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原创 UVa11565 - Simple Equations

In this very first task, let us look at a boring mathematics problem. :-)We have three different integers, x, y and z, which satisfy the following three relations:x + y + z = Axyz = Bx2 + y2 + z

2014-06-30 23:07:55 1009

原创 UVa10776 - Determine The Combination(有重复元素的组合问题)

Determine The combinationInput: standard inputOutput: standard outputTime Limit: 1 secondJahir is a student of NSU (Nice Students' University ). He hates the chapterPermutation& Combination

2014-06-30 20:56:01 1221

原创 UVa11710 - Expensive subway(最小生成树)

Expensive subway Peter lives in Expensive City, one of the most expensive cities in the world. Peter has not got enough money to buy a car, and the buses in Expensive City are pretty bad

2014-06-30 19:35:49 716

原创 UVa11076 - Add Again

Problem CAdd AgainInput: Standard InputOutput: Standard Output Summation of sequence of integers is always a common problem in Computer Science. Rather than computing blindly, some intellige

2014-06-30 10:23:45 815

原创 UVa787 - Maximum Sub-sequence Product(最大连续乘积子串)

Maximum Sub-sequence Product Bob needs money, and since he knows you are here, he decided to gambleintelligently. The game is rather simple: each player gets a sequence ofintegers. The pla

2014-06-27 23:41:26 957

原创 UVa12611 - Beautiful Flag

Teering is a little boy. He is trying to draw the national flag of Bangladesh. Being smart he knows he has to maintain the correct ratio and measurement while drawing the flag. You know the rules of d

2014-06-27 13:41:09 2444

原创 UVa1260 - Sales

Mr. Cooper, the CEO of CozyWalk Co., receives a report of daily sales every day since the company has been established. Starting from the second day since its establishment, on receiving the report, h

2014-06-27 00:17:14 733

原创 UVa10114 - Loansome Car Buyer

Kara Van and Lee Sabre are lonesome. A fewmonths ago they took out a loan to buy a new car, but nowthey're stuck at home on Saturday night without wheels and without money. You see, there was a wreck

2014-06-26 20:48:57 1045

原创 UVa1584 - Circular Sequence

Some DNA sequences exist in circular forms as in the following figure, which shows a circular sequence ``CGAGTCAGCT", that is, the last symbol ``T" in ``CGAGTCAGCT" is connected to the first symbol ``

2014-06-24 19:20:23 1125

原创 UVa1583 - Digit Generator

For a positive integer N , the digit-sum of N is defined as the sum of N itself and its digits. When M is the digitsum of N , we call N a generator of M .For example, the digit-sum of 245 is 256 (

2014-06-21 11:59:22 697

原创 UVa1531 - Problem Bee

Imagine a perfectly formed honeycomb, spanning the infinite Cartesian plane. It is an interlocking grid composed of congruent equilateral hexagons. One hexagon is located so that its center is at the

2014-06-20 16:07:24 984

原创 UVa11506 - Angry Programmer(ISAP)

You, a programmer of an important software house, have been fired because you didn't solve an important problem that was assigned to you. You are very furious and want to take revenge on your boss, br

2014-06-15 17:51:51 767

原创 UVa10596 - Morning Walk(并查集)

Kamal is a Motashota guy. He has got a new job in Chittagong. So, he has moved to Chittagong from Dinajpur. He was getting fatter inDinajpur as he had no work in his hand there. So, moving to Chittago

2014-06-04 19:45:12 603




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