can i get your help in time!!!~~i wish i will be have a goodluck!~~

 this is the background of my Summary which should hand in before 12:00~~

Travel Manners...

1. Every culture  -unwritten list behavior acceptable

            +             -taboos = behav not good manners

        If travel --learn customs so not insult local people

2.Taboo(Tongan language) = V + NV behav forbidden/ avoid

        Taboos    - not unversal

                        - specific

                        - form grounp's values & beliefs

        •   accept behav 1 country but serious taboo another

3.V taboos - topic too private talk about publicly

                         or re manner speaking

         eg. bad manners = religious public

         eg. volume voice = offend people

                    eg. Japan - people soft-spoken.  Speak loudly = rude/ aggressive

4. NV taboos - body language

         eg. use of eye contact

              • US - eye con talk to others

                       - no eye con = dishenst / lack confidence

                       - 2 people talk & no eye con = listener not interested

             • Asia - bold / aggressive

             • Africa - eye con older / higher social rank = rude / disrespectful

             • Asian + African children lower their eyes to elder show respect

5.Actions - esp. hands + feet → offense

          eg. Thailand( +most oth Buddhist cult Asia)

                       - touch on head = insulting

                                        because head is the highest also important part of body

                      - point at / show feet = insulting

                                        because lower point of body

6.Hands - diff meanings depend on country

         eg. Gd luck west countries = crossing middle finger over forefinger

                   not Vietnam / Argentina = obscene gesture

         eg. V-sign = means 2[quautity of two]

                   not UK / Aust = obscene gesture

         eg. some Asia - talking with hands → unseemly

7.Behav accept & non-offens in 1 cult - highly offensive in another

       •  visiting foreign countries → be aware of basic diffs → more enjoyable trip

the following should be considered:  

      1. ask " why did someone write this?" this is the main point.

      2. the author's point of view and main idea.

      3. any important effects or implications noted about the topic.

      4. any surprising or unexpected findings from research.

      5. the main findings from resaerch(if any)

      6. any concluding remarks.

Steps to follow:

      1. Finding the main points

      2. Summarising support

      3. If the author has a conclusion - include it in the summary in your own words.

Length: Maximum 100 words.





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