Installing VMware 7.1.4 and Debian 6.0

Installing VMware

After unzip it,you will see a name for the “VMware-workstation-7.1.3.exe"file. Run it, You'll see something like the following interface:

Just for amoment, you'll see something like the following interface:

After that, select“Next”, and you will enter the interface like the following:

Select “Typical”,and choose the installation path. As is shown below:

select “Next”,and you will enter the interface like the following:

Select what youwant, and select “Next”, begin installing VMware,. Next, the installationprocess does not require someone operating. After the installation is complete,you need to restart your computer.

After theinstallation, run VMware, you will see the interface like this picture:

This is the needto enter the key. Key  file’s  name is “VMware密钥.txt”. Open it andcopy the key, pasted into that like in the interface. Select “OK”, and end theinstallation.

Installing Debian 6.0

1.      Running VMware, maybe you willsee the interface, like this:

Select menu file->New->Virtual Machine, and you willenter the interface like the following:

Select “Typical” and into “Next”, you will see theinterface like this picture:

Select “Installer disc image file(iso)”, and click"Browse…" to find the file the " debian-6.0.3-i386-DVD-1.iso".It is just that image file you downloaded:

Select "Open" to go to the next step and you willsee the interface like this picture:

In the Guest operating system, choose Linux, and in versionyou choose Debian 5 . Select "Next":

Now, select the installation path. Do not choose the paththat contains the Chinese. Select "Next":

The Maximum disk size fill in 8G or other size. generallyspeaking 8G is enough. Into “Next” and select “Finish”.

2.      After the first step, you willenter the interface like the following:

Note: after you enter the VMware, the mouse cannot be used,and you can only use your keyboard to control VMware's inside system withoutany other operations. If you want other operations when the VMware appears, youneed press the Ctrl and Alt at the same time

Now select "Install" option, enter theinstallation interface. Like this picture:

Select the language you want. Press the Enter key to go tonext interface:

Choose your location, maybe you can select “United States”.Press the Enter key to go to next interface, then select a keyboard layout. Pressthe Enter key to Installed systems:

During the installation process, Linux will automaticallyconfigure the network. If you use DHCP can not connect to the network, then youneed to set your own network. Using VMware generally use DHCP on it, so herewill skip configure the network. Jump directly like the following interface:

Setting you hostname and select “Continue” to settingdomain name. Here the domain name cannot fill. Select "Continue", youwill see the "Set user and password" interface, like a pair of figure:

Here it requires you to enter the root password, PressEnter key to continue, root password you need to enter it again. When the twoenter the password the same time, press Enter to continue, you can see theinterface, like this picture:

Now need you to create a new user, enter the user name andpress Enter key to go to the next step, enter the user name correspondingaccount. Continue, you will see the interface as:

Here requires you to enter the user password, Press Enterkey to continue, user password you need to enter it again. When the two enterthe password the same time, press Enter to continue, you can see the interface,like this picture:

Select time zone and press Enter key to go to the step.Next interface as:

Now you need topartition the disk to the computer operation. For the Linux operating system,you must mount a partition to the root directory. So, choose Manual to manualpartitioning. And you will see the interface as:

Choose “SCSI1(0,0,0)(sda)- 8.6GB VMware, VMware Victual S” to partition “sda” disc. And press Enter key to goto next. The next interface as:

Choose “yes” tocreate new empty partition table on sda device, and you will return theinterface as:

Choose “pri/log8.6 GB FREE SPACE” and press Enter key. To go to this intercface:

Choose “Create anew partition”, and press Enter key to go to this interface:

The size of the newpartition can select the default. Press Enter key to go to this interface:

choose the Primary in the type for the new partition”, and pressEnter key to go to this interface:

Now, “Mountpoint” choose “/”, and select “Go Back” to go to this interface:

Choose “FinishPartitioning and write changes to disk” and press Enter key, you can go to thisinterface:

Choose “No” tobegin disk partitions. "Write the changes to disks" select"yes."

“Scan another CDor DVD” select “No”.

“Use a networkmirror” selects “No”.

“Participate inthe package usage survey” select “No”.

 Eventually, you will enter this interface:

Select "SSHserver", others are not options. You can use Spacebar to confirm key. Finallyyou will enter the interface like this:

Press Enter tocontinue the installation.

“Install the GURB boot loader to the master bootrecord?” select “Yes”.

Appear under the map interface, code installationis complete.

Select “Continue” to run Linux system.

Configure Debian 6.0

Open your Linux system

Run VMware, maybe you will see the interface,like this:

Enter F9 key, you will see the interface as:

Click on the left side of your Linux system. You'll seesomething like the following interface:

Click the "Power on this virtual" running Linuxsystem.

Configure Linux system

Run your Linux system, you will see the interface likethis:

Log in using the root account; enter the password when thepassword does not echo.

Now, instruction is executed: ifconfig. You can see the network configuration of your system.Installed Linux on VMware. Network can be set to DHCP networking.

Now the Linux system cannot write the program as well asthe normal use. You need to install some software. The installation method asfollows: apt-get install software_name. Before that, you needto configure the data file, and run this command: apt-get update.


Configuration data file:

1)        Execute the command: vi  /etc/apt/sources.list

2)        Adding the contents of thefile: deb main

3)        Enter ESC key and Input: :wq, press Enter key to quit vim.

Now, you can updatethe software list (apt-get update)and install the software you want.

You must install the software:

vim (Textcompiler)         gcc(C language compiler.)         make(新建文件)

gzip (Compression and decompression software)

tar(Packageddecompression software.) 



         "vim"software is installed, you need to configure vim. vim configuration file:/etc/vim/vimrc

Configuration vimdata file:

1)      Execute the command: vi  /etc/vim/vimrc

2)      Generally require:

syntax on                   set smartcase 

set background=black  set number

set showmatch             set indentlinux 

3)      Enter ESC key and input “:wp”to quit.

Now you can useyour Linux to compile c language program.





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