ExtJs、ASP.net运用Linq to SQL与SQL储存过程交互

7 篇文章 0 订阅
5 篇文章 0 订阅

1 基本要点

  1.1 Grid后台分页

  1.2 Form表单提交

  1.3 前台更新、删除(store.remove)、增加(store.insert)

  1.4 有webService、aspx、Handler三种方法,此处使用Handler

  1.5 使用Linq to SQL进行读取数据 和 SQL储存过程的操作

  1.6 文件结构


2 数据库文件

create table tb_user( use_id int primary key , use_name varchar ( 20 ) not null , use_sex varchar ( 2 ) not null , use_address varchar ( 50 ) not null ); insert into tb_user values ( ' 1 ' , ' 陈小 ' , ' ' , ' 广东省 ' ); insert into tb_user values ( ' 2 ' , ' 钟天 ' , ' ' , ' 四川省 ' ); insert into tb_user values ( ' 3 ' , ' 李四 ' , ' ' , ' 云南省 ' ); insert into tb_user values ( ' 4 ' , ' 叶茂 ' , ' ' , ' 广东省 ' ); insert into tb_user values ( ' 5 ' , ' 吴名 ' , ' ' , ' 黑龙江 ' ); insert into tb_user values ( ' 6 ' , ' 陈少敏 ' , ' ' , ' 广东省 ' ); insert into tb_user values ( ' 7 ' , ' 艾青 ' , ' ' , ' 四川省 ' ); insert into tb_user values ( ' 8 ' , ' 陈国新 ' , ' ' , ' 云南省 ' ); insert into tb_user values ( ' 9 ' , ' 刘宁 ' , ' ' , ' 广东省 ' ); insert into tb_user values ( ' 10 ' , ' 周杰 ' , ' ' , ' 黑龙江 ' ); insert into tb_user values ( ' 11 ' , ' 张娜 ' , ' ' , ' 广东省 ' ); insert into tb_user values ( ' 12 ' , ' 谢娜 ' , ' ' , ' 四川省 ' ); insert into tb_user values ( ' 13 ' , ' 萧青 ' , ' ' , ' 云南省 ' ); insert into tb_user values ( ' 14 ' , ' 叶子 ' , ' ' , ' 广东省 ' ); insert into tb_user values ( ' 15 ' , ' 梅工 ' , ' ' , ' 黑龙江 ' ); insert into tb_user values ( ' 16 ' , ' 卢可 ' , ' ' , ' 广东省 ' ); insert into tb_user values ( ' 17 ' , ' 吴晰 ' , ' ' , ' 四川省 ' ); insert into tb_user values ( ' 18 ' , ' 张天佑 ' , ' ' , ' 云南省 ' ); insert into tb_user values ( ' 19 ' , ' 刘德华 ' , ' ' , ' 广东省 ' ); insert into tb_user values ( ' 20 ' , ' 张颖 ' , ' ' , ' 黑龙江 ' ); create table tb_score( use_id int , sco_subject varchar ( 20 ) not null , sco_score smallint not null , foreign key (use_id) references tb_user(use_id) ); insert into tb_score values ( ' 1 ' , ' 数学 ' , ' 97 ' ); insert into tb_score values ( ' 2 ' , ' 英语 ' , ' 97 ' ); insert into tb_score values ( ' 3 ' , ' 物理 ' , ' 97 ' ); insert into tb_score values ( ' 4 ' , ' 数学 ' , ' 97 ' ); insert into tb_score values ( ' 5 ' , ' 英语 ' , ' 97 ' ); insert into tb_score values ( ' 6 ' , ' 数学 ' , ' 97 ' ); insert into tb_score values ( ' 7 ' , ' 英语 ' , ' 97 ' ); insert into tb_score values ( ' 8 ' , ' 物理 ' , ' 97 ' ); insert into tb_score values ( ' 9 ' , ' 数学 ' , ' 97 ' ); insert into tb_score values ( ' 10 ' , ' 英语 ' , ' 97 ' ); insert into tb_score values ( ' 11 ' , ' 数学 ' , ' 97 ' ); insert into tb_score values ( ' 12 ' , ' 英语 ' , ' 97 ' ); insert into tb_score values ( ' 13 ' , ' 物理 ' , ' 97 ' ); insert into tb_score values ( ' 14 ' , ' 数学 ' , ' 97 ' ); insert into tb_score values ( ' 15 ' , ' 英语 ' , ' 97 ' ); insert into tb_score values ( ' 16 ' , ' 数学 ' , ' 97 ' ); insert into tb_score values ( ' 17 ' , ' 英语 ' , ' 97 ' ); insert into tb_score values ( ' 18 ' , ' 物理 ' , ' 97 ' ); insert into tb_score values ( ' 19 ' , ' 数学 ' , ' 97 ' ); insert into tb_score values ( ' 20 ' , ' 英语 ' , ' 97 ' ); /* ******************* */ /* 插入 */ /* ****************** */ -- drop PROCEDURE pro_Insert_values CREATE PROCEDURE pro_Insert_values @inp_use_id int , @inp_use_name nvarchar ( 20 ), @inp_use_sex nvarchar ( 2 ), @inp_use_address nvarchar ( 50 ), @inp_sco_subject nvarchar ( 20 ), @inp_sco_score smallint , @out_message nvarchar ( 2 ) output AS BEGIN TRAN SET @out_message = '' BEGIN TRY INSERT INTO tb_user VALUES ( @inp_use_id , @inp_use_name , @inp_use_sex , @inp_use_address ) IF @@rowcount = 0 SET @out_message = ' 0 ' INSERT INTO tb_score VALUES ( @inp_use_id , @inp_sco_subject , @inp_sco_score ) IF @@rowcount = 0 SET @out_message = ' 0 ' END TRY BEGIN CATCH SET @out_message = ' 0 ' END CATCH IF @@ERROR <> 0 ROLLBACK TRAN A ELSE if @out_message = '' SET @out_message = ' 1 ' COMMIT TRAN A go -- DECLARE @out_message nvarchar(2) -- EXEC pro_Insert_values 27,'小帆','男','广东省','语文','a',@out_message output print @out_message /* ******************* */ /* 删除 */ /* ****************** */ drop PROCEDURE pro_Delete_values CREATE PROCEDURE pro_Delete_values @inp_use_id int , @out_message nvarchar ( 2 ) output AS BEGIN TRAN SET @out_message = '' BEGIN TRY DELETE FROM tb_score WHERE use_id = @inp_use_id IF @@rowcount = 0 SET @out_message = ' 0 ' DELETE FROM tb_user WHERE use_id = @inp_use_id IF @@rowcount = 0 SET @out_message = ' 0 ' END TRY BEGIN CATCH SET @out_message = ' 0 ' END CATCH IF @@ERROR <> 0 ROLLBACK TRAN A ELSE if @out_message = '' SET @out_message = ' 1 ' COMMIT TRAN go -- declare @out_message nvarchar(2) -- EXEC pro_Delete_values 39,@out_message output print @out_message /* ******************* */ /* 更新 */ /* ****************** */ -- drop PROCEDURE pro_Update_values CREATE PROCEDURE pro_Update_values @inp_use_id int , @inp_use_name nvarchar ( 20 ), @inp_use_sex nvarchar ( 2 ), @inp_use_address nvarchar ( 50 ), @inp_sco_subject nvarchar ( 20 ), @inp_sco_score smallint , @out_message nvarchar ( 2 ) output AS set @out_message = '' BEGIN TRAN A BEGIN TRY UPDATE tb_score SET sco_subject = @inp_sco_subject ,sco_score = @inp_sco_score WHERE use_id = @inp_use_id if @@rowcount = 0 set @out_message = ' 0 ' UPDATE tb_user SET use_name = @inp_use_name ,use_sex = @inp_use_sex ,use_address = @inp_use_address WHERE use_id = @inp_use_id if @@rowcount = 0 set @out_message = ' 0 ' END TRY BEGIN CATCH SET @out_message = ' 0 ' END CATCH IF @@ERROR <> 0 ROLLBACK TRAN A ELSE if @out_message = '' SET @out_message = ' 1 ' COMMIT TRAN A go -- 数据库存在@use_id=1 -- declare @out_message nvarchar(2) -- EXEC pro_Update_values 1,'张三','男','广东省','语文',97,@out_message output print @out_message -- -- 数据库不存在@use_id=10 -- declare @out_message nvarchar(2) -- EXEC pro_Update_values 10,'李四','男','广东省','语文',97,@out_message output print @out_message

3 建立Linq to SQL类

4 建立Json序列化的类库(JsonHelper.cs)

using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Web.Script.Serialization; // 添加Json序列化的引用 namespace Service { public static class JsonHelper { public static string Jso_ToJSON( this object tem_obj) { JavaScriptSerializer tem_serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer(); return tem_serializer.Serialize(tem_obj); } public static string Jso_ToJSON( this object tem_obj, int tem_recursionDepth) { JavaScriptSerializer tem_serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer(); tem_serializer.RecursionLimit = tem_recursionDepth; return tem_serializer.Serialize(tem_obj); } } }

5 建立ashx文件,即使用handler传送

using System;


/// <summary>

/// $codebehindclassname$ 的摘要说明
/// </summary>

[WebService(Namespace = "http://tempuri.org/")]
public class
Handler1 : IHttpHandler
private DataClasses1DataContext db=new

public void
ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
string tem_response = string
string tem_str = context.Request.QueryString["parm"
if (string

= "text/json"

if (tem_str == "Get"
else if (tem_str == "Insert"
else if (tem_str == "Update"
else if (tem_str == "Delete"


public string
Get(HttpContext context)
int tem_start = int.Parse(context.Request.Form["start"] + ""); //分页需要limit,start是mysql里用的(或取当页开始的记录标识编号)

int tem_limit = int.Parse(context.Request.Form["limit"] + ""); //或取每页记录数

var tem_query
= from a in
from b
where a.use_id ==
orderby a.use_id descending
{ a.use_id, a.use_name, a.use_sex, a.use_address, b.sco_subject, b.sco_score };

int tem_Count = tem_query.Count(); //所要记录数

int tem_PageNum = tem_start / tem_limit; //共有页数
int tem_PageSize = tem_limit;
= tem_query.Skip(tem_PageSize * tem_PageNum).Take(tem_PageSize); //当前页记录

string JsonSource = JsonHelper.Jso_ToJSON(tem_query); //当前页记录转成JSON格式
string strJsonSource = @"{""totalCount"":""" + tem_Count + "";
= strJsonSource + @""",""data"":" + JsonSource + "}"; //Grid的分页区显示所有记录数增加totalCount信息

return strJsonSource;

public string
Insert(HttpContext context)

string tem_out_message = null

int.Parse(context.Request.QueryString["use_id"]), context.Request.QueryString["use_name"].ToString(), context.Request.QueryString["use_sex"].ToString(),
"use_address"].ToString(), context.Request.QueryString["sco_subject"].ToString(), short.Parse(context.Request.QueryString["sco_score"]), ref

= "-1";
if (tem_out_message == "1"
return "{success:true}"
else if (tem_out_message == "-1"
return "{ success: false, errors:{info: '输入类型不匹配'} }"

return "{ success: false, errors:{info: '插入失败'} }";

public string
Update(HttpContext context)

string tem_out_message=null

int.Parse(context.Request.QueryString["use_id"]), context.Request.QueryString["use_name"].ToString(), context.Request.QueryString["use_sex"].ToString(),
"use_address"].ToString(), context.Request.QueryString["sco_subject"].ToString(), short.Parse(context.Request.QueryString["sco_score"]), ref

= "-1";
if (tem_out_message=="1"
return "{success:true}"
else if (tem_out_message == "-1"
return "{ success: false, errors:{info: '输入类型不匹配'} }"

return "{ success: false, errors:{info: '更新失败'} }";

public string
Delete(HttpContext context)
string tem_out_message = null

if (tem_out_message == "1"
return "{success:true}"

return "{ success: false, errors:{info: '删除失败'} }";


public bool

return false;

6 建立Gri_datagrid.js文件

var _start = 0 var _limit = 5 /* ******** */ /* 增加 */ /* ******* */ var formpanel_add = new Ext.FormPanel({ labelWidth: 75 , bodyStyle: ' padding: 10px ' , baseCls: ' x-plain ' , defauls: { width: 200 }, defaultType: ' textfield ' , autoHeight: true , items: [ { fieldLabel: ' 用户帐户 ' , name: ' use_id ' , blankText: ' 用户帐户不能为空! ' , allowBlank: false , regex: / ^[1-9]\d*|0$ / , regexText: ' 必须为有效的整数! ' }, { fieldLabel: ' 用户姓名 ' , name: ' use_name ' , blankText: ' 用户姓名不能为空! ' , maxLength: ' 10 ' , maxLengthText: ' 最大不超过10个字符 ' , allowBlank: false }, { xtype: " panel " , layout: " column " , baseCls: ' x-plain ' , fieldLabel: ' 用户性别 ' , isFormField: true , items: [{ columnWidth: . 5 , xtype: " radio " , boxLabel: " " , name: " use_sex " , inputValue: " " , checked: true , id: " boy " }, { columnWidth: . 5 , xtype: " radio " , boxLabel: " " , name: " use_sex " , inputValue: " " , id: " girl " }] }, { fieldLabel: ' 用户地址 ' , name: ' use_address ' , blankText: ' 用户地址不能为空! ' , maxLength: ' 25 ' , maxLength: ' 最大不超过25个字符! ' , allowBlank: false }, { fieldLabel: ' 考试科目 ' , name: ' sco_subject ' , blankText: ' 考试科目不能为空! ' , maxLength: ' 25 ' , maxLength: ' 最大不超过25个字符! ' , allowBlank: false }, { fieldLabel: ' 考试分数 ' , name: ' sco_score ' , blankText: ' 考试分数不能为空! ' , allowBlank: false , regex: / ^[1-9]\d*|0$ / , regexText: ' 必须为有效的整数! ' } ] }); var window_add = new Ext.Window({ title: ' 学生各科成绩增加 ' , modal: true , id: ' 1 ' , width: 300 , height: 300 , resizable: false , plain: true , iconCls: ' add ' , bodyStyle: ' padding:20px; ' , buttonAlign: ' center ' , closeAction: ' hide ' , items: formpanel_add, listeners: { " show " : function () { formpanel_add.getForm().reset(); } }, buttons: [{ text: ' 保存 ' , iconCls: ' page_save ' , handler: submit }, { text: ' 重置 ' , iconCls: ' arrow_undo ' , handler: function () { formpanel_add.getForm().reset(); } }] }); var TopicRecord = Ext.data.Record.create([ { name: ' use_id ' , mapping: ' use_id ' }, { name: ' use_name ' , mapping: ' use_name ' }, { name: ' use_sex ' }, { name: ' use_address ' , mapping: ' use_address ' }, { name: ' sco_subject ' , mapping: ' sco_subject ' }, { name: ' sco_score ' , mapping: ' sco_score ' } ]); function submit() { if ( ! formpanel_add.getForm().isValid()) return ; formpanel_add.getForm().submit({ waitMsg: ' 正在提交数据 ' , waitTitle: ' 提示 ' , url: ' Handler1.ashx?parm=Insert ' , method: ' get ' , success: function (form, action) { var sex = " " ; if (Ext.getCmp( " girl " ).checked == true ) sex = " " ; var p = new TopicRecord({ // 创建一个记录源 use_id: formpanel_add.getForm().findField( ' use_id ' ).getValue(), use_name: formpanel_add.getForm().findField( ' use_name ' ).getValue(), use_sex: sex, use_address: formpanel_add.getForm().findField( ' use_address ' ).getValue(), sco_subject: formpanel_add.getForm().findField( ' sco_subject ' ).getValue(), sco_score: formpanel_add.getForm().findField( ' sco_score ' ).getValue() }); store.insert( 0 , p); Ext.Msg.alert( ' 提示 ' , ' 保存成功 ' ); }, failure: function (form, action) { Ext.Msg.alert( ' 错误 ' , ' <font color=red>失败: ' + action.result.errors.info + ' </font> ' ); } }); } /* ******** */ /* 更新 */ /* ******* */ var formpanel_page_edit = new Ext.FormPanel({ labelWidth: 75 , bodyStyle: ' padding: 10px ' , baseCls: ' x-plain ' , defauls: { width: 200 }, defaultType: ' textfield ' , autoHeight: true , items: [ { fieldLabel: ' <font color=blue>用户帐户</font> ' , name: ' use_id ' , blankText: ' 用户帐户不能为空! ' , allowBlank: false , regex: / ^[1-9]\d*|0$ / , regexText: ' 必须为有效的整数! ' , readOnly: true }, { fieldLabel: ' 用户姓名 ' , name: ' use_name ' , blankText: ' 用户姓名不能为空! ' , maxLength: ' 10 ' , maxLengthText: ' 最大不超过10个字符! ' , allowBlank: false }, { xtype: " panel " , layout: " column " , baseCls: ' x-plain ' , fieldLabel: ' 用户性别 ' , isFormField: true , items: [{ columnWidth: . 5 , xtype: " radio " , boxLabel: " " , name: " use_sex " , inputValue: " " , id: " _boy " }, { columnWidth: . 5 , xtype: " radio " , boxLabel: " " , name: " use_sex " , inputValue: " " , id: " _girl " }] }, { fieldLabel: ' 用户地址 ' , name: ' use_address ' , blankText: ' 用户地址不能为空! ' , maxLength: ' 25 ' , maxLengthText: ' 最大不超过25个字符! ' , allowBlank: false }, { fieldLabel: ' 考试科目 ' , name: ' sco_subject ' , blankText: ' 考试科目不能为空! ' , maxLength: ' 25 ' , maxLengthText: ' 最大不超过25个字符! ' , allowBlank: false }, { fieldLabel: ' 考试分数 ' , name: ' sco_score ' , blankText: ' 考试分数不能为空! ' , allowBlank: false , regex: / ^[1-9]\d*|0$ / , regexText: ' 必须为有效的整数! ' } ] }) var window_page_edit = new Ext.Window({ title: ' 学生各科成绩更新 ' , modal: true , width: 300 , height: 300 , resizable: false , plain: true , iconCls: ' page_edit ' , bodyStyle: ' padding:20px; ' , buttonAlign: ' center ' , closeAction: ' hide ' , items: formpanel_page_edit, listeners: { " show " : function () { row = Ext.getCmp( " grid " ).getSelectionModel().getSelections(); formpanel_page_edit.getForm().reset(); formpanel_page_edit.getForm().loadRecord(row[ 0 ]); } }, buttons: [{ text: ' 保存 ' , iconCls: ' page_save ' , handler: Update }, { text: ' 重置 ' , iconCls: ' arrow_undo ' , handler: function () { formpanel_page_edit.getForm().loadRecord(row[ 0 ]); } }] }); function Update() { if ( ! formpanel_page_edit.getForm().isValid()) return ; formpanel_page_edit.getForm().submit({ waitMsg: ' 正在提交数据 ' , waitTitle: ' 提示 ' , url: ' Handler1.ashx?parm=Update ' , method: ' get ' , success: function (form, action) { var row_number = Ext.getCmp( " grid " ).getSelectionModel().last; var row = Ext.getCmp( " grid " ).getSelectionModel().getSelections(); var sex = " " ; if (Ext.getCmp( " _girl " ).checked == true ) sex = " " ; var p = new TopicRecord({ // 创建一个记录源 use_id: formpanel_page_edit.getForm().findField( ' use_id ' ).getValue(), use_name: formpanel_page_edit.getForm().findField( ' use_name ' ).getValue(), use_sex: sex, use_address: formpanel_page_edit.getForm().findField( ' use_address ' ).getValue(), sco_subject: formpanel_page_edit.getForm().findField( ' sco_subject ' ).getValue(), sco_score: formpanel_page_edit.getForm().findField( ' sco_score ' ).getValue() }); store.remove(row); store.insert(row_number, p); Ext.getCmp( " grid " ).getSelectionModel().selectRow(row_number); Ext.Msg.alert( ' 提示 ' , ' 保存成功 ' ); }, failure: function (form, action) { Ext.Msg.alert( ' 错误 ' , ' <font color=red>失败: ' + action.result.errors.info + ' </font> ' ); } }); } /* ******** */ /* 删除 */ /* ******* */ function showResult(btn) { if (btn == ' yes ' ) { Ext.Msg.wait( " 请等候 " , " 删除中 " , " 操作进行中...... " ); var row = Ext.getCmp( " grid " ).getSelectionModel().getSelections(); var jsonData = "" ; for ( var i = 0 , len = row.length; i < len; i ++ ) { var ss = row[i].get( " use_id " ); if (i == 0 ) jsonData = jsonData + ss; // 这样处理是为了删除的Lambda语句方便 else jsonData = jsonData + " , " + ss; // 这样处理是为了删除的Lambda语句方便 } // alert(jsonData); var conn = new Ext.data.Connection(); conn.request({ url: " Handler1.ashx?parm=Delete " , // 请注意引用的路径 params: { use_id: jsonData }, method: ' post ' , scope: this , callback: function (options, success, response) { if (success) { Ext.MessageBox.alert( " 提示 " , " 所选记录成功删除! " ); var row = Ext.getCmp( " grid " ).getSelectionModel().getSelections(); store.remove(row); } else { Ext.MessageBox.alert( " 提示 " , " 所选记录删除失败! " ); } } }) } }; Ext.onReady( function () { Ext.QuickTips.init(); store = new Ext.data.JsonStore({ root: ' data ' , totalProperty: ' totalCount ' , url: ' Handler1.ashx?parm=Get ' , fields: [ { name: ' use_id ' , type: ' int ' }, { name: ' use_name ' }, { name: ' use_sex ' }, { name: ' use_address ' }, { name: ' sco_subject ' }, { name: ' sco_score ' } ] }); var grid = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({ frame: true , title: ' 学生各科成绩表 ' , stripeRows: true , // 斑马线 store: store, id: ' grid ' , applyTo: ' app_grid ' , trackMouseOver: true , height: 300 , width: 500 , loadMask: { msg: ' 正在加载数据,请稍侯…… ' }, viewConfig: { forceFit: true }, columns: [ new Ext.grid.RowNumberer(), // 行号 new Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel({ singleSelect: true }), { header: ' <font size=2>用户帐户</font> ' , dataIndex: ' use_id ' , sortable: true }, { header: ' <font size=2>用户姓名</font> ' , dataIndex: ' use_name ' , sortable: true }, { header: ' <font size=2>用户性别</font> ' , dataIndex: ' use_sex ' , sortable: true }, { header: ' <font size=2>用户地址</font> ' , dataIndex: ' use_address ' , sortable: true }, { header: ' <font size=2>考试科目</font> ' , dataIndex: ' sco_subject ' , sortable: true }, { header: ' <font size=2>考试分数</font> ' , dataIndex: ' sco_score ' , sortable: true } ], tbar: new Ext.Toolbar([ ' - ' , { text: ' <font size=2>增加数据</font> ' , iconCls: ' add ' , handler: function () { window_add.show(); } }, ' - ' , { text: ' <font size=2>删除数据</font> ' , iconCls: ' delete ' , handler: function () { var s = grid.getSelectionModel().getSelections(); if (s.length == 0 ) { // 判断有没有选中行 Ext.Msg.alert( ' 提示 ' , ' 你还没有选择要操作的记录! ' ); } else if (s.length > 1 ) { Ext.Msg.alert( ' 提示 ' , ' 不能删除多个操作记录! ' ); } else { Ext.MessageBox.confirm( ' 提示 ' , ' 您确认要删除当前记录吗? ' , showResult); }; } }, ' - ' , { text: ' <font size=2>更新数据</font> ' , iconCls: ' page_edit ' , handler: function () { var s = grid.getSelectionModel().getSelections(); if (s.length == 0 ) { // 判断有没有选中行 Ext.Msg.alert( ' 提示 ' , ' 你还没有选择要操作的记录! ' ); } else if (s.length > 1 ) { Ext.Msg.alert( ' 提示 ' , ' 不能更新多个操作记录! ' ); } else { window_page_edit.show(); }; } }, ' - ' ]), bbar: new Ext.PagingToolbar({ // 分页 pageSize: _limit, store: store, displayInfo: true , // 非要为true,不然不会显示下面的分页按钮 displayMsg: ' <font size=2>第 {0} 条到 {1} 条,一共 {2} 条记录</font> ' , emptyMsg: " 没有记录 " }) }) store.load({ params: { start: _start, limit: _limit} }); })

7 前台aspx文件

<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Grid_Operating.aspx.cs" Inherits="ExtJs_ASP_Insert_Delete_Modify_Update._Default" %>

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" >
<head runat="server">
<link href="Stylesheet1.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<link href="ExtJs/resources/css/ext-all.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<script src="ExtJs/adapter/ext/ext-base.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="ExtJs/ext-all.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

<script src="myJs/Gri_datagrid.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<div id="app_grid"></div>

8 运行结果











9 总结

  9.1 Linq to SQL序列化过程


  9.2 储存过程创建有利于数据的传送和维护

/* ******************* */ /* 插入 */ /* ****************** */ -- drop PROCEDURE pro_Insert_values CREATE PROCEDURE pro_Insert_values @inp_use_id int , @inp_use_name nvarchar ( 20 ), @inp_use_sex nvarchar ( 2 ), @inp_use_address nvarchar ( 50 ), @inp_sco_subject nvarchar ( 20 ), @inp_sco_score smallint , @out_message nvarchar ( 2 ) output AS BEGIN TRAN SET @out_message = '' BEGIN TRY INSERT INTO tb_user VALUES ( @inp_use_id , @inp_use_name , @inp_use_sex , @inp_use_address ) IF @@rowcount = 0 SET @out_message = ' 0 ' INSERT INTO tb_score VALUES ( @inp_use_id , @inp_sco_subject , @inp_sco_score ) IF @@rowcount = 0 SET @out_message = ' 0 ' END TRY BEGIN CATCH SET @out_message = ' 0 ' END CATCH IF @@ERROR <> 0 ROLLBACK TRAN A ELSE if @out_message = '' SET @out_message = ' 1 ' COMMIT TRAN A go

  9.3 进行后台分页有利于数据加载 和 单位时间内数据传送的合理性(凑成Json的字符串进行数据传送)

public string Get(HttpContext context)
int tem_start = int.Parse(context.Request.Form["start"] + ""); //分页需要limit,start是mysql里用的(或取当页开始的记录标识编号)

int tem_limit = int.Parse(context.Request.Form["limit"] + ""); //或取每页记录数

var tem_query
= from a in
from b
where a.use_id ==
orderby a.use_id descending
{ a.use_id, a.use_name, a.use_sex, a.use_address, b.sco_subject, b.sco_score };

int tem_Count = tem_query.Count(); //所要记录数

int tem_PageNum = tem_start / tem_limit; //共有页数
int tem_PageSize = tem_limit;
= tem_query.Skip(tem_PageSize * tem_PageNum).Take(tem_PageSize); //当前页记录

string JsonSource = JsonHelper.Jso_ToJSON(tem_query); //当前页记录转成JSON格式
string strJsonSource = @"{""totalCount"":""" + tem_Count + "";
= strJsonSource + @""",""data"":" + JsonSource + "}"; //Grid的分页区显示所有记录数增加totalCount信息

return strJsonSource;

9.4 用Linq to SQL调用SQL的储存过程更有利于 程序的正常情况下的执行

public string Insert(HttpContext context)

string tem_out_message = null

int.Parse(context.Request.QueryString["use_id"]), context.Request.QueryString["use_name"].ToString(), context.Request.QueryString["use_sex"].ToString(),
"use_address"].ToString(), context.Request.QueryString["sco_subject"].ToString(), short.Parse(context.Request.QueryString["sco_score"]), ref

= "-1";
if (tem_out_message == "1"
return "{success:true}"
else if (tem_out_message == "-1"
return "{ success: false, errors:{info: '输入类型不匹配'} }"

return "{ success: false, errors:{info: '插入失败'} }";





当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


