FairCom (c-tree) 数据库概要 - 1

最近由于一个项目的缘故研究了一下FairCom数据库(c-tree), 国内似乎没有多少人在用这个东西,发出来给大家参考一下吧,也算没有白费我的心血


Technique Research

FairCom & SQL Server Compare


Table of Contents


Distribution List.. 2

1.            Scope.. 4

2.            FairCom Overview... 4

3.            c-tree Server Features. 4

3.1.      c-tree Server system architecture. 4

3.2.      Data and Index Caching.. 5

3.3.      Transaction Control. 5

3.4.      File Mirroring.. 6

3.5.      Large file support. 6

3.6.      Memory Files. 7

3.7.      Partitioned Files. 7

3.8.      Backing up and Restoring.. 7

3.9.      Platforms. 7

3.10.    c-tree server Access. 8

3.10.1.      Users. 8

3.10.2.      Files. 8

3.10.3.      Groups. 8

3.10.4.      File Permission Masks. 8

4.            c-tree isql utility.. 9

4.1.      SQL-92 Standard support. 9

4.1.1.       iSQL supports SQL-92 standard. 9

4.1.2.       Transaction Processing. 10

4.1.3.       System Tables. 10

4.1.4.       iSQL statements. 10

4.2.      Other utilities. 10

4.2.1.       dbload utility. 10

4.2.2.       dbdump utility. 11

5.            c-tree server SQL Reference.. 12

5.1.      Data Types. 12

5.2.      Database objects. 12

5.3.      SQL Functions. 13

5.4.      Unicode support. 13

6.            DEVELOP with c-tree.. 13

6.1.      ISAM/Lower Level API. 13

6.2.      c-tree DB C API. 13

6.3.      c-tree DB C++ API. 13

6.4.      c-tree Plus for .NET.. 13

6.5.      c-tree VCL/CLX.. 13

6.6.      c-tree Driver and c-tree Driver Develop



1.              Scope

This document is intended as a technique research document of Faircom and SQL Server database compare.


2.              FairCom Overview

Faircom have eleven products:

l         c-tree Plus

l         c-tree Server

l         c-tree Server SDK

l         c-treeSQL

l         c-tree Plus for .NET

l         c-treeVCL/CLX

l         c-treeDBX

l         c-tree ODBC Drivers

l         Crystal Reports Driver

l         c-tree Plus Driver SDK


FairCom products mainly have three types:

l         c-tree Server and c-treeSQL Server

l         c-tree Plus

l         c-tree Driver


3.              c-tree Server Features

3.1.    c-tree Server system architecture

1)     Single c-tree Server Architecture

Graph 2.1.1 .1


         This is the classic C/S architecture and SQL Server supports this architecture well.


2)     Multiple c-tree Server Architecture

Graph 2.1.1 .2


This is the multiple c-tree server architecture. In this model, multiple c-tree Servers serve clients, and the architecture frequently includes load balancing and data synchronization components.

         Today, similar architecture of RDBMS has gone to DDBS. Because we focus on moving

c-tree server to SQL Server and Oberon doesn’t need to use this architecture currently, we can ignore it.


3.2.    Data and Index Caching

SQL Server has the caching ability in background.


3.3.    Transaction Control

         c-tree server supports the following transaction processing options:

l         PREIMG (provides atomicity without recoverability)

l         TRNLOG (provides atomicity with recoverability)

l         TRNLOG with LOGIDX indexes (provides atomicity with recoverability, with logging of index reorganization operations to speed automaticrecovery).

We also can set do not use the c-tree server transaction capability.


SQL Server has the transaction control ability and temp data will be stored in *.ldf(by default) file.

One difference is, in c-tree server we can view the transaction log file and in SQL Server the transaction control capability is in background and we can’t see the transaction log directly.


3.4.    File Mirroring

The c-tree Server's mirroring facility makes it possible to create and maintain copies of important files on different drive volumes, partitions or physical drives. If the primary storage location is lost due to some form of catastrophe (i.e., head crash) the mirroring logic can automatically detect the lost connection and switch to the secondary or "mirrored" storage area.

Graph 2.1.4 .1


                From SQL Server 2000, disk mirror capability was no longer supported. We can only use hard equipments to do the file mirroring, such as RAID.


3.5.    Large file support

In SQL Server we can ignore it.


3.6.    Memory Files

In SQL Server we don’t need memory files, SQL Server will maintain the memory automatically.


3.7.    Partitioned Files

The c-tree Server supports a unique feature known as Partitioned Files. A partitioned

file logically appears to be one file (or more accurately one data file and its associated

index files), but is actually a set of files whose contents are partitioned by the value of

the partition key. Both the data files and index files are partitioned. This permits data

with a defined range of values for the partition key to be rapidly purged or archived

(instead of having to delete record-by-record each record within this range).

Graph 2.1.7 .1


                In SQL Server we don’t need to use this functionality.


3.8.    Backing up and Restoring

c-tree server supports online backup and offline backup and others backup options.


SQL Server has the powerful backing up and restoring capabilities and we don’t need to be afraid of this functionality.


3.9.    Platforms

c-tree server has different version for Windows, Unix, Linux, Solaris and other operating systems.

SQL Server can only run under Windows.


3.10. c-tree server Access

Access to the c-tree Server can be controlled in four basic ways:

l         User access restrictions

l         File access restrictions

l         File operation permissions

l         Group-based restrictions


3.10.1. Users

c-tree server has four types of users:

l         Administrator

l         Unique User ID

l         Application-based User ID

l         Guest Users


These types of users are different from SQL Server.


3.10.2. Files

Database files have several security features in addition to the file permission mask.

l         File Password

l         File Owner

l         File Group


In SQL Server, the security strategy can cover the c-tree server file access features.


3.10.3. Groups

A Group is an arbitrary category of associated User IDs and files.


3.10.4. File Permission Masks

Once a user has access to a given file, which might need both user and file passwords to reach, there is one additional level of access control available.

         Operations controlled:

l         READ

l         WRITE


l         DELETE


Generally a data file in c-tree server can be considered as a table, in SQL Server we can set the allowed actions on a table for users.

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评论 16




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