Unity3D Shaderlab 学习记录

unity3d 定制的表面着色器(Surface Shader)的标准输出结构是这样的:

struct SurfaceOutput 

half3 Albedo; //反射率 

half3 Normal; //法线 

half3 Emission; //自发光,用于增强物体自身的亮度,使之看起来好像可以自己发光 

half Specular; //镜面 

half Gloss; //光泽 

half Alpha; //透明 



Surface Shader compile directives 表面着色器编译指令

Surface shader is placed inside CGPROGRAM..ENDCG block, just like any other shader. The differences are:

表面着色器放在CGPROGRAM .. ENDCG块里面,就像其他的着色器一样。区别是:

It must be placed inside SubShader block, not inside Pass. Surface shader will compile into multiple passes itself.

它必须嵌在子着色器(SubShader)块里面。而不是Pass块里面。表面着色器( Surface shader)将在多重通道(multiple passes)内编译自己。

It uses #pragma surface ... directive to indicate it's a surface shader.

它使用的 #pragma surface...指令,以声明它是一个表面着色器(surface shader)。

The #pragma surface directive is:

#pragma surface 这个指令是:

#pragma surface surfaceFunction lightModel [optionalparams]

Required parameters:


surfaceFunction - which Cg function has surface shader code. The function should have the form of void surf (Input IN, inout SurfaceOutput o), where Input is a structure you have defined. Input should contain any texture coordinates and extra automatic variables needed by surface function.

surfaceFunction - 表示Cg函数中有表面着色器(surface shader)代码。这个函数的格式应该是这样:void surf (Input IN,inout SurfaceOutput o), Input是你自己定义的结构。Input结构中应该包含所有纹理坐标(texture coordinates)和和表面函数(surfaceFunction)所需要的额外的必需变量。

lightModel - lighting model to use. Built-in ones are Lambert (diffuse) and BlinnPhong (specular). See Custom Lighting Models page for how to write your own.

lightModel -在光照模式中使用。内置的是Lambert (diffuse)和 BlinnPhong (specular)。如果想编写自己的光照模式,请参考:自定义光照模式。

Optional parameters:


alpha - Alpha blending mode. Use this for semitransparent shaders.

alpha -透明( Alpha)混合模式。使用它可以写出半透明的着色器。

alphatest:VariableName - Alpha testing mode. Use this for transparent-cutout shaders. Cutoff value is in float variable with VariableName.

alphatest:VariableName -透明( Alpha)测试模式。使用它可以写出 镂空效果的着色器。镂空大小的变量(VariableName)是一个float型的变量。

vertex:VertexFunction - Custom vertex modification function. See Tree Bark shader for example.

vertex:VertexFunction - 自定义的顶点函数(vertex function)。请参考范例:树皮着色器(Tree Bark shader)。

finalcolor:ColorFunction - Custom final color modification function. See Surface Shader Examples.

finalcolor:ColorFunction - 自定义的最终颜色函数(final color function)。 请参考范例:表面着色器例子(Surface Shader Examples)。

exclude_path:prepass or exclude_path:forward - Do not generate passes for given rendering path.

exclude_path:prepass 或者 exclude_path:forward - 使用指定的渲染路径,不需要生成通道。

addshadow - Add shadow caster & collector passes. Commonly used with custom vertex modification, so that shadow casting also gets any procedural vertex animation.

addshadow - 添加阴影投射 & 收集通道(collector passes)。通常用自定义顶点修改,使阴影也能投射在任何程序的顶点动画上。

dualforward - Use dual lightmaps in forward rendering path.

dualforward - 在正向(forward)渲染路径中使用 双重光照贴图(dual lightmaps)。

fullforwardshadows - Support all shadow types in Forward rendering path.

fullforwardshadows - 在正向(forward)渲染路径中支持所有阴影类型。

decal:add - Additive decal shader (e.g. terrain AddPass).

decal:add - 添加贴花着色器(decal shader) (例如: terrain AddPass)。

decal:blend - Semitransparent decal shader.

decal:blend - 混合半透明的贴花着色器(Semitransparent decal shader)。

softvegetation - Makes the surface shader only be rendered when Soft Vegetation is on.

softvegetation - 使表面着色器(surface shader)仅能在Soft Vegetation打开时渲染。

noambient - Do not apply any ambient lighting or spherical harmonics lights.

noambient - 不适用于任何环境光照(ambient lighting)或者球面调和光照(spherical harmonics lights)。

novertexlights - Do not apply any spherical harmonics or per-vertex lights in Forward rendering.

novertexlights - 在正向渲染(Forward rendering)中不适用于球面调和光照(spherical harmonics lights)或者每个顶点光照(per-vertex lights)。

nolightmap - Disables lightmap support in this shader (makes a shader smaller).

nolightmap - 在这个着色器上禁用光照贴图(lightmap)。(适合写一些小着色器)

nodirlightmap - Disables directional lightmaps support in this shader (makes a shader smaller).

nodirlightmap - 在这个着色器上禁用方向光照贴图(directional lightmaps)。 (适合写一些小着色器)。

noforwardadd - Disables Forward rendering additive pass. This makes the shader support one full directional light, with all other lights computed per-vertex/SH. Makes shaders smaller as well.

noforwardadd - 禁用正向渲染添加通道(Forward rendering additive pass)。 这会使这个着色器支持一个完整的方向光和所有光照的per-vertex/SH计算。(也是适合写一些小着色器).

approxview - Computes normalized view direction per-vertex instead of per-pixel, for shaders that need it. This is faster, but view direction is not entirely correct when camera gets close to surface.

approxview - 着色器需要计算标准视图的每个顶点(per-vertex)方向而不是每个像索(per-pixel)方向。 这样更快,但是视图方向不完全是当前摄像机(camera) 所接近的表面。

halfasview - Pass half-direction vector into the lighting function instead of view-direction. Half-direction will be computed and normalized per vertex. This is faster, but not entirely correct.

halfasview - 在光照函数(lighting function)中传递进来的是half-direction向量,而不是视图方向(view-direction)向量。 Half-direction会计算且会把每个顶点(per vertex)标准化。这样做会很快,但不完全准确。

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