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原创 Which function is called when use virtual function.

class b{public:  virtual void mf( int p ) ;} ;void b::mf( int p ){  cout        }class d : public b{public:  void mf( double p ) ;} ;void d::mf( double p ){  cout        }void main(){  b *ptr ;  ptr =

2005-04-25 15:12:00 845

原创 Which function is called?

class b{public:  virtual void mf( int p ) ;} ;void b::mf( int p ){  cout        }class d : public b{public:  void mf( double p ) ;} ;void d::mf( double p ){  cout        }void main(){  b *ptr ;  ptr =

2005-04-25 15:02:00 915

原创 Another form of default constructor

Define a book class:class book{public:  book( int newISBN = 0, string newName = "" ) ;// Other member functions...private:  int ISBN ;  string Name ; } ;book::book( int newISBN, int newName ){  ISBN =

2005-04-07 20:09:00 613

原创 Differenct between return by value and by reference

Consider the following code://==================================1    int max( int& n1, int& n2 )2    {3      if(n1>n2)4         return n1 ;5      else6        return n2 ;7    }8    void main()9    {10

2005-04-03 15:40:00 775

原创 A const object can only call const function

consider the following class//=========================================================class cal_date{  public:    bool is_leap_year( void ) const ;  private:    int year ;    int month ;    int day ;

2005-03-26 11:45:00 772

原创 Access out of range

Suppose OneLineText is a stringDont forget to check the index or it could be out of range! Lenthg checking must performe at first rather than access the char in the string or the string will be also

2004-11-13 11:02:00 1293

原创 Struct is the same as int and float

int:int Number=0;Number=InputNumber();=============================struct Date{  int Day;  int Month;  int Year;};struct Person{ struct Date DOB; char Name[16];};struct Date InputDOB(){  struct Date D

2004-09-17 20:20:00 597

原创 About "feof()"

看下面这个程序,怎么会输出两次呢?如果feof()没问题的话,请告诉我为什么?#includemain(){FILE *fp;int n=74,k;printf("/n");fp=fopen("joseph.b","wb+");fwrite(&n,2,1,fp);fclose(fp);fp=fopen("joseph.b","rb+");while(!feof(fp)){fread(&k,2,1,

2004-09-17 19:09:00 995 1

原创 The meaning of p->Next==NULL

Assume a node p.p->Next means its an empty list or it is the end node. PS: In other words, an empty list is also another form of the end node.

2004-09-12 11:28:00 779

原创 Operation PRI

While doing EX22PG199 in the book written by Paul.Kelly, I want to take out the value in an two dim array using the following code:fElementOfMatrixA=*(float*)ppMatrixA + MatrixA.Cols*i + k;it doesnt

2004-09-10 17:12:00 747

原创 Pass two dim array!

如何将二维数组作为函数的参数传递    作者: jatix    邮箱: jatix@163.com    QQ:   52287017声明:  如果你是得道的大侠,这篇文章可能浪费你的时间,如果你坚持要看,我当然感觉很高兴,但是希望你看完了别骂我!如果你发现我这篇文章有错误的话,你可以提出批评以及指正,我将很乐意地接受。*_*概述:  今天写程序的时候要用到二维数组作参数传给一个函数,我发现将二

2004-09-09 16:43:00 875

原创 Print the macro number

#define NUMBER 10if you want to print the number 10 on the screen, the code is:     printf(“%d“,NUMBER); - END -

2004-08-23 22:59:00 616

原创 No return value when using recrusion

The following code will pass the complie, but with wring message in Borland C++Builder 6.0:     [C++ Wring] EX14PG197.c(99): W8070 Function should return a valueWhat shall I do to remove the message?

2004-08-23 22:32:00 907 1

原创 Shall I keep the previous version?

     If I have found something wrong with my code, I try to modify it. After doing that, shall I keep the previous for refrence? If the answer is true, how could I do it properly? (e.g. record the mod

2004-08-23 08:19:00 593

原创 The last Node of Link List

The Last node should pointer to itself, as following:     Node *z = new Node;     z->Next = z;That could display the records N rather than N+1.The display condition should be written as:    

2004-08-20 11:03:00 622

原创 Something about float divide

The experession     fVolume = CalculateCylinderVolume(fRadius,fHeight) / 3;will be all right, while:     fVolume = (1/3) * CalculateCylinderVolume(fRadius,fHeight) ;will be wrong, the result is 0.00-E

2004-08-19 21:10:00 618

原创 The Program Extention

Problem Description:                 A manufactured item can have one of the solid shapes cone,                cylinder or rectangle and can be made from one of a number of                materials,

2004-08-18 22:06:00 565

原创 Grid Table Style Print

If you want print a report as following:Staff no.  Hours Worked  Pay rate  Gross paydddd       dd                     dd           ddThe code is:printf("/nStaff no.  Hours Worked  Pay rate  Gross pay"

2004-08-10 21:33:00 546



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