抢鲜Vista、.Net Framework 3.0 和 Windows SDK
微软Vista的多次“跳票”让人望眼欲穿。在早些时候,微软宣称Vista完工。看来,Vista终于迈着蹒跚的步伐姗姗来迟。伴随Vista的完工, Windows SDK, .Net Framework 3.0正式版本也释出,同时与之配套的VS 2005的开发插件也浮出水面。今天在网上闲逛,看到了下面的链接:
下面列出了可以下载Vista, Net Framework 3.0、Windows SDK开发以及开发工具的一些信息。
对Vista和.Net Framework感兴趣的赶快尝鲜吧!
Get the latest downloads for Windows Vista, .NET Framework 3.0, and Windows SDK. |
Get the Latest Version BelowUse the table below to determine the relationship between the programming model and tools for developing Windows Vista applications. Product NotesWindows VistaThe final version of Windows Vista will be available to MSDN Subscribers (Operating System level or higher) soon. Visit MSDN Subscriptions to download Windows Vista as soon as it's available. (Read information on purchasing an MSDN Subscription.) Visual Studio 2005Download the Visual Studio 2005 Team Suite 180-Day Trial. For other versions, including the express download, visit the Visual Studio 2005 Express home page. .NET Framework 3.0With the exception of Windows Vista (which by default includes the .NET Framework 3.0), all operating systems require you to install the .NET Framework 3.0 in order to run and develop managed applications. Some sample tools included in the Windows SDK also require you to install the .NET Framework 3.0. Windows Longhorn ServerThe .NET Framework 3.0 Runtime components ship with Longhorn Server, but are only installed if you choose the AppServer role. Windows Longhorn Server does not include the .NET Framework 3.0 by default. Visual Studio 2005 ExtensionsDownload Visual Studio 2005 Extensions for WF and Visual Studio 2005 Extensions for WCF, WPF to install the Windows Workflow Foundation, Windows Communication Foundation, and Windows Presentation Foundation project templates into Visual Studio. Using these extensions requires Visual Studio 2005 Professional Edition. These packages were previously known as the "Orcas Tools for .NET 3.0 (formerly WinFX) CTP." Note: Extensions for WCF, WPF are not supported and are distributed as a community technology preview. Windows SDKThe Windows SDK contains documents, samples, APIs, and tools for both managed and native programming. Download the SDK for Windows Vista C++ headers and APIs. | ||