Kibana User Guide [4.2] » Visualize » Area Chartsl

 Area Charts


This chart’s Y axis is the metrics axis. The following aggregations are available for this axis:


Count 计数
The  count aggregation returns a raw count of the elements in the selected index pattern.
Average 平均
This aggregation returns the  average of a numeric field. Select a field from the drop-down.
Sum 总数
The  sum aggregation returns the total sum of a numeric field. Select a field from the drop-down.
Min 最小值
The  min aggregation returns the minimum value of a numeric field. Select a field from the drop-down.
Max 最大值
The  max aggregation returns the maximum value of a numeric field. Select a field from the drop-down.
Unique Count 唯一的值
The  cardinality aggregation returns the number of unique values in a field. Select a field from the drop-down.
Percentiles 百分位数值
The  percentile aggregation divides the values in a numeric field into percentile bands that you specify. Select a field from the drop-down, then specify one or more ranges in the  Percentiles fields. Click the  to remove a percentile field. Click  + Add to add a percentile field.
把你指定的数值域分成百分位条,从下拉菜单选择一个域,确定一个或多个百分位范围,点击   移动百分位域,点击 + Add  增加百分位域。
Percentile Rank 百分位数级
The  percentile ranks aggregation returns the percentile rankings for the values in the numeric field you specify. Select a numeric field from the drop-down, then specify one or more percentile rank values in the  Values fields. Click the  X to remove a values field. Click  +Add to add a values field.

You can add an aggregation by clicking the + Add Aggregation button.

通过+ Add Aggregation按钮增加一个聚集量。

The X axis of this chart is the buckets axis. You can define buckets for the X axis, for a split area on the chart, or for split charts.

This chart’s X axis supports the following aggregations. Click the linked name of each aggregation to visit the main Elasticsearch documentation for that aggregation.


Date Histogram 日期柱状图
date histogram is built from a numeric field and organized by date. You can specify a time frame for the intervals in seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, or years. You can also specify a custom interval frame by selecting  Custom as the interval and specifying a number and a time unit in the text field. Custom interval time units are  s for seconds,  m for minutes,  h for hours,  d for days,  w for weeks, and  y for years. Different units support different levels of precision, down to one second.
从数据域建立,用日期组织。你可以用秒、分、小时、日、周的时间间隔来确定时间片。你也可以通过选择   Custom 作为习惯性分隔,在文本域中确定数字和时间间隔。用 s  代替 seconds,  m  for minutes,  h  for hours,  d  for days,  w  for weeks, and  y  for years等。不同的单元支持不同的精确度,最高能精确到1秒。
Histogram 柱状图
A standard  histogram is built from a numeric field. Specify an integer interval for this field. Select the Show empty buckets checkbox to include empty intervals in the histogram.
标准柱状图从一个数字域建立,为每个域确立一个正向的间隔。选择 Show empty buckets 检查窗口,来包含柱状图中空的间隔。
Range 类别
With a  range aggregation, you can specify ranges of values for a numeric field. Click  Add Range to add a set of range endpoints. Click the red  (x) symbol to remove a range.
通过类别聚集,你可以为每个数字域确立值得类别。点击   Add Range 来增加一些类别重点。点击红色的 (x)标记来移除范围。
Date Range 日期类别
date range aggregation reports values that are within a range of dates that you specify. You can specify the ranges for the dates using  date math expressions. Click  Add Range to add a set of range endpoints. Click the red  (/) symbol to remove a range.
展现在一定范围内你定义的日期。你可以使用 date math为日期确定时间类别。点击   Add Range  为类别增加一个结束点。点击红色 (/)  标记来移除一个类别。
IPv4 Range IPV4类别
The  IPv4 range aggregation enables you to specify ranges of IPv4 addresses. Click  Add Range to add a set of range endpoints. Click the red  (/) symbol to remove a range.
IPV4的范围。 点击   Add Range   为类别增加一个结束点。点击红色 (/)   标记来移除一个类别。
Terms 条件
terms aggregation enables you to specify the top or bottom  n elements of a given field to display, ordered by count or a custom metric.
确定展现前n个,或最后n个。通过计数或者习惯性的 metric排序。
Filters 过滤器
You can specify a set of  filters for the data. You can specify a filter as a query string or in JSON format, just as in the Discover search bar. Click  Add Filter to add another filter. Click the   label button to open the label field, where you can type in a name to display on the visualization.
你可以为数据确立过滤器。可以把过滤器定为请求字段或JSON格式,就像在Discover搜索条中一样。点击   Add Filter  来增加另一个过滤器。点击   label  按钮来打开标签域,在那里你可以用名字定义类型来展现虚拟化。
Significant Terms 有意义的条件
Displays the results of the experimental  significant terms aggregation.

Once you’ve specified an X axis aggregation, you can define sub-aggregations to refine the visualization. Click + Add Sub Aggregation to define a sub-aggregation, then choose Split Area or Split Chart, then select a sub-aggregation from the list of types.

一旦你定义了X轴,你可以定义附属聚集量来重新定义可视化。点击+ Add Sub Aggregation来定义sub-aggregation,然后选择 Split AreaSplit Chart,最后从列表类型中选择sub-aggregation。

When multiple aggregations are defined on a chart’s axis, you can use the up or down arrows to the right of the aggregation’s type to change the aggregation’s priority. For example, a chart of dates with incident counts can display dates in chronological order, or you can raise the priority of the incident-reporting aggregation to show the most active dates first. The chronological order might show a time-dependent pattern in incident count, and sorting by active dates can reveal particular outliers in your data.


You can click the Advanced link to display more customization options for your metrics or bucket aggregation:

你可以点击Advanced链接来为你的metrics 或 bucket 聚集展现更多用户选项

Exclude Pattern 排除模式
Specify a pattern in this field to exclude from the results. 
Exclude Pattern Flags 排除模式标志
A standard set of Java flags for the exclusion pattern.
Include Pattern 包含模式
Specify a pattern in this field to include in the results.
Include Pattern Flags 包含模式标志
A standard set of Java flags for the inclusion pattern.
A text field where you can add specific JSON-formatted properties to merge with the aggregation definition, as in the following example:
{ "script" : "doc['grade'].value * 1.2" }

In Elasticsearch releases 1.4.3 and later, this functionality requires you to enable dynamic Groovy scripting.

在ES1.4.3及以后版本,这个功能需要你能用dynamic Groovy scripting

The availability of these options varies depending on the aggregation you choose.


Select the Options tab to change the following aspects of the chart:

选择 Options 标签,来改变表格的外观:

Chart Mode 表格模式
When you have multiple Y-axis aggregations defined for your chart, you can use this drop-down to affect how the aggregations display on the chart:
stacked  堆积
Stacks the aggregations on top of each other.
overlap 重叠
The aggregations overlap, with translucency indicating areas of overlap.
wiggle 摆动
Displays the aggregations as a  streamgraph.
percentage 百分比
Displays each aggregation as a proportion of the total.
silhouette 轮廓
Displays each aggregation as variance from a central line.

Checkboxes are available to enable and disable the following behaviors:


Smooth Lines 平滑线
Check this box to curve the top boundary of the area from point to point.
Set Y-Axis Extents  设置Y轴长度
Check this box and enter values in the  y-max and  y-min fields to set the Y axis to specific values.
为  y-max   y-min  输入值,为Y轴确定值。
Scale Y-Axis to Data Bounds 度量Y轴到数据量的程度
The default Y axis bounds are zero and the maximum value returned in the data. Check this box to change both upper and lower bounds to match the values returned in the data.
Show Tooltip  展示提示框
Check this box to enable the display of tooltips.
Show Legend 展示图例
Check this box to enable the display of a legend next to the chart.
Viewing Detailed Information 查看细节信息

To display the raw data behind the visualization, click the bar at the bottom of the container. Tabs with detailed information about the raw data replace the visualization:


Table. A representation of the underlying data, presented as a paginated data grid. You can sort the items in the table by clicking on the table headers at the top of each column.


Request. The raw request used to query the server, presented in JSON format.


Response. The raw response from the server, presented in JSON format.


Statistics. A summary of the statistics related to the request and the response, presented as a data grid. The data grid includes the query duration, the request duration, the total number of records found on the server, and the index pattern used to make the query.

Statistics. 对统计信息的总结,和请求与响应相关,以数据格子形式展现。数据格子包括请求持续,应答持续,服务器中的记录总数,用于请求的索引模式。

To export the raw data behind the visualization as a comma-separated-values (CSV) file, click on either theRaw or Formatted links at the bottom of any of the detailed information tabs. A raw export contains the data as it is stored in Elasticsearch. A formatted export contains the results of any applicable Kibana field formatters.

想要以csv格式输出可视化背后的原始数据,点击任何一个详细信息标签底部的 Raw 或 Formatted 链接。一个原始输出包括存在ES中的数据,一个定制化的输出包括Kibana中应用的结果。






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