Test-Driven Development?别逗了



对于程序员来说有些事有非常危险的信号(red flag)。当我听到有人开始信仰Test-Driven Development 是 One True Programming Methodology(唯一正确的编程方法论),这就是危险信号(red flag),我开始假设你是一个劣等、没有经验的程序员,或是某些敏捷咨询师。


整个Test-Driven Development的概念是麻痹和信奉,从而让其成为你的人生观。相反的:Developer-Driven Testing,它给你和你的同事一些有用的工具来解决问题,来支持你自己,而不是那种以工具或方法为中心的让你假设其应该是那样的测试。


但, 是不是你就应该需要总是要去先写测试?省省吧,别逗了。

这是极度白痴的行为,尤其是在设计,调查和开发的初期。让你的测试来接管你的代码(而不是影响那个模块的代码)和接管你的设计 这是一个巨大的失败,就是因为你写的那些测试范围太大太不靠谱。(陈皓注:我在《TDD并不是看上去的那么美》一文中说过测试案例的测试范围的问题,敏捷社区除了对我进行人身攻击外从未对此做过正面回答。)

在写代码前写测试案例在一些场景下的确很不错。然后,Test Driven Development,被敏捷专家或是其它各种五花八门的江湖骗子像神给凡人宣扬一样,这就是欺骗大众。

行动在想法之下,于是测试必需先行(所有我已看到的,所有我正在看到的都表明这是TDD的中心思想—— 你写了测试,然后你再写代码并通过测试),于是测试成为了最有用的活动并可以帮助程序员。这是错的。




先写测试这种方法只会在“Developer Driven Testing”(程序员自己驱动的测试)下可行——关注于选取一个正确的方法让程序员更有生产力。生成一堆测试的规则并说这是唯一的真理是不正确的。



在 Hacker News 上,有人说我提出了很多很不错的问题,并且那是真正的有理有据的观点。我在用用户名叫peteretep 的回复了一些。

在 Reddit 上的争论更多更强。那里有很多的人觉得需要写自动化测试。并且这篇博文被大家演变成拥护测试和可实践的建议,我觉得我是误传达了我的想法,我觉得软件测试是非常重要的,而不是根据哪个方法论进行的教条主义!

This book is for software developers who have cursory knowledge of TDD and are looking to gain a thorough understanding of how TDD can benefit them and the applications they produce. Software developers with an intermediate understanding of C# and the .NET Framework and/or a thorough understanding of JavaScript and React will likely be able to follow along with all the code examples used throughout the book. The book covers everything from why TDD is important to setting up testing environments, and how to get started testing a green-field application. As the reader grows more comfortable, they will be exposed to more advanced TDD topics such as abstracting away third-party code, approaching a problem from a TDD perspective, and how to deal with legacy code that wasn't written with testability in mind. Chapter 1, Why TDD is Important, asks what is TDD and why should you care? In this chapter, you will learn what TDD is and why it matters. A compelling argument for TDD will be made and the benefits, and more importantly, the execution will be shown. Chapter 2, Setting Up the .NET Test Environment, explains how to set up your IDE and configure the testing framework so that you can easily run your tests in C# and .NET, with more detail and many more examples of growing complexity in the Speaker Meet API. Chapter 3, Setting Up a JavaScript Environment, configures the JavaScript testing framework so that you can easily run your tests in your IDE. It provides more detail and many more examples of growing complexity in the Speaker Meet React application. Chapter 4, What to Know Before Getting Started, dives deeper into the why and how of TDD. you will learn the importance of defining and testing boundaries and abstracting away third-party code (including the .NET Framework), and you'll discover more advanced concepts such as spies, mocks, and fakes, and how to avoid pitfalls along the way. Chapter 5, Tabula Rasa - Approaching an Application with TDD in Mind, explains how to get started with a new application. You'll apply what you've learned in the previous chapters and take the same approach with a full-sized application using Speaker Meet as an example. Chapter 6, Approaching the Problem, takes the broader problem of the overall application and breaks it into meaningful chunks that can be developed independently. You'll learn different approaches to developing an application, such as front to back, back to front, and inside out. Chapter 7, Test-Driving C# Applications, takes requirements and assembled user stories and turns them into working software using TDD. It explains how to utilize all the skills you've assembled so far to test the boundaries, testing small, individual units. Chapter 8, Abstract Away Problems, explores abstracting away third-party libraries, including the .NET Framework. It covers removing dependencies on things such as DateTime and Entity Framework. It explains how to decouple their application from specific implementations to not only allow your application to be testable but much more flexible and easy to modify in the future. Chapter 9, Testing JavaScript Applications, now that you have a working API, focuses on creating a Single Page Application in JavaScript using React. It focuses on test-driven actions and reducers and any functionality within the application. Chapter 10, Exploring Integrations, explains how to write integration tests to ensure that your application is functioning properly. Chapter 11, Changes in Requirements, focuses on what happens when the requirements change. What happens if a bug is discovered? No problem, change a test or write a new one to cover the new requirement or to defend against the discovered bug. Now, write some new code or change some existing code to make all of the new/modified tests pass. If you do everything correctly, you should feel safe to make these changes as your existing test suite will prevent you from introducing new bugs. Chapter 12, The Legacy Problem, explains that there are a lot of applications out there without sufficient (any?) test coverage, and even fewer were written testfirst. You'll discover some of the major problems with legacy applications that weren't written with testability in mind; they will be identified, and also how best to recover will be covered. Chapter 13, Unraveling a Mess, dives into how to go about safely modifying a legacy application that wasn't written with testing in mind. How can you add tests to minimize the potential for introducing new bugs when modifying the existing code? An extreme example will be used to explore these topics and more. Chapter 14, A Better Foot Forward, emphasizes that TDD is a personal choice. You don't need anyone's permission to do good work. Advice on how to continue a successful journey of TDD, how to introduce TDD to your team, and how to rejoin the world as a TDD expert will be covered in this chapter.




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