研究一组行动者的关系的研究方法。一组行动者可以是人、社区、群体、组织、国家等,他们的关系模式反映出的现象或数据是网络分析的焦点。从社会网络的角度出发,人在社会环境中的相互作用可以表达为基于关系的一种模式或规则,而基于这种关系的有规律模式反映了社会结构,这种结构的量化分析是社会网络分析的出发点。     什么是社会网络分析,英文social network analysis。现

2015-01-20 22:33:09 6078

转载 一个硕士是怎样发5篇SCI的?

来源:人人网/杨永启 导语:我刚刚开始做实验的时候,别人怎么说我就怎么做,每天在实验台旁干到深夜,以为这就是科研了。两个月过去,突然发现自己还在原地踏步。那种感觉,只能用“沮丧”来形容。我开始置疑自己的行为和观念。感觉有种习惯的力量在束缚着我。习惯于人云亦云,习惯于奉命行事,习惯于忙忙碌碌。我根本不是什么研究生,只不过是一个廉价而又勤奋的技术员罢了。后来看到周围的研究生在重

2015-01-20 17:31:36 1381

转载 85岁老画师相亲只聊"电影海报"引人瞩目

http://shuhua.ce.cn/calligraphy/dds/ytdt/200811/19/t20081119_17435501.shtml   自从1982年住进成都仁厚街37号大院,大爷阎震一直单身住在5单元1号,陪伴他的只有各种油画颜料、水粉水彩等作画工具。昨天,热心人第一次为今年85岁的阎震安排了一场相亲:一屋子装满油画、水粉颜料的老式皮箱,虽然让71岁的卢婆婆难以下脚,

2015-01-20 16:42:24 1190

转载 再谈程序员思维


2015-01-20 15:07:21 537

转载 R database interfaces

14Feb20132013/02/14Several packages on CRAN provide (or relate to) interfaces between databases and R.  Here is a summary, mostly in the words of the package descriptions.  Remember that pac

2015-01-20 10:09:25 717

转载 R in Business Intelligence

January 18, 2015By Jan Górecki - R(This article was first published on  Jan Gorecki - R, and kindly contributed toR-bloggers)     Business Intelligence (BI) c

2015-01-20 09:55:49 711

转载 做股指期货投资必看的32本书

1、【期货市场技术分析】:[美]约翰.墨菲 本书为美国纽约金融学院教材,本书系美国市场技术顶类级分析大师约翰墨菲的代表作,被誉为当代市场技术分析的圣经!本书集各种市场技术分析理论和方法之大成,总是一针见血地指出各种方法在实际应用中的长处、短处以及在各种环境条件下把它们取长补短地配合使用的具体做法,同时,一身兼有优秀教材、权威工具书、实用操作指南三大特色。2、【期货交易技术分析】 [美国]j

2015-01-18 23:29:35 5118

转载 精心挑选8本期货类图书推荐给新手

http://qizhi.hexun.com/2007-05-11/101770559.html五一前夕,有朋友说想在长假期间逛逛书店、看看书,请我帮他推荐几本期货(股票)方面的书。当时我简单的做了答复。节后我也到书店去了一趟,非常吃惊!怎么书店里一下子冒出那么多的这类书籍!  有鉴于此,我觉得更有强调读书重点的必要了。读书,多,当然好,但是更要精益求精,所谓一门深入。古人治史,重在一

2015-01-18 23:22:09 984

转载 The R user point-of-view about “Statistics Without the Agonizing Pain”

(This article was first published on  MilanoR, and kindly contributed toR-bloggers)     Contrary to general expectations, or at least to my expectations, the logical and analytical concepts be

2015-01-14 08:57:44 493

转载 Join and set operations come to dplyr

The team at RStudio have just released an update to the immensely useful dplyr package, making it even more powerful for manipulating data frame data in R. The new 0.4.0 version adds new "verbs" t

2015-01-13 17:11:07 619

转载 Introducing practical and robust anomaly detection in a time series

Tuesday, January 6, 2015 | By Arun Kejariwal (@arun_kejariwal), Software Engineer [16:49 UTC]   Tweet   Both last year and this year, we saw a spike in the number of photos uploaded to T

2015-01-12 10:38:28 1486

转载 Behavioral Change Point Analysis

The Behavioral Change Point Analysis (BCPA) is a method of identifying hidden shifts in the underlying parameters of a time series, developed specifically to be applied to animal movement data which i

2015-01-12 10:25:49 671

转载 Breakout detection in the wild

Nowadays, BigData is leveraged in every sphere of business: decision making for new products, gauging user engagement, making recommendations for products, health care, data center efficiency and more

2015-01-12 10:10:59 914

转载 Interactive visualizations with R – a minireview

Interactive visualization allows deeper exploration of data than static plots. Javascript libraries such asd3 have made possible wonderful new ways to show data. Luckily the R community has been act

2015-01-11 00:08:12 831

转载 Top 77 R posts for 2014 (+R jobs)

January 7, 2015By Tal Galili(   if(like) { Please(share, this_post); print(“Thanks!”) }   )The site R-bloggers.com is now 5 years old. It strives to be an (unofficial) onli

2015-01-08 08:59:08 1042

转载 一篇详细介绍GITHUB的文章--GotGitHub

太长了,不COPY-PASTE了,直接贴地址。 http://www.worldhello.net/gotgithub/index.html

2015-01-06 17:38:55 596

转载 Zakas大神:LeanPub自出版一年记

原文:http://www.nczonline.net/blog/2014/03/18/leanpub-one-year-later/去年年初,我自出版了The Principles of Object-Oriented Programming in JavaScript这本书。之所以想趟趟这条路子,主要有几方面原因。其中最重要的,就是我根本不知道什么时候能写完它,不希望有交搞时间卡着。我也不

2015-01-06 11:38:35 1296

转载 Quantitative Finance Applications in R

Quantitative Finance Applications in R (1)http://blog.revolutionanalytics.com/2013/12/quantitative-finance-applications-in-r.html Quantitative Finance Applications in R (2)http://blog.revoluti

2015-01-03 16:59:36 766

转载 A look at the top posts about Revolutions from 2014

Happy New Year everyone! Another year has come and gone, and this blog has just entered itsseventh year of publication. (Once again, I missed the anniversary back on December 9.) Thanks to everyone

2015-01-02 20:58:11 583

转载 Change Point Detection Packages in R

Change Point Detection Packages in RThanks to the R community, there are packages already existing on CRAN all focusing on change point detection. Especially the following packages are useful becaus

2015-01-02 20:41:01 3450



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