OpenNebula 镜像管理分析

从OpenNebula 3.8开始增加了镜像管理的功能,主要体现在增加了CLI - oneimage及其sunstone对应的UI。
1. 镜像类型
opennebula有三种类型的镜像,可以通过oneimage chtype改变镜像的类型。
  • OS:此种镜像包含一个完整的os,每一个virtual template必须包含一个OS型的镜像作为root disk
  • CDROM:此种镜像包含只读的数据
  • DATABLOCK:此种镜像作为数据的存储,能够被不同的vm访问和修改
2. 镜像的生命周期
Short state State Meaning
lock LOCKED The image file is being copied or created in the Datastore.
rdy READY Image ready to be used.
used USED Non-persistent Image used by at least one VM. It can still be used by other VMs.
used USED_PERS Persistent Image is use by a VM. It cannot be used by new VMs.
disa DISABLED Image disabled by the owner, it cannot be used by new VMs.
err ERROR Error state, a FS operation failed. See the Image information with oneimage show for an error message.
dele DELETE The image is being deleted from the Datastore.

3. 镜像创建
$ cat
NAME          = "Ubuntu"
PATH          = /home/cloud/images/ubuntu-desktop/disk.0
TYPE          = OS
DESCRIPTION   = "Ubuntu 10.04 desktop for students."
a. 此镜像的名称为"Ubuntu"
b. 做好的镜像文件的路径为/home/cloud/images/ubuntu-desktop/disk.0,注意oneimage的功能是将做好的image文件导入opennebula的镜像管理模块中,并不是从一个iso文件来创建一个镜像文件,所以,需要事先通过virt-manager或virsh命令行来制作image文件
c. 指定镜像的类型为OS,即包含一个OS
d. 此镜像的简单描述

写好配置文件后,通过oneimage命令将此image添加到image repository中,具体命令如下:
  1. oneimage create -d 100 // -d 选项指定此镜像属于哪个datastore

4. 镜像克隆
  1. oneimage clone oldimage_name newimage_name

5. 发布镜像
这里的发布,指的是将某个用户的镜像与其他用户或全部用户共享,通过oneimage chmod image_permission来实现, 类似于文件的权限控制。

上传镜像的操作是通过downloader.sh脚本来实现的,其功能是将镜像上传到指定的datastore的目录下,位置为: $INSTALL_PATH/var/datastores/100/

  1. #downloader.sh分析

  2. # Execute a command (first parameter) and use the first kb of stdout
  3. # to determine the file type
  4. # 获取上传image文件的类型,具体执行操作为:cat path/image | head -n 1024 | file ---mime-type -
  5. function get_type
  6. {
  7.     if [ "$NO_DECOMPRESS" = "yes" ]; then
  8.         echo "application/octet-stream"
  9.     else
  10.         command=$1

  11.         ( $command | head -n 1024 | file ---mime-type - ) 2>/dev/null
  12.     fi
  13. }

  14. # Gets the command needed to decompress an stream.
  15. function get_decompressor #get_type函数的返回值作为参数
  16. {
  17.     type=$1

  18.     case "$type" in
  19.     "application/x-gzip")
  20.         echo "gunzip -c -"
  21.         ;;
  22.     "application/x-bzip2")
  23.         echo "bunzip2 -c -"
  24.         ;;
  25.     *)
  26.         echo "cat"
  27.         ;;
  28.     esac
  29. }

  30. # Function called to decompress a stream. The first parameter is the command
  31. # used to decompress the stream. Second parameter is the output file or
  32. - for stdout.
  33. function decompress
  34. {
  35.     command="$1"
  36.     to="$2"

  37.     if [ "$to" = "-" ]; then
  38.         $command
  39.     else
  40.         $command > "$to"
  41.     fi
  42. }

  43. # Function called to hash a stream. First parameter is the algorithm name.
  44. function hasher
  45. {
  46.     if [ -"$1" ]; then
  47.         openssl dgst -$| awk '{print $NF}' > $HASH_FILE
  48.     else
  49.         # Needs something consuming stdin or the pipe will break
  50.         cat >/dev/null
  51.     fi
  52. }

  53. # Unarchives a tar or a zip a file to a directpry with the same name.
  54. function unarchive              ##对压缩的镜像进行解压
  55. {
  56.     TO="$1"

  57.     file_type=$(get_type "cat $TO")

  58.     tmp="$TO"

  59.     # Add full path if it is relative
  60.     if [ ${tmp:0:1} != "/" ]; then
  61.         tmp="$PWD/$tmp"
  62.     fi

  63.     IN="$tmp.tmp"
  64.     OUT="$tmp"

  65.     case "$file_type" in
  66.     "application/x-tar")
  67.         command="tar -xf $IN -C $OUT"
  68.         ;;
  69.     "application/zip")
  70.         command="unzip -d $OUT $IN"
  71.         ;;
  72.     *)
  73.         command=""
  74.         ;;
  75.     esac

  76.     if [ -"$command" ]; then
  77.         mv "$OUT" "$IN"
  78.         mkdir "$OUT"

  79.         $command

  80.         if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then
  81.             echo "Error uncompressing archive" >&2
  82.             exit -1
  83.         fi

  84.         rm "$IN"
  85.     fi
  86. }

  87. TEMP=`getopt -o m:s:l:-l md5:,sha1:,limit:,nodecomp -- "$@"`

  88. if [ $? != 0 ] ; then
  89.     echo "Arguments error"
  90.     exit -1
  91. fi

  92. eval set -- "$TEMP"

  93. while true; do              ###处理downloader.sh脚本的输入参数
  94.     case "$1" in
  95.         -m|--md5)
  96.             HASH_TYPE=md5
  97.             HASH=$2
  98.             shift 2
  99.             ;;
  100.         -s|--sha1)
  101.             HASH_TYPE=sha1
  102.             HASH=$2
  103.             shift 2
  104.             ;;
  105.         -n|--nodecomp)
  106.             export NO_DECOMPRESS="yes"
  107.             shift
  108.             ;;
  109.         -l|--limit)
  110.             export LIMIT_RATE="$2"
  111.             shift 2
  112.             ;;
  113.         --)
  114.             shift
  115.             break
  116.             ;;
  117.         *)
  118.             shift
  119.             ;;
  120.     esac
  121. done

  122. FROM="$1"
  123. TO="$2"

  124. # File used by the hasher function to store the resulting hash
  125. export HASH_FILE="/tmp/downloader.hash.$$"

  126. case "$FROM" in      
  127. http://*|https://*)
  128.     # -k so it does not check the certificate
  129.     # -L to follow redirects
  130.     # -sS to hide output except on failure
  131.     # --limit_rate to limit the bw
  132.     curl_args="-sS -k -L $FROM"

  133.     if [ -"$LIMIT_RATE" ]; then
  134.         curl_args="--limit-rate $LIMIT_RATE $curl_args"
  135.     fi

  136.     command="curl $curl_args"
  137.     ;;
  138. *)
  139.     command="cat $FROM"
  140.     ;;
  141. esac

  142. file_type=$(get_type "$command")
  143. decompressor=$(get_decompressor "$file_type")

  144. echo $file_type
  145. echo $decompressor

  146. $command | tee >( decompress "$decompressor" "$TO" ) \
  147.     >( hasher $HASH_TYPE ) >/dev/null

  148. if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then
  149.     echo "Error copying" >&2
  150.     exit -1
  151. fi

  152. if [ -"$HASH_TYPE" ]; then
  153.     HASH_RESULT=$( cat $HASH_FILE)
  154.     rm $HASH_FILE
  155.     if [ "$HASH_RESULT" != "$HASH" ]; then
  156.         echo "Hash does not match" >&2
  157.         exit -1
  158.     fi
  159. fi

  160. # Unarchive only if the destination is filesystem
  161. if [ "$TO" != "-" ]; then
  162.     unarchive "$TO"
  163. fi
评论 7




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